1521 there is Robert Gyrlyngs defaulted
1529 Robert Gyrlyng who held certain free lands, died, leaving the land to Agnet his wife
1541 Robert Revet who held land in the right of his wife recently wife of Robert Girling (so I think Robert died before Feb 1541)
In 1541 there is a Robert Girling defaulted probably because he had died
1568 there is a William Girling defaulted
1569 John Girling defaulted
1571 William Girling defaulted
1589 John Girling he is a free tenant and owed Suit of Court
1590 John GIrling for defaulting on his Suit of Court but this time he was pardoned
So the Girling family were definitely had land either by bond or freely in Hilton in these years.
Rivershall Rolls and in
1561 William Girling in the Homage, and had land abutting onto Longlane
In the same year William Girling and his wife Margaret surrendered 2 cottages called Booles & Hales, and more which he first took in 1558
Then we jump to 1609
Where there is a John Gyrling senior who I think died and I think left a will. He called himself ohn Girling of Newborn and left to his son John all sorts of land which is on Rivershall Way or near Sandyway
In 1611 there are John Girling ansenior & Junior who continue to be mentioned regularly until
1627 when Elizabeth Girling widow of John Girling senior presented his will in Court. He left all his land to Elizabeth
Now have John Giring junior, John Girling Senior, and John Girling his father – just found a whole lot that I haven’t translated so better get on and do that
But GIrlings have a good presence in RIvershall as well until well into 1650/60