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I Charlotte Clark of Woodbridge in the County

of Suffolk Widow mortgage of certain Messuages or Tenements

and hereditaments situate at Waldringfield in the said

county of Suffolk and holden by copy of Court roll of the

Manor of Rivers Hall in Waldringfield aforesaid and

comprised in a certain Indenture of Release bearing

date of 12th day of August 1844 and made between

James Perry of Waldringfield aforesaid Farmer of the one

part and me thesaid Charlotte Clark of the otherpart

and which said Indenture relates to a certain piece

of Freehold land called the “Low Meadow” therein

particularly described situate in Waldringfield aforesaid

and lately sold and conveyed by the said James Perry

to Henry Canham of Waldringfield aforesaid Yeoman

Do hereby for myself my Executors or Administrators and

assigns and to the intent and so as only to bind

so far as I lawfully may the person or persons entitled

to the custody of the said Indenture of release but

not further or otherwise or so as in anywise to under

myself my heirs Executors administrators assigns

or an of them financially liable except whilst holding

or entitled to the custody of the said Indenture undertake

at any time at the request and costs of the person

or persons who for the time being shall be beneficially

entitled to the said piece or parcel of lands and

hereditaments called the Low Meadow produce

and show forth the said indenture of Mortgage

in order to Evidence and support the Title of the

person or persons who for the time being shall be


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Beneficially entitled as aforesaid to the said

Hereditaments and premises but so nevertheless

That I shall not be required to part with the

Possession of the same


Witness my hand this sixth

Day of December 1847





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Memorandum                                                 Waldringfield Dec 6th 1847


I James Perry of Waldringfield

In the County of Suffolk Yeoman & hereby undertake

To deliver to Mr Henry Canham of Waldringfield

His heirs Executors or administrators a cetain

Indenture of Release dated 12th August 1844 so

Soon as my messuages hereditaments and premises

Are freed from all incumbrances affecting the same

James Perry







Mrs Charlotte Clark


Mr Henry Canham


Undertaking to produce

a certain Indenture

Of Release dated 12th August


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Pete Kaznica
Pete Kaznica
10 years ago

Another piece of land this time ‘Low Meadow’  Is this related in any way to Low Farm?

Canham name mentioned could be related to recently deceased Doug who lived in Village way but prior to that lived with his mother & father in Cross Farm cottages (on the back  road to Martlesham/Woodbridge.)

Doug worked at Cross farm as did his father I believe.

10 years ago

I think Henry Canham. Lived at what is now Novacastria, one of the Canham family was the parson at Ramsholt and Chaplin at the an ton workhouse.

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