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Manor of


With Hilton

ADMISSION before the Lords

The thirtieth day of August One thousand seven hundred and eighty three – Amongst other things it is thus inrolled

Whereas Ellis Simpson a Copyhold Tenant of my Manor of Waldringfield with Hilton did on the twelfth Day of December

One thousand seven hundred and sixty nine Surrender by the Rod according to the custom of my said Manor All and singular the Lands

Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever of him the said Ellis Simpson holden of my said Manor by Copy of Court Roll with their Appurtenances

To the use and Behoof of the last Will and Testament of him the said Ellis Simpson then already declared or at any time thereafter to be declared

In Writing And Whereas the said Ellis Simpson lately died seised of certain Copyhold Lands and Hereditaments holden of my said

Manor and by his last Will and Testament in Writing bearing Date on or about the twenty fifth Day of February One thousand seven hundred

And eighty three He gave and devised  the same unto Jan Simpson his wife in the Words or to the effect following (that is to say) I give

Devise and bequeath unto my Dearly beloved Wife Jane Simpson All and every my Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments

“whatsoever as well Freehold or Copyhold situate lying and being in Waldringfield and Hemley in the said County of Suffolk late in

the Occupation of John Harrison and now of Richard Farrow his Undertenants or Assigns (the Copyhold parts whereof I have duly

surrended to the use of this my Will) And all other my Messuages Lands and Hereditaments and Real Estate in Bury Saint

Edmunds or elsewhere in the said County, To hold the same unto my said Wife Jane Simpson her Heirs and Assigns absolutely

for ever” Now be it Remembred that on this thirtieth day of August One thousand Seven hundred and eighty three

the said Jane Simpson cometh before me Nathaniel Randall Esquire Lord of the said Manor at the Dwelling house of Samuel

Kilderbee of Ipswich in the County of Suffolk gentleman my Steward and putteth herself upon m favour and humbly

desireth to be admitted Tenant to the Land and Hereditaments olden of the said Manor of which the said Ellis Simpson died seised

and so devised to her as aforesaid (that is to say) To one piece of Land with the Appurtenances containing by Estimation

Three Roods lying in a certain Close called Popple Pightle otherwise Church Pightle which Premisses the said Ellis

Simpson had and took up to him and his Heirs at a General Court Baron holden for this Manor this thirteenth day of

November One thousand seven hundred and fifty after the death and as the only Son and Heir of Sarah Simpson (late Sarah Ellis) as by

his entry of that Court may appear And thereupon I the said Nathaniel Randall the Lord of the said Manor Do

with my own proper Hands by the Rod according to the Custom thereof out of Court grant and deliver seisin to the said

Jane Simpson of the Lands and Hereditaments aforesaid with the appurtenances To hold the same premises with the

Appurtenances to her the said Jane Simpson and her Heirs of me the said Lord at my Will according to the Form and effect

Of the said Surrender and will and according to the Custom of this Manor by the ancient Rents and Services therefore

Due and of Right accustomed saving every ones Right and she the said Jane Simpson is by my proper Hands admitted

Tenant thereto and who therefore giveth me a Fine as appeareth in the Margin but her Fealty is respicted until etc?

The said Jane Simpson Surrenders to her Will

Examined by Sam: Kilderbee





30 Aug[us]t 1783

Manor of

Waldringfield with Hilton

The Admission of

Jane Simpson

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10 years ago

1783  Admission of Jane Simpson- to be a copyhold tenant of a piece of land of approx. 3 roods in a Close called Popple Pightle or Church Pightle upon the death of her husband

Ellis Simpson.  Nathaniel Randall was Lord of the Manor of Waldringfield with Hilton.

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