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Abstract of Title to certain Manors Advowson & Heredit[ament]s in Waldringfield of the County Suffolk


ABSTRACT of the Title to the several Manors of

Waldringfield Hilton and Rivershall in Waldringfield in

Suffolk and divers Messuages lands fee farm rents advowsons

and Hereditaments in Suffolk York Middlesex and the City of

London being that part of the Estate  late of Sir Samuel

Barnardiston formerly of Brightwell Hall in Suffolk Baronet

deceased which upon the Division of the whole Estate in  possession

among the Coheirs of the said Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston was allotted

as the separate share of Thomas Ryers Esq and Elizabeth his

first wife (formerly Elizabeth Abdy Spinster) in manner

hereinafter mentioned


19 & 20 March 1704

By Indentures of Lease and Release made between Sir Samuel Barnardiston

of Brightwell Hall in Suffolk Baronet of the one & Edward Harley Esq Thomas Williams

Esq John Bennett Esq & Thomas Barnardiston son of Thomas Barnardiston Esq dec[eas]ed of

the other part

After reciting as therein is recited

It is by the said Ind[entu]re of Release Witnessed that the said Sir Samuel

Barnardiston in consideration of the natural love and affection which he

had and bore unto Samuel Barnardiston his nephew eldest son of

Nathaniel Barnardiston Esq dec[eas]ed late Brother of the said Sir Samuel

& other his kindred thereinafter named and for the purposes therein

mentioned Did grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said

Edward Harley Thomas Williams Jon Bennett & Thomas Barnardiston

(in the actual possession etc,) and to their heirs (amongst divers other

Manors Messuages Lands Tenements Fee Farm Rents & other Rents and Heredit[ament]s

therein particularly described)

All that the Manor of Rivershall alias Rivershall in

Waldringfield in the said County of Suffolk with the Rights etc.

thereof And the site of the said Manor of Rivershall with

the appurt[enance]s And all that the manor of Wicksbishop in Ipswich

in the said County of Suffolk with the Rights etc thereof And the

site of the said manor of Wicksbishop with the appurt[enance]s

And all that the Manor of Waldringfield Hilton in the

said County of Suffolk with the Rights etc., thereof and the Site

of the said Manor of Waldringfield Hilton with the appurt[ence]s

And all that the advowson of Waldringfield aforesaid

And the advowson of the Vicarage of the Parish Church of

Rushmere in the said County of Suffolk All which

Manors &  premises the said Sir Samuel Barnardiston by





Indentures of Lease & Release dated the 16 & 17 of March in the 15th

year of the Reign of his late Majesty King Charles the second purchased of

Thomas Essington Esq And also all that Mess[uag]e or Tenement with the Appurt[ence]s

situate in Watling Street London know by the Sign of the Tobacco Roll

And all that annual or fee farm rent of £22 reserved & issuing out of &

for the Rectory of Appleton in Rydall in the County of York and all &

Ssingular other the fee farm rents and other rents and annual payments &

hereditaments whatsoever of said Sir Samuel with their rights etc situate

lying & being or arising in the said County of York in all amounting to

£614.11d p[er] Annum or thereabouts which said Sir Samuel then lately

Purchased of Charles Duke of Bolton John Mitford Christ[ophe]r Cratford & Edward           Jackson or some of them by Ind[entu]res of Lease & Release of 20th & 21st

March 1692

AND all those messuages or Tenements with the appurt[enance]s in East Smithfield in the Parish of Saint Buttolph without Aldgate London

sometime one Messu[ag]e known by the Sign of the Soldier but then divided into two several Tenements & then in the several occupations of Anne Gold Widow,Tho[ma]s Lee, Tho[ma]s Brown & John Gardner or their assigns And all

other the Manors Mess[uage]s Lands Tenements Rectories Tithes Advowsons Fee

Farm Rents & other annual Rents & payments & Heredit[ament]s whatsoever of

him the said Sir Samuel Barardiston either in law or equity situate

lying & being arising growing or renewing In the Towns parishes

Hamlets Precincts & Territories of Brightwell Casnalls alias Foxhall Rivershall Waldringfield Wicksbishop, Rushmere, Kesgrave, Ipswich, Bucklesum, Hollow, Tree, Newborne, Hemley, Isleton, Ingoldstone, Alfradiston, Byxley,

Woolsley & Nacton, Stutton Bateford, Kennett alias Kenet & Kenteford & the several other places therein particularly named some or one of them in the Counties of Suffolk Cambridge York London & Middlesex And all & singular the mess[uage]s Granges Houses etc., Orchards Gardens etc., Lands Tenements

Meadows Feedngs Pastures Commons Sheep Walks Wasts etc., Woods etc Mill

Suite, Muloture Rivers, Streams, Ways etc Fishings or Fishing  places warren Mines Quarries Rents & Services as well of fee as customary Tenants

And all Rents & Services reserved upon any grant or grants of said

Manors & Premises or any part thereof Escheats Reliefs Heriots Fines Amerciaments  Courts Leet etc., thereunto belonging

And the Reversion etc. And all the Estate etc., of said Sir Samuel

Barnardiston of in & to the same premises(except all such the Estate for

life of Dame Mary Barnardiston wife of the said Sir Samuel Barnardiston

as is limited to her by Indenture of Release of 24th May 1693 made

between said Sir Samuel & Dame Mary of one part & Sam[ue]l Reynardson Jacob Reynardson & Jo[nothan]. Reynardston of the other part of all said Site or Mansion House called

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Brightwell Hall & all grounds within the Park Pale in the said Parish

of Brightwell And also all said fee farm rents in the said County of

York purchased by the said Sir Samuel of the Duke of Bolton & also

of the yearly value of £614.11d – And all that fee farm rent of £150.13.5¾d

out of the Manors of Walton cum Trimley & Phelixto And all those Fee

Farm Rents abovementioned amounting to £100.14s.11d purchased of King

Charles 2[n]d or his Trustees in Reversion as afor[e]s[ai]d. And  all those mess[uag]es

situate in East Smithfield during the natural life of said Dame Mary

And all those lands lying without the Park Lane afores[ai]d. called Awdience

meadow pasture and wood & Newborne Fields & warren al[ia]s Warry Fields and three meadows called Pound Meadows in said Parishes of Brightwell

& Newborne or one of them which last mentioned premises were devised

by the will of Sir Samuel Barnidiston to said Dame Mary his wife for

life towards keeping said Mansion House of Brightwell Hall and prem[is]es thereto belonging in Good Repair –

To hold (except before excepted) to s[ai]d Healey Williams Bennett and Tho[ma]s. Barnardiston &

their heirs for ever To the Uses etc after declared (that is to say)

To the use of the said Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston & the heirs  male of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten And for default of such Issue

To the Use of the heirs of the body of said Sir Sam[ua]l Barnardiston

lawfully begotten or to be begotten – And for default of such Issue

To the use of the said Sam[ua]l Barnardiston eldest son of the s[ai]d Nathaniel Barnardiston and his assigns for his life               – Rem[ainder

To the use of said Trustees & their Heirs during the life of s[ai]d Samuel

Barnardiston Upon trust to preserve the contingent remainders and

after the decease of thes[ai]d Sam[ue]l Barnardiston –

To the Use of the 1st & all & every other son & sons of the body of the

said Samuel Barnardiston lawfully to be begotten severally & successively

In Tail male And for default of such Issue –

To the use of Palatiah Barnardiston second son of thes[ai]d. Nath[anie]l Barnardististon & his ass[ign]s for his life                   –   Remainder

To the use of said Trustees and their heirs dur[in]g the life of Sir Pal[atiah]. Barnardiston Upon trust to preserve contingent  Rem[aind]ers And after

the Decease of said Palatiah Barnardiston

To the use of the first & all & every other son & sons of the s[ai]d Palatiah

Barnardiston lawfully to be begotten severally & successfully in Tail Male

And for default of such Issue –

To the use of said Nath[anie]l Barnardiston only son of Palatiah

Barnardiston deceased late Brother of thes[ai]d Sir Saml. Barnardiston & his

assigns for his life                                                                           – Remainder





To the use of said Trustees & their heirs during the life of s[ai]d Nath[anie]l Barnardiston the Son Upon Trust to preserve contingent Remainders

And after the Decease of said Nathaniel Barnardiston the son

To the Use of the 1st & all & every other Son & Sons of the body of thes[ai]d

Nath[anie]l Barnardiston the son lawfully to be begotten severally &

successively in Tail Male and for default of such Issue

To the use of Samuel Barnardiston eldest son of Arthur Barnardiston

dec[eas]ed late Brother of the s[ai]d Samuel & his assigns for his life – –Rem[ainder]

To the Use of said Trustees & their heirs during the life of s[ai]d Sam[ue]l Barnardiston the son of Arthur Upon trust to preserve contingent rem[ain]ders

And after the decease of thes[ai]d Sam[ue]l Barnardiston

To the use of the 1st & all & every other son & sons of the same Samuel

Barnardiston lawfully to be begotten severally & successively in Tail Male

And for Default of such Issue –

To the use of Arthur Barnardiston youngest son of the said

Arthur Barnardiston deceased late Brother of said Sir Sam[ue]l. &

his assigns for his life –                                                                   Remainder

To the use of said Trustees & their Heirs during the life of s[ai]d

Arthur Barnardiston the son Upon trust to preserve contingent Rem[ainde]rs

And after the Decease of s[ai]d Arthur Barnardiston the Son –

To the use of the 1st & all & every other son & sons of the body of thes[ai]d

Arthur Barnardiston the son lawfully to be begotten severally & successively

In Tail Male And for Default of such Issue –

To the use of the Right Heirs of thes[ai]d Sir Samuel Barnardiston

for ever –

Provisoe that it sho[ul]d be lawful for thes[ai]d. Sir Sam[ue]ll Barnardiston

and his af[or]s[ai]d during his life to grant leases of all or any part

of the said prem[is]es to any person or persons in possession or

reversion with or with[ou]t Reservation of any Rent or Rents at

his and their will and pleasure –

Provisoe that it should be lawful for all & every such person

& persons to whom any estate for life only is thereby limited

being in the actual possession of the said prem[is]es to

Grant Leases of all or any part thereof for any term not

exceeding 21 years in poss[essi]on at the most improved yearly

rent & not to be dispunishable for waste

Provisoe that it sho[ul]d be lawful for thes[ai]d Sir Sam[ue]l. Barniardiston  by Deed

or Will to resolve or make void thes[ai]d ow abstract[in]g Ind[entu]re and all

or any of the uses trusts limitat[ion]s etc therein ment[ione]d & appointed & to

create new or other uses trusts & est[ae]s or o[ther]wise to dispose of thes[ai]d prem[is]es

at his will & pleasure.





Provisoe that it should be lawful for the said Samuel Barnardiston

son of thes[ai]d Nath[anie]l & the several other tenants for life before named

when they should resp[ectful]ly be in the actual poss[essi]on of the freehold

of said prem[is]es by any writ[in]g or writings indented under their

respective hands & seals to limit or appoint any part or

parts thereof not exceeding in the whole the yearly value of

£800 in Jointure on any woman or women who they should

resp[ectful]ly marry –

Executed by Sir Samuel Barnardiston and

John Bennett


17 July 1732

By Indenture Tripartite made between Arthur Barnardiston Eqr of the 1st Mary Jennens

Spinster of the 2nd & Sir Edm[un]d Probyn Kn[igh]t Tho[ma]s Blencowe John Morrice & Edw[ar]d Radcliffe Esq of the

3rd part

After reciting the above abstracted Ind[entu]res of the 19th & 20th March 1704

And also reciting that the said Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston the nephew Sir Palatiah

Barnardiston Sir Nath[anie]l Barnardiston & Sam[ue]l Barnardiston were  all Dec[eas]ed without

Issue Male & that thes[ai]d Dame Mary Barnardiston was also Dead so that the said

Arthur Barnardiston was then in the actual poss[essi]on of the freehold of thes[ai]d prem[is]es in thes[ai]d

Recited Ind[entu]re of Release mentioned

And also Reciting that a Marriage was then intended between the said Arthur

Barnardiston and Mary Jennens the said Arthur Barnardiston in cons[ideratio]n of the said marr[iage]

& of £3000 the portion of  s[ai]d Mary Jennens

Did grant limit & appoint unto thes[ai]d Mary Jennens In case thes[ai]d intended marriage

sho[ul]d take effect

The Manor of Wicksbishop in Ipswich in Suffolk & diverse Fee Farm

Rents & other rents & annual paym[en]ts Issuing & payable out of & for divers

Heredit[ament]s in Suffolk & Yorkshire therein particularly mentioned

And all that the Manor or Farm of Quarles or Quarhams in Stutton

And All that mess[uage]e tenem[en]t or Farm part of the manor of St John  alias St

Jones sit[uated] in Battesford in thes[ai]d County of Suffolk with the appurt[enance]s

All that messu[ag]e Tenem[en]t or Farm in the Parish of Kesgrave in Suffolk

then late in the tenure of Jonathan Mills or his assigns

All that mess[uag]e Ten[emen]t or Farm in the parish of Waldringfield then in the tenure of Francis Goylma

All that messu[ag]e ten[e]m[en]t or Farm situate in the parish of Foxhall then

in the Tenure of —— Upson –

All wh[ich] s[ai]d Manors Fee Farm Rents & Here[ditament]s did not exceed in the whole the y[ea]rly sum of £800

To hold unto and To the Use of s[ai]d Mary Jennens & her ass[ign]s In case thes[ai]d then int[ende]d marr[iage] sho[ul]d take

effect & she sho[ul]d happen to survive thes[ai]d Arthur Barnardiston for her life in full for her jointure & in Bar

of Dower





Covenant from Arthur Barnardiston that he had good right to limit

& appoint the premises to s[ai]d Mary Jennens for her life in case she survived him

in manner afores[ai]d

Executed by Arthur Barnardiston, Mary Jennens & E. Probyn, Tho[ma]s

Blencowe &  Edw[ar]d Radcliffe.

A Receipt for £3000 indorsed & signed by Arthur


Arthur Barnardiston  party to the last abstracted Ind[entu]re dyed many years ago

Leaving Arthur his only son who is also long since dead an Infant & unmarr[ie]d

Upon whose death one moiety of the Manor Lands & Heredit[ament]s comprized in the s[ai]d

Ind[entu]re of 20th March 1704 descended to Dame Anna Maria Shaw widow in fee

& the other moiety thereof to Charlotte Maria now the wife of Jno Williams Onslow

Esq & Eliz[abet]h Abdy  afterw[ar]ds the wife of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves as coparceners in fee simple

She said Lady Shaw Charlotte Maria Williams & Eliz[abeth] Abdy the right heirs

of thes[ai]d Sir Samuel Barnardiston  –  as appears  by the pedigree of the Family

Hereto ———

Sir John Shaw’s Title to One Moiety of the Manors Lands

heredi[tamen]ts comprized in the above abstracted Indenture of 20th

March 1704 set forth here to explain the partition of the whole Estate

ment[ionne]d in the subsequent part of this abstract.


24 May 1753

Dame Anna Maria Shaw widow by her will attested by 3 witnesses

(Inter alia gave to Mrs Mary Ridges a clear annuity of £100 per annum for life payable

quarterly And in Case a fund for securing the payment c[oul]d not be made out of her

pers[ona]l Est[ate] Then she Charged All her Freehold Manors & heredit[ament]s except such parts thereof

as she had thereafter devised to her grandson with the paym[en]t thereof –

After reciting that upon the Death of Arthur Barnardiston the son of her late

Cousin Arthur Barnardiston dec[ease]d divers freehold Manors mess[uag]es Lands Tyths Fee Farm

Rents & Heredit[ament]s in the Countys of Suffolk Cambridge York and the City of London

lately descended & came to her & her said nieces Charlotte Maria Williams & Eliz[abet]h

Ryves as Coheirs of thes[ai]d Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston or otherwise (that is to say)

One undivided moiety thereof to her & her heirs & the other undivided moiety to her

s[ai]d nieces &  their heirs as Tenants in Common But subject as to part thereof to an

Est[ate]  for the life of Mary the w[idow] of her s[ai]d late cousin Arthur  Barnardiston (inserted) – as her Jointure Did give and devise all her moiety part & shares and all such manors etc as were lim[ite]d to thes[ai]d —- of her s[ai]d late couzin Arthur Barnardiston) in Jointure

And all her reversionary Estate therein unto & –

To the Use of her Grandson John Shaw & the heirs of his body lawfully

to be begotten and for want of such Issue she gave & devised the same

To the Use of her Son Sir John Shaw his heirs & Ass[ign]s

And as to all the rest & residue of thes[ai]d Manors not in Jointure

to the widow of thes[ai]d Arthur Barnardiston





And also all & every other her freeh[ol]d manors lands tythes & heredit[ament]s whats[eve]r

The s[ai]d Testatrix thereby gave & devised the same unto her said

Son Sir John Shaw his heirs & ass[ign]s for ever-


30th April 1764

By Deed Poll under the hand and seal of Mary Ridges Spinster

After reciting that the s[ai]d Sir John Shaw was seized in fee simple in poss[essio]n of an undivided

moiety of several manors & heredit[ament]s in Suffolk, Cambridge York Middx & London

charged with an annuity of £100 to thes[ai]d Mary Ridges for her life to her given by

the will of Dame Anna Maria Shaw his late Mother dec[ease]d And  that the s[ai]d Sir John

Shaw had agreed with the other part owners of the said moiety & prem[is]es chargeable

with s[ai]d annuity to make a partition thereof among them and for effecting same s[ai]d Mary

Ridges at the request of said Sir Jno Shaw had agreed to release thes[ai]d moiety & prem[is]es

from the payment of s[ai]d annuity the s[ai]d Mary Ridges in pursuance of said recited

agreem[en]t & in cons[iderati]on of 5s to her p[ai]d y[ea]rly by s[ai]d Sir John Shaw Did fully & absolutely remise release

Exonerate and for ever discharge –

All that the undivided moiety of him the said Sir John Shaw of

& in all & singular the manors mess[uage]s Lands Tenem[en]ts Tythes Fee Farm

Rents & Heredit[ament]s in the sev[era]l Countys of Suffolk  Cambridge York Midd[lese]x

& the City of London so agreed to be divided as afores[ai]d & every part &

parcel thereof of & from all sum & sums of money then due or thereafter

to become payable for or in respect of thes[ai]d Annuity so to her bequeathed

as afores[ai]d & from all Claims & Demands whatsoever concerning

the same –

Executed by Mary Ridges

The Title of thes[ai]d John Williams Onslow (lately called John

Williams) & Charlotte Maria his wife to one undivided 4th of thes[ai]d

Manors & Here[ditament]s comprized in thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of 20 March 1704 setforth here

to explain the part[itio]n of the whole Est[ate] ment[ione]d in the subseq[uen]t part of this abstract –

14th May 1746

By Indenture made between John Williams Esq & Charlotte Maria Williams his

wife of the one Sir Rob[er]t Abdy Jno Abdy Peter Delrne Esq of the other part

After reciting that the s[ai]d Charlotte Maria as one of the Dau[ghte]rs & co-heirs of Sir

Anth[on]y Tho[ma[s Abdy Bar[one]t and also as one of the Dau[ghte]rs & co-heirs of Dame Charlotte

Abdy his wife who was one of the Dau[ghte]rs & Co-heirs of Sir Tho[ma]s Barnardiston the younger

Bar[one]t who was the son & heir of Sir Tho[ma]s Barnardiston the elder Bar[one]t who was eldest

Brother of Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston was intit[le]d tog[ethe]r with Eliz[abet]h Abdy her sister the other Dau[ghte]r

& co heir of thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy in equal moietys or other shares and proportions to an

Estate of Inheritence of & in the Manors and Hereditaments therein after mentioned.





It is Witnessed that for settling & assur[in]g all her thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria’s

Share & Int[erest] of & in the Manors & Here[ditament]s thereinafter ment[ione]d To such uses upon

such Trusts & to & for such Intents & purposes etc as are thereinafter declared &

limited of & concerning the same The said John Williams for himself & thes[ai]d

Charlotte Maria his wife his & her heirs etc Did Coven[enan]t Grant & agree to & with

thes[ai]d Sir Rob[er]t Abdy John Abdy & Peter Delme their heirs & ass[ign]s and thes[ai]d Charlotte

Maria Did thereby consent & agree before the end of Trinity Term then next

ensuing to Levy One or more Fine or Fines Sur Conuzance de droit come

ceo etc., to thes[ai]d Sir Rob[er]t Abdy John Abdy & Peter Delme& their heirs or the levy of one of

them of (amongst divers manors mess[uage]s lands Tenem[en]ts fee farm rents & other rents &

here[ditament]s therein part[icul]arly described)

The s[ai]d manors of Rivershall in Waldringfield & Waldringfield Hilton

in the s[ai]d County of Suffolk & all other the premises as described

in the before abstracted Ind[entu]re of the 20 March 1704

And also of all other the mess[uage]s Lands Tene[men]ts & Heredit[ament]s whatsoever

Being Freeh[ol]d & not Copyh[ol]d of them thes[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte

Maria his wife or either of them or whereof or wherein they or any

person In trust for them had any Est[ate] of Inher[ita]nce in poss[essi]on

Reversion or Remainder situate lying & being in the several parishes

Manors & places af[ore]s[ai]d with their & every of their appurt[anence]s

And the rev[ersio]n etc.,

Which said Fine or Fines so as afores[ai]d or in any manner or at any

other time or times levied or to be levied of the s[ai]d Manor Mess[uage]s Lands

Tenem[en]ts Fee Farm Rents Heredit[ament]s & Prem[is]es or any of them or whereunto

thes[ai]d Parties to these presents were or should be parties or privy are by all

the parties to the now abstracting Ind[entu]re declared to be & enure. –

To the use of the s[ai]d John Williams for his life – Sans Waste, and

after the Determination of his Estate in his lifetime by forfeiture

or otherwise

To the Use of s[ai]d Rob[er]t Abdy John Abdy & Peter Delme & their

during the life of thes[ai]d John Williams In trust to preserve the

contingent remainders and after the decease of thes[ai]d John Williams

To the use of thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria Williams wife of thes[ai]d John

Williams & her assigns for her life Sans Waste ——–     Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of thes[ai]d Trustees & their heirs during the life of s[ai]d Char[lotte]

Maria Williams In trust to preserve the contingent rem[aind]ers and

immediately from & after the Decease of thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria Williams

To the Use of thes[ai]d Sir Rob[er]t Abdy John Abdy & Peter Delme their ex[ecut]ors

Etc for the term of 500d years Sans Waste Upon the Trusts & subject

to the provisos & agreem[en]ts after expressed and declared.





And from & after the expirat[io]n or other sooner determination] of s[ai]d term of

500d years And subject thereto.

To the Use of the 1st & all & every other son & sons of the s[ai]d John Williams

on the Body of thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria his s[ai]d wife lawfully to be begotten

severally & successively in tail male and for default of such Issue

To the Use of all & every the Daughter & Dau[ghte]rs of the body of thes[ai]d

John Williams on the body of the s[ai]d Charl[otte] Maria his s[ai]d wife lawfully

to be begotten & the heirs of the body & bodies of such daughter &

daughters resp[ectfu]ly to take as Tenants in Common with Cross remainders

over among them and for default of all & every such issue –

To the Use of such person & persons & for such uses estates intents &

purposes & upon such uses states intents & purposes & upon such trusts

as thes[ai]d Charl[otte] Maria Williams at any time thereafter alone & with[ou]t

thes[ai]d John Williams & notwithstand[in]g her coverture sho[ul]d by any Deed or

Deeds writ[in]g or writ[in]gs signed & sealed by her in the presence of two or

more credible witn[es]s or by her last Will & Testam[en]t or by any other writ[in]g purport[in]g to be her last Will & Testament declare direct limit

or appoint and in default of & subject to such declarat[io]n etc and in

the mean time and until such decl[arati]on etc should be made

To the Use of the Survivor of them the s[ai]d John Williams & Charl[otte] Maria

his wife his or her heirs & ass[ign]s for ever –

And it is thereby Declared that thes[ai]d term of 500d years was so limited

In Trust that in Case there sho[ul]d be Issue male of thes[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte

Maria his wife & one or more younger Child or Children either male or female

to raise such sum or sums of money by the ways therein mentioned for the

portions of such younger Child or Children to be p[ai]d at such times & in such manner

and with such maintenance in the mean time as therein is ment[ione]d?

Provisoe that if there sho[ul]d be no Issue Male of the Body of s[a]id John

Williams by said Charlotte Maria his wife or no Issue except an

only Son or being such they should all dye before any of their portions

should become payable or all the Trusts of the s[ai]d term sho[ul]d be performed

Then the said Term or so much thereof as sho[ul]d be undisposed

of sho[ul]d cease &  be void –

Power for the s[ai]d John Williams dur[in]g his life and the s[ai]d Charlotte

Maria if she survived him to Lett Leases of the said prem[is]es or any

part thereof for any term not exceeding 21 years in poss[essi]on under

the usual restrict[ion]s

Power for the s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife during

their joint lives or for the survivor of them with the Consent and

approbat[io]n of s[ai]d Trustees or of the Survivors or Surv[iv]or of them or the

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Heirs of such Survivor testified in writing under their his or her hands

and seals or hand and seal to make part[it]ion of separate and divide

the s[ai]d Manors Lands Tenements & Heredit[ament]s in severalty with any person

or persons intitled to any undivided share thereof or to make sale

and absol[ut]ly dispose of or to convey the same or any part thereof

in Exchange & lieu of any other lands to any person or persons

whats[oeve]r either together or in parcels & for that purpose by one or more

deed or deeds under the hand & seal of the s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte

Maria his Wife or the survivor of them attested by two or more witnesses

with such consent & approbation as afores[ai]d absolutely to revoke & make

void all & every or any of the uses trusts & estates therein limited of the same

premises or any part thereof & by the same or any other Deed or Deeds

attested as afores[ai]d to limit declare direct and appoint any other uses

estates or trusts of the same premises as should be thought necessary

In order to such sale partition exchange or other disposition as

aforesaid –

Provisoe that the moneys arising by such sale be paid into the

hands of said trustees or the survivor of them and his heirs & that

the Receipt of them or the survivor of them should be a sufficient

discharge to the purchasers.

Provisoe that all such lands heredit[ament]s as sho[ul]d be taken in

severally on such partition or exchange in lieu of any of the lands

hereinbefore ment[ione]d sho[ul]d be vested in & conveyed to the s[ai]d Trustees or

the Survivors or Survivor of them and his heirs –

Upon the uses and for the Intents and Purposes

after mentioned.

Provisoe that the money which should arise by such sale

should by the s[ai]d Trustees or the survivors or survivor of them or his

executors or adm[inistrat]ors with the consent of thes[ai]d John Williams and

Charlotte Maria his Wife or of the survivor of them (testified as

afores[ai]d be laid out in the purch[ase] of other lands & heredit[ament]s in fee simple

whereof not more than one 4th to be copyh[ol]d and that as well the

Manors Lands & Here[ditament]s so to be purch[ase]d as all & every the Manors

Lands & Here[ditament]s which sho[ul]d be vested in said trustees & their heirs in

severalty upon such partit[io]ns or exchange sho[ul]d be settled and conveyed

To such and the same uses and upon such and the

same trusts and for such and the same Ends Intents &

purposes as are thereinbefore limited & declared concern[in]g

the premises before ment[ione]d or such of them as sho[ul]d be

then existing & capable of tak[in]g effect





Agreement that until the money arising by such sale sho[ul]d be vested

In purchasers in manner aforesaid the same sho[ul]d be laid out by thes[ai]d Trustees

or the Survivors of ?? his ex[ecut]ors etc., with such consent as afores[ai]d if the said John

Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife or either of them sho[ul]d be then living either

upon real or govern[men]t security[ie]s & the Int[erest] thereof be p[ai]d in the like manner as the

rents & profits of the lands & heredit[ament]s to be purch[ase]d therewith would go or be

payable unto in case such such purchases were then made –

Power for thes[ai]d Trustees or the Survivor of them his heirs etc., to call in the

money so placed out & place the same out again on other security[ie]s

Agreem[en]t that thes[ai]d Trustees sho[ul]d be answerable for their own sev[era]l & rep[etat]ive

acts & rec[eip]ts only

Power for the Trustees to deduct their Costs out of the Trust

Premises –

Executed by John Williams, Charlotte Maria Williams

Robert Abdy, John Abdy & Peter Delme


Trinity Term 19. Geo. 2nd

Indentures of a Fine between Sir Robert Abdy Bar[one]t John Abdy and Peter Delme Esq

Plaintiffs and John Williams Esq & Charlotte Maria his wife Deforc[ian]ts

Of one 4th part of the Manor of Wix Bishop Battisford with Badley o[the]rwise

Saint Johns Rivershall in Waldringfield, Waldringfield with Hilton

Casnalls otherwise Foxhall & Kennet with Kentford with the appurt[enant]s

And of a 4th part of 20 Messu[ag]es 9 cottages one water mill 4 Dovehouses

4 shops 1 wharf 1 dock 1 Quay 12 Curtilages 2 gardens 2 orchards 2240 acres

of land 190 acres of meadow 320 acres of pasture 56 acres of wood 1000

acres of Furze and Heath 4 acres of Fresh Marsh 25 acres of Salt Marsh

30 acres of Fenn Ground 30 acres of Alder 40 acres of land covered with

water Common of pasture Liberty of Foldage for 400 Sheep  Courts Leet Courts

Baron and view of Frankpledge with the appurt[enant]s in Brightwell

Newborne Bucklesham Waldringfield Hemley Foxhall Kesgrave Rushmere

Ipswich Battesford Badley Stutton Kennett and Kentford

And also of a 4th part of several yearly rents therein ment[ionne]d

And also of a 4th part of the Rector[ie]s of Brightwell Casnalls o[the]rwise Foxhall

With the appurt[enant]s

And of all manner of Tythes in Brightwell Foxhall & Kesgrave

And of a 4th  part of the advowson of the Church of Kennett

And Waldringfield and of the Advowson of the Vicarage of the

Church of Rushmere in the County of Suffolk

Same Term

Indentures of a Fine between the same persons Plaintiffs and the same Deforciants

Of a 4th part of the several yearly rents therein part[icul]arly ment[ionne]d





Amounting tog[th]er to the sum of £738. 18s & 3½ reserved issuing & payable out

of & for for divers manors messu[ag]es lands & here[ditament]s in the County of York

The Title of thes[ai]d Thomas Ryves the elder to

One undivided 4th part of thes[ai]d Manors Lands & Heredit[ament]s in possession


14 & 15 April 1749

By Indentures of Lease & Release the Release of 5 parts & made between Tho[ma]s Ryves Esq of the 1st

Eliz[abet]h Abdy Spinster on of the two Daughters & Co-heirs of Sir Anthony Thomas Abdy Bar[one]t deceased by Dame

Charlotte his 2nd wife also dec[eas]ed which s[ai]d Dame Charlotte was one of the 2 Daughters & Coheirs of Sir Tho[ma]s

Barnardiston the younger late of Ketton in the County of Suffolk Bar[one]t deceased by Dame Ann his wife

who was one of the 2 Daughters of Sir Rich[ar]d Rothwell Bar[one]t dec[ease]d & which s[ai]d Sir Tho[ma]s Barnardiston the

younger was son &  heir of Sir Tho[ma]s Barnardiston the elder late of Ketton afore[sai]d Bar[one]t dece[ase]d who was

elder brother of Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston late of Brightwell hall in the said County of Suffolk Bar[one]t

dece[ase]d of the 2[n]d Sir W[illi]m Abdy Bar[one]t & Anth[on]y Brucer Esq of the 3[r]d & Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter Esq.

of the 4th, & John Williams & Tho[ma]s Wollascott Esq of the 5th part

Reciting, Inter alia, or marriage then intended & since solomnized between thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves &

Elizabeth Abdy & that thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves was seized in his Demesne as of fee of the mess[uag]es Lands

& Heredit[ament]s com Dorsett thereinafter mentioned su[b]ject to a Term of 600d years limited of the same &

divers other Manors & Heredit[ament]s in Dorsetshire to Rich[ar]d Bingham George Chaffin & W[illia]m Constantine

by a settlem[en]t made by Geo[rge] Ryves Esq., dec[eas]ed on his Marriage with Arethusa his late wife

also dec[eas]ed dated 17 of Febr[uar]y 1714 for rais[in]g 5000£ for the port[io]n of Arethusa Hawker wife of

Peter Hawker Esq. the only surviv[in]g child of thes[ai]d George Ryves by the s[ai]d Arethusa his

late wife –

That 2000£ part of s[ai]d 5000£ & all Int[erest] for s[ai]d 5000£ had been p[ai]d to thes[ai]d Hawker &

Wife –

That it had been agreed between thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves  Eliz[abet]h Abdy that s[ai]d 3000£ &

all Int[erest] to become due for the same at 4£ p[er]Cent sho[ul]d be raised & p[ai]d out of s[ai]d

Eliz[abet]h Abdy’s Estate

That s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h was seized in fee, inter alia, of and in

One Undivided 4th part of the manors messu[age]s Lands Tenements Rectories

Tythes Advowsons, Fee Farm Rents & other Rents & Annual payments &

Heredit[ament]s in the sev[era]l Counties of Suffolk Cambridge York London & Middlesex

thereinafter part[icul]arly ment[ione]d

And was also intitled to the Reversion in Fee expectant on the Death of

Mary Barnardiston widow & Relict of Arthur Barnardiston Esq of and in

One undivided 4th of Divers other Manors Messuages Lands Fee Farm

Rents and Hereditaments in the several Counties of Suffolk and

York thereinafter particularly mentioned  –

In Consideration of the said intended marriage and for making a

Jointure on said Elizabeth Abdy and for other good considerations –

The s[ai]d Thomas Ryves Did Grant Bargain Sell Release and Confirm to said





Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer their heirs & assigns

All those his Capital and other Messuages Farm Lands Tenements &

Here[ditament]s in the County of Dorset therein particularly described

To such uses upon such trusts intents & purp[ose]s & subject to such limited

Prov[iso]s & agreem[en]ts as are therein particularly ment[ione]d exp[r[esse]d & decl[are]d of &

concern[in]g the same –

And in consideration of thes[ai]d intended marriage & the jointure provision & settlem[en]t

thereby made by thes[ai]d Thomas Ryves for thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy & her children by him &

other considerat[ion]s therein ment[ione]d

She thes[ai]d Elizabeth Abdy Did grant  bargain sell rel[ease] & confirm by & with the

consent & approbat[io]n of thes[ai]d Thomas Ryves, testified as therein ment[ione]d unto the s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy &

Anth[on]y Brucer & to their heirs & ass[ign]s, inter alia,

One undivided 4th part the whole into 4 equal parts to be div[ide]d of & in –

The several manors messuages Lands Tenements Rectories Tythes advowsons

Fee Farm Rents and other Rents and Annual Payments & Heredit[ament]s

in the several Counties of Suffolk Cambridge York London & Middlesex

comprized in thes[ai]d Ind[enture] of 20 March 1704 tog[eth]er with all Houses etc.,

And the Rev[ersio]n etc., And all the Est[ate] etc.

To Hold the said undivided 4th part of thes[ai]d Manors Messuages Lands

Heredit[ament]s and premises to said Sir William Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer their

Heirs & ass[ign]s

Subject to the Estate for Life of the s[ai]d Mary Barnardiston of & in

such part of the s[ai]d Manors Messuages Lands Hereditaments

and premises as are thereinbefore ment[ione]d To be in Jointure to thes[ai]d Mary


To the  use of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy & her heirs & ass[ign]s until the said

marriage –

Then as to thes[ai]d undivided 4 part of the said Manor Messuages Lands

Hereditaments and Premises of which said Ellzabeth Abdy was seized

in possession, from and immediately after the solemnization of said


To the Use of said Anthony Thomas Abdy and  Peter Walter

their Executors etc., for 400d years (Sans Waste) upon the Trusts

therein and hereinafter ment[ione]d          ———————    Remainder

To the use of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves and his assigns for his

Life (Sans Waste)   ———————————————  Remainder

To the use of thes[ai]d Elizabeth Abdy and her assigns for her

Life (Sans Waste)  ————————————————–  Remainder

To the use of Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer dur[in]g the lives of Mr Ryves

& Miss Abdy and the life of the Survivor of them –





Upon Trust to preserve the contingent Remainders – – – – – – – Remainder

To the Use of s[ai]d John Williams & Tho[ma]s Wollascott their Ex[ec]tors etc.

for 1000d years Upon the Trusts after ment[ione]d   – – – – – -Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of the first & other Sons of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves by thes[ai]d

Elizabeth Abdy severally & successively in Tail Male  – – – – Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of the Daughters as Tenants in Common & to the sev[era]l

heirs of their respective bodies And in default of Issue of any such

Daughter or Daughters –

To the Use of all & every such other Daughter & Daughters to take

in like manner & the heirs of their bodies lawfully issuing And

if all such Daughters but one should die without Issue or if there

sho[ul]d be but one such Daughter, Then to the use of such only Dau[ghte]r &

the heirs of her body  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –   -Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of such person and persons and for such Estate &

Estates & subject to such powers etc., as thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy whether Sole

or Covert should from time to time by any Deed or Writing by

her signed sealed and delivered in the presence of two witnesses

but with power of revocation or by her last Will & Testam[en]t or

any writ[in]g purport[in]g to be her last Will by her signed sealed &

published in the presence of 3 or more credible witn[esse]s direct

limit or appoint And in default of such Appointment

To the Use of thes[ai]d Elizabeth Abdy & of her heirs & assigns for

ever. –

And thes[ai]d Term of 400 years is thereby declared to be

Upon Trust that they thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter

and the Survivor of them his ex[ecut]ors etc., sho[ul]d by sale or mort[ga]ge

of the Prem[is]es comprized in thes[ai]d term of 400 years or by & with the

Rents & Profits of the same Premises in the mean time raise &

pay unto thes[ai]d Peter Hawker & Arethusa his wife her ex[ecut]ors etc thes[ai]d

3000£ & Int[erest] for the same at 4£ per Cent per annum from the

date of said Ind[entu]re now abstract[in]g as the remainder & in full

satisfact[io]n of the Port[io]n of thes[ai]d Arethusa Hawker which she could

or might claim by virtue of or under thes[ai]d Term of 600 years

so limited to Bingham Chaffin & Constantine by thes[ai]d ind[entu]re of

Settlem[en]t of 1714 And subject to the Trusts before declared

concerning said term –

Upon Trust to permit s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves or the persons next in

remainder to receive the rents & profits thereof for his own use

Provisoe that from & after the payment of s[ai]d 3000£ & Int[erest] as afores[ai]d

And of all Costs etc attending the Trusts Then the said Term

of 400d years to cease and be void





And thes[ai]d Term of 1000d years limited to thes[ai]d J[o]n[athon]o Williams & Tho[ma]s S Wollascot

is thereby declared to be upon the following Trusts (viz)

In Case thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves sho[ul]d have an eldest or only son and one or

more younger Children, sons or Daughters or both on the body of thes[ai]d

Eliz[abet]h Abdy born in his lifetime or after his death Then

In trust that s[ai]d Trustees or the survivor of them his Ex[ecut]ors or

Adm(istrat]ors after the decease of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Miss Abdy or in their

Lives or the Life of the Survivor if they or the survivor sho[ul]d think

fit by Sale or mortgage of the prem[is]es comprized in s[ai]d Term or

such other ways as they sho[ul]d think fit raise & pay such sum or

sums for the portion of such younger children as after ment[ione]d

(viz t)

If one or two such Children whether sons or daughters or both

6000£ for the portion of such Child or Children

If three or more then £8000£ at such times with such

maintenance not exceeding the Int[erest] of their port[ion]s at £3.10s

per Cent in such proportions & subj[ec]t to such conditions

restrictions & limitat[ion]s over & upon such contingencies as s[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Ryves & Eliz[abet]h Abdy or the survivor of them sho[ul]d in

manner therein ment[ione]d direct or appoint & in default thereof

Then said 6000£ if only 2 such children ?? & s[ai]d 8000£ if three or more

to be equally divided among them to be paid in manner following

The Portions of the sons at 21 or sooner for his preferment as s[ai]d

trustees should think fit –                          –

The Portions of the Daughters at 21 or marriage such times of

paym[en]t happening after the death of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Elizabeth Abdy

but either of them living then within 3 Kalendar months next after

their decease with Int[erest] at the rate of £3.10s P[er] Cent from their deaths

Provisoe that the Sons portions sho[ul]d be vested Interests at 21 & the

Dau[ghter]s at twenty one or Marriage which first happened notwithstanding

the payment is postponed –

Provisoe that if any such Son sho[ul]d die or become an eldest or only son

before 21 or any Daughter or Daughters sho[ul]d die before 21 or marriage the

portions of him her or them so dying or such part thereof as shall not

have been sooner advanced to go to the Survivors equally & be liable to

the same contingency of Survivorship as the original portions of such

Children so as no one Child have above 3000£ a piece with such maintenance

after the death of Mr Ryves and Miss Abdy and the Survivor as after

ment[ione]d to be raised out of the rents and profits of the prem[is]es comprized

in thes[ai]d term of 1000d years (vizt))






If but one Child £30 p[er] Annum till the age of 12 years & after such age till his or her portion – shall become payable £100 p[er] annum –

If two such children £40 a piece till their Age of 12 years then £80£

a piece –

If three or more such children the like sums for each of their

maintenance such sums not exceeding the Int[erest] of their Fortunes

At the Rate of £3.10s P[er] Cent payable at the times therein ment[ione]d

Provisoe that no such Sale or Mortgage sho[ul]d be made till some one of the

portions shou[l]d become payable & the rents & profits in the mean time over &

above s[ai]d maintenance to be rec[eive]d by the persons next in remainder expectant

on said term –

Provisoe if Mr Ryves sho[ul]d give any such Child or Children any sum or sums of

money towards their advancem[en]t & by writ[in]g under his hand & seal declare the

same to be towards the portions provided for him her or them by virtue of

thes[ai]d term 1000d years such Children to receive only such further portions

by virtue of s[ai]d 1000d years Term as with such sum as advanced will

complete the port[ion] intended to be provided for him or her –

Provisoe that after the Trusts of s[ai]d term of 1000d years sho[ul]d  be satisfied or

incapable of taking effect then said term or so much thereof as sho[ul]d not be

disposed of (the Trustees – costs being paid) sho[ul]d cease –

Power for Mr Ryves & Miss Abdy resp[ect]ively when in actual possession of

s[ai]d messu[ag]es Farms Lands Tenements Undivided Moiety & 4th parts Here[ditament]s &

Prem[is]es to Let Leases –

Provisoe that it sho[ul]d be lawful for s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Eliz[abet]h Abdy dur[in]g their joint

lives or for the Survivor with the consent & approbat[io]n of s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y

Brucer or the Surv[ivo]r of them or the heirs of such Surv[ivo]r testified by writ[in]g

under their hands & Seals hand or seal to make partition or division of s[ai]d

Manors Messu[age]s Lands Tenem[en]ts Rector[ie]s Tythes Advowsons Fee Farm Rents

Heredit[ament]s & Prem[is]es in the s[ai]d Counties of Lincoln Suffolk Cambridge York London

& Middx in severalty with any person or persons intitled to an Undivided

Share or Shares of same prem[is]es or to sell or exchange the same or any

part thereof in Lieu of other Lands And in order to make such partition

(but not otherwise) It sho[ul]d be lawful for s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Eliz[abet]h Abdy or for

the Surv[ivo]r of them by one or more Deed or Deeds Writing or Writings under

their hands & seals or the hand & seal of the survivor of them attested by

two witnesses to revoke & make void all and every the uses Trusts & Est[ate]s

before limited & by the same or any other deeds attested as aforesaid to

declare limit or appoint any other uses as sho[ul]d be necessary to such

partition sale or exchange

Agreement that the money aris[in]g by such sale or sales sho[ul]d be paid





unto the hand of s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer or the Survivor & his heirs

upon the trusts after mentioned and their receipts to be  a sufficient


Agreement that such Lands Tenem[en]ts & Heredit[ament]s as sho[ul]d be taken in

severalty upon such partition exchange or other dispositions sho[ul]d with all

convenient speed be conveyed to s[ai]d W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer & their

heirs to such uses intents & purposes upon such trusts & under such proviso

& agreem[en]ts as are thereinafter mentioned expressed & declared of & concern[in]g

the same

That the money to arise by such sale or sales sho[ul]d be disposed of by s[ai]d

Trustees & the Surv[iv]or of them his Ex[ecut]ors or Adm[inist]ors with the consent of Mr

Ryves & Miss Abdy or the Surv[ivo]r if living & after the death of the surv[iv]or

at the Discret[io]n of s[ai]d Trustees or the Surv[iv]or his Ex[ecut]ors or Adm[inistr]ors in the

purchase of Lands Tenem[ent]s & Heredit[ament]s in fee simple whereof not more than

one 4th part sho[ul]d be copyh[ol]d And  that as well the Lands Tenem[en]ts & Here[ditament]s

so to be purchased as all & every the Manors Lands & Heredit[ament]s which

sho[ul]d be vested in s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anthony Brucer & their heirs in

severalty upon such partition or exchange or in lieu of s[ai]d undivided moiety

& 4th sho[ul]d be settled &  conveyed to such & the same uses & upon such & the

same Trusts Intents & Purposes as thereinbefore severally limited & declared

of & concern[in]g s[ai]d moiety & 4th part of the heredit[ament]s & prem[is]es last thereinbefore

granted or released or such of them as sho[ul]d be then subsist[in]g or capable of

taking effect (Except the power of revocat[io]n & declare[in]g new uses).-

Provisoe that if the Capital Messu[ag]e called Brightwell Hall in Suffolk

upon such partition or exchange sho[ul]d be allotted to s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy then s[ai]d

Capital Messu[ag]e & Buildings thereto belonging or such part as sho[ul]d be thought

proper sho[ul]d be pulled down & the materials sold and the money paid to s[ai]d Trustees

to be invested in the purchase of Lands & Heredit[ament]s to be settled in like

manner as the other Lands & Heredit[ament]s which on such Division sho[ul]d

be allotted in lieu of thes[ai]d undivided share of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy —

Agreement that till the money arising by such Sale sho[ul]d be

Invested in purchases in manner thereinbefore directed same sho[ul]d be

placed out at Int[erest] with the consent of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Elizabeth Abdy

or the Survivor of them or in case of their death at the discretion

of s[ai]d Trustees upon Real or Government Security’s & the Int[erest] p[ai]d & applied

in such manner as the rents & profits of the lands to be purchased

Therewith would go & be payable in Case such purchases had been

then made –

Power for s[ai]d Trustees or the Surv[iv]or of them with such consent as afores[ai]d to change

the Securit[ie]s on which such money should be placed out –





Declaration & Agreement that the Trustees sho[ul]d not be charged

With any loss not occasioned by their wilful neglect & each for his own acts

& receipts only and to reimburse all charges out of their resp[ect]]ive trust –

Estates –

Covenants from Miss Abdy with Sir W[ilia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer, that the

Was lawfully seized in Free of s[ai]d undiv[ide]d Moiety & 4th parts Heredit[ament]s &

Prem[is]es  last thereinbefore granted –

That she had good right to convey to the uses before ment[ione]d

For quiet enjoym[en]t free from Incumbrances (Except the Estate for Life of Mrs Barnardiston & such Leases as were then in being) & for

Further Assurances

Executed by Thomas Ryves, Elizabeth Abdy, Anthony

Brucer, Peter Walter and John Williams.


8 January 1752 –

The said Eliz[abet]h Abdy then Eliz[aet]h Ryves wife of the s[ai]d Thomas Ryves made her will in writ[in]g

Attested by 3 witnesses

And after reciting that in & by her marriage settlem[en]t several real Est[ate]s situate in the sev[era]l

Counties of Lincoln, Suffolk, Cambridge, Middlesex York and City of London were settled In trust

for sev[era]l uses & purposes therein parti[c]rly ment[ione]d the Remainder in Fee of which s[ai]d sev[era]l Estates

were limited to her & her heirs after the s[ai]d Trusts were satisfied & Did thereby devise the s[ai]d

Rem[ainde]r in fee of & in the s[ai]d  sev[era]l Est[a[te]s & of & in any other Est[at]e comprised in her s[ai]d marriage

Settlem[en]t together with all Real Est[ate]s & whatforever which she had power of disposing of

Whether in Possession or Reversion unto and –

To the use of her s[ai]d Husband his Heirs & assigns for ever


4 February 1756

By Ind[entu]re of Release between Tho[ma]s Ryves Esqr of the 1st Edw[ar]d Radcliffe Esq of the 2nd & Arthur Radcliffe Esq of the 3rd part –

After reciting amongst other things the before abstracted ind[entu]re of 15th April 1749 & the Trust

of the said Term of 400d years thereby limited to Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter Esq.,

Their Ex[ectut]ors etc:-

And also reciting that s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe had at the Request of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves paid] to Peter Hawker

Esqr  & Arethusa his wife the sum of £3000 as appeared by an Ind[entu]re of Assignm[en]t of the 16th May 1750 –

It is amongst other things Witnessed that for the more effectual secur[in]g the

pay[men]t of s[ai]d £3000 being part of £10,000 therein ment[ione]d & Interest at £4 p[er] Cent

The s[ai]d Th[mas]s Ryves did covenant promise declare & agree with the s[ai]d Edward Radcliffe

His Ex[ecut]ors etc., that the s[ai]d term of 400d years by s[ai]d Ind[ent]ure]of 15 April 1749 limited to s[ai]d

Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter their Ex[ecutor]s etc.,

And all & sing[ula]r s[ai]d prem[is]es comprized in s[ai]d term sho[ul]d from thenceforth stand & be charged with

& a sec.y for s[ai]d £3000 & Int[erst] at 4£ P[er]Cent as well as the Term of 600d years Therein

ment[ione]d to have been assigned to s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe






And also that s[ai]d term of 400d years  & the prem[is]es therein comprised  sho[ul]d not

Be redeemed or redeemable until s[ai]d 3000£ & Int[erest] sho[ul]d be fully p[ai]d unto s[ai]d  Edw[ar]d Radcliffe his Exe[cutor]s etc.,

Ex[ecute]d by Thomas Ryves


4 May 1757

By a Decree made in a Cause depend[in]g  in the High court of Chancery wherein the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves & Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger John Ryves & Eliz[abet]h Ryves & Charlotte Ryves Infants by the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves their Father & Guardian were plaintiffs & Letitia Mascall widow the only Child & Heir at Law

of the s[ai]d Anth[on]y Brucer dec[ease]d who survived thes[ai]d Sir W[ilia]m Abdy also dec[eas]ed was Left?

It was ordered to be referred to Mr Sayer on of the Masters of the s[ai]d Court to

approve of 2 new Trustees in the place of thes[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer both dec[eased]


17 June 1757

The s[ai]d Master by his Report made in the same Cause did approve of Joseph Banks &

W[illia]m Round Esq to be Trustees in the place of the s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer

Which Report by an order of thes[ai]d Court made in the same Cause the 29 of thes[ai]d

Month of June was absolutely confirmed

The Articles & Deeds made to complete the Division hereinafter stated.-


5 April 1758

By articles of Agreement made between the s[ai]d Sir John Shaw of the 1st  thes[ai]d John Williams

&Charlotte Maria his wife of the 2nd  thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves of the 3rd the s[ai]d Sir John Abdy & Peter Delme

(who survived thes[ai]d Sir Rob[er]t Abdy then dec[ease]d) of the 4th & the s[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round of the

5th part

After reciting (amongst other things) that thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw & thes[ai]d John Williams &

Charlotte Maria his wife with the Consent of s[ai]d Sir John Abdy & Peter Delme (notified as

therein ment[ione]d And the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves with the Consent of s[ai]d Jos[eph] Banks & W[illia]m  Round (testif[ie]d etc)

had in pursuance of the sev[era]l powers in them resp[ect]ively vested mutually agreed with each

other to make a Division of all the s[ai]d manors & Heredit[ament]s in the Counties afores[ai]d which they

were so seized of in person as thereinbefore is ment[ione]d

And also reciting that towards compleat[in]g thes[ai]d Int[ende]’d I division thes[ai]d parties so interested as af[ore]s[ai]d

had caused a survey & valuat[io]n to be made of all the s[ai]d intire manors & Heredit[ament]s by Tho[ma]s

Brown Esq which had been examined & approved of by all thes[ai]d parties so interested as


The s[ai]d Sir John Shaw & thes[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his Wife (with

such consent as afores[ai]d and the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves (with the consent of the s[ai[d Joseph Banks

& W[illia]m Round testified as afores[ai]d for prevent[in]g any disputes that might thereafter happen

to arise among them and each & every of them for himself & herself severally did

covenant & agree with the other & others of them That the s[aid] Tho[ma]s Brown sho]uld forthwith


All the s[ai]d Manors & hered[ditament]s in the Count[ie]s a[ore]s[ai]d w[hi]ch they thes[ai]d parties were then seized of

In poss[essio]n as af[ore]s[aid] into 2 equal parts & allot one of thes[ai]d parts to be held in severalty as &

for the distinct share of thes[ai]d Sir Jno Shaw in lieu of his undivided moiety





And that he thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw sho[ul]d and would accept such allotment


And that thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown sho[ul]d also subdivide the other thes[a]d parts into

2 equal parts & set out one of thes[ai]d subdivided parts to be holden in severally

as & for the separate share of thes[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife

& other the parties interested in the same in lieu of their undivided 4th

And also sho[ul]d set out the other of thes[ai]d subdiv[ide]d parts to be enjoyed in

severalty as & for the distinct share of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & other the parties

interested in the same in lieu of their undiv[ide]d 4th

And that they the said John Williams and Charlotte Maria his

Wife and Thomas Ryves respectively should & would accept such

allotments accordingly

Executed by all Parties

In pursuance of the Agreem[en]t cont[aine]d in the above abstracted articles thesaid Tho[ma]s Brown did

divide all thes[ai]d Manors Here[ditament]s & Prem[is]es whereof thes[a]d parties were so seized in possession as af[ors[ai]d

into 2 equal & distinct parts distinguished by the several Tythes of Lot (1) and Lot (2)

And by a memorandum in writing under his hand bearing date the 7 of July 1758 thes[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Brown did set out allot & appoint Lot (1) as & for the separate part & share of the s[ai]d Sir John

Shaw to be enjoyed in severalty in lieu of his undiv[ide]d moiety of & in the intire Manors and Premises –

He thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw pay[in]g £110 14s. to thes[ai]d John Williams and Tho[ma]s Ryves equally

to be divided between them for equality of partition

And in further pursuance of thes[ai]d articles of 5 April 1758

The s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown did subdivide the s[ai]d Lot (2) into 2 equal & distinct parts distinguished

by the sev[era]l Tithes of Lot (1) & Lot (2) in poss[essi]on.

And by another memorandum in writing under his hand dated the same 7 of July 1758

The s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown did set out allot & appoint Lot (1) in poss[essi]on (in which is

included the sev[era]l Manors Lands Rents & Here[ditament]s ment[ione]d in the part[icul]ar herewith left)

a & for the separate part of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & other the parties interested in the same

in lieu of his undiv[ide]d 4th in the intire manors & prem[is]es.

And did also set out allot & appoint

Lot (2) in poss[essi]on as & for the separate part & share of the s[ai]d John Williams

& Charlotte Maria his wife & other the parties interested in the same in

lieu of their undivided fourth in the intire manors and



18 July 1758

By a Memorandum in writing subscribed at the Foot of thes[ai]d 1st ment[ione]d Allotm[en]t –

The s[ai]d Sir John Shaw having revised & considered the s[ai]d part[it]ion did accept & take thes[ai]d

Lot No (1) so appointed to him by the s[ai]d Thomas Brown as afores[ai]d in lieu of his

Undiv(ide)d moiety of & in the intire manors & prem[is]es





2nd Oct[obe]r 1758

By a Memorandum in writing subscribed at the Foot of the Subdivision so made by thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown

As afores[ai]d

The said Tho[ma]s Ryves hav[in]g revised & considered the above bubdivision did accept and take –

The s[ai]d Lot (1) in possession so appointed to him & the sev[era] parties interested in the

same in lieu of his undivided 4th of & in the intire manors & prem[is]es.

2nd Dec[embe]r 1758

By another Memorandum in Writing subscribed at the Foot of the same subdivision

The s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife having revised & considered thes[ai]d subdivs[io]n did

accept & take –

The s[ai]d Lot (2) in poss[essi]on so appointed to them & the sev[era]l parties interested in the same in lieu of

Their undivided 4th of & in the intire manors & prem[is]es –


30 April 1763

By Deed Poll indorsed on the aove abstr[acte]d ind[entu]re of 14May 1746 –

After reciting (among other things) the partit[io]n made by s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in manner above ment[ione]d

The s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife in pursuance of the power to them reserved

In & by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of 14 May 1746 & with the consent of s[ai]d Peter Delme the surviv[in]g trustee

therein named (testified etc) Did revoke determine & absolutely make void –

All & every the uses Est[ate]s etc in & by the s[ai]d settlem[en]t of 14 May 1746 limited created

etc of or concerning thes[ai]d undiv[ide]d 4th part of her the s[ai]d Charlotte Maria Williams

in poss[essi]on of & in the intire manors & prem[is]es whereof such partition had been

made by s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown as af[ore]s[ai]d –

And did thereby limit & appoint thes[ai]d undivided 4th part of the heredit[ament]s & prem[is]es

Whereof the uses were so revoked as af[ore]s[ai]d

To the use of Savill Reade his heirs & ass[ign]s Upon trust & to the intent

that he s[ai]d Savill Reade sho[ul]d convey or join with the resp[ect]ive owners of the

other undivided moiety & 4th part in convey[in]g the intire Manors & prem[is]es

so & in such manner as that the specific manors etc which had been

allotted unto thes[ai]d Jno Williams & Charlotte Maria his Wife in lieu of

their undivided 4th part as afores[ai]d sho[ul]d be limited

To the Use of thes[ai]d Peter Delme his heirs & ass[ign]s to be by him conveyed

& assured To such Uses Upon such Trusts etc., as in & by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re

of 14 May 1746 were & are limited etc concerning s[ai]d undivid 4th part

and premises or so many of them as sho[ul]d be then capable of

tak[in]g effect

Exe[cuted] by John Williams C.M.Williams & Peter Delme


20th Apr[il] 1764

By a Deed Poll indorsed on the above abstracted Ind[entu]re of 15 April 1749 –

After reciting (among other things) the Ind[entu]re of 4 Feb[ruar]y 1756 to the effect before abstracted &

that s[ai]d Peter Walter was dead & the s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy having him survived the undivided

4th part Here[ditament]s & prem[is]es comprized in the term of 400d y[ea]rs by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of the 15 April 1749 limited

to thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter were then become vested in s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy during the residue

of s[ai]d Term Upon the Trusts in s[ai]d Ind[entu]re of the 15 Apr[il] 1749 declared concern[in]g  the same.





And also reciting that s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves had agreed with the owners of the other undivided

parts or shares to make a partit[io]n of the entire manors & heredit[ament]s comprized in thes[ai]d term of 400d

years to that each party might enjoy a separate part thereof in severalty & the specifick

Manors etc which should be allotted in lieu of the undivided 4th part & prem[is]es comprized in

thes[ai]d term  of 400d years were intended to be forthwith conveyed to such uses etc as in thes[ai]d ind[entu]re

of the 15th April 1749 & the will of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves were limited created etc., concerning the same undivi[de]d  4 part

& prem[is]es –

It is witnessed that to the end  the intire Manors & Prem[is]es which on thes[ai]d partition

sho[ul]d be allotted to the respective parties might be discharged from thes[ai]d Term of 400d

years & the trust thereof declared the better to enable thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves to compleat thes[ai]d

division And in cons[iderati]on of 5d to the s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy p[ai]d by thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves

He thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy with the consent of thes[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe testif[ie]d etc did assign

surr[ende]r & yield up unto thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves his heirs & assigns

The undivided 4th part Heredit[ament]s & Prem[is]es which by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of the 15th April

1749 were limited to thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter for thes[ai]d term of

400d years with the appur[tenan]ts –

And the Rev[ersio]n etc, And all the Est[ate etc.,

To hold unto & to the use of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves his heirs & ass[ign]s for ever –

To the Intent that the s[ai]d term of 400d years might merged & extinguished

Covenant from s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy that he had done no act

to incumber the premises –

Ex[ecu]ted by Anthony Thomas Abdy and Edward Radcliffe


30 April 1764

By another Deed Poll indorsed on the above abstracted ind[entu]re of 15 April 1749 after taking

notice of the partit[io]n made by the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in manner before ment[ione]d

The s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves in pursuance of the power to him reserved in & by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of 15 April

1749 & with the consent of s[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round (notified etc ) Did revoke determine

& absolutely make void all & every the uses Est[ate]s etc & by the s[ai]d settlem[en]t of 15 April 1749

limited etc.of & concern[in]g –

The undivided 4th of her thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves dec[eas]ed in poss[essi]on of & in ?? intire manors & prem[is]es

whereof such partition had been made by s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown as afor[e]s[ai]d

And did thereby limit & appoint

The s[ai]d undivided 4th part of the heredit[ament]s & prem[is]es whereof the uses & estates were

so revoked as afores[ai]d

To the use of Savill Read his heirs & ass[ign]s

Upon trust & to the intent that he s[ai]d Savill Reade sho[ul]d convey or join

with the resp[ect]ive owners of the other undivided moiety & 4th part in convey[in]g

thes[ai]d intire manors here[ditament]s & prem[is]es so & in such manner as that the specific manor

etc whch had been allotted unto s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves in lieu of his undiv[ide]d 4th part as af[ore]s[ai]d

sho[ul]d be limited




To the use of the s[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round their heirs & ass[ign]s

to be by them conveyed & assured to such Uses Upon such Trusts etc.,

as by s[ai]d ind[entu]re  of 15 April 1749 & the Will of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves above abstr[acte]d

were & are limited  created etc, of & concerning thes[ai]d undiv[ide]d 4 part & prem[is]es

or so many of them as shall be then capable of taking effect

Exe[cu]ted by Tho[ma]s Ryves Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round


1 & 2 May 1764

By Ind[entu]res of Lease & Release made between thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw Bar[one]t of the 1st thes[ai]d John

Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife of the 2nd thes[ai]d Thoma]s Ryves of the 3rd thes[ai]d Peter Delme of the

4th thes[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round of the 5th thes[ai]d Savill Reade of the 6th & thes[ai]d Sir Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy of the 7th part

After reciting (among other things) the before abstracted Ind[entu]res of 19 & 20 March 1704 the

Will of Lady Shaw dated 24 May 1753 the Ind[entu]re of 14 May 1746 the Ind[entu]res of the 14 & 15

April 1749 the Will of Mrs Ryves dated 8 Jan[ua]ry 1752 the Decree of the 11 May 1757 the

Report of 17th & order of the 29th of June in the same year The articles of the 5 April 1758

The partition & subdivision made by the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in manner above stated describing

The parcels in each Lott separately And also the several Allotments by the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in

manner above abstracted And thes[ai]d two sev[era]l Deeds Poll of 30 April 1764

It is witn[esse]d that in pursuance of s[ai]d recited articles of 5 April 1758

The the s[ai]d S[i]r John Shaw John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife & Tho[mas] |Ryves

Did thereby severally ratify & confirm the s[ai]d partit[io]n & subdiv[isio]n & the sev[era]l allotm[en]ts

so made of the Intire Manors etc., in manner thereinbefore expressed & for the more

Effectually compleat[in]g thes[ai]d partition & subdivision –

And in cons[iderati]on of £53.7.0 to the s[ai]d Peter Delme in hand p[ai]d by thes[ai]d Sir J[o]no Shaw

at the request & by the direct[io]n of s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife

(testified etc) for equality of part[it]ion –

And also in cons[iderati]on of £55.7.0 to thes[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round in hand p[ai]d

by s[ai]d Sir John Shaw at the request & by the direct[io]n of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves (testified etc.,)

& for other the considerations & purposes therein part[icul]arly mentioned –

And also in cons[iderati]on of 10s., a piece to s[ai]d Savill Reade Sir John Shaw John Williams

& Charlotte Maria his wife & Tho[ma]s Ryves Ryves p[ai]d by thes[ai]d sir Anthony Tho[ma]s

Abdy Thes[ai]d Savill Reade at the request & by the direction of s[ai]d Sir John Shaw

John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife & Tho[ma]s Ryves (testified etc) And also

thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife & each of them

did grant bargain sell & release unto thes[ai]d Sir Anthon]y Tho[ma]s Abdy (in his actual

etc) & his Heirs –

The Prem[is]es as described in the above abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]re of 20 March 1704

(except the Manors & here[ditament]s by the before abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]re of 17 July 1732 lim[ite]d in jointure

To Mary Jennens Sp[inste]r afterw[ar]ds the wife of Arthur Barnardiston Esq)

And the rev[ersio]n etc., And all the Est[ate] etc.



To hold unto the s[ai]d Sir Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy his heirs & Assigns to the sev[era]l uses etc.

after ment[ione]d vizt

As to the Manors Mess[uag]es Lands Heredit[aments]& prem[is]es therein ment[ione]d & compr[ise]d

in Lot (1) and which upon the division & mark as afores[ai]d were allotted as

the specific Share of thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw in lieu of his undivided moiety

as afores[ai]d with their & every of their rights etc.,

So the use of s[ai]d Sir John Shaw his heirs & Ass[ign]s for ever:-

And as to the Manors etc thereinbefore part[icul]arly ment[ione]d & which upon the

subdivisions made as afores[ai]d were allotted as the specific Share of thes[ai]d

Thomas Ryves & other the parties interested in the same with their

& every of their rights etc., –

To the use of thes[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round their heirs & ass[ign]s

In trust & to the end that they or the Survivor of them his

heirs or ass[ign]s should settle & assure the same manors etc.,

To such & so many of the uses Trusts etc  in the S[ai]d Ind[entu]re of

the 15th April 1749 & the will of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves limited

created etc., concerning the undiv[ide]d 4th part of her the s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves

thereby granted etc. as sho[ul]d be then capable of taking effect

(Except the power of revocation & declaration of new uses in

thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of Settlem[en]t) –

And as to the manors etc. thereinbefore part[icul]arly ment[ione]d & which upon

the subdiv[isio]n so made as afores[ai]d were allotted as the specific share

of the s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife & other the parties

interested in the same with their & every of their appurt[enant]s

To the use of thes[ai]d Peter Delme his heirs and assigns

In trust & to the end that thes[ai]d Peter Delme his heirs & ass[ign]s

sho[ul]d settle or assure the same prem[is]es to such & so many of

the uses states trusts etc in thes[ai]d ind[entu]re of 14 May 1746

limited created etc. concerning the undivided 4th part of

thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria Williams thereby granted as should

be then capable of taking effect

Cov[enan]ts from Sir John Shaw & Mr & Mrs Williams to Messrs

Banks & Round vizt for quiet enjoym[en]t of the Prem[is]es

allotted in lieu of the late Mrs Ryves’s undivided 4th

part free from incumbrances done by them or Dame

Anna Maria Shaw dec[ease]d And for further Assurances

Ex[ecu]ted by all parties

A Receipt for £55.7.0. indorsed & signed by Peter Delme

D[itt]o for £55.7.0. indorsed & signed by Joseph Banks

N.B. There is a deed not abstr[acte]d dated the 2nd Feb[ruar]y 1765 between Sir John Shaw 1st part Sir George Smith Bar[one]t 2nd part

& John Williams Esqr & Tho[ma]s Ryves Esq 3rd part being a Deed of Cov[enan]ts to produce certain Deeds therein ment[ione]d






9 & 10 July 1767

By Ind[entur]es of Lease & Release the s[ai]d Rel[ease] being of 4 parts & made between Joseph Banks Esqr

W[illia]m Round Esqr of the 1st Tho[ma]s Ryves Esqr of the 2ndSir Anth[n]y Tho[ma]s Abdy Baronet of the 3rd &

John Williams  Esqr of the 4th part —

After Reciting  (amongst other things) the before abst[racte]d Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] of the 14 & 15 April 1749 And that Edw[ar]d Radcliffe Esqr at the request of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party did

on the 16 May 1750 pay to Mr  & Mrs Hawker thes[ai]d £3000 remainiing due for the port[io]n of

Mrs Hawker & for secur[in]g the repayment thereof with Int[erest] the residue of the term of

600d years in the Dorsetshire Estate had been duty assigned to s[ai]d Radcliffe –

And also rec[eivin]g the s[ai]d Will of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h the wife of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves dated 8th of January 1752

& her death leav[in]g 4 children by s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party (viz.t} Tho[ma]st her eldest son and John Eliz[abet]h

& Charlotte Ryvers her younger Children, The before stated Decree & Report appoint[in]g Messrs Banks

& Round the new Trustees –

And also rec[eivin]g the before astracted Articles of the 5 of April 1750 The Partit[io]n & Subdiv[isio]n made by thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in manner above stated & also the sev[era]l allotm[en[ts made

by him in manner above setforth:-

And also rec[eivin]g the before abst[ract]ed Deed Poll of the 30 April 1764 under the hand &

Seal of the said Thomas Ryves & the before Abstr[act]d Ind[entu]re of Lease & Release of the s[ai]d 1st & 2nd

May 1764

It is witnessed that in pursuance & execution of the trusts by thes[ai]d

before abstr[acte]d & therein recited Ind[entu]re of Release of the 2nd May 1764 in thes[ai]d

Banks & Round reposed And for conveying etc. the intire manors heredit[ament]s

therein after part[icul]arly ment[ione]d To for & upon the several uses etc  after expressed

concern[in]g the same And in considerat[io]n of 10s. apiece to thes[ai]d Banks Round & Ryves

p[ai]d by thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy They thes[ai]d Banks & Round at the request &

by the direct[io]n & appointm[en]t of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves etc  And also thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves &

every of them Did grant bargain sell & rel[ease] unto thes[ai]d Si Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy (in his

actual etc) & to his heirs –

All those the sev[era]l manors or reputed manors of Waldringfield Hilton

& Rivershall otherwise Rivershall in Waldringfield in the County of

Suffolk with the Rights etc., to thes[ai]d sev[era]l Manors or either of them

Belonging -Aand the Site of the s[ai]d manors resp[ectful]ly –

And all tha the advowson of Waldringfield afores[ai]d

And the Advowson of the vicarage of the Parish Church of

Rushmere in the s[ai]d County of Suffolk –

And also all that Messu[ag]e or Tenem[en]t & Farm with the barns

stables neathouse hogscoate & Cottage or small Ten[amen]t near thereto adjoin[in]g

And all that piece of meadow called the Home meadow cont[ainin]g 5 acres

be the same more of less –

And all that other piece of meadow called the Great Meadow

cont[ainin]g 11 acres be the same more or less


And all that other piece of Meadow called the Little Meadows cont[aining]

3 Acres & 2 Roods –

And all that other piece of Meadow cont[ainin]g one acre & one rood

And all those 2 pieces of Land called the Barleys cont[ainin]g 10 acrews

And all that other piece of arable land called the first Broomwoods

cont[ainin]g 7 acres

And all that other piece of Arable Land called the 2nd Broomwoods

cont[ainin]g 7 acres

And all that other piece of arable land called the Home Field

Cont[ainin]g 9 acres and 3 Roods

And all that other piece of arable land called the barn field cont[ainin]g 24 acres

And also all that other piece of arable land called the Longfield cont[ainin]g 18 acres 2 r[ood] 0 p[erches]

And all that other piece of arable land called the 12 acres cont[ainin]g 13 acres

And all that other piece of arable land called the Grove Walk cont[ainin]g 16 acres

And all that piece of pasture ground called Fairfield pasture cont[ainin]g 15 acres

And also all that other piece of arable land called conduit field cont[ainin]g 25 a[cres] 2 r[ood] 6 p[erches]

All of which s[ai]d Farm Cottage & Lands are sit[uate]d etc., in the sev[era]l parishes of

Brightwell & Foxhall or one of them in the s[ai]d County of Suffolk

And together with the Great Tythes of the s[ai]d Lands in Brightwell

therewith usually occupied then or the[erei]n late were in the tenure of

Lionel Falmarsh & W[illia]m Cook their under[tenan?]t or ass[ign]s at the yearly

rent of £49 –

And all & singular the Tythes great or small of what nature or

kind soever they be aris[in]g issuing & growing out of or due & payable

for or in respect of thes[ai]d farm & lands before ment[ione]d & described or anypart

thereof –

And also all that wood called Eastfield wood cont[aining] 16 acres & 2 roods

be the same more of less sit[uate] etc. in the parish of Foxhall in the s[ai]d Co[unt]y of Suffolk

And also all those 2 acres of marsh land bying & being in

Waldringfield Marsh in thes[ai]d County of Suffolk then or late

in the tenure of George Waller at the yearly rent of 2£ –

And also all that mess[uag]e or tenem[en]t Together with the Timber yard

& 3 Docks thereinto belonging & near adjoining –

And also aCcottage or Tenem[en]t & Anchor Smith’s Shop sit[uate] etc in the

Parish of St Clements in the town of Ipswich in thes[ai]d County of Suffolk

All which s[ai]d last ment[ione]d mess[uag]e yards Docks Cottage & Shop were

theretofore in the poss[essi]on of Edw[ar]d Goodea & Jno Prentice & then or late of

Jno Fowler his undertenants or assigns at the yearly rent of 35£

And all that annual rent or clear yearly sum of 11s & 8d called a Rent

resolute issu[in]g & payable out of his Majesty’s Exchequer –





And also the houses in Watling Street & East Smithfield & the sev[era]l

Free Farm Rents in Yorkshire by the same descript[io]n a sing[l]e allotm[en]t to Mr Ryves

upon the subdiv[isio]n made by Mr Brown in manner before stated together

with all houses etc.

And all other rights royalt[ie]s etc. to thes[ai]d Manors Heredit[ament]s & prem[is]es belonging

And all and sing[ula]r other the manors or reputed manors messu[age]s lands

Tenam[en]t Fee Farm Rents & other rents pens[ion]s & yearly paym[en]ts & heredit[ament]s

whats[oeve]r situate etc. in thes[ai]d sev[era]l Count[ie]s of Suffolk York & Middx & the City of

London or any of them which in & by thes[ai]d thereinbefore rec[eive]d ind[entur]es of

the 1st & 2nd of May 1764 were or were therein ment[ione]d to be thereby lim[ite]d & assin[ge]d

to the use of thes[ai]d Banks & Round their heirs & ass[ign]s In trust as afor[sai]d

& every part thereof with their & every of their rights etc.,

And the Rev[ersio]n etc.,  And all the Est[ate] etc –

To hold unto thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy his heirs & ass[igns]s To the sev[era]l uses upon the

Trusts etc. after lim[ite]d & declared concern[in]g the same (that is to say)

To the use of thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy his ex[ecut]ors etc. for the term of

400d years from thenceforth next ensuing & fully to be complete & ended – Sans Waste

Upon such Trusts etc., as are after declared concerning the same –

And after the expirat[io]n or other sooner determinat[io]n of s[ai]d term

of 400d years & subject thereto –

To the Use of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party & his ass[ign]s for his life Sans Waste Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of thes[ai]d Banks & Round & their heirs dur[in]g the life of thes[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Ryves the party In trust to preserve the contingent Rem[ainder]s

And after the decease of the said Thomas Ryvers

the Party –

To the use of thes[ai]d John Williams his ex[ecut]ors etc. for the term of 1000d years

from thence next ensuing & fully to be complete & ended Sans Waste upon

such Trusts etc., as after declared concerning the same –

And after the expirat[io]n or other sooner determinat[io]n of the s[ai]d

Form of 1000d years and subj[ec]t thereto –

To the use of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger first son of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves

the party on the body of the s[ai]d Eliz[abt]h his late wife dec[eas]ed begotten & the

heirs made of the body of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger lawfully issuing

And in default of such Issue –

To the use of John Ryves 2nd son of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party on the

body of the s[ai]d Elizabeth his late wife deceased begotten & the heirs

male of the body of thes[ai]d John Ryves lawfully issuing –

And for default of such Issue –

To the use of the s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves & Charlotte Ryves the two only Dau[ght]ers

of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party on the body of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h his late wife dec[ease]d






begotten equally to be divided between them share & share alike to take

as tenants in common & not as joint tenants & the sev[era]l & res[pect]ive heirs

of the body & bodies of the s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves the Dau[ghte]r & Charlotte Ryves res[pectful]ly

lawfully  issuing –

And if either of them thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves the Dau[ghte]r & Charlotte

Ryves sho[ul]d happen to die without Issue of her body lawfully

to be begotten Then –

To the use of the Survivor of them thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves the Dau[ghte]r & Charl[otte]

Ryves & the heirs of her body lawfully issuing –

And in default of such Issue

To the use of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party his heirs & assi[ign]s for ever being

such & so many of the uses etc. by thes[ai]d rec[eive]d settlem[en]t of the 15 of April

1749 & Will of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves lim[ite]d etc,. of the undiv[ide]d 4th part of the

Manors etc. whereof such divis[io]n was so made as afores[ai]d as were then

exist[in]g or capable of tak[in]g effect (Except the power of revocat[io]n in thes[ai]d

Settlem[en]t contained which was not intended to be therein inserted

And as concern[in]g the s[ai]d term of 400d years before lim[ite]d to s[ai]d Abdy his heirs etc.,

It was thereby agreed between thes[ai]d parties thereto that thes[ai]d term was so lim[ite]d

to him –

Upon Trust & to the intent that he thes[ai]d Abdy his Ex[ecut]ors or Admin[istrator]s

sho[ul]d by sale or mort[ga]ge of s[ai]d prem[is]es conpr[ise]d in s[ai]d term or any part

thereof for all or any part of thes[ai]d term or by & with the rents &

profits of the same prem[is]es in the mean time raise levy & pay unto

s[ai]d Radcliffe his ex[ecut]ors etc., thes[ai]d 3000£ so by him advanced & paid to  s[ai]d

Hawker & Arethusa his wife or one of them in full satisfact[io]n of the

Port[io]n of thes[ai]d Arethusa Hawker as af[ore]s[ai]d tog[eth]er with int[erest] at the rate of

4£ per cent per annum from the time of raising & paying the same

in exonerat[io]n of the s[ai]d manors & prem[is]es in the s[ai]d County of Dorset

comprised in thes[ai]d term of 600d years created by the Ind[entu]re of the 17th of

Feb[rua]ry 1714 & so assigned to thes[ai]d Radcliffe as afores[ai]d accord[in]g to the

true intent of the said before rec[eive]d Ind[entu]re of the 15 of April 1749 –

And Upon further Trust that s[ai]d Abdy his ex[ecut]ors or adm[inistrat]ors sho[ul]d

Subject to the Trusts before declared concerning the s[ai]d term of 400d

years permit thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party or such other person or

persons to whom the next & immediate rev[ersio]n & remainder of the same

prem[is]es expectant on thes[ai]d term of 400d years sho[ul]d for the time

being belong by virue of the limitat[ion]s afore ment[ione]d to receive the

rents thereof to his & their own use –

Provisoe & agreem[en]t between all the parties that after the pay[men]t of

s[ai]d 3000£ & all Int[erest] as af[ore]s[ai]d & of all costs attend[in]g the ex[ecuti]on of thes[ai]d last

ment[ione]d Trusts –






Then & at at all times from thenceforth thes[ai]d term of 400d years in thes[ai]d

prem[is]es sho[ul]d cease etc. –

And as concern[in]g thes[ai]d term of 1000d years before lim[ite]d to thes[ai]d John Williams his ex[ecut[ors etc as afore]s[ai]d

It was agreed between all thes[ai]d parties thereto that the same was so lim[ite]d to them

Upon trust that he thes[ai]d Williams his ex[ecut]ors etc sho[ul]d after the decease  of

thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party or in his lifetime if s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves sho[ul]d so direct

Out of the rents etc, or by sale of the prem[is]es comprized in the s[ai]d term of

1000d years or by all or any the ways & means af[ore]s[ai]d raise 8000£ for the port[ion]s of

thes[ai]d John Eliz[abet]h & Char[lott]e Ryves with such maintenance in the mean time not

Exceed[in]g the Int[erest] of their re[s]p[ect]ive port[ion]s after the rate of £3. 10s – per Cent per annum

and in such Shares and subj[ec]t to such cond[iti]ons etc. as thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the

party during his life by any writ[in]g etc. under his hand & seal att[ende]d by two or

more witnesses or by his last will in writ[in]g or any writ[in]g purporting to be

his last will should from time to time direct or appoint and in default

Of such directives etc. then to be equally divided amongst them share & share

alike to paid in manner therein ment[ionne]d – Provisoe that the portion of s[ai]d John

Ryves sho[ul]d be a vested Int[erest] at 21 & the resp[ect]ive portions of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves

the younger & Charlotte Ryves sho[ul]d be vested Interests in them esp[ecia]ly at 21 or marriage –

Provisoe that in case s[ai]d John Ryves sho[ul]d die or become an eldest or only

son before 21 or they thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves the younger & Charlotte Ryves sho[uld

die before 21 or marriage the port[ion]s of him her or them so dying or such

part thereof as shall not have been sooner advanced to go to the surviving

equally & be liable to the same contingency or survivorship as the original

portions of such children so as no one child have above 6000£ & no two

above 3000£ or piece with such maintenance after the death of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the party as therein ment[ione]d to be raised out of the rents & profits of

the prem[is]es comprized in thes[ai]d term of 1000d years –

Provisoe that no such sale or mortgage sho[ul]d be made till some one of

thes[ai]d portions should become payable & the rents & profits in the meantime

over & above s[ai]d maintenance to be received by the port[ion]s next in rem[ainde]r

expect[an]t on s[ai]d term –

Provisoe that in case s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party sho[ul]d give any of his s[ai]d younger child or

Children any sum of money towards their advancem[en]t & by wr[???]g under his hand & seal declare

The same to be tow[ar]ds the port[ion]s provi[de]d for him her or them by virtue of s[ai]d term of  1000d years such children to receive only such further port[ion]s by virtue of said 1000d years

term as with such sum so advanced will complete the port[io]n int[ende]d to be prov[ide]d for him or her –

Provisoe that after the trusts of s[ai]d term of 1000d y[ea]rs sh[oul]d be satisf[ie]d or incapable of tak[in]g

effect then s[ai]d term or so much th[ere]f[ore]as sho[ul]d not be disposed of for the purp[ose]s afores[ai]d (the

Trustees costs being paid) sho[ul]d cease –

Power for s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party to grant Leases of thes[ai]d manors & prem[is]es as then were

or usually had been leased for one two or three lives in possession or revo[catio]n





And also in like manner to make Leases of all or any part of the prem[is]es

For 21 y[ea]rs under the usual restrict[ion]s

The Lease & Release Ex[ecu]ted by Joseph Banks W[illia]m Round &

Tho[ma]s Ryves


4 Aug[us]t 1767

By Ind[entu]re of four parts made between Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy Bar[one]t of the 1st Tho[ma]s Ryves Esq of the

2nd Arthur Radcliffe Esq brother sole ex[ectu]or & residuary devisee named in the will of Edw[ar]d Radcliffe Esq., d[e]c[ease]d —

of the 3d & Peter Delme Esq of the 4th part.

After reciting that by virtue of certain Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] made prev[iou]s to the marriage

of Geo[rge] Ryves Esq dec[eas]ed with Arethusa his late wife also dec[eas]ed the 16th & 17th of Feb[ruar]y 1714 the

Release being Tripartite & made bet[wee]n thes[ai]d George Ryves of the 1st Ed[mun]d Pleydell Esqr & the s[ai]d Arethusa

the wife otf thes[ai]d Geo[rge]Ryves by her then name of Arethusa Pleydell one of the Dau[ghte]rs of s[ai]d Edm[un]d

of the 2nd & Rich[ar]d Bingham Esq George Chaffin & W[illia]m Constantine Esq of the third part

several lordships manors etc., in Dorsetshire therein particularly described were lim[ite]d to take effect

from & after the solemnizat[io]n of thes[ai]d then int[ende]d marriage & the sev[era]l deceases of thes[ai]d George Ryves &

Arethusa his wife & Failure of Issue male of thes[ai]d Geo[rge] Ryves on the body of the s[ai]d Arethusa to be

begotten –

To the use of s[ai]d Bingham Chaffin & Constantine their ex[ecut]ors etc., for 600d years Sans Waste

Upon the Trusts after ment[ione]d And subject thereto –

To the use of s[ai]d Geo[rge] Ryves & the heirs male of his body lawfully to be

begotten –

And for default of such Issue –

To the use of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves brother of the s[ai]d George Ryves & the heirs made of his

body lawfully to be begotten

And for default of such Issue –

To the use of the right heirs of s[ai]d Geo[rge] Ryves for ever –

And the Trust of s[ai]d term of 600d years was by thes[ai]d Rel[ease] declared to be

That in case there sho[ul]d be such failure as therein ment[ione]d of Issue Male of the s[ai]d

marriage And there sho[ul]d be one or more Dau[ghte]r or Dau[ghte]rs thereof –

Then they the s[ai]d Bingham Chaffin & Constantine & the Survivors & Survi[ivo]r

of them by & out of the rents etc.of s[ai]d prem[is]es or by sale etc., thereof

sho[ul]d raise 5000£ for the port[io]n of one only Dau[ghte]r of s[ai]d marr[iage] to be p[ai]d at 21

Or day of marr[iage] which sh[oul]d first happen with maintenance as therein ment[ione]d

And also recit[in]g that thes[ai]d marriage between thes[aid] Geo[rge] Ryves & Arethusa Pleydell took effect & that

Geo[rge] Ryves died sometime since leav[in]g issue by thes[ai]d Arehusa Ryves only one Daughter Arethusa the

wife of Peter Hawker Esq who became intit[le]d or the s[ai]d Peter Hawker in her right to the s[ai]d 5000£ directed

to be raised for her portion under the Trusts of the before ment[ione]d Term of 600d years

And likewise rec[eiv]ing that thes[ai]d prem[is]es comprized in thes[ai]d Term of 600d years did afterw[ar]ds

by virtue of sev[era]l Assur[ances] came unto & vest in thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party his heirs & ass[ign]s

for ever –

And rec[itin]g the before abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]res of Lease & Release of the 14 & 15 of April 1749





And also reciting that by Ind[entu[re of 4 parts dated the 16 day of May 1750 & made between

thes[ai]d George Chaffin of the 1st the s[ai]d Hawker &  – wife of the 2nd thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party of the

third & the [s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe Esqr of the 4th part –

After recit[in]g amongst other things, that 2000£ p[ai]d of s[ai]d 5000£ & all maintenance for s[ai]d 5000£

had been p[ai]d unto s[ai]d Hawker & wife –

And thes[ai]d Bingham & Constantine were both dead and that thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party

had requested s[ai]d Chaffin to raise 3000£ out of thes[ai]d Trust Est[ate] compr{ise]d in thes[ai]d term of 600d

years to pay what remained due to s[ai]d Hawker and wife for the port[io]n of thes[ai]d


It is witnessed by s[ai]d Ind[entu]re of 16 May 1750 that in cons[iderati]on of 3000£ therein

expr[esse]d to be p[ai]d to thes[ai]d Peter Hawker by thes[ai]d Radcliffe by the direct[io]n of the s[ai]d Ryves

the party with the priority of thes[ai]d Arethusa test[ate]d etc., being the rem[ainde]r & in full of the

port[io]n of thes[ai]d Arethusa under thes[ai]d Term of 600d years & for other the cons[iderati]ons therein

ment[ione]d He thes[ai]d Chaffin by the direct[io]n as well of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party as of thes[ai]d

Hawker & his wife test[ate]d etc., Did devise barg[ai]n sell assign & set over And thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the party did grant ratify and confirm unto thes[ai]d Radcliffe –

All & sing[ula]r the prem[is]es by the before recited ind[entu]re of the 17th of Feb[rua]ry 1714

lim[ite]d to thes[ai]d Bingham Chaffin & Constantine for the s[ai]d term of 600d years

upon the trusts afors[ai]d –

To hold unto s[ai]d Radcliffe his exe[cut]ors etc.,from thenceforth for

all the residue of thes[ai]d term of 600d years Sans Waste –

Subj[ec]t to a provisoe therein cont[aine]d for redemption of s[ai]d prem[is]es

Upon paym[en]t of 3000£ with Int[eres]t as therein

mentioned. –

And also rec[itin]g that by Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] dated the 19 & 20 June 1750 thes[ai]d

Rel[ease] being tripartite & made between thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party of the 1st  thes[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe of

the 2nd & thes[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe the party of the 3rd part

Thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves for the cons[iderati]ons therein ment[ione]d Did by way of mort[ga]ge for secur[in]g the further

sum of £2000 & in[[teres]t grant & confirm unto thes[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe (being a Trustee

nominated on the behalf of s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe) and to his Heirs –

The Cap[ta]l Messu[ag]e or Tenem[en]t called Peggs Farm & sev[era]l other heredit[ament]s therein

par[ticu]larly described in thes[ai]d County of Dorset (being part of the prem[is]es compr[ise]d

in thes[ai]d Term of 600d years]

To hold unto & to the use of s[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe his heirs & ass[ign]s –

In trust for the s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe his heirs etc., –

Subj[ec]t to a provisoe for redempt[io]n of thes[ai]d prem[is]es

Upon paym[en]t of £2000 with Int[erest] as therein ment[ione]d

And rec[eivin]g sev[era]l further charges made the[sai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves on thes[ai]d prem[is]es compr[ise]d in thes[ai]d term of 600d

years & the freehold and inheritance of the prem[is]es conveyed by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] of the 19 & 20 of June

1750 Whereby the same prem[is[es were charged with sev[era]l sums amount[in]g in the whole to £10000






And recit[in]g or tak[in]g notice of the before abstr[acte]d ind[entu]re of Rel[ease] of the 4th of Feb[ruar]y 1756 The before

abstr[acte]d Deed Poll of the 20 of April 1764 under the hands & seals of thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Edw[ar]d

Radcliffe The before abstr[acte]d Deed Poll of the 30 April 1764 under the hand and seal of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves The before Abstr[acte]d  Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] of the 1 & 2 of May 1764 & the 9 & 10 of July 1767

And also rec[itin]g that thes[ai]d princ[ipa]l sum of £10,000 then remained due to thes[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe upon

the sev[era]l security[ie]s before in part rec[ieve]d & the sev[era]l other securit[ie]s compr[ise]d in thes[ai]d Release of the 4 Feb[ruar]y 1756

And likewise rec[itin]g that thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party hav[in]g agreed to pay unto thes[ai]d Arthur

Radcliffe the s[ai]d £10,000 so due on the s[ai]d sev[era]l security[ie]s –

#####He thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves had requested thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy to raise £3000 out of

thes[ai]d sev[era]l manors heredit[aments & prem[is]es comprized in thes[ai]d last ment[ione]d term of 400d y[ea]rs to pay off the

£3000 so advanced by thes[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe (since dec[ease]d) to thes[ai]d Peter Hawker & Arethusa his

Wife as af[or]s[ai]d & in part paym[en]t of thes[ai]d £10000 then due to thes[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe So the Intent

that the prem[is]es comprized in thes[ai]d term of 600d years might be discharged from raising

thes[ai]d £3000 so charged And had applied to thes[ai]d Peter Delme to lend thes[ai]d £3000 which he had

agreed to upon the security of the same prem[is]es comprized in thes[ai]d last ment[ione]d term of 400d


It is by the now abstract[in]g Ind[entu]re Witnessed that in considerat[io]n of £3000 to thes[ai]d

Arthur Radcliffe p[ai]d by s[ai]d Delme (at the req[ues]t & by the direct[io]n etc., of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves

Testif[ie]d etc., which sum of £3000 & the sev[era]l sums of £4500 & £2500 then proposed to be

p[ai]d to the s[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe in manner therein ment[ione]d mak[in]g together £10000 was thereby

declared to be in full paym[en]t of all princ[ip]le & int[eres]t due to thes[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe upon the

Sev[era]l sec[???]s before ment[ione]d And also in cons[iderati]on of 10s to thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy p[ai]d by s[ai]d Delme

He thes[ai]d SirAnth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy (at the req[ues]t & by the direct[io]n of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & with the

privity & consent of the s[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe tesif[ie]d etc., did barg[ai]n sell assign & set over

And thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party did grant assign ratify & confirm unto the said Delme

His ex[ecut]ors etc.,

All the prem[is]es by the descript[io]n in the before abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]re of Rel[ease] of the 10th of

July 1767

And all & sing[ula]r other the Manors or reputed manors messu[age]s lands tenem[en]ts

Fee Farm Rents etc., whats[oeve]r sit[uated] etc., in thes[ai]d sev[era]l Count[ie]s of Suff[olk] York & Middx &

the City of London or any of them which in & by thes[ai]d thereinbefore in part

Receive]d Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] of the 9th & 10 of July then last were conveyed & assured

or int[ended]d to be conv[eye]d & assur[e]d To the use of the s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]yTho[ma]s Abdy his Ex[ecut[ors

etc., for the s[ai]d term of 400d years & every part thereof wih their rights etc.,

And the rev[ersio]n etc., and all the Est[ate] etc. –

To hold unto thes[ai]d Peter Delme his Ex[ecut]ors etc. for al the residue of the s[ai]d term of 400d years then to

come – Sans Waste

Subj[ec]t to a proviso therein cont[aine[d That if thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party his heirs & etc. or the

person or p[er]sons who for the time being sho[ul]d be intit[le]d to the rev[ersi]on of thes[ai]d prem[is]es

expect[an]t on the determinat[io]n of thes[ai]d term of 400d years sho[ul]d pay unto thes[ai]d Delme

his Ex[ecut]ors etc. £3000 & Int[erest] at the rate & the time & in manner therein ment[ione]d





Then s[ai]d Delme & all & every other person & persons hav[in]g or claim[in]g any Est[ate] etc

in or to thes[ai]d manors & prem[is]es under him would at any time then after

at the Costs of s[ai]d Ryves the party or of the person or persons so pay[in]g thes[ai]d

£3000 & Int[erest] either sever[a]l thes[ai]d term of 400d years & all their est[ate]s &In[teres]t therein

unto such person or persons as sho[ul]d  be intitl[e]d to the next est[ate] in rev[ersi]on of & in

thes[ai]d manors & prem[is]es or wo[ul]d assign etc, all the same manors & prem[is]es thereby

assigned for all the residue of thes[ai]d term of 400d years then to come

In trust to attend the inh[erit]ance of the s[ai]d prem[is]es or else in such other manner

as the person or persons so pay[in]g the s[ai]d £3000 & Int[erest] sho[ul]d direct etc.,

Freed from all incumbr[ance]s done or to be done in the mean time by thes[ai]d

Delme his Ex[ecut]ors etc,. or any other person or persons claim[in]g under him

or them –

A cov[enan]t from s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy that he had done no —-

to incumber the prem[is]es –

A cov[enan]t from s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves for pay[men]t of the money with all other

Usual cov[enan]ts in support of the title and for further assurances –

Ex[ecu]ted of Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Tho[ma]s Ryves


29 April 1774

By a Deed Poll indorsed on the back of the before abstracted Ind[entu]re of Rel[ease] of the 15th of April 1749

After reci[tin]g that by the before abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]res of Lease and Re[lease] of the 14 & 15 of April 1749 –

divers messu[age]s lands & here[ditament]s therein part[icular]ly described to be situate in Dorsetshire

(the Est[ate]s of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party) were lim[ite]d in use after the solemnizat[io]n of s[ai]d then

int[ente]d marr[iage] &  the decase of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party & Eliz[abet]h his wife –

To the use of John Williams the party & Tho[ma]s Wollascott Esq since dec[ease]d

heir ex[ecut]ors etc., for 500d years Sans Waste –

Upon the Trusts etc., after mentioned and subj[ec]t thereto

To the use of the 1st & all & every other the son & sons of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the party on the body of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h his late Wife to be begotten

successively in Tail Male

And in default of such Issue

To the use of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party & of his heirs & ass[ign]s for ever

And the Trust of the s[ai]d Sum of 500d years was by thes[ai]d ind[entu]re of 15

April 1749 declared to be that if all or any part of the Mo[ney]??  prov[ide}d to be

raised by the Trust of thes[ai]d term of 1000d years for the port[io]ns & maintenance

of the dau[ghte]rs & younger sons of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party & Eliz[abet]h his late wife

sho[ul]d come to be raised they the said Williams and Wollascott

Aand the Survivor of them his Ex[ecut]ors etc., sho[ul]d stand poss[esse]d of the prem[is]es

to them limited for the said Term of Five Hundred

Years –


In trust for the better rais[in]g the s[ai]d portions & maintenance & to

the intent the s[ai]d term of 500d y[ea]rs thereby limited might come in aid of

the s[ai]d term of 1000d years & by Sale or Mort[gag]e of thes[ai]d prem[is]es confer[re]d

in s[ai]d term of 500d years of a competent part thereof or by the rents etc.,

in the mean time raise so much money of thes[ai]d portions & mainten[an]ce

as he or they sho[ul]d find requisite or the whole thereof as occsa[io]n sho[ul]d

require & pay the money so to be raised to & among thes[ai]d dau[ghte]rs &

younger sons in such Shares etc., & in such manner etc., and under

such cond[iti]ons etc. as therein expr[esse]d etc., concern[in]g the money to be

raised by the Trust of thes[ai]d term of 1000d years

And likewise reciting that thes[ai]d John Ryves departed this life an infant under 21

whereby thes[ai]d Elizabeth & Charlotte Ryves were become the two only surviving younger children

of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves by thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h his late wife and that thes[a]d Eliz[abet]h & Char[lotte] Ryves the Dau[ghte]rs

had both attained 21 –

And also rec[itin]g that by Ind[entu]re of Barg[ai]n & Sale of 4 parts dated the 12 of Feb[ruar]y 1774 iirolled

In the King’s Bench & made bet[wee]n thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party of the 1st Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger

Of the 2nd Savill Reade Gent[leman] of the 3d & Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy Bar[one]t & Dan[ie]l Malthus Esq

Of the 4th part and by virtue of a Recovery suff[???]d in pursuance thereof –

The sev[era]l mess[uage]s etc, compr{???]d in thes[ai]d Term of 500d years (am{???]t divers manors etc.,) were

conveyed etc.,

Upon trust to sell the same in manner therein ment[ione]d & to apply the

money aris[in]g by sale th[ereo]f in manner after ment[ione]d (that is to say) –

In the first place for discharge[in]g the princ[ip]le sum of 6000£ then charged

upon thes[ai]d manors & prem[is]es or some part thereof for the port[ion]s of

Eliz[abet]h & Charl[otte] Ryves spinsters the two Dau[ghter]s & only surviv[in]g younger

childen of thes[ai]d Thomas Ryves the Elder by thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h his first wife

who had attained 21 (being the same £6000 as was prov[ide]d to be

raised for their port[ion]s under the Trusts of thes[ai]d term of 1000d years then

vested in thes[ai]d John Williams And in the next place for the sev[era]l purp[ose]s

Etc. in thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re ment[ione]d –

And further rec[itin]g that thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Da[nie]l Malthus had in pursuance

of the Trust reposed in them by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re & with the consent of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the

elder & younger sold & conveyed away the greatest part of thes[ai]d Manors etc., compr[ise]d in thes[ai]d

Ind[entu]re & Recovery & out of the Money aris[in]g by such Sale had at the req[ues]t etc., of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the elder Tho[ma]s Ryves the y[oung]r Eliz[abet]h & Charl[otte] Ryves p[ai]d thes[ai]d £6000 which by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of

Rel[ease] of 15 April 1749 was prov[ide]d to be raised under the Trusts of thes[ai]d term of 1000d years then

vested in thes[ai]d John Williams for the port[ion]s of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h & Charl[otte] Ryves the 2 Dau[ghte]rs as they thes[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder Eliz[abet]h Ryves Charl[otte] Ryves & John Williams did thereby severally acknowledge

It is by the now abstract[in]g Deed Witnessed that the con[diti]on of the rem[is]es also in con[siderati]on

of 10s p[ai]d to thes[ai]d Jono Williams by thes[ai]d Ryves the elder He the s[ai]d Jno Williams at the request of






Thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the ounger Eliz[abet]h & Charl[otte] Ryves testate]d? etc. Did barg[ai]n sell assign surr[ende]r

& yield up unto thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder his heirs & ass[ign]s –

All & sing[ula]r the Manors Messu[ag]es Farms Lands Tenem[en]ts Here[ditament]s & prem[is]es which by

thes[ai]d (therein) within written & before abst[acte]d Ind[entu]re of Rel[ease} of 15 April 1749 were

lim[ite]d to thes[ai]d J[o]n[nth]o[n] Williams for thes[ai]d term of 1000d years with their appur[tenan]ts

And all the Est[ate] etc.,

To hold the same unto thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves his Ex[ecut]ors etc., for the residue of thes[ai]d term of

1000d years therein –

To the Intent that the same might be merged etc. in the freeh[ol]d of thes[ai]d

prem[is]es w[hi]ch were by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of Rel[ease] of 15 April 1749 lim[ite]d in use to thes[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder & his ass[ign]s for his life –

A Cov[enan]t from the said John Williams that he had done no act to incumber

the prem[is]es –

And it is further witn[esse]d that for the con[diti]sons af[ore]s[ai]d they thesaid Eliz[abet]h & Charl[otte] Ryves &

each of them did rel[ease] acquit exonerate & for ever disch[ar]ge etc. as well thes[ai]d within ment[ione]d manors lands & here[ditament]s with the appur[en]ts unto thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder his ex[ecut]ors in manner afores[ai]d –

As also thes[ai]d J[o]n[ath]o[n] Williams his heirs etc., for thes[ai]d £6000 so as af[ores[ai]d intended & then

actually p[ai]d for the por[ion]s of them thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h & Charl[otte] Ryves as the Dau[ghte]rs  & younger

children of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder by the s[ai]d Eliz[abt]h his first wife form[erl]y Eliz[abet]h

Abdy sp[inste]r dec[ease]d by vitue of the s[ai]d term of 1000d years created by thes[ai]d within written

Ind[entu]re of |Rel[ease] of 15 April 1749 & before merged as af[ore]s[ai]d

And of & for all claims etc., which they thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h & Charlotte Ryves or either

of them their or either of their Ex[ecut]ors or Adm[instrat]ors might have claim etc., out

of  thes[ai]d Manors etc. before assigned etc., in respect of thes[ai]d £6000 as raised

as afores[ai]d

Executed by John Williams, Tho[ma]s Ryves Tho[ma]s Ryves Jun[io]r Eliz[abeth] Ryves &

Charlotte Ryves

17 April 1777

By Ind[entu]re of Bargain & Sale of 4 parts (acknowledged in open court by Tho[ma]s Ryves the Y[ounge]r on the

18 April 1777 & inrolled in the King’s Bench as of Easter Term 1777 & made between Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder

Esq of the 1st Tho[ma]s Ryves the Y[ounge]r Esq. the eldest & only surviv[in]g son & heir of the body of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the

elder by Eliz[abet]h his first wife form[erl]y Eliz[abet]h Abdy Sp[inste]r & since dec[ease]d of the 2nd Savill Reade Gent[leman] of the 3rd Dan[ie]l Malthus Esq of

the 4th part

It is witn[esse]d that for the Carr[???]g?  etc of all Est[ate]s Tail etc of & in the sev[era]l Manors etc after descr[ibe]d

& for vest[in]g the same in fee simple in thes[aid] Tho[ma]s the elder & Dan[ie]l Malthus & their heirs In trust

to be sold in the manner & for purp[ose]s after ment[ione]d And in cons[iderat]on of 10s apiece to thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the elder & Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger p[ai]d but by thes[ai]d Savill Read They thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder &

Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger & each of them did grant barg[ai]n & sell unto thes[ai]d Savill Read & his heirs

All the prem[is]es as descr[ibed in the before abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] of the 9 & 10

of July 1767 (Except the houses in Watling Street & East Smithfield) –

ioAnd  the Rev[erso]n etc And also all the Est[ate] etc






To hold unto & to the use of thes[ai]d Savill Reade his heirs & Ass[ign]s –

To the Interest that thes[ai]d Reade might become a perfect Tenant of the Freeh[ol]d

of the s[ai]d Manors & prem[is]es to the End that 2 or more common recoveries

might be thereof suff[ixe]d? wherein thes[ai]d Dan[ie]l Malthus sho]ul]d be Demand[??]t thes[ai]d

Savill Reade Tenant & thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger vouchee

And it is thereby agreed that thes[ai]d sev[era]l Common Recov[erie]s & all & every Common Rec{over]y etc sho[ul]d

enur[????] –

To the only proper use & behoof of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder & Dan[ie]l Malthus

their heirs & ass[ign]s for ever –

Upon trust that they thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder & Dan[ie]l Malthus or the

Surv[ivo]r of the heirs of such Surv[’ivor] sho[ul]d with all conven[ien]t speed at their or

his own discret[io]n absol[ute]ly sell & dispose of thes[ai]d sev[era]l manors here[ditamen]ts & prem[is]es

unto any person or p[er]sons either toge[the]r or in parcels for the most money

that at the time of such sales co[ul]d reas[onably begotten for the same & sho[ul]d apply

the money to be produced by such sales in manner after ment[ione]d (that is tak[in]g)

In the first place in pay[in]g the princ[ipa]l sum of £3000 part th[ereo]f in disch[ar]ge

of the like prin[cipa]l sum due upon the before abstr[acte]d mort[ga]ge to Peter Delme

Esq his exe[cu]ors adm[inistr]ors or ass[in]s and in the next place in paying the costs

& expences of mak[in]g & perfect[in]g the now abstr[actin]g Ind[entu]re & the recover[ie]s thereby

agreed to be suff[ixe]d?  & all other the costs & expences of thes[ai]d Trustees in

or about the ex[ecuti]on of the trusts thereby in them reposed –

And after paym[en]t thereof And subject thereto –

Upon Sur[vivo]r Trust that they thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder & Dan[ie]l Malthus

and the surv[ivo]r of them or the heirs of such survivor sho[ul]d pay to or

permit the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder his ex[ectu]ors etc., to receive one moiety

or equal half part of all the residue of the money aris[in]g by such Sales

which sho[ul]d remain after & not be applied in manner afores[ai]d & (of the whole

of thes[ai]d residue into 2 equal parts being divided) And also the Sur[vivo]r?

sum of £400 out of the rem[ainin]g moiety of thes[ai]d residue To and for

his and their own use:-

And upon further Trust they they thes[ai]d Ryves the elder & Malthus

& the Survivor of them or the heirs of such Survivor sho[ul]d (after deducting

& pay[in]g the sum of £400 in manner afores[ai]d out of the s[ai]d rem[ainin]g or other

moiety of all the af[ore]s[ai]d residue of the money arising by the s[ai]d Sales)

apply & dispose of all the residue of thes[ai]d last ment[ione]d or other moiety

of the afores[ai]d residue of the mon[ie]s aris[in]g by thes[ai]d Sales unto such person

& persons upon such trusts & to & for such & uses ends intents & purp[ose]s

& subject to such prov[ision]s decl[arati]ons & agreem[en]ts for the benefit of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder & Tho[ma]s

the y[ounge]r & his Family as (then) already had been agreed upon bet[wee]n thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the elder & Tho[ma]s Rvves the y[ounge]r & were or were int[ende]d be expr[esse]d & decl[aire]d in & by






A certain Ind[entu]re int[ende]d to bear even date with the Ind[entu]re now abstr[actin]g &

to be made between thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the y[ounge]r of the one part & thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the Elder & Dan[ie]l Malthus of the other part –

An agreement between the s[ai]d parties that until such sales sho[ul]d be made

of thes[ai]d manors & prem[is]es in pursuance of the now abstr[actin]g Ind[entu]re They thes[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder & Dan[ie]l Malthus & the Survivor of them & his heirs sho[ul]d be

seized of the s[ai]d Manors & Prem[is]es –

Upon Trust from time to time until thes[ai]d Manors & Prem[is]es sho[ul]d be

sold as afores[ai]d to receive the rents thereof & thereout in the first place to

keep down the Int[erest] of thes[ai]d £3000 which was  secured upon the same manors & prem[is]es And after payment thereof & subject thereto –

Upon further Trust to pay to or permit the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves thes[aid]

elder and this Ass[ign]s duri[in]g his life to receive the residue of thes[ai]d rents

that sho[ul]d not be applied for the purpose afores[ai]d –

To and for his & their own use & after the decease of thes[ai]d Ryves the elder

Upon further Trust to pay to or permit thes[ai]d Ryves the younger

his heirs or ass[ign]s after the decease of thes[ai]d Ryves the elder & until

such Sales sho[ul]d be made as afores[ai]d to receive the residue of the Rents

that sho[ul]d not be applied for the purp[ose]s afores[ai]d

To and for his and their own use –

And for facilitating such intended Sale of s[ai]d prem[is]es

It is thereby agreed that the Receipt or Rec[eip]ts of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder

& Dan[ie]l Malthus or the surv[ivo]r of them or the heirs of such surv[ivor]s under

their or his hands or hand resp[ect]ively shall from time to time be a good &

effectual discharge to the rep[ect]ive purchaser or purch[aser]s of all or any part of

thes[ai]d manors & prem[is]es to be sold in pursuance thereof etc  for so much money as in

such receipt or receipts shall be expr[esse]d to be received –

A Cov[enan]t from thes[ai]d Ryves the elder & Ryves the y[ounge]r for further assurances. –

Ex[ecu]ted by Tho[ma]s Ryves, Tho[ma]s Ryves Jnu[io]r Savill Reade & Dan[ie]l Malthus


Easter Term 17 Geo. 3rd

An Exemplification of a Recov[er]y wherein Dan’[ie]l Malthus Esq is Demand[???]t Savill Reade Gent[leman] Tenant

& Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger Esqr vouchee who voucheth over the Common Vouchee of

The Manors of Waldringfield with Hilton & Rivershall o[ther]wise Rivershall in

Waldringfield with the appurt[enant]s

And 4 messu[age]s 2 shops 3 Tofts 2 Dovehouses 1 Wharf 1 Dock 1 Quay 8 gardens

140 a[cres] of land 30 a[cres] of meadow 20 a[cres] wood 100 a[cres] of Furze & Heath

50 a[cres] moor 5 a[cres] of Marsh 10 a[cres] of Fenn 10 a[cres] of land covered with water common of

Pasture for all cattle Common of Turbary Free Fishing free warren Liberty of

Foldage Courts Leet Courts Baron view of Frankpledge chattles of Felons Outlaws & persons

Put in exigent chattles of waifs estrays & deodands with the appurt[enance]s  in

Waldringfield Brightwell Foxhall Rushmere  Ipswich






And also all & all manner of Tythes whatsoever yearly aris[in]g grow[in]g or

renew[in]g from & out of the s[ai]d prem[is]es

And likewise the clear yearly sum of 11s & 8d called & Rent Resolute payable

at the Exchquer out of or in respect of a cert[ai]n Tenem[en]t called Hames Lane in Foxhall af[ore]s[ai]d

And moreover the advowson of the Church of Waldringfield

And the advowson of the vicarage of the Church of Rushmere

Writ of Entry returnable from Easter day in 15 days –

The Tenant & vouchee appeareth in person at Bar –

The Writ of Seizin returnable from Easter day in 5 weeks –

And poss[essio]n delivered on the 21st  of April 1777 –


6 May 1777

By a Deed Poll indorsed on the before abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]re of 4 Aug[us]t 1767 –

After reciting amongst other things (that by an act of parliam[en]t passed in the 1st year of

“Geo[rge] 3rd intitled” An Act for vesting the settled Est[ate] of John Williams Esq in the County of Essex

“in Trustees to be sold for rais[in]g money to discharge incumb[e]rs & laying out the Surplus in the purch[ase]

“of  lands and Here[ditament]s to be settled to the uses limited of thes[ai]d settled Est[ate]”-

It was (amongst other things) enacted that –

The Manor of Felix Hall & divers lands & here[ditament]s sit[uated] in the County of Essex

And thes[ai]d act part[icul]arly ment[ione]d sho[ul]d from & after the 1st of April 1761 be settled

upon & vested in the within named Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Delme their heirs & ass[ign]s

Upon trust to sell the same & to apply the money aris[in]g from such sale

in the manner & for the purposes therein ment[ionne]d –

And also rec[itin]g that thes[ai]d Manor & prem[is]es vested by thes[ai]d Act to be sold as fores[ai]d were sometime

before the date & ex[ecuti]on of the within Ind[entu]re sold & conveyed by thes[ai]d Sir Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy & Delme for

£19,640 out of which the sev[era]l sums £5000 & £6000 in thes[ai]d Act ment[ione]d & the expenses attend[in]g the

obtain[in]g thes[ai]d Act & compleat[in]g the Sale of thes[ai]d Est[ate] had been p[ai]d and £3000 part of the rem[ainde]r of

the money aris[in]g from thes[ai]d sale had been on the 4 of Aug[us]t 1767 at the req[ues]t  of thes[ai]d J[o]no[thon] Williams the

elder & Charlotte Maria his wife placed out at Interest in the name of thes[ai]d Peter Delme only Upon

the within written mortgage of the within ment[ione]d prem[is]es for the within ment[ione]d term of 400d years

And likewise rec[itin]g that the within named Peter Delme departed this life about the month of April

1770 hav[in]g first made his Will & appointed his brother John Delme Esq & Peter Delme Esq his (the test[at]or’s)

Eldest son & heir at  law Ex[ecutor]s thereof who duly proved thes[ai]d Will in the Prerogative Court of

Canterbury And further rec[itin]g that thes[ai]d John Delme had since departed this life by means whereof thes[ai]d

Peter Delme the Son became the only surviving Exe[cuto]r of the wihin named Peter Delme dec[eas]ed

And rec[itin]g that by a Decree of the Court of Chancery made by the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain

on the 10 of May 1776 upon the hear[in]g of a certain cause (then depend[in]g in thes[ai]d Court Wherein thes[ai]d Mr Williams the elder & Ch[arlotte] Mar[ia] his wife John

Williams the younger & Ja[mes] Williams were the —— & thes[ai]d Peter Delme the son & Tho[ma]s Walker Esq Serj[ean]t at

Law & J[o]n[ath]o[n] Heaton Esq the Ex[ecut]ors of thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy also dec[eas]ed were the Def[endant]s? His Lordsh[ip] did (amongst

other things) order & decree that the Def[endan]t the representative of the within named Peter Delme dec[ease]d sho[ul]d assign

The within ment[ione]d m[or]t[ga]ge term of 400d y[ea]rs to new  Tr[ust]ees to be approv[e]d of by Master Eames for the purp[ose]s in the af[ore]s[ai]d Act of






Parliam[en]t ment[ione]d

And also rec[itin]g that thes[ai]d Master Eames had in pursuance of thes[aid rec[ite]d decree made his report in thes[ai]d

Cause dated the 20 of July 1776 and therey certified that he had been attended by the Sol[icito]rs for all parties

And the —– hav[in]g proposed Golding Griggs esq & J[o]no[than] Rosier Esq as 2 new trustees in the place of thes[ai]d

Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Drlme both dec[ease]d He had considered of thes[ai]d proposal & did approve

of thes[ai]d Griggs & Rosier to be Trustees in the place of thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Delme

And reciting that thes[ai]d John Williams had lately obtained his Majesty’s Royal Licence & auth[orit]y

to use and take the Surname of Onslow jointly with his own name & by virtue thereof now Stiles

himself by the name of John Williams Onslow –

It is witnessed that in pursuance of & obedience to the s[ai]d in part recited Decree & thes[ai]d

Master’s Report in pursuance thereof & in Con[siderati]on of 10s to thes[ai]d Delme the Son p[ai]d by thes[ai]d

Griggs & Rosier He thes[ai]d Delme the son (at the request by the direct[io]n etc., of thes[ai]d

John, Wllliams Onslow & Charlotte Maria his wife J[o]n[ath]o[n] Williams the y[ounge]r & Ja[me]s Williams testif[ie]d

etc., Did bargain sell assign transfer & set over unto thes[ai]d Grigges & Rosier their Ex[ecut]ors

All & every the within ment[ione]d sev[era]l manors messu[age]s Farms Lands Tenem[en]ts

Rectories Advowsons Tythes Fee Farm Rents & other Rents & Annual Paym[ent]s

Here[ditament]s & all other the prem[is]es in & by the within written Ind[entu]re assigned to thes[ai]d

Peter Delme dec[eas]ed for the residue of the within ment[ione]d term of 400d years

with their Rights etc., together with the princ[ipa]l sum of £3000 secured in

& by the within written ind[entu]re of mortgage And all Int[erest] then remain[in]g

due for the same upon the within written security

And all the Est[ate] etc.,

To hold unto thes[ai]d Griggs & Rosier their Ex[ecut]ors etc., from thenceforth for all the

residue of thes[ai]d within ment[ione]d term of 400d years therein then to come

And also to demand receive & take the moneys remain[in]g due upon &

secured in & by the within written Ind[entu]re Upon such & the same Trusts

etc., as by the before ment[ione]d Act of Parliam[en]t were declared or referred to

of & concern[in]g the residue of the monies to arise from the Sale of the Estates

by the s[ai]d Act vested in them, thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Thom[a]s Abdy & Peter Delmes dec[ease]d

In trust to be sold as afores[ai]d or such & so many of them as were

then existing unperformed or capable of tak[in]g effect

But subject alsways nevertheless as to thes[ai]d term of 400 years to such

right or power of redemption as the same was subject to in Equity

by virtue of or under the within written Ind[entu]re

A Covenant from thes[ai]d Peter Delme the Son hat he had

done no act to incumber the Prem[is]es

Executed by Peter Delme, John Williams Onslow

C.M.Williams Onslow, John Williams Jun[io]r and

James Williams

























Abstract of Title to certain Manors Advowson & Heredit[ament]s in Waldringfield of the County Suffolk


ABSTRACT of the Title to the several Manors of

Waldringfield Hilton and Rivershall in Waldringfield in

Suffolk and divers Messuages lands fee farm rents advowsons

and Hereditaments in Suffolk York Middlesex and the City of

London being that part of the Estate  late of Sir Samuel

Barnardiston formerly of Brightwell Hall in Suffolk Baronet

deceased which upon the Division of the whole Estate in  possession

among the Coheirs of the said Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston was allotted

as the separate share of Thomas Ryers Esq and Elizabeth his

first wife (formerly Elizabeth Abdy Spinster) in manner

hereinafter mentioned


19 & 20 March 1704

By Indentures of Lease and Release made between Sir Samuel Barnardiston

of Brightwell Hall in Suffolk Baronet of the one & Edward Harley Esq Thomas Williams

Esq John Bennett Esq & Thomas Barnardiston son of Thomas Barnardiston Esq dec[eas]ed of

the other part

After reciting as therein is recited

It is by the said Ind[entu]re of Release Witnessed that the said Sir Samuel

Barnardiston in consideration of the natural love and affection which he

had and bore unto Samuel Barnardiston his nephew eldest son of

Nathaniel Barnardiston Esq dec[eas]ed late Brother of the said Sir Samuel

& other his kindred thereinafter named and for the purposes therein

mentioned Did grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said

Edward Harley Thomas Williams Jon Bennett & Thomas Barnardiston

(in the actual possession etc,) and to their heirs (amongst divers other

Manors Messuages Lands Tenements Fee Farm Rents & other Rents and Heredit[ament]s

therein particularly described)

All that the Manor of Rivershall alias Rivershall in

Waldringfield in the said County of Suffolk with the Rights etc.

thereof And the site of the said Manor of Rivershall with

the appurt[enance]s And all that the manor of Wicksbishop in Ipswich

in the said County of Suffolk with the Rights etc thereof And the

site of the said manor of Wicksbishop with the appurt[enance]s

And all that the Manor of Waldringfield Hilton in the

said County of Suffolk with the Rights etc., thereof and the Site

of the said Manor of Waldringfield Hilton with the appurt[ence]s

And all that the advowson of Waldringfield aforesaid

And the advowson of the Vicarage of the Parish Church of

Rushmere in the said County of Suffolk All which

Manors &  premises the said Sir Samuel Barnardiston by





Indentures of Lease & Release dated the 16 & 17 of March in the 15th

year of the Reign of his late Majesty King Charles the second purchased of

Thomas Essington Esq And also all that Mess[uag]e or Tenement with the Appurt[ence]s

situate in Watling Street London know by the Sign of the Tobacco Roll

And all that annual or fee farm rent of £22 reserved & issuing out of &

for the Rectory of Appleton in Rydall in the County of York and all &

Ssingular other the fee farm rents and other rents and annual payments &

hereditaments whatsoever of said Sir Samuel with their rights etc situate

lying & being or arising in the said County of York in all amounting to

£614.11d p[er] Annum or thereabouts which said Sir Samuel then lately

Purchased of Charles Duke of Bolton John Mitford Christ[ophe]r Cratford & Edward           Jackson or some of them by Ind[entu]res of Lease & Release of 20th & 21st

March 1692

AND all those messuages or Tenements with the appurt[enance]s in East Smithfield in the Parish of Saint Buttolph without Aldgate London

sometime one Messu[ag]e known by the Sign of the Soldier but then divided into two several Tenements & then in the several occupations of Anne Gold Widow,Tho[ma]s Lee, Tho[ma]s Brown & John Gardner or their assigns And all

other the Manors Mess[uage]s Lands Tenements Rectories Tithes Advowsons Fee

Farm Rents & other annual Rents & payments & Heredit[ament]s whatsoever of

him the said Sir Samuel Barardiston either in law or equity situate

lying & being arising growing or renewing In the Towns parishes

Hamlets Precincts & Territories of Brightwell Casnalls alias Foxhall Rivershall Waldringfield Wicksbishop, Rushmere, Kesgrave, Ipswich, Bucklesum, Hollow, Tree, Newborne, Hemley, Isleton, Ingoldstone, Alfradiston, Byxley,

Woolsley & Nacton, Stutton Bateford, Kennett alias Kenet & Kenteford & the several other places therein particularly named some or one of them in the Counties of Suffolk Cambridge York London & Middlesex And all & singular the mess[uage]s Granges Houses etc., Orchards Gardens etc., Lands Tenements

Meadows Feedngs Pastures Commons Sheep Walks Wasts etc., Woods etc Mill

Suite, Muloture Rivers, Streams, Ways etc Fishings or Fishing  places warren Mines Quarries Rents & Services as well of fee as customary Tenants

And all Rents & Services reserved upon any grant or grants of said

Manors & Premises or any part thereof Escheats Reliefs Heriots Fines Amerciaments  Courts Leet etc., thereunto belonging

And the Reversion etc. And all the Estate etc., of said Sir Samuel

Barnardiston of in & to the same premises(except all such the Estate for

life of Dame Mary Barnardiston wife of the said Sir Samuel Barnardiston

as is limited to her by Indenture of Release of 24th May 1693 made

between said Sir Samuel & Dame Mary of one part & Sam[ue]l Reynardson Jacob Reynardson & Jo[nothan]. Reynardston of the other part of all said Site or Mansion House called

// 2




Brightwell Hall & all grounds within the Park Pale in the said Parish

of Brightwell And also all said fee farm rents in the said County of

York purchased by the said Sir Samuel of the Duke of Bolton & also

of the yearly value of £614.11d – And all that fee farm rent of £150.13.5¾d

out of the Manors of Walton cum Trimley & Phelixto And all those Fee

Farm Rents abovementioned amounting to £100.14s.11d purchased of King

Charles 2[n]d or his Trustees in Reversion as afor[e]s[ai]d. And  all those mess[uag]es

situate in East Smithfield during the natural life of said Dame Mary

And all those lands lying without the Park Lane afores[ai]d. called Awdience

meadow pasture and wood & Newborne Fields & warren al[ia]s Warry Fields and three meadows called Pound Meadows in said Parishes of Brightwell

& Newborne or one of them which last mentioned premises were devised

by the will of Sir Samuel Barnidiston to said Dame Mary his wife for

life towards keeping said Mansion House of Brightwell Hall and prem[is]es thereto belonging in Good Repair –

To hold (except before excepted) to s[ai]d Healey Williams Bennett and Tho[ma]s. Barnardiston &

their heirs for ever To the Uses etc after declared (that is to say)

To the use of the said Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston & the heirs  male of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten And for default of such Issue

To the Use of the heirs of the body of said Sir Sam[ua]l Barnardiston

lawfully begotten or to be begotten – And for default of such Issue

To the use of the said Sam[ua]l Barnardiston eldest son of the s[ai]d Nathaniel Barnardiston and his assigns for his life               – Rem[ainder

To the use of said Trustees & their Heirs during the life of s[ai]d Samuel

Barnardiston Upon trust to preserve the contingent remainders and

after the decease of thes[ai]d Sam[ue]l Barnardiston –

To the Use of the 1st & all & every other son & sons of the body of the

said Samuel Barnardiston lawfully to be begotten severally & successively

In Tail male And for default of such Issue –

To the use of Palatiah Barnardiston second son of thes[ai]d. Nath[anie]l Barnardististon & his ass[ign]s for his life                   –   Remainder

To the use of said Trustees and their heirs dur[in]g the life of Sir Pal[atiah]. Barnardiston Upon trust to preserve contingent  Rem[aind]ers And after

the Decease of said Palatiah Barnardiston

To the use of the first & all & every other son & sons of the s[ai]d Palatiah

Barnardiston lawfully to be begotten severally & successfully in Tail Male

And for default of such Issue –

To the use of said Nath[anie]l Barnardiston only son of Palatiah

Barnardiston deceased late Brother of thes[ai]d Sir Saml. Barnardiston & his

assigns for his life                                                                           – Remainder





To the use of said Trustees & their heirs during the life of s[ai]d Nath[anie]l Barnardiston the Son Upon Trust to preserve contingent Remainders

And after the Decease of said Nathaniel Barnardiston the son

To the Use of the 1st & all & every other Son & Sons of the body of thes[ai]d

Nath[anie]l Barnardiston the son lawfully to be begotten severally &

successively in Tail Male and for default of such Issue

To the use of Samuel Barnardiston eldest son of Arthur Barnardiston

dec[eas]ed late Brother of the s[ai]d Samuel & his assigns for his life – –Rem[ainder]

To the Use of said Trustees & their heirs during the life of s[ai]d Sam[ue]l Barnardiston the son of Arthur Upon trust to preserve contingent rem[ain]ders

And after the decease of thes[ai]d Sam[ue]l Barnardiston

To the use of the 1st & all & every other son & sons of the same Samuel

Barnardiston lawfully to be begotten severally & successively in Tail Male

And for Default of such Issue –

To the use of Arthur Barnardiston youngest son of the said

Arthur Barnardiston deceased late Brother of said Sir Sam[ue]l. &

his assigns for his life –                                                                   Remainder

To the use of said Trustees & their Heirs during the life of s[ai]d

Arthur Barnardiston the son Upon trust to preserve contingent Rem[ainde]rs

And after the Decease of s[ai]d Arthur Barnardiston the Son –

To the use of the 1st & all & every other son & sons of the body of thes[ai]d

Arthur Barnardiston the son lawfully to be begotten severally & successively

In Tail Male And for Default of such Issue –

To the use of the Right Heirs of thes[ai]d Sir Samuel Barnardiston

for ever –

Provisoe that it sho[ul]d be lawful for thes[ai]d. Sir Sam[ue]ll Barnardiston

and his af[or]s[ai]d during his life to grant leases of all or any part

of the said prem[is]es to any person or persons in possession or

reversion with or with[ou]t Reservation of any Rent or Rents at

his and their will and pleasure –

Provisoe that it should be lawful for all & every such person

& persons to whom any estate for life only is thereby limited

being in the actual possession of the said prem[is]es to

Grant Leases of all or any part thereof for any term not

exceeding 21 years in poss[essi]on at the most improved yearly

rent & not to be dispunishable for waste

Provisoe that it sho[ul]d be lawful for thes[ai]d Sir Sam[ue]l. Barniardiston  by Deed

or Will to resolve or make void thes[ai]d ow abstract[in]g Ind[entu]re and all

or any of the uses trusts limitat[ion]s etc therein ment[ione]d & appointed & to

create new or other uses trusts & est[ae]s or o[ther]wise to dispose of thes[ai]d prem[is]es

at his will & pleasure.





Provisoe that it should be lawful for the said Samuel Barnardiston

son of thes[ai]d Nath[anie]l & the several other tenants for life before named

when they should resp[ectful]ly be in the actual poss[essi]on of the freehold

of said prem[is]es by any writ[in]g or writings indented under their

respective hands & seals to limit or appoint any part or

parts thereof not exceeding in the whole the yearly value of

£800 in Jointure on any woman or women who they should

resp[ectful]ly marry –

Executed by Sir Samuel Barnardiston and

John Bennett


17 July 1732

By Indenture Tripartite made between Arthur Barnardiston Eqr of the 1st Mary Jennens

Spinster of the 2nd & Sir Edm[un]d Probyn Kn[igh]t Tho[ma]s Blencowe John Morrice & Edw[ar]d Radcliffe Esq of the

3rd part

After reciting the above abstracted Ind[entu]res of the 19th & 20th March 1704

And also reciting that the said Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston the nephew Sir Palatiah

Barnardiston Sir Nath[anie]l Barnardiston & Sam[ue]l Barnardiston were  all Dec[eas]ed without

Issue Male & that thes[ai]d Dame Mary Barnardiston was also Dead so that the said

Arthur Barnardiston was then in the actual poss[essi]on of the freehold of thes[ai]d prem[is]es in thes[ai]d

Recited Ind[entu]re of Release mentioned

And also Reciting that a Marriage was then intended between the said Arthur

Barnardiston and Mary Jennens the said Arthur Barnardiston in cons[ideratio]n of the said marr[iage]

& of £3000 the portion of  s[ai]d Mary Jennens

Did grant limit & appoint unto thes[ai]d Mary Jennens In case thes[ai]d intended marriage

sho[ul]d take effect

The Manor of Wicksbishop in Ipswich in Suffolk & diverse Fee Farm

Rents & other rents & annual paym[en]ts Issuing & payable out of & for divers

Heredit[ament]s in Suffolk & Yorkshire therein particularly mentioned

And all that the Manor or Farm of Quarles or Quarhams in Stutton

And All that mess[uage]e tenem[en]t or Farm part of the manor of St John  alias St

Jones sit[uated] in Battesford in thes[ai]d County of Suffolk with the appurt[enance]s

All that messu[ag]e Tenem[en]t or Farm in the Parish of Kesgrave in Suffolk

then late in the tenure of Jonathan Mills or his assigns

All that mess[uag]e Ten[emen]t or Farm in the parish of Waldringfield then in the tenure of Francis Goylma

All that messu[ag]e ten[e]m[en]t or Farm situate in the parish of Foxhall then

in the Tenure of —— Upson –

All wh[ich] s[ai]d Manors Fee Farm Rents & Here[ditament]s did not exceed in the whole the y[ea]rly sum of £800

To hold unto and To the Use of s[ai]d Mary Jennens & her ass[ign]s In case thes[ai]d then int[ende]d marr[iage] sho[ul]d take

effect & she sho[ul]d happen to survive thes[ai]d Arthur Barnardiston for her life in full for her jointure & in Bar

of Dower





Covenant from Arthur Barnardiston that he had good right to limit

& appoint the premises to s[ai]d Mary Jennens for her life in case she survived him

in manner afores[ai]d

Executed by Arthur Barnardiston, Mary Jennens & E. Probyn, Tho[ma]s

Blencowe &  Edw[ar]d Radcliffe.

A Receipt for £3000 indorsed & signed by Arthur


Arthur Barnardiston  party to the last abstracted Ind[entu]re dyed many years ago

Leaving Arthur his only son who is also long since dead an Infant & unmarr[ie]d

Upon whose death one moiety of the Manor Lands & Heredit[ament]s comprized in the s[ai]d

Ind[entu]re of 20th March 1704 descended to Dame Anna Maria Shaw widow in fee

& the other moiety thereof to Charlotte Maria now the wife of Jno Williams Onslow

Esq & Eliz[abet]h Abdy  afterw[ar]ds the wife of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves as coparceners in fee simple

She said Lady Shaw Charlotte Maria Williams & Eliz[abeth] Abdy the right heirs

of thes[ai]d Sir Samuel Barnardiston  –  as appears  by the pedigree of the Family

Hereto ———

Sir John Shaw’s Title to One Moiety of the Manors Lands

heredi[tamen]ts comprized in the above abstracted Indenture of 20th

March 1704 set forth here to explain the partition of the whole Estate

ment[ionne]d in the subsequent part of this abstract.


24 May 1753

Dame Anna Maria Shaw widow by her will attested by 3 witnesses

(Inter alia gave to Mrs Mary Ridges a clear annuity of £100 per annum for life payable

quarterly And in Case a fund for securing the payment c[oul]d not be made out of her

pers[ona]l Est[ate] Then she Charged All her Freehold Manors & heredit[ament]s except such parts thereof

as she had thereafter devised to her grandson with the paym[en]t thereof –

After reciting that upon the Death of Arthur Barnardiston the son of her late

Cousin Arthur Barnardiston dec[ease]d divers freehold Manors mess[uag]es Lands Tyths Fee Farm

Rents & Heredit[ament]s in the Countys of Suffolk Cambridge York and the City of London

lately descended & came to her & her said nieces Charlotte Maria Williams & Eliz[abet]h

Ryves as Coheirs of thes[ai]d Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston or otherwise (that is to say)

One undivided moiety thereof to her & her heirs & the other undivided moiety to her

s[ai]d nieces &  their heirs as Tenants in Common But subject as to part thereof to an

Est[ate]  for the life of Mary the w[idow] of her s[ai]d late cousin Arthur  Barnardiston (inserted) – as her Jointure Did give and devise all her moiety part & shares and all such manors etc as were lim[ite]d to thes[ai]d —- of her s[ai]d late couzin Arthur Barnardiston) in Jointure

And all her reversionary Estate therein unto & –

To the Use of her Grandson John Shaw & the heirs of his body lawfully

to be begotten and for want of such Issue she gave & devised the same

To the Use of her Son Sir John Shaw his heirs & Ass[ign]s

And as to all the rest & residue of thes[ai]d Manors not in Jointure

to the widow of thes[ai]d Arthur Barnardiston





And also all & every other her freeh[ol]d manors lands tythes & heredit[ament]s whats[eve]r

The s[ai]d Testatrix thereby gave & devised the same unto her said

Son Sir John Shaw his heirs & ass[ign]s for ever-


30th April 1764

By Deed Poll under the hand and seal of Mary Ridges Spinster

After reciting that the s[ai]d Sir John Shaw was seized in fee simple in poss[essio]n of an undivided

moiety of several manors & heredit[ament]s in Suffolk, Cambridge York Middx & London

charged with an annuity of £100 to thes[ai]d Mary Ridges for her life to her given by

the will of Dame Anna Maria Shaw his late Mother dec[ease]d And  that the s[ai]d Sir John

Shaw had agreed with the other part owners of the said moiety & prem[is]es chargeable

with s[ai]d annuity to make a partition thereof among them and for effecting same s[ai]d Mary

Ridges at the request of said Sir Jno Shaw had agreed to release thes[ai]d moiety & prem[is]es

from the payment of s[ai]d annuity the s[ai]d Mary Ridges in pursuance of said recited

agreem[en]t & in cons[iderati]on of 5s to her p[ai]d y[ea]rly by s[ai]d Sir John Shaw Did fully & absolutely remise release

Exonerate and for ever discharge –

All that the undivided moiety of him the said Sir John Shaw of

& in all & singular the manors mess[uage]s Lands Tenem[en]ts Tythes Fee Farm

Rents & Heredit[ament]s in the sev[era]l Countys of Suffolk  Cambridge York Midd[lese]x

& the City of London so agreed to be divided as afores[ai]d & every part &

parcel thereof of & from all sum & sums of money then due or thereafter

to become payable for or in respect of thes[ai]d Annuity so to her bequeathed

as afores[ai]d & from all Claims & Demands whatsoever concerning

the same –

Executed by Mary Ridges

The Title of thes[ai]d John Williams Onslow (lately called John

Williams) & Charlotte Maria his wife to one undivided 4th of thes[ai]d

Manors & Here[ditament]s comprized in thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of 20 March 1704 setforth here

to explain the part[itio]n of the whole Est[ate] ment[ione]d in the subseq[uen]t part of this abstract –

14th May 1746

By Indenture made between John Williams Esq & Charlotte Maria Williams his

wife of the one Sir Rob[er]t Abdy Jno Abdy Peter Delrne Esq of the other part

After reciting that the s[ai]d Charlotte Maria as one of the Dau[ghte]rs & co-heirs of Sir

Anth[on]y Tho[ma[s Abdy Bar[one]t and also as one of the Dau[ghte]rs & co-heirs of Dame Charlotte

Abdy his wife who was one of the Dau[ghte]rs & Co-heirs of Sir Tho[ma]s Barnardiston the younger

Bar[one]t who was the son & heir of Sir Tho[ma]s Barnardiston the elder Bar[one]t who was eldest

Brother of Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston was intit[le]d tog[ethe]r with Eliz[abet]h Abdy her sister the other Dau[ghte]r

& co heir of thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy in equal moietys or other shares and proportions to an

Estate of Inheritence of & in the Manors and Hereditaments therein after mentioned.





It is Witnessed that for settling & assur[in]g all her thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria’s

Share & Int[erest] of & in the Manors & Here[ditament]s thereinafter ment[ione]d To such uses upon

such Trusts & to & for such Intents & purposes etc as are thereinafter declared &

limited of & concerning the same The said John Williams for himself & thes[ai]d

Charlotte Maria his wife his & her heirs etc Did Coven[enan]t Grant & agree to & with

thes[ai]d Sir Rob[er]t Abdy John Abdy & Peter Delme their heirs & ass[ign]s and thes[ai]d Charlotte

Maria Did thereby consent & agree before the end of Trinity Term then next

ensuing to Levy One or more Fine or Fines Sur Conuzance de droit come

ceo etc., to thes[ai]d Sir Rob[er]t Abdy John Abdy & Peter Delme& their heirs or the levy of one of

them of (amongst divers manors mess[uage]s lands Tenem[en]ts fee farm rents & other rents &

here[ditament]s therein part[icul]arly described)

The s[ai]d manors of Rivershall in Waldringfield & Waldringfield Hilton

in the s[ai]d County of Suffolk & all other the premises as described

in the before abstracted Ind[entu]re of the 20 March 1704

And also of all other the mess[uage]s Lands Tene[men]ts & Heredit[ament]s whatsoever

Being Freeh[ol]d & not Copyh[ol]d of them thes[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte

Maria his wife or either of them or whereof or wherein they or any

person In trust for them had any Est[ate] of Inher[ita]nce in poss[essi]on

Reversion or Remainder situate lying & being in the several parishes

Manors & places af[ore]s[ai]d with their & every of their appurt[anence]s

And the rev[ersio]n etc.,

Which said Fine or Fines so as afores[ai]d or in any manner or at any

other time or times levied or to be levied of the s[ai]d Manor Mess[uage]s Lands

Tenem[en]ts Fee Farm Rents Heredit[ament]s & Prem[is]es or any of them or whereunto

thes[ai]d Parties to these presents were or should be parties or privy are by all

the parties to the now abstracting Ind[entu]re declared to be & enure. –

To the use of the s[ai]d John Williams for his life – Sans Waste, and

after the Determination of his Estate in his lifetime by forfeiture

or otherwise

To the Use of s[ai]d Rob[er]t Abdy John Abdy & Peter Delme & their

during the life of thes[ai]d John Williams In trust to preserve the

contingent remainders and after the decease of thes[ai]d John Williams

To the use of thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria Williams wife of thes[ai]d John

Williams & her assigns for her life Sans Waste ——–     Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of thes[ai]d Trustees & their heirs during the life of s[ai]d Char[lotte]

Maria Williams In trust to preserve the contingent rem[aind]ers and

immediately from & after the Decease of thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria Williams

To the Use of thes[ai]d Sir Rob[er]t Abdy John Abdy & Peter Delme their ex[ecut]ors

Etc for the term of 500d years Sans Waste Upon the Trusts & subject

to the provisos & agreem[en]ts after expressed and declared.





And from & after the expirat[io]n or other sooner determination] of s[ai]d term of

500d years And subject thereto.

To the Use of the 1st & all & every other son & sons of the s[ai]d John Williams

on the Body of thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria his s[ai]d wife lawfully to be begotten

severally & successively in tail male and for default of such Issue

To the Use of all & every the Daughter & Dau[ghte]rs of the body of thes[ai]d

John Williams on the body of the s[ai]d Charl[otte] Maria his s[ai]d wife lawfully

to be begotten & the heirs of the body & bodies of such daughter &

daughters resp[ectfu]ly to take as Tenants in Common with Cross remainders

over among them and for default of all & every such issue –

To the Use of such person & persons & for such uses estates intents &

purposes & upon such uses states intents & purposes & upon such trusts

as thes[ai]d Charl[otte] Maria Williams at any time thereafter alone & with[ou]t

thes[ai]d John Williams & notwithstand[in]g her coverture sho[ul]d by any Deed or

Deeds writ[in]g or writ[in]gs signed & sealed by her in the presence of two or

more credible witn[es]s or by her last Will & Testam[en]t or by any other writ[in]g purport[in]g to be her last Will & Testament declare direct limit

or appoint and in default of & subject to such declarat[io]n etc and in

the mean time and until such decl[arati]on etc should be made

To the Use of the Survivor of them the s[ai]d John Williams & Charl[otte] Maria

his wife his or her heirs & ass[ign]s for ever –

And it is thereby Declared that thes[ai]d term of 500d years was so limited

In Trust that in Case there sho[ul]d be Issue male of thes[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte

Maria his wife & one or more younger Child or Children either male or female

to raise such sum or sums of money by the ways therein mentioned for the

portions of such younger Child or Children to be p[ai]d at such times & in such manner

and with such maintenance in the mean time as therein is ment[ione]d?

Provisoe that if there sho[ul]d be no Issue Male of the Body of s[a]id John

Williams by said Charlotte Maria his wife or no Issue except an

only Son or being such they should all dye before any of their portions

should become payable or all the Trusts of the s[ai]d term sho[ul]d be performed

Then the said Term or so much thereof as sho[ul]d be undisposed

of sho[ul]d cease &  be void –

Power for the s[ai]d John Williams dur[in]g his life and the s[ai]d Charlotte

Maria if she survived him to Lett Leases of the said prem[is]es or any

part thereof for any term not exceeding 21 years in poss[essi]on under

the usual restrict[ion]s

Power for the s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife during

their joint lives or for the survivor of them with the Consent and

approbat[io]n of s[ai]d Trustees or of the Survivors or Surv[iv]or of them or the

// 9




Heirs of such Survivor testified in writing under their his or her hands

and seals or hand and seal to make part[it]ion of separate and divide

the s[ai]d Manors Lands Tenements & Heredit[ament]s in severalty with any person

or persons intitled to any undivided share thereof or to make sale

and absol[ut]ly dispose of or to convey the same or any part thereof

in Exchange & lieu of any other lands to any person or persons

whats[oeve]r either together or in parcels & for that purpose by one or more

deed or deeds under the hand & seal of the s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte

Maria his Wife or the survivor of them attested by two or more witnesses

with such consent & approbation as afores[ai]d absolutely to revoke & make

void all & every or any of the uses trusts & estates therein limited of the same

premises or any part thereof & by the same or any other Deed or Deeds

attested as afores[ai]d to limit declare direct and appoint any other uses

estates or trusts of the same premises as should be thought necessary

In order to such sale partition exchange or other disposition as

aforesaid –

Provisoe that the moneys arising by such sale be paid into the

hands of said trustees or the survivor of them and his heirs & that

the Receipt of them or the survivor of them should be a sufficient

discharge to the purchasers.

Provisoe that all such lands heredit[ament]s as sho[ul]d be taken in

severally on such partition or exchange in lieu of any of the lands

hereinbefore ment[ione]d sho[ul]d be vested in & conveyed to the s[ai]d Trustees or

the Survivors or Survivor of them and his heirs –

Upon the uses and for the Intents and Purposes

after mentioned.

Provisoe that the money which should arise by such sale

should by the s[ai]d Trustees or the survivors or survivor of them or his

executors or adm[inistrat]ors with the consent of thes[ai]d John Williams and

Charlotte Maria his Wife or of the survivor of them (testified as

afores[ai]d be laid out in the purch[ase] of other lands & heredit[ament]s in fee simple

whereof not more than one 4th to be copyh[ol]d and that as well the

Manors Lands & Here[ditament]s so to be purch[ase]d as all & every the Manors

Lands & Here[ditament]s which sho[ul]d be vested in said trustees & their heirs in

severalty upon such partit[io]ns or exchange sho[ul]d be settled and conveyed

To such and the same uses and upon such and the

same trusts and for such and the same Ends Intents &

purposes as are thereinbefore limited & declared concern[in]g

the premises before ment[ione]d or such of them as sho[ul]d be

then existing & capable of tak[in]g effect





Agreement that until the money arising by such sale sho[ul]d be vested

In purchasers in manner aforesaid the same sho[ul]d be laid out by thes[ai]d Trustees

or the Survivors of ?? his ex[ecut]ors etc., with such consent as afores[ai]d if the said John

Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife or either of them sho[ul]d be then living either

upon real or govern[men]t security[ie]s & the Int[erest] thereof be p[ai]d in the like manner as the

rents & profits of the lands & heredit[ament]s to be purch[ase]d therewith would go or be

payable unto in case such such purchases were then made –

Power for thes[ai]d Trustees or the Survivor of them his heirs etc., to call in the

money so placed out & place the same out again on other security[ie]s

Agreem[en]t that thes[ai]d Trustees sho[ul]d be answerable for their own sev[era]l & rep[etat]ive

acts & rec[eip]ts only

Power for the Trustees to deduct their Costs out of the Trust

Premises –

Executed by John Williams, Charlotte Maria Williams

Robert Abdy, John Abdy & Peter Delme


Trinity Term 19. Geo. 2nd

Indentures of a Fine between Sir Robert Abdy Bar[one]t John Abdy and Peter Delme Esq

Plaintiffs and John Williams Esq & Charlotte Maria his wife Deforc[ian]ts

Of one 4th part of the Manor of Wix Bishop Battisford with Badley o[the]rwise

Saint Johns Rivershall in Waldringfield, Waldringfield with Hilton

Casnalls otherwise Foxhall & Kennet with Kentford with the appurt[enant]s

And of a 4th part of 20 Messu[ag]es 9 cottages one water mill 4 Dovehouses

4 shops 1 wharf 1 dock 1 Quay 12 Curtilages 2 gardens 2 orchards 2240 acres

of land 190 acres of meadow 320 acres of pasture 56 acres of wood 1000

acres of Furze and Heath 4 acres of Fresh Marsh 25 acres of Salt Marsh

30 acres of Fenn Ground 30 acres of Alder 40 acres of land covered with

water Common of pasture Liberty of Foldage for 400 Sheep  Courts Leet Courts

Baron and view of Frankpledge with the appurt[enant]s in Brightwell

Newborne Bucklesham Waldringfield Hemley Foxhall Kesgrave Rushmere

Ipswich Battesford Badley Stutton Kennett and Kentford

And also of a 4th part of several yearly rents therein ment[ionne]d

And also of a 4th part of the Rector[ie]s of Brightwell Casnalls o[the]rwise Foxhall

With the appurt[enant]s

And of all manner of Tythes in Brightwell Foxhall & Kesgrave

And of a 4th  part of the advowson of the Church of Kennett

And Waldringfield and of the Advowson of the Vicarage of the

Church of Rushmere in the County of Suffolk

Same Term

Indentures of a Fine between the same persons Plaintiffs and the same Deforciants

Of a 4th part of the several yearly rents therein part[icul]arly ment[ionne]d





Amounting tog[th]er to the sum of £738. 18s & 3½ reserved issuing & payable out

of & for for divers manors messu[ag]es lands & here[ditament]s in the County of York

The Title of thes[ai]d Thomas Ryves the elder to

One undivided 4th part of thes[ai]d Manors Lands & Heredit[ament]s in possession


14 & 15 April 1749

By Indentures of Lease & Release the Release of 5 parts & made between Tho[ma]s Ryves Esq of the 1st

Eliz[abet]h Abdy Spinster on of the two Daughters & Co-heirs of Sir Anthony Thomas Abdy Bar[one]t deceased by Dame

Charlotte his 2nd wife also dec[eas]ed which s[ai]d Dame Charlotte was one of the 2 Daughters & Coheirs of Sir Tho[ma]s

Barnardiston the younger late of Ketton in the County of Suffolk Bar[one]t deceased by Dame Ann his wife

who was one of the 2 Daughters of Sir Rich[ar]d Rothwell Bar[one]t dec[ease]d & which s[ai]d Sir Tho[ma]s Barnardiston the

younger was son &  heir of Sir Tho[ma]s Barnardiston the elder late of Ketton afore[sai]d Bar[one]t dece[ase]d who was

elder brother of Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston late of Brightwell hall in the said County of Suffolk Bar[one]t

dece[ase]d of the 2[n]d Sir W[illi]m Abdy Bar[one]t & Anth[on]y Brucer Esq of the 3[r]d & Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter Esq.

of the 4th, & John Williams & Tho[ma]s Wollascott Esq of the 5th part

Reciting, Inter alia, or marriage then intended & since solomnized between thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves &

Elizabeth Abdy & that thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves was seized in his Demesne as of fee of the mess[uag]es Lands

& Heredit[ament]s com Dorsett thereinafter mentioned su[b]ject to a Term of 600d years limited of the same &

divers other Manors & Heredit[ament]s in Dorsetshire to Rich[ar]d Bingham George Chaffin & W[illia]m Constantine

by a settlem[en]t made by Geo[rge] Ryves Esq., dec[eas]ed on his Marriage with Arethusa his late wife

also dec[eas]ed dated 17 of Febr[uar]y 1714 for rais[in]g 5000£ for the port[io]n of Arethusa Hawker wife of

Peter Hawker Esq. the only surviv[in]g child of thes[ai]d George Ryves by the s[ai]d Arethusa his

late wife –

That 2000£ part of s[ai]d 5000£ & all Int[erest] for s[ai]d 5000£ had been p[ai]d to thes[ai]d Hawker &

Wife –

That it had been agreed between thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves  Eliz[abet]h Abdy that s[ai]d 3000£ &

all Int[erest] to become due for the same at 4£ p[er]Cent sho[ul]d be raised & p[ai]d out of s[ai]d

Eliz[abet]h Abdy’s Estate

That s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h was seized in fee, inter alia, of and in

One Undivided 4th part of the manors messu[age]s Lands Tenements Rectories

Tythes Advowsons, Fee Farm Rents & other Rents & Annual payments &

Heredit[ament]s in the sev[era]l Counties of Suffolk Cambridge York London & Middlesex

thereinafter part[icul]arly ment[ione]d

And was also intitled to the Reversion in Fee expectant on the Death of

Mary Barnardiston widow & Relict of Arthur Barnardiston Esq of and in

One undivided 4th of Divers other Manors Messuages Lands Fee Farm

Rents and Hereditaments in the several Counties of Suffolk and

York thereinafter particularly mentioned  –

In Consideration of the said intended marriage and for making a

Jointure on said Elizabeth Abdy and for other good considerations –

The s[ai]d Thomas Ryves Did Grant Bargain Sell Release and Confirm to said





Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer their heirs & assigns

All those his Capital and other Messuages Farm Lands Tenements &

Here[ditament]s in the County of Dorset therein particularly described

To such uses upon such trusts intents & purp[ose]s & subject to such limited

Prov[iso]s & agreem[en]ts as are therein particularly ment[ione]d exp[r[esse]d & decl[are]d of &

concern[in]g the same –

And in consideration of thes[ai]d intended marriage & the jointure provision & settlem[en]t

thereby made by thes[ai]d Thomas Ryves for thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy & her children by him &

other considerat[ion]s therein ment[ione]d

She thes[ai]d Elizabeth Abdy Did grant  bargain sell rel[ease] & confirm by & with the

consent & approbat[io]n of thes[ai]d Thomas Ryves, testified as therein ment[ione]d unto the s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy &

Anth[on]y Brucer & to their heirs & ass[ign]s, inter alia,

One undivided 4th part the whole into 4 equal parts to be div[ide]d of & in –

The several manors messuages Lands Tenements Rectories Tythes advowsons

Fee Farm Rents and other Rents and Annual Payments & Heredit[ament]s

in the several Counties of Suffolk Cambridge York London & Middlesex

comprized in thes[ai]d Ind[enture] of 20 March 1704 tog[eth]er with all Houses etc.,

And the Rev[ersio]n etc., And all the Est[ate] etc.

To Hold the said undivided 4th part of thes[ai]d Manors Messuages Lands

Heredit[ament]s and premises to said Sir William Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer their

Heirs & ass[ign]s

Subject to the Estate for Life of the s[ai]d Mary Barnardiston of & in

such part of the s[ai]d Manors Messuages Lands Hereditaments

and premises as are thereinbefore ment[ione]d To be in Jointure to thes[ai]d Mary


To the  use of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy & her heirs & ass[ign]s until the said

marriage –

Then as to thes[ai]d undivided 4 part of the said Manor Messuages Lands

Hereditaments and Premises of which said Ellzabeth Abdy was seized

in possession, from and immediately after the solemnization of said


To the Use of said Anthony Thomas Abdy and  Peter Walter

their Executors etc., for 400d years (Sans Waste) upon the Trusts

therein and hereinafter ment[ione]d          ———————    Remainder

To the use of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves and his assigns for his

Life (Sans Waste)   ———————————————  Remainder

To the use of thes[ai]d Elizabeth Abdy and her assigns for her

Life (Sans Waste)  ————————————————–  Remainder

To the use of Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer dur[in]g the lives of Mr Ryves

& Miss Abdy and the life of the Survivor of them –





Upon Trust to preserve the contingent Remainders – – – – – – – Remainder

To the Use of s[ai]d John Williams & Tho[ma]s Wollascott their Ex[ec]tors etc.

for 1000d years Upon the Trusts after ment[ione]d   – – – – – -Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of the first & other Sons of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves by thes[ai]d

Elizabeth Abdy severally & successively in Tail Male  – – – – Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of the Daughters as Tenants in Common & to the sev[era]l

heirs of their respective bodies And in default of Issue of any such

Daughter or Daughters –

To the Use of all & every such other Daughter & Daughters to take

in like manner & the heirs of their bodies lawfully issuing And

if all such Daughters but one should die without Issue or if there

sho[ul]d be but one such Daughter, Then to the use of such only Dau[ghte]r &

the heirs of her body  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –   -Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of such person and persons and for such Estate &

Estates & subject to such powers etc., as thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy whether Sole

or Covert should from time to time by any Deed or Writing by

her signed sealed and delivered in the presence of two witnesses

but with power of revocation or by her last Will & Testam[en]t or

any writ[in]g purport[in]g to be her last Will by her signed sealed &

published in the presence of 3 or more credible witn[esse]s direct

limit or appoint And in default of such Appointment

To the Use of thes[ai]d Elizabeth Abdy & of her heirs & assigns for

ever. –

And thes[ai]d Term of 400 years is thereby declared to be

Upon Trust that they thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter

and the Survivor of them his ex[ecut]ors etc., sho[ul]d by sale or mort[ga]ge

of the Prem[is]es comprized in thes[ai]d term of 400 years or by & with the

Rents & Profits of the same Premises in the mean time raise &

pay unto thes[ai]d Peter Hawker & Arethusa his wife her ex[ecut]ors etc thes[ai]d

3000£ & Int[erest] for the same at 4£ per Cent per annum from the

date of said Ind[entu]re now abstract[in]g as the remainder & in full

satisfact[io]n of the Port[io]n of thes[ai]d Arethusa Hawker which she could

or might claim by virtue of or under thes[ai]d Term of 600 years

so limited to Bingham Chaffin & Constantine by thes[ai]d ind[entu]re of

Settlem[en]t of 1714 And subject to the Trusts before declared

concerning said term –

Upon Trust to permit s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves or the persons next in

remainder to receive the rents & profits thereof for his own use

Provisoe that from & after the payment of s[ai]d 3000£ & Int[erest] as afores[ai]d

And of all Costs etc attending the Trusts Then the said Term

of 400d years to cease and be void





And thes[ai]d Term of 1000d years limited to thes[ai]d J[o]n[athon]o Williams & Tho[ma]s S Wollascot

is thereby declared to be upon the following Trusts (viz)

In Case thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves sho[ul]d have an eldest or only son and one or

more younger Children, sons or Daughters or both on the body of thes[ai]d

Eliz[abet]h Abdy born in his lifetime or after his death Then

In trust that s[ai]d Trustees or the survivor of them his Ex[ecut]ors or

Adm(istrat]ors after the decease of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Miss Abdy or in their

Lives or the Life of the Survivor if they or the survivor sho[ul]d think

fit by Sale or mortgage of the prem[is]es comprized in s[ai]d Term or

such other ways as they sho[ul]d think fit raise & pay such sum or

sums for the portion of such younger children as after ment[ione]d

(viz t)

If one or two such Children whether sons or daughters or both

6000£ for the portion of such Child or Children

If three or more then £8000£ at such times with such

maintenance not exceeding the Int[erest] of their port[ion]s at £3.10s

per Cent in such proportions & subj[ec]t to such conditions

restrictions & limitat[ion]s over & upon such contingencies as s[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Ryves & Eliz[abet]h Abdy or the survivor of them sho[ul]d in

manner therein ment[ione]d direct or appoint & in default thereof

Then said 6000£ if only 2 such children ?? & s[ai]d 8000£ if three or more

to be equally divided among them to be paid in manner following

The Portions of the sons at 21 or sooner for his preferment as s[ai]d

trustees should think fit –                          –

The Portions of the Daughters at 21 or marriage such times of

paym[en]t happening after the death of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Elizabeth Abdy

but either of them living then within 3 Kalendar months next after

their decease with Int[erest] at the rate of £3.10s P[er] Cent from their deaths

Provisoe that the Sons portions sho[ul]d be vested Interests at 21 & the

Dau[ghter]s at twenty one or Marriage which first happened notwithstanding

the payment is postponed –

Provisoe that if any such Son sho[ul]d die or become an eldest or only son

before 21 or any Daughter or Daughters sho[ul]d die before 21 or marriage the

portions of him her or them so dying or such part thereof as shall not

have been sooner advanced to go to the Survivors equally & be liable to

the same contingency of Survivorship as the original portions of such

Children so as no one Child have above 3000£ a piece with such maintenance

after the death of Mr Ryves and Miss Abdy and the Survivor as after

ment[ione]d to be raised out of the rents and profits of the prem[is]es comprized

in thes[ai]d term of 1000d years (vizt))






If but one Child £30 p[er] Annum till the age of 12 years & after such age till his or her portion – shall become payable £100 p[er] annum –

If two such children £40 a piece till their Age of 12 years then £80£

a piece –

If three or more such children the like sums for each of their

maintenance such sums not exceeding the Int[erest] of their Fortunes

At the Rate of £3.10s P[er] Cent payable at the times therein ment[ione]d

Provisoe that no such Sale or Mortgage sho[ul]d be made till some one of the

portions shou[l]d become payable & the rents & profits in the mean time over &

above s[ai]d maintenance to be rec[eive]d by the persons next in remainder expectant

on said term –

Provisoe if Mr Ryves sho[ul]d give any such Child or Children any sum or sums of

money towards their advancem[en]t & by writ[in]g under his hand & seal declare the

same to be towards the portions provided for him her or them by virtue of

thes[ai]d term 1000d years such Children to receive only such further portions

by virtue of s[ai]d 1000d years Term as with such sum as advanced will

complete the port[ion] intended to be provided for him or her –

Provisoe that after the Trusts of s[ai]d term of 1000d years sho[ul]d  be satisfied or

incapable of taking effect then said term or so much thereof as sho[ul]d not be

disposed of (the Trustees – costs being paid) sho[ul]d cease –

Power for Mr Ryves & Miss Abdy resp[ect]ively when in actual possession of

s[ai]d messu[ag]es Farms Lands Tenements Undivided Moiety & 4th parts Here[ditament]s &

Prem[is]es to Let Leases –

Provisoe that it sho[ul]d be lawful for s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Eliz[abet]h Abdy dur[in]g their joint

lives or for the Survivor with the consent & approbat[io]n of s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y

Brucer or the Surv[ivo]r of them or the heirs of such Surv[ivo]r testified by writ[in]g

under their hands & Seals hand or seal to make partition or division of s[ai]d

Manors Messu[age]s Lands Tenem[en]ts Rector[ie]s Tythes Advowsons Fee Farm Rents

Heredit[ament]s & Prem[is]es in the s[ai]d Counties of Lincoln Suffolk Cambridge York London

& Middx in severalty with any person or persons intitled to an Undivided

Share or Shares of same prem[is]es or to sell or exchange the same or any

part thereof in Lieu of other Lands And in order to make such partition

(but not otherwise) It sho[ul]d be lawful for s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Eliz[abet]h Abdy or for

the Surv[ivo]r of them by one or more Deed or Deeds Writing or Writings under

their hands & seals or the hand & seal of the survivor of them attested by

two witnesses to revoke & make void all and every the uses Trusts & Est[ate]s

before limited & by the same or any other deeds attested as aforesaid to

declare limit or appoint any other uses as sho[ul]d be necessary to such

partition sale or exchange

Agreement that the money aris[in]g by such sale or sales sho[ul]d be paid





unto the hand of s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer or the Survivor & his heirs

upon the trusts after mentioned and their receipts to be  a sufficient


Agreement that such Lands Tenem[en]ts & Heredit[ament]s as sho[ul]d be taken in

severalty upon such partition exchange or other dispositions sho[ul]d with all

convenient speed be conveyed to s[ai]d W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer & their

heirs to such uses intents & purposes upon such trusts & under such proviso

& agreem[en]ts as are thereinafter mentioned expressed & declared of & concern[in]g

the same

That the money to arise by such sale or sales sho[ul]d be disposed of by s[ai]d

Trustees & the Surv[iv]or of them his Ex[ecut]ors or Adm[inist]ors with the consent of Mr

Ryves & Miss Abdy or the Surv[ivo]r if living & after the death of the surv[iv]or

at the Discret[io]n of s[ai]d Trustees or the Surv[iv]or his Ex[ecut]ors or Adm[inistr]ors in the

purchase of Lands Tenem[ent]s & Heredit[ament]s in fee simple whereof not more than

one 4th part sho[ul]d be copyh[ol]d And  that as well the Lands Tenem[en]ts & Here[ditament]s

so to be purchased as all & every the Manors Lands & Heredit[ament]s which

sho[ul]d be vested in s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anthony Brucer & their heirs in

severalty upon such partition or exchange or in lieu of s[ai]d undivided moiety

& 4th sho[ul]d be settled &  conveyed to such & the same uses & upon such & the

same Trusts Intents & Purposes as thereinbefore severally limited & declared

of & concern[in]g s[ai]d moiety & 4th part of the heredit[ament]s & prem[is]es last thereinbefore

granted or released or such of them as sho[ul]d be then subsist[in]g or capable of

taking effect (Except the power of revocat[io]n & declare[in]g new uses).-

Provisoe that if the Capital Messu[ag]e called Brightwell Hall in Suffolk

upon such partition or exchange sho[ul]d be allotted to s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy then s[ai]d

Capital Messu[ag]e & Buildings thereto belonging or such part as sho[ul]d be thought

proper sho[ul]d be pulled down & the materials sold and the money paid to s[ai]d Trustees

to be invested in the purchase of Lands & Heredit[ament]s to be settled in like

manner as the other Lands & Heredit[ament]s which on such Division sho[ul]d

be allotted in lieu of thes[ai]d undivided share of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy —

Agreement that till the money arising by such Sale sho[ul]d be

Invested in purchases in manner thereinbefore directed same sho[ul]d be

placed out at Int[erest] with the consent of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Elizabeth Abdy

or the Survivor of them or in case of their death at the discretion

of s[ai]d Trustees upon Real or Government Security’s & the Int[erest] p[ai]d & applied

in such manner as the rents & profits of the lands to be purchased

Therewith would go & be payable in Case such purchases had been

then made –

Power for s[ai]d Trustees or the Surv[iv]or of them with such consent as afores[ai]d to change

the Securit[ie]s on which such money should be placed out –





Declaration & Agreement that the Trustees sho[ul]d not be charged

With any loss not occasioned by their wilful neglect & each for his own acts

& receipts only and to reimburse all charges out of their resp[ect]]ive trust –

Estates –

Covenants from Miss Abdy with Sir W[ilia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer, that the

Was lawfully seized in Free of s[ai]d undiv[ide]d Moiety & 4th parts Heredit[ament]s &

Prem[is]es  last thereinbefore granted –

That she had good right to convey to the uses before ment[ione]d

For quiet enjoym[en]t free from Incumbrances (Except the Estate for Life of Mrs Barnardiston & such Leases as were then in being) & for

Further Assurances

Executed by Thomas Ryves, Elizabeth Abdy, Anthony

Brucer, Peter Walter and John Williams.


8 January 1752 –

The said Eliz[abet]h Abdy then Eliz[aet]h Ryves wife of the s[ai]d Thomas Ryves made her will in writ[in]g

Attested by 3 witnesses

And after reciting that in & by her marriage settlem[en]t several real Est[ate]s situate in the sev[era]l

Counties of Lincoln, Suffolk, Cambridge, Middlesex York and City of London were settled In trust

for sev[era]l uses & purposes therein parti[c]rly ment[ione]d the Remainder in Fee of which s[ai]d sev[era]l Estates

were limited to her & her heirs after the s[ai]d Trusts were satisfied & Did thereby devise the s[ai]d

Rem[ainde]r in fee of & in the s[ai]d  sev[era]l Est[a[te]s & of & in any other Est[at]e comprised in her s[ai]d marriage

Settlem[en]t together with all Real Est[ate]s & whatforever which she had power of disposing of

Whether in Possession or Reversion unto and –

To the use of her s[ai]d Husband his Heirs & assigns for ever


4 February 1756

By Ind[entu]re of Release between Tho[ma]s Ryves Esqr of the 1st Edw[ar]d Radcliffe Esq of the 2nd & Arthur Radcliffe Esq of the 3rd part –

After reciting amongst other things the before abstracted ind[entu]re of 15th April 1749 & the Trust

of the said Term of 400d years thereby limited to Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter Esq.,

Their Ex[ectut]ors etc:-

And also reciting that s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe had at the Request of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves paid] to Peter Hawker

Esqr  & Arethusa his wife the sum of £3000 as appeared by an Ind[entu]re of Assignm[en]t of the 16th May 1750 –

It is amongst other things Witnessed that for the more effectual secur[in]g the

pay[men]t of s[ai]d £3000 being part of £10,000 therein ment[ione]d & Interest at £4 p[er] Cent

The s[ai]d Th[mas]s Ryves did covenant promise declare & agree with the s[ai]d Edward Radcliffe

His Ex[ecut]ors etc., that the s[ai]d term of 400d years by s[ai]d Ind[ent]ure]of 15 April 1749 limited to s[ai]d

Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter their Ex[ecutor]s etc.,

And all & sing[ula]r s[ai]d prem[is]es comprized in s[ai]d term sho[ul]d from thenceforth stand & be charged with

& a sec.y for s[ai]d £3000 & Int[erst] at 4£ P[er]Cent as well as the Term of 600d years Therein

ment[ione]d to have been assigned to s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe






And also that s[ai]d term of 400d years  & the prem[is]es therein comprised  sho[ul]d not

Be redeemed or redeemable until s[ai]d 3000£ & Int[erest] sho[ul]d be fully p[ai]d unto s[ai]d  Edw[ar]d Radcliffe his Exe[cutor]s etc.,

Ex[ecute]d by Thomas Ryves


4 May 1757

By a Decree made in a Cause depend[in]g  in the High court of Chancery wherein the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves & Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger John Ryves & Eliz[abet]h Ryves & Charlotte Ryves Infants by the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves their Father & Guardian were plaintiffs & Letitia Mascall widow the only Child & Heir at Law

of the s[ai]d Anth[on]y Brucer dec[ease]d who survived thes[ai]d Sir W[ilia]m Abdy also dec[eas]ed was Left?

It was ordered to be referred to Mr Sayer on of the Masters of the s[ai]d Court to

approve of 2 new Trustees in the place of thes[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer both dec[eased]


17 June 1757

The s[ai]d Master by his Report made in the same Cause did approve of Joseph Banks &

W[illia]m Round Esq to be Trustees in the place of the s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer

Which Report by an order of thes[ai]d Court made in the same Cause the 29 of thes[ai]d

Month of June was absolutely confirmed

The Articles & Deeds made to complete the Division hereinafter stated.-


5 April 1758

By articles of Agreement made between the s[ai]d Sir John Shaw of the 1st  thes[ai]d John Williams

&Charlotte Maria his wife of the 2nd  thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves of the 3rd the s[ai]d Sir John Abdy & Peter Delme

(who survived thes[ai]d Sir Rob[er]t Abdy then dec[ease]d) of the 4th & the s[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round of the

5th part

After reciting (amongst other things) that thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw & thes[ai]d John Williams &

Charlotte Maria his wife with the Consent of s[ai]d Sir John Abdy & Peter Delme (notified as

therein ment[ione]d And the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves with the Consent of s[ai]d Jos[eph] Banks & W[illia]m  Round (testif[ie]d etc)

had in pursuance of the sev[era]l powers in them resp[ect]ively vested mutually agreed with each

other to make a Division of all the s[ai]d manors & Heredit[ament]s in the Counties afores[ai]d which they

were so seized of in person as thereinbefore is ment[ione]d

And also reciting that towards compleat[in]g thes[ai]d Int[ende]’d I division thes[ai]d parties so interested as af[ore]s[ai]d

had caused a survey & valuat[io]n to be made of all the s[ai]d intire manors & Heredit[ament]s by Tho[ma]s

Brown Esq which had been examined & approved of by all thes[ai]d parties so interested as


The s[ai]d Sir John Shaw & thes[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his Wife (with

such consent as afores[ai]d and the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves (with the consent of the s[ai[d Joseph Banks

& W[illia]m Round testified as afores[ai]d for prevent[in]g any disputes that might thereafter happen

to arise among them and each & every of them for himself & herself severally did

covenant & agree with the other & others of them That the s[aid] Tho[ma]s Brown sho]uld forthwith


All the s[ai]d Manors & hered[ditament]s in the Count[ie]s a[ore]s[ai]d w[hi]ch they thes[ai]d parties were then seized of

In poss[essio]n as af[ore]s[aid] into 2 equal parts & allot one of thes[ai]d parts to be held in severalty as &

for the distinct share of thes[ai]d Sir Jno Shaw in lieu of his undivided moiety





And that he thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw sho[ul]d and would accept such allotment


And that thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown sho[ul]d also subdivide the other thes[a]d parts into

2 equal parts & set out one of thes[ai]d subdivided parts to be holden in severally

as & for the separate share of thes[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife

& other the parties interested in the same in lieu of their undivided 4th

And also sho[ul]d set out the other of thes[ai]d subdiv[ide]d parts to be enjoyed in

severalty as & for the distinct share of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & other the parties

interested in the same in lieu of their undiv[ide]d 4th

And that they the said John Williams and Charlotte Maria his

Wife and Thomas Ryves respectively should & would accept such

allotments accordingly

Executed by all Parties

In pursuance of the Agreem[en]t cont[aine]d in the above abstracted articles thesaid Tho[ma]s Brown did

divide all thes[ai]d Manors Here[ditament]s & Prem[is]es whereof thes[a]d parties were so seized in possession as af[ors[ai]d

into 2 equal & distinct parts distinguished by the several Tythes of Lot (1) and Lot (2)

And by a memorandum in writing under his hand bearing date the 7 of July 1758 thes[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Brown did set out allot & appoint Lot (1) as & for the separate part & share of the s[ai]d Sir John

Shaw to be enjoyed in severalty in lieu of his undiv[ide]d moiety of & in the intire Manors and Premises –

He thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw pay[in]g £110 14s. to thes[ai]d John Williams and Tho[ma]s Ryves equally

to be divided between them for equality of partition

And in further pursuance of thes[ai]d articles of 5 April 1758

The s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown did subdivide the s[ai]d Lot (2) into 2 equal & distinct parts distinguished

by the sev[era]l Tithes of Lot (1) & Lot (2) in poss[essi]on.

And by another memorandum in writing under his hand dated the same 7 of July 1758

The s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown did set out allot & appoint Lot (1) in poss[essi]on (in which is

included the sev[era]l Manors Lands Rents & Here[ditament]s ment[ione]d in the part[icul]ar herewith left)

a & for the separate part of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & other the parties interested in the same

in lieu of his undiv[ide]d 4th in the intire manors & prem[is]es.

And did also set out allot & appoint

Lot (2) in poss[essi]on as & for the separate part & share of the s[ai]d John Williams

& Charlotte Maria his wife & other the parties interested in the same in

lieu of their undivided fourth in the intire manors and



18 July 1758

By a Memorandum in writing subscribed at the Foot of thes[ai]d 1st ment[ione]d Allotm[en]t –

The s[ai]d Sir John Shaw having revised & considered the s[ai]d part[it]ion did accept & take thes[ai]d

Lot No (1) so appointed to him by the s[ai]d Thomas Brown as afores[ai]d in lieu of his

Undiv(ide)d moiety of & in the intire manors & prem[is]es





2nd Oct[obe]r 1758

By a Memorandum in writing subscribed at the Foot of the Subdivision so made by thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown

As afores[ai]d

The said Tho[ma]s Ryves hav[in]g revised & considered the above bubdivision did accept and take –

The s[ai]d Lot (1) in possession so appointed to him & the sev[era] parties interested in the

same in lieu of his undivided 4th of & in the intire manors & prem[is]es.

2nd Dec[embe]r 1758

By another Memorandum in Writing subscribed at the Foot of the same subdivision

The s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife having revised & considered thes[ai]d subdivs[io]n did

accept & take –

The s[ai]d Lot (2) in poss[essi]on so appointed to them & the sev[era]l parties interested in the same in lieu of

Their undivided 4th of & in the intire manors & prem[is]es –


30 April 1763

By Deed Poll indorsed on the aove abstr[acte]d ind[entu]re of 14May 1746 –

After reciting (among other things) the partit[io]n made by s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in manner above ment[ione]d

The s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife in pursuance of the power to them reserved

In & by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of 14 May 1746 & with the consent of s[ai]d Peter Delme the surviv[in]g trustee

therein named (testified etc) Did revoke determine & absolutely make void –

All & every the uses Est[ate]s etc in & by the s[ai]d settlem[en]t of 14 May 1746 limited created

etc of or concerning thes[ai]d undiv[ide]d 4th part of her the s[ai]d Charlotte Maria Williams

in poss[essi]on of & in the intire manors & prem[is]es whereof such partition had been

made by s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown as af[ore]s[ai]d –

And did thereby limit & appoint thes[ai]d undivided 4th part of the heredit[ament]s & prem[is]es

Whereof the uses were so revoked as af[ore]s[ai]d

To the use of Savill Reade his heirs & ass[ign]s Upon trust & to the intent

that he s[ai]d Savill Reade sho[ul]d convey or join with the resp[ect]ive owners of the

other undivided moiety & 4th part in convey[in]g the intire Manors & prem[is]es

so & in such manner as that the specific manors etc which had been

allotted unto thes[ai]d Jno Williams & Charlotte Maria his Wife in lieu of

their undivided 4th part as afores[ai]d sho[ul]d be limited

To the Use of thes[ai]d Peter Delme his heirs & ass[ign]s to be by him conveyed

& assured To such Uses Upon such Trusts etc., as in & by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re

of 14 May 1746 were & are limited etc concerning s[ai]d undivid 4th part

and premises or so many of them as sho[ul]d be then capable of

tak[in]g effect

Exe[cuted] by John Williams C.M.Williams & Peter Delme


20th Apr[il] 1764

By a Deed Poll indorsed on the above abstracted Ind[entu]re of 15 April 1749 –

After reciting (among other things) the Ind[entu]re of 4 Feb[ruar]y 1756 to the effect before abstracted &

that s[ai]d Peter Walter was dead & the s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy having him survived the undivided

4th part Here[ditament]s & prem[is]es comprized in the term of 400d y[ea]rs by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of the 15 April 1749 limited

to thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter were then become vested in s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy during the residue

of s[ai]d Term Upon the Trusts in s[ai]d Ind[entu]re of the 15 Apr[il] 1749 declared concern[in]g  the same.





And also reciting that s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves had agreed with the owners of the other undivided

parts or shares to make a partit[io]n of the entire manors & heredit[ament]s comprized in thes[ai]d term of 400d

years to that each party might enjoy a separate part thereof in severalty & the specifick

Manors etc which should be allotted in lieu of the undivided 4th part & prem[is]es comprized in

thes[ai]d term  of 400d years were intended to be forthwith conveyed to such uses etc as in thes[ai]d ind[entu]re

of the 15th April 1749 & the will of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves were limited created etc., concerning the same undivi[de]d  4 part

& prem[is]es –

It is witnessed that to the end  the intire Manors & Prem[is]es which on thes[ai]d partition

sho[ul]d be allotted to the respective parties might be discharged from thes[ai]d Term of 400d

years & the trust thereof declared the better to enable thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves to compleat thes[ai]d

division And in cons[iderati]on of 5d to the s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy p[ai]d by thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves

He thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy with the consent of thes[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe testif[ie]d etc did assign

surr[ende]r & yield up unto thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves his heirs & assigns

The undivided 4th part Heredit[ament]s & Prem[is]es which by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of the 15th April

1749 were limited to thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter for thes[ai]d term of

400d years with the appur[tenan]ts –

And the Rev[ersio]n etc, And all the Est[ate etc.,

To hold unto & to the use of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves his heirs & ass[ign]s for ever –

To the Intent that the s[ai]d term of 400d years might merged & extinguished

Covenant from s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy that he had done no act

to incumber the premises –

Ex[ecu]ted by Anthony Thomas Abdy and Edward Radcliffe


30 April 1764

By another Deed Poll indorsed on the above abstracted ind[entu]re of 15 April 1749 after taking

notice of the partit[io]n made by the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in manner before ment[ione]d

The s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves in pursuance of the power to him reserved in & by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of 15 April

1749 & with the consent of s[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round (notified etc ) Did revoke determine

& absolutely make void all & every the uses Est[ate]s etc & by the s[ai]d settlem[en]t of 15 April 1749

limited etc.of & concern[in]g –

The undivided 4th of her thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves dec[eas]ed in poss[essi]on of & in ?? intire manors & prem[is]es

whereof such partition had been made by s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown as afor[e]s[ai]d

And did thereby limit & appoint

The s[ai]d undivided 4th part of the heredit[ament]s & prem[is]es whereof the uses & estates were

so revoked as afores[ai]d

To the use of Savill Read his heirs & ass[ign]s

Upon trust & to the intent that he s[ai]d Savill Reade sho[ul]d convey or join

with the resp[ect]ive owners of the other undivided moiety & 4th part in convey[in]g

thes[ai]d intire manors here[ditament]s & prem[is]es so & in such manner as that the specific manor

etc whch had been allotted unto s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves in lieu of his undiv[ide]d 4th part as af[ore]s[ai]d

sho[ul]d be limited




To the use of the s[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round their heirs & ass[ign]s

to be by them conveyed & assured to such Uses Upon such Trusts etc.,

as by s[ai]d ind[entu]re  of 15 April 1749 & the Will of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves above abstr[acte]d

were & are limited  created etc, of & concerning thes[ai]d undiv[ide]d 4 part & prem[is]es

or so many of them as shall be then capable of taking effect

Exe[cu]ted by Tho[ma]s Ryves Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round


1 & 2 May 1764

By Ind[entu]res of Lease & Release made between thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw Bar[one]t of the 1st thes[ai]d John

Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife of the 2nd thes[ai]d Thoma]s Ryves of the 3rd thes[ai]d Peter Delme of the

4th thes[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round of the 5th thes[ai]d Savill Reade of the 6th & thes[ai]d Sir Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy of the 7th part

After reciting (among other things) the before abstracted Ind[entu]res of 19 & 20 March 1704 the

Will of Lady Shaw dated 24 May 1753 the Ind[entu]re of 14 May 1746 the Ind[entu]res of the 14 & 15

April 1749 the Will of Mrs Ryves dated 8 Jan[ua]ry 1752 the Decree of the 11 May 1757 the

Report of 17th & order of the 29th of June in the same year The articles of the 5 April 1758

The partition & subdivision made by the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in manner above stated describing

The parcels in each Lott separately And also the several Allotments by the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in

manner above abstracted And thes[ai]d two sev[era]l Deeds Poll of 30 April 1764

It is witn[esse]d that in pursuance of s[ai]d recited articles of 5 April 1758

The the s[ai]d S[i]r John Shaw John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife & Tho[mas] |Ryves

Did thereby severally ratify & confirm the s[ai]d partit[io]n & subdiv[isio]n & the sev[era]l allotm[en]ts

so made of the Intire Manors etc., in manner thereinbefore expressed & for the more

Effectually compleat[in]g thes[ai]d partition & subdivision –

And in cons[iderati]on of £53.7.0 to the s[ai]d Peter Delme in hand p[ai]d by thes[ai]d Sir J[o]no Shaw

at the request & by the direct[io]n of s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife

(testified etc) for equality of part[it]ion –

And also in cons[iderati]on of £55.7.0 to thes[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round in hand p[ai]d

by s[ai]d Sir John Shaw at the request & by the direct[io]n of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves (testified etc.,)

& for other the considerations & purposes therein part[icul]arly mentioned –

And also in cons[iderati]on of 10s., a piece to s[ai]d Savill Reade Sir John Shaw John Williams

& Charlotte Maria his wife & Tho[ma]s Ryves Ryves p[ai]d by thes[ai]d sir Anthony Tho[ma]s

Abdy Thes[ai]d Savill Reade at the request & by the direction of s[ai]d Sir John Shaw

John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife & Tho[ma]s Ryves (testified etc) And also

thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife & each of them

did grant bargain sell & release unto thes[ai]d Sir Anthon]y Tho[ma]s Abdy (in his actual

etc) & his Heirs –

The Prem[is]es as described in the above abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]re of 20 March 1704

(except the Manors & here[ditament]s by the before abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]re of 17 July 1732 lim[ite]d in jointure

To Mary Jennens Sp[inste]r afterw[ar]ds the wife of Arthur Barnardiston Esq)

And the rev[ersio]n etc., And all the Est[ate] etc.



To hold unto the s[ai]d Sir Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy his heirs & Assigns to the sev[era]l uses etc.

after ment[ione]d vizt

As to the Manors Mess[uag]es Lands Heredit[aments]& prem[is]es therein ment[ione]d & compr[ise]d

in Lot (1) and which upon the division & mark as afores[ai]d were allotted as

the specific Share of thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw in lieu of his undivided moiety

as afores[ai]d with their & every of their rights etc.,

So the use of s[ai]d Sir John Shaw his heirs & Ass[ign]s for ever:-

And as to the Manors etc thereinbefore part[icul]arly ment[ione]d & which upon the

subdivisions made as afores[ai]d were allotted as the specific Share of thes[ai]d

Thomas Ryves & other the parties interested in the same with their

& every of their rights etc., –

To the use of thes[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round their heirs & ass[ign]s

In trust & to the end that they or the Survivor of them his

heirs or ass[ign]s should settle & assure the same manors etc.,

To such & so many of the uses Trusts etc  in the S[ai]d Ind[entu]re of

the 15th April 1749 & the will of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves limited

created etc., concerning the undiv[ide]d 4th part of her the s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves

thereby granted etc. as sho[ul]d be then capable of taking effect

(Except the power of revocation & declaration of new uses in

thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of Settlem[en]t) –

And as to the manors etc. thereinbefore part[icul]arly ment[ione]d & which upon

the subdiv[isio]n so made as afores[ai]d were allotted as the specific share

of the s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife & other the parties

interested in the same with their & every of their appurt[enant]s

To the use of thes[ai]d Peter Delme his heirs and assigns

In trust & to the end that thes[ai]d Peter Delme his heirs & ass[ign]s

sho[ul]d settle or assure the same prem[is]es to such & so many of

the uses states trusts etc in thes[ai]d ind[entu]re of 14 May 1746

limited created etc. concerning the undivided 4th part of

thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria Williams thereby granted as should

be then capable of taking effect

Cov[enan]ts from Sir John Shaw & Mr & Mrs Williams to Messrs

Banks & Round vizt for quiet enjoym[en]t of the Prem[is]es

allotted in lieu of the late Mrs Ryves’s undivided 4th

part free from incumbrances done by them or Dame

Anna Maria Shaw dec[ease]d And for further Assurances

Ex[ecu]ted by all parties

A Receipt for £55.7.0. indorsed & signed by Peter Delme

D[itt]o for £55.7.0. indorsed & signed by Joseph Banks

N.B. There is a deed not abstr[acte]d dated the 2nd Feb[ruar]y 1765 between Sir John Shaw 1st part Sir George Smith Bar[one]t 2nd part

& John Williams Esqr & Tho[ma]s Ryves Esq 3rd part being a Deed of Cov[enan]ts to produce certain Deeds therein ment[ione]d






9 & 10 July 1767

By Ind[entur]es of Lease & Release the s[ai]d Rel[ease] being of 4 parts & made between Joseph Banks Esqr

W[illia]m Round Esqr of the 1st Tho[ma]s Ryves Esqr of the 2ndSir Anth[n]y Tho[ma]s Abdy Baronet of the 3rd &

John Williams  Esqr of the 4th part —

After Reciting  (amongst other things) the before abst[racte]d Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] of the 14 & 15 April 1749 And that Edw[ar]d Radcliffe Esqr at the request of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party did

on the 16 May 1750 pay to Mr  & Mrs Hawker thes[ai]d £3000 remainiing due for the port[io]n of

Mrs Hawker & for secur[in]g the repayment thereof with Int[erest] the residue of the term of

600d years in the Dorsetshire Estate had been duty assigned to s[ai]d Radcliffe –

And also rec[eivin]g the s[ai]d Will of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h the wife of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves dated 8th of January 1752

& her death leav[in]g 4 children by s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party (viz.t} Tho[ma]st her eldest son and John Eliz[abet]h

& Charlotte Ryvers her younger Children, The before stated Decree & Report appoint[in]g Messrs Banks

& Round the new Trustees –

And also rec[eivin]g the before astracted Articles of the 5 of April 1750 The Partit[io]n & Subdiv[isio]n made by thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in manner above stated & also the sev[era]l allotm[en[ts made

by him in manner above setforth:-

And also rec[eivin]g the before abst[ract]ed Deed Poll of the 30 April 1764 under the hand &

Seal of the said Thomas Ryves & the before Abstr[act]d Ind[entu]re of Lease & Release of the s[ai]d 1st & 2nd

May 1764

It is witnessed that in pursuance & execution of the trusts by thes[ai]d

before abstr[acte]d & therein recited Ind[entu]re of Release of the 2nd May 1764 in thes[ai]d

Banks & Round reposed And for conveying etc. the intire manors heredit[ament]s

therein after part[icul]arly ment[ione]d To for & upon the several uses etc  after expressed

concern[in]g the same And in considerat[io]n of 10s. apiece to thes[ai]d Banks Round & Ryves

p[ai]d by thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy They thes[ai]d Banks & Round at the request &

by the direct[io]n & appointm[en]t of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves etc  And also thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves &

every of them Did grant bargain sell & rel[ease] unto thes[ai]d Si Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy (in his

actual etc) & to his heirs –

All those the sev[era]l manors or reputed manors of Waldringfield Hilton

& Rivershall otherwise Rivershall in Waldringfield in the County of

Suffolk with the Rights etc., to thes[ai]d sev[era]l Manors or either of them

Belonging -Aand the Site of the s[ai]d manors resp[ectful]ly –

And all tha the advowson of Waldringfield afores[ai]d

And the Advowson of the vicarage of the Parish Church of

Rushmere in the s[ai]d County of Suffolk –

And also all that Messu[ag]e or Tenem[en]t & Farm with the barns

stables neathouse hogscoate & Cottage or small Ten[amen]t near thereto adjoin[in]g

And all that piece of meadow called the Home meadow cont[ainin]g 5 acres

be the same more of less –

And all that other piece of meadow called the Great Meadow

cont[ainin]g 11 acres be the same more or less


And all that other piece of Meadow called the Little Meadows cont[aining]

3 Acres & 2 Roods –

And all that other piece of Meadow cont[ainin]g one acre & one rood

And all those 2 pieces of Land called the Barleys cont[ainin]g 10 acrews

And all that other piece of arable land called the first Broomwoods

cont[ainin]g 7 acres

And all that other piece of Arable Land called the 2nd Broomwoods

cont[ainin]g 7 acres

And all that other piece of arable land called the Home Field

Cont[ainin]g 9 acres and 3 Roods

And all that other piece of arable land called the barn field cont[ainin]g 24 acres

And also all that other piece of arable land called the Longfield cont[ainin]g 18 acres 2 r[ood] 0 p[erches]

And all that other piece of arable land called the 12 acres cont[ainin]g 13 acres

And all that other piece of arable land called the Grove Walk cont[ainin]g 16 acres

And all that piece of pasture ground called Fairfield pasture cont[ainin]g 15 acres

And also all that other piece of arable land called conduit field cont[ainin]g 25 a[cres] 2 r[ood] 6 p[erches]

All of which s[ai]d Farm Cottage & Lands are sit[uate]d etc., in the sev[era]l parishes of

Brightwell & Foxhall or one of them in the s[ai]d County of Suffolk

And together with the Great Tythes of the s[ai]d Lands in Brightwell

therewith usually occupied then or the[erei]n late were in the tenure of

Lionel Falmarsh & W[illia]m Cook their under[tenan?]t or ass[ign]s at the yearly

rent of £49 –

And all & singular the Tythes great or small of what nature or

kind soever they be aris[in]g issuing & growing out of or due & payable

for or in respect of thes[ai]d farm & lands before ment[ione]d & described or anypart

thereof –

And also all that wood called Eastfield wood cont[aining] 16 acres & 2 roods

be the same more of less sit[uate] etc. in the parish of Foxhall in the s[ai]d Co[unt]y of Suffolk

And also all those 2 acres of marsh land bying & being in

Waldringfield Marsh in thes[ai]d County of Suffolk then or late

in the tenure of George Waller at the yearly rent of 2£ –

And also all that mess[uag]e or tenem[en]t Together with the Timber yard

& 3 Docks thereinto belonging & near adjoining –

And also aCcottage or Tenem[en]t & Anchor Smith’s Shop sit[uate] etc in the

Parish of St Clements in the town of Ipswich in thes[ai]d County of Suffolk

All which s[ai]d last ment[ione]d mess[uag]e yards Docks Cottage & Shop were

theretofore in the poss[essi]on of Edw[ar]d Goodea & Jno Prentice & then or late of

Jno Fowler his undertenants or assigns at the yearly rent of 35£

And all that annual rent or clear yearly sum of 11s & 8d called a Rent

resolute issu[in]g & payable out of his Majesty’s Exchequer –





And also the houses in Watling Street & East Smithfield & the sev[era]l

Free Farm Rents in Yorkshire by the same descript[io]n a sing[l]e allotm[en]t to Mr Ryves

upon the subdiv[isio]n made by Mr Brown in manner before stated together

with all houses etc.

And all other rights royalt[ie]s etc. to thes[ai]d Manors Heredit[ament]s & prem[is]es belonging

And all and sing[ula]r other the manors or reputed manors messu[age]s lands

Tenam[en]t Fee Farm Rents & other rents pens[ion]s & yearly paym[en]ts & heredit[ament]s

whats[oeve]r situate etc. in thes[ai]d sev[era]l Count[ie]s of Suffolk York & Middx & the City of

London or any of them which in & by thes[ai]d thereinbefore rec[eive]d ind[entur]es of

the 1st & 2nd of May 1764 were or were therein ment[ione]d to be thereby lim[ite]d & assin[ge]d

to the use of thes[ai]d Banks & Round their heirs & ass[ign]s In trust as afor[sai]d

& every part thereof with their & every of their rights etc.,

And the Rev[ersio]n etc.,  And all the Est[ate] etc –

To hold unto thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy his heirs & ass[igns]s To the sev[era]l uses upon the

Trusts etc. after lim[ite]d & declared concern[in]g the same (that is to say)

To the use of thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy his ex[ecut]ors etc. for the term of

400d years from thenceforth next ensuing & fully to be complete & ended – Sans Waste

Upon such Trusts etc., as are after declared concerning the same –

And after the expirat[io]n or other sooner determinat[io]n of s[ai]d term

of 400d years & subject thereto –

To the Use of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party & his ass[ign]s for his life Sans Waste Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of thes[ai]d Banks & Round & their heirs dur[in]g the life of thes[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Ryves the party In trust to preserve the contingent Rem[ainder]s

And after the decease of the said Thomas Ryvers

the Party –

To the use of thes[ai]d John Williams his ex[ecut]ors etc. for the term of 1000d years

from thence next ensuing & fully to be complete & ended Sans Waste upon

such Trusts etc., as after declared concerning the same –

And after the expirat[io]n or other sooner determinat[io]n of the s[ai]d

Form of 1000d years and subj[ec]t thereto –

To the use of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger first son of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves

the party on the body of the s[ai]d Eliz[abt]h his late wife dec[eas]ed begotten & the

heirs made of the body of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger lawfully issuing

And in default of such Issue –

To the use of John Ryves 2nd son of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party on the

body of the s[ai]d Elizabeth his late wife deceased begotten & the heirs

male of the body of thes[ai]d John Ryves lawfully issuing –

And for default of such Issue –

To the use of the s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves & Charlotte Ryves the two only Dau[ght]ers

of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party on the body of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h his late wife dec[ease]d






begotten equally to be divided between them share & share alike to take

as tenants in common & not as joint tenants & the sev[era]l & res[pect]ive heirs

of the body & bodies of the s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves the Dau[ghte]r & Charlotte Ryves res[pectful]ly

lawfully  issuing –

And if either of them thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves the Dau[ghte]r & Charlotte

Ryves sho[ul]d happen to die without Issue of her body lawfully

to be begotten Then –

To the use of the Survivor of them thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves the Dau[ghte]r & Charl[otte]

Ryves & the heirs of her body lawfully issuing –

And in default of such Issue

To the use of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party his heirs & assi[ign]s for ever being

such & so many of the uses etc. by thes[ai]d rec[eive]d settlem[en]t of the 15 of April

1749 & Will of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves lim[ite]d etc,. of the undiv[ide]d 4th part of the

Manors etc. whereof such divis[io]n was so made as afores[ai]d as were then

exist[in]g or capable of tak[in]g effect (Except the power of revocat[io]n in thes[ai]d

Settlem[en]t contained which was not intended to be therein inserted

And as concern[in]g the s[ai]d term of 400d years before lim[ite]d to s[ai]d Abdy his heirs etc.,

It was thereby agreed between thes[ai]d parties thereto that thes[ai]d term was so lim[ite]d

to him –

Upon Trust & to the intent that he thes[ai]d Abdy his Ex[ecut]ors or Admin[istrator]s

sho[ul]d by sale or mort[ga]ge of s[ai]d prem[is]es conpr[ise]d in s[ai]d term or any part

thereof for all or any part of thes[ai]d term or by & with the rents &

profits of the same prem[is]es in the mean time raise levy & pay unto

s[ai]d Radcliffe his ex[ecut]ors etc., thes[ai]d 3000£ so by him advanced & paid to  s[ai]d

Hawker & Arethusa his wife or one of them in full satisfact[io]n of the

Port[io]n of thes[ai]d Arethusa Hawker as af[ore]s[ai]d tog[eth]er with int[erest] at the rate of

4£ per cent per annum from the time of raising & paying the same

in exonerat[io]n of the s[ai]d manors & prem[is]es in the s[ai]d County of Dorset

comprised in thes[ai]d term of 600d years created by the Ind[entu]re of the 17th of

Feb[rua]ry 1714 & so assigned to thes[ai]d Radcliffe as afores[ai]d accord[in]g to the

true intent of the said before rec[eive]d Ind[entu]re of the 15 of April 1749 –

And Upon further Trust that s[ai]d Abdy his ex[ecut]ors or adm[inistrat]ors sho[ul]d

Subject to the Trusts before declared concerning the s[ai]d term of 400d

years permit thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party or such other person or

persons to whom the next & immediate rev[ersio]n & remainder of the same

prem[is]es expectant on thes[ai]d term of 400d years sho[ul]d for the time

being belong by virue of the limitat[ion]s afore ment[ione]d to receive the

rents thereof to his & their own use –

Provisoe & agreem[en]t between all the parties that after the pay[men]t of

s[ai]d 3000£ & all Int[erest] as af[ore]s[ai]d & of all costs attend[in]g the ex[ecuti]on of thes[ai]d last

ment[ione]d Trusts –






Then & at at all times from thenceforth thes[ai]d term of 400d years in thes[ai]d

prem[is]es sho[ul]d cease etc. –

And as concern[in]g thes[ai]d term of 1000d years before lim[ite]d to thes[ai]d John Williams his ex[ecut[ors etc as afore]s[ai]d

It was agreed between all thes[ai]d parties thereto that the same was so lim[ite]d to them

Upon trust that he thes[ai]d Williams his ex[ecut]ors etc sho[ul]d after the decease  of

thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party or in his lifetime if s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves sho[ul]d so direct

Out of the rents etc, or by sale of the prem[is]es comprized in the s[ai]d term of

1000d years or by all or any the ways & means af[ore]s[ai]d raise 8000£ for the port[ion]s of

thes[ai]d John Eliz[abet]h & Char[lott]e Ryves with such maintenance in the mean time not

Exceed[in]g the Int[erest] of their re[s]p[ect]ive port[ion]s after the rate of £3. 10s – per Cent per annum

and in such Shares and subj[ec]t to such cond[iti]ons etc. as thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the

party during his life by any writ[in]g etc. under his hand & seal att[ende]d by two or

more witnesses or by his last will in writ[in]g or any writ[in]g purporting to be

his last will should from time to time direct or appoint and in default

Of such directives etc. then to be equally divided amongst them share & share

alike to paid in manner therein ment[ionne]d – Provisoe that the portion of s[ai]d John

Ryves sho[ul]d be a vested Int[erest] at 21 & the resp[ect]ive portions of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves

the younger & Charlotte Ryves sho[ul]d be vested Interests in them esp[ecia]ly at 21 or marriage –

Provisoe that in case s[ai]d John Ryves sho[ul]d die or become an eldest or only

son before 21 or they thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves the younger & Charlotte Ryves sho[uld

die before 21 or marriage the port[ion]s of him her or them so dying or such

part thereof as shall not have been sooner advanced to go to the surviving

equally & be liable to the same contingency or survivorship as the original

portions of such children so as no one child have above 6000£ & no two

above 3000£ or piece with such maintenance after the death of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the party as therein ment[ione]d to be raised out of the rents & profits of

the prem[is]es comprized in thes[ai]d term of 1000d years –

Provisoe that no such sale or mortgage sho[ul]d be made till some one of

thes[ai]d portions should become payable & the rents & profits in the meantime

over & above s[ai]d maintenance to be received by the port[ion]s next in rem[ainde]r

expect[an]t on s[ai]d term –

Provisoe that in case s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party sho[ul]d give any of his s[ai]d younger child or

Children any sum of money towards their advancem[en]t & by wr[???]g under his hand & seal declare

The same to be tow[ar]ds the port[ion]s provi[de]d for him her or them by virtue of s[ai]d term of  1000d years such children to receive only such further port[ion]s by virtue of said 1000d years

term as with such sum so advanced will complete the port[io]n int[ende]d to be prov[ide]d for him or her –

Provisoe that after the trusts of s[ai]d term of 1000d y[ea]rs sh[oul]d be satisf[ie]d or incapable of tak[in]g

effect then s[ai]d term or so much th[ere]f[ore]as sho[ul]d not be disposed of for the purp[ose]s afores[ai]d (the

Trustees costs being paid) sho[ul]d cease –

Power for s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party to grant Leases of thes[ai]d manors & prem[is]es as then were

or usually had been leased for one two or three lives in possession or revo[catio]n





And also in like manner to make Leases of all or any part of the prem[is]es

For 21 y[ea]rs under the usual restrict[ion]s

The Lease & Release Ex[ecu]ted by Joseph Banks W[illia]m Round &

Tho[ma]s Ryves


4 Aug[us]t 1767

By Ind[entu]re of four parts made between Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy Bar[one]t of the 1st Tho[ma]s Ryves Esq of the

2nd Arthur Radcliffe Esq brother sole ex[ectu]or & residuary devisee named in the will of Edw[ar]d Radcliffe Esq., d[e]c[ease]d —

of the 3d & Peter Delme Esq of the 4th part.

After reciting that by virtue of certain Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] made prev[iou]s to the marriage

of Geo[rge] Ryves Esq dec[eas]ed with Arethusa his late wife also dec[eas]ed the 16th & 17th of Feb[ruar]y 1714 the

Release being Tripartite & made bet[wee]n thes[ai]d George Ryves of the 1st Ed[mun]d Pleydell Esqr & the s[ai]d Arethusa

the wife otf thes[ai]d Geo[rge]Ryves by her then name of Arethusa Pleydell one of the Dau[ghte]rs of s[ai]d Edm[un]d

of the 2nd & Rich[ar]d Bingham Esq George Chaffin & W[illia]m Constantine Esq of the third part

several lordships manors etc., in Dorsetshire therein particularly described were lim[ite]d to take effect

from & after the solemnizat[io]n of thes[ai]d then int[ende]d marriage & the sev[era]l deceases of thes[ai]d George Ryves &

Arethusa his wife & Failure of Issue male of thes[ai]d Geo[rge] Ryves on the body of the s[ai]d Arethusa to be

begotten –

To the use of s[ai]d Bingham Chaffin & Constantine their ex[ecut]ors etc., for 600d years Sans Waste

Upon the Trusts after ment[ione]d And subject thereto –

To the use of s[ai]d Geo[rge] Ryves & the heirs male of his body lawfully to be

begotten –

And for default of such Issue –

To the use of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves brother of the s[ai]d George Ryves & the heirs made of his

body lawfully to be begotten

And for default of such Issue –

To the use of the right heirs of s[ai]d Geo[rge] Ryves for ever –

And the Trust of s[ai]d term of 600d years was by thes[ai]d Rel[ease] declared to be

That in case there sho[ul]d be such failure as therein ment[ione]d of Issue Male of the s[ai]d

marriage And there sho[ul]d be one or more Dau[ghte]r or Dau[ghte]rs thereof –

Then they the s[ai]d Bingham Chaffin & Constantine & the Survivors & Survi[ivo]r

of them by & out of the rents etc.of s[ai]d prem[is]es or by sale etc., thereof

sho[ul]d raise 5000£ for the port[io]n of one only Dau[ghte]r of s[ai]d marr[iage] to be p[ai]d at 21

Or day of marr[iage] which sh[oul]d first happen with maintenance as therein ment[ione]d

And also recit[in]g that thes[ai]d marriage between thes[aid] Geo[rge] Ryves & Arethusa Pleydell took effect & that

Geo[rge] Ryves died sometime since leav[in]g issue by thes[ai]d Arehusa Ryves only one Daughter Arethusa the

wife of Peter Hawker Esq who became intit[le]d or the s[ai]d Peter Hawker in her right to the s[ai]d 5000£ directed

to be raised for her portion under the Trusts of the before ment[ione]d Term of 600d years

And likewise rec[eiv]ing that thes[ai]d prem[is]es comprized in thes[ai]d Term of 600d years did afterw[ar]ds

by virtue of sev[era]l Assur[ances] came unto & vest in thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party his heirs & ass[ign]s

for ever –

And rec[itin]g the before abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]res of Lease & Release of the 14 & 15 of April 1749





And also reciting that by Ind[entu[re of 4 parts dated the 16 day of May 1750 & made between

thes[ai]d George Chaffin of the 1st the s[ai]d Hawker &  – wife of the 2nd thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party of the

third & the [s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe Esqr of the 4th part –

After recit[in]g amongst other things, that 2000£ p[ai]d of s[ai]d 5000£ & all maintenance for s[ai]d 5000£

had been p[ai]d unto s[ai]d Hawker & wife –

And thes[ai]d Bingham & Constantine were both dead and that thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party

had requested s[ai]d Chaffin to raise 3000£ out of thes[ai]d Trust Est[ate] compr{ise]d in thes[ai]d term of 600d

years to pay what remained due to s[ai]d Hawker and wife for the port[io]n of thes[ai]d


It is witnessed by s[ai]d Ind[entu]re of 16 May 1750 that in cons[iderati]on of 3000£ therein

expr[esse]d to be p[ai]d to thes[ai]d Peter Hawker by thes[ai]d Radcliffe by the direct[io]n of the s[ai]d Ryves

the party with the priority of thes[ai]d Arethusa test[ate]d etc., being the rem[ainde]r & in full of the

port[io]n of thes[ai]d Arethusa under thes[ai]d Term of 600d years & for other the cons[iderati]ons therein

ment[ione]d He thes[ai]d Chaffin by the direct[io]n as well of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party as of thes[ai]d

Hawker & his wife test[ate]d etc., Did devise barg[ai]n sell assign & set over And thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the party did grant ratify and confirm unto thes[ai]d Radcliffe –

All & sing[ula]r the prem[is]es by the before recited ind[entu]re of the 17th of Feb[rua]ry 1714

lim[ite]d to thes[ai]d Bingham Chaffin & Constantine for the s[ai]d term of 600d years

upon the trusts afors[ai]d –

To hold unto s[ai]d Radcliffe his exe[cut]ors etc.,from thenceforth for

all the residue of thes[ai]d term of 600d years Sans Waste –

Subj[ec]t to a provisoe therein cont[aine]d for redemption of s[ai]d prem[is]es

Upon paym[en]t of 3000£ with Int[eres]t as therein

mentioned. –

And also rec[itin]g that by Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] dated the 19 & 20 June 1750 thes[ai]d

Rel[ease] being tripartite & made between thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party of the 1st  thes[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe of

the 2nd & thes[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe the party of the 3rd part

Thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves for the cons[iderati]ons therein ment[ione]d Did by way of mort[ga]ge for secur[in]g the further

sum of £2000 & in[[teres]t grant & confirm unto thes[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe (being a Trustee

nominated on the behalf of s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe) and to his Heirs –

The Cap[ta]l Messu[ag]e or Tenem[en]t called Peggs Farm & sev[era]l other heredit[ament]s therein

par[ticu]larly described in thes[ai]d County of Dorset (being part of the prem[is]es compr[ise]d

in thes[ai]d Term of 600d years]

To hold unto & to the use of s[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe his heirs & ass[ign]s –

In trust for the s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe his heirs etc., –

Subj[ec]t to a provisoe for redempt[io]n of thes[ai]d prem[is]es

Upon paym[en]t of £2000 with Int[erest] as therein ment[ione]d

And rec[eivin]g sev[era]l further charges made the[sai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves on thes[ai]d prem[is]es compr[ise]d in thes[ai]d term of 600d

years & the freehold and inheritance of the prem[is]es conveyed by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] of the 19 & 20 of June

1750 Whereby the same prem[is[es were charged with sev[era]l sums amount[in]g in the whole to £10000






And recit[in]g or tak[in]g notice of the before abstr[acte]d ind[entu]re of Rel[ease] of the 4th of Feb[ruar]y 1756 The before

abstr[acte]d Deed Poll of the 20 of April 1764 under the hands & seals of thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Edw[ar]d

Radcliffe The before abstr[acte]d Deed Poll of the 30 April 1764 under the hand and seal of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves The before Abstr[acte]d  Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] of the 1 & 2 of May 1764 & the 9 & 10 of July 1767

And also rec[itin]g that thes[ai]d princ[ipa]l sum of £10,000 then remained due to thes[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe upon

the sev[era]l security[ie]s before in part rec[ieve]d & the sev[era]l other securit[ie]s compr[ise]d in thes[ai]d Release of the 4 Feb[ruar]y 1756

And likewise rec[itin]g that thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party hav[in]g agreed to pay unto thes[ai]d Arthur

Radcliffe the s[ai]d £10,000 so due on the s[ai]d sev[era]l security[ie]s –

#####He thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves had requested thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy to raise £3000 out of

thes[ai]d sev[era]l manors heredit[aments & prem[is]es comprized in thes[ai]d last ment[ione]d term of 400d y[ea]rs to pay off the

£3000 so advanced by thes[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe (since dec[ease]d) to thes[ai]d Peter Hawker & Arethusa his

Wife as af[or]s[ai]d & in part paym[en]t of thes[ai]d £10000 then due to thes[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe So the Intent

that the prem[is]es comprized in thes[ai]d term of 600d years might be discharged from raising

thes[ai]d £3000 so charged And had applied to thes[ai]d Peter Delme to lend thes[ai]d £3000 which he had

agreed to upon the security of the same prem[is]es comprized in thes[ai]d last ment[ione]d term of 400d


It is by the now abstract[in]g Ind[entu]re Witnessed that in considerat[io]n of £3000 to thes[ai]d

Arthur Radcliffe p[ai]d by s[ai]d Delme (at the req[ues]t & by the direct[io]n etc., of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves

Testif[ie]d etc., which sum of £3000 & the sev[era]l sums of £4500 & £2500 then proposed to be

p[ai]d to the s[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe in manner therein ment[ione]d mak[in]g together £10000 was thereby

declared to be in full paym[en]t of all princ[ip]le & int[eres]t due to thes[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe upon the

Sev[era]l sec[???]s before ment[ione]d And also in cons[iderati]on of 10s to thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy p[ai]d by s[ai]d Delme

He thes[ai]d SirAnth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy (at the req[ues]t & by the direct[io]n of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & with the

privity & consent of the s[ai]d Arthur Radcliffe tesif[ie]d etc., did barg[ai]n sell assign & set over

And thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party did grant assign ratify & confirm unto the said Delme

His ex[ecut]ors etc.,

All the prem[is]es by the descript[io]n in the before abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]re of Rel[ease] of the 10th of

July 1767

And all & sing[ula]r other the Manors or reputed manors messu[age]s lands tenem[en]ts

Fee Farm Rents etc., whats[oeve]r sit[uated] etc., in thes[ai]d sev[era]l Count[ie]s of Suff[olk] York & Middx &

the City of London or any of them which in & by thes[ai]d thereinbefore in part

Receive]d Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] of the 9th & 10 of July then last were conveyed & assured

or int[ended]d to be conv[eye]d & assur[e]d To the use of the s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]yTho[ma]s Abdy his Ex[ecut[ors

etc., for the s[ai]d term of 400d years & every part thereof wih their rights etc.,

And the rev[ersio]n etc., and all the Est[ate] etc. –

To hold unto thes[ai]d Peter Delme his Ex[ecut]ors etc. for al the residue of the s[ai]d term of 400d years then to

come – Sans Waste

Subj[ec]t to a proviso therein cont[aine[d That if thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party his heirs & etc. or the

person or p[er]sons who for the time being sho[ul]d be intit[le]d to the rev[ersi]on of thes[ai]d prem[is]es

expect[an]t on the determinat[io]n of thes[ai]d term of 400d years sho[ul]d pay unto thes[ai]d Delme

his Ex[ecut]ors etc. £3000 & Int[erest] at the rate & the time & in manner therein ment[ione]d





Then s[ai]d Delme & all & every other person & persons hav[in]g or claim[in]g any Est[ate] etc

in or to thes[ai]d manors & prem[is]es under him would at any time then after

at the Costs of s[ai]d Ryves the party or of the person or persons so pay[in]g thes[ai]d

£3000 & Int[erest] either sever[a]l thes[ai]d term of 400d years & all their est[ate]s &In[teres]t therein

unto such person or persons as sho[ul]d  be intitl[e]d to the next est[ate] in rev[ersi]on of & in

thes[ai]d manors & prem[is]es or wo[ul]d assign etc, all the same manors & prem[is]es thereby

assigned for all the residue of thes[ai]d term of 400d years then to come

In trust to attend the inh[erit]ance of the s[ai]d prem[is]es or else in such other manner

as the person or persons so pay[in]g the s[ai]d £3000 & Int[erest] sho[ul]d direct etc.,

Freed from all incumbr[ance]s done or to be done in the mean time by thes[ai]d

Delme his Ex[ecut]ors etc,. or any other person or persons claim[in]g under him

or them –

A cov[enan]t from s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy that he had done no —-

to incumber the prem[is]es –

A cov[enan]t from s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves for pay[men]t of the money with all other

Usual cov[enan]ts in support of the title and for further assurances –

Ex[ecu]ted of Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Tho[ma]s Ryves


29 April 1774

By a Deed Poll indorsed on the back of the before abstracted Ind[entu]re of Rel[ease] of the 15th of April 1749

After reci[tin]g that by the before abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]res of Lease and Re[lease] of the 14 & 15 of April 1749 –

divers messu[age]s lands & here[ditament]s therein part[icular]ly described to be situate in Dorsetshire

(the Est[ate]s of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party) were lim[ite]d in use after the solemnizat[io]n of s[ai]d then

int[ente]d marr[iage] &  the decase of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party & Eliz[abet]h his wife –

To the use of John Williams the party & Tho[ma]s Wollascott Esq since dec[ease]d

heir ex[ecut]ors etc., for 500d years Sans Waste –

Upon the Trusts etc., after mentioned and subj[ec]t thereto

To the use of the 1st & all & every other the son & sons of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the party on the body of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h his late Wife to be begotten

successively in Tail Male

And in default of such Issue

To the use of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party & of his heirs & ass[ign]s for ever

And the Trust of the s[ai]d Sum of 500d years was by thes[ai]d ind[entu]re of 15

April 1749 declared to be that if all or any part of the Mo[ney]??  prov[ide}d to be

raised by the Trust of thes[ai]d term of 1000d years for the port[io]ns & maintenance

of the dau[ghte]rs & younger sons of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party & Eliz[abet]h his late wife

sho[ul]d come to be raised they the said Williams and Wollascott

Aand the Survivor of them his Ex[ecut]ors etc., sho[ul]d stand poss[esse]d of the prem[is]es

to them limited for the said Term of Five Hundred

Years –


In trust for the better rais[in]g the s[ai]d portions & maintenance & to

the intent the s[ai]d term of 500d y[ea]rs thereby limited might come in aid of

the s[ai]d term of 1000d years & by Sale or Mort[gag]e of thes[ai]d prem[is]es confer[re]d

in s[ai]d term of 500d years of a competent part thereof or by the rents etc.,

in the mean time raise so much money of thes[ai]d portions & mainten[an]ce

as he or they sho[ul]d find requisite or the whole thereof as occsa[io]n sho[ul]d

require & pay the money so to be raised to & among thes[ai]d dau[ghte]rs &

younger sons in such Shares etc., & in such manner etc., and under

such cond[iti]ons etc. as therein expr[esse]d etc., concern[in]g the money to be

raised by the Trust of thes[ai]d term of 1000d years

And likewise reciting that thes[ai]d John Ryves departed this life an infant under 21

whereby thes[ai]d Elizabeth & Charlotte Ryves were become the two only surviving younger children

of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves by thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h his late wife and that thes[a]d Eliz[abet]h & Char[lotte] Ryves the Dau[ghte]rs

had both attained 21 –

And also rec[itin]g that by Ind[entu]re of Barg[ai]n & Sale of 4 parts dated the 12 of Feb[ruar]y 1774 iirolled

In the King’s Bench & made bet[wee]n thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party of the 1st Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger

Of the 2nd Savill Reade Gent[leman] of the 3d & Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy Bar[one]t & Dan[ie]l Malthus Esq

Of the 4th part and by virtue of a Recovery suff[???]d in pursuance thereof –

The sev[era]l mess[uage]s etc, compr{???]d in thes[ai]d Term of 500d years (am{???]t divers manors etc.,) were

conveyed etc.,

Upon trust to sell the same in manner therein ment[ione]d & to apply the

money aris[in]g by sale th[ereo]f in manner after ment[ione]d (that is to say) –

In the first place for discharge[in]g the princ[ip]le sum of 6000£ then charged

upon thes[ai]d manors & prem[is]es or some part thereof for the port[ion]s of

Eliz[abet]h & Charl[otte] Ryves spinsters the two Dau[ghter]s & only surviv[in]g younger

childen of thes[ai]d Thomas Ryves the Elder by thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h his first wife

who had attained 21 (being the same £6000 as was prov[ide]d to be

raised for their port[ion]s under the Trusts of thes[ai]d term of 1000d years then

vested in thes[ai]d John Williams And in the next place for the sev[era]l purp[ose]s

Etc. in thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re ment[ione]d –

And further rec[itin]g that thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Da[nie]l Malthus had in pursuance

of the Trust reposed in them by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re & with the consent of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the

elder & younger sold & conveyed away the greatest part of thes[ai]d Manors etc., compr[ise]d in thes[ai]d

Ind[entu]re & Recovery & out of the Money aris[in]g by such Sale had at the req[ues]t etc., of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the elder Tho[ma]s Ryves the y[oung]r Eliz[abet]h & Charl[otte] Ryves p[ai]d thes[ai]d £6000 which by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of

Rel[ease] of 15 April 1749 was prov[ide]d to be raised under the Trusts of thes[ai]d term of 1000d years then

vested in thes[ai]d John Williams for the port[ion]s of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h & Charl[otte] Ryves the 2 Dau[ghte]rs as they thes[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder Eliz[abet]h Ryves Charl[otte] Ryves & John Williams did thereby severally acknowledge

It is by the now abstract[in]g Deed Witnessed that the con[diti]on of the rem[is]es also in con[siderati]on

of 10s p[ai]d to thes[ai]d Jono Williams by thes[ai]d Ryves the elder He the s[ai]d Jno Williams at the request of






Thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the ounger Eliz[abet]h & Charl[otte] Ryves testate]d? etc. Did barg[ai]n sell assign surr[ende]r

& yield up unto thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder his heirs & ass[ign]s –

All & sing[ula]r the Manors Messu[ag]es Farms Lands Tenem[en]ts Here[ditament]s & prem[is]es which by

thes[ai]d (therein) within written & before abst[acte]d Ind[entu]re of Rel[ease} of 15 April 1749 were

lim[ite]d to thes[ai]d J[o]n[nth]o[n] Williams for thes[ai]d term of 1000d years with their appur[tenan]ts

And all the Est[ate] etc.,

To hold the same unto thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves his Ex[ecut]ors etc., for the residue of thes[ai]d term of

1000d years therein –

To the Intent that the same might be merged etc. in the freeh[ol]d of thes[ai]d

prem[is]es w[hi]ch were by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of Rel[ease] of 15 April 1749 lim[ite]d in use to thes[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder & his ass[ign]s for his life –

A Cov[enan]t from the said John Williams that he had done no act to incumber

the prem[is]es –

And it is further witn[esse]d that for the con[diti]sons af[ore]s[ai]d they thesaid Eliz[abet]h & Charl[otte] Ryves &

each of them did rel[ease] acquit exonerate & for ever disch[ar]ge etc. as well thes[ai]d within ment[ione]d manors lands & here[ditament]s with the appur[en]ts unto thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder his ex[ecut]ors in manner afores[ai]d –

As also thes[ai]d J[o]n[ath]o[n] Williams his heirs etc., for thes[ai]d £6000 so as af[ores[ai]d intended & then

actually p[ai]d for the por[ion]s of them thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h & Charl[otte] Ryves as the Dau[ghte]rs  & younger

children of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder by the s[ai]d Eliz[abt]h his first wife form[erl]y Eliz[abet]h

Abdy sp[inste]r dec[ease]d by vitue of the s[ai]d term of 1000d years created by thes[ai]d within written

Ind[entu]re of |Rel[ease] of 15 April 1749 & before merged as af[ore]s[ai]d

And of & for all claims etc., which they thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h & Charlotte Ryves or either

of them their or either of their Ex[ecut]ors or Adm[instrat]ors might have claim etc., out

of  thes[ai]d Manors etc. before assigned etc., in respect of thes[ai]d £6000 as raised

as afores[ai]d

Executed by John Williams, Tho[ma]s Ryves Tho[ma]s Ryves Jun[io]r Eliz[abeth] Ryves &

Charlotte Ryves

17 April 1777

By Ind[entu]re of Bargain & Sale of 4 parts (acknowledged in open court by Tho[ma]s Ryves the Y[ounge]r on the

18 April 1777 & inrolled in the King’s Bench as of Easter Term 1777 & made between Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder

Esq of the 1st Tho[ma]s Ryves the Y[ounge]r Esq. the eldest & only surviv[in]g son & heir of the body of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the

elder by Eliz[abet]h his first wife form[erl]y Eliz[abet]h Abdy Sp[inste]r & since dec[ease]d of the 2nd Savill Reade Gent[leman] of the 3rd Dan[ie]l Malthus Esq of

the 4th part

It is witn[esse]d that for the Carr[???]g?  etc of all Est[ate]s Tail etc of & in the sev[era]l Manors etc after descr[ibe]d

& for vest[in]g the same in fee simple in thes[aid] Tho[ma]s the elder & Dan[ie]l Malthus & their heirs In trust

to be sold in the manner & for purp[ose]s after ment[ione]d And in cons[iderat]on of 10s apiece to thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the elder & Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger p[ai]d but by thes[ai]d Savill Read They thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder &

Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger & each of them did grant barg[ai]n & sell unto thes[ai]d Savill Read & his heirs

All the prem[is]es as descr[ibed in the before abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] of the 9 & 10

of July 1767 (Except the houses in Watling Street & East Smithfield) –

ioAnd  the Rev[erso]n etc And also all the Est[ate] etc






To hold unto & to the use of thes[ai]d Savill Reade his heirs & Ass[ign]s –

To the Interest that thes[ai]d Reade might become a perfect Tenant of the Freeh[ol]d

of the s[ai]d Manors & prem[is]es to the End that 2 or more common recoveries

might be thereof suff[ixe]d? wherein thes[ai]d Dan[ie]l Malthus sho]ul]d be Demand[??]t thes[ai]d

Savill Reade Tenant & thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger vouchee

And it is thereby agreed that thes[ai]d sev[era]l Common Recov[erie]s & all & every Common Rec{over]y etc sho[ul]d

enur[????] –

To the only proper use & behoof of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder & Dan[ie]l Malthus

their heirs & ass[ign]s for ever –

Upon trust that they thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder & Dan[ie]l Malthus or the

Surv[ivo]r of the heirs of such Surv[’ivor] sho[ul]d with all conven[ien]t speed at their or

his own discret[io]n absol[ute]ly sell & dispose of thes[ai]d sev[era]l manors here[ditamen]ts & prem[is]es

unto any person or p[er]sons either toge[the]r or in parcels for the most money

that at the time of such sales co[ul]d reas[onably begotten for the same & sho[ul]d apply

the money to be produced by such sales in manner after ment[ione]d (that is tak[in]g)

In the first place in pay[in]g the princ[ipa]l sum of £3000 part th[ereo]f in disch[ar]ge

of the like prin[cipa]l sum due upon the before abstr[acte]d mort[ga]ge to Peter Delme

Esq his exe[cu]ors adm[inistr]ors or ass[in]s and in the next place in paying the costs

& expences of mak[in]g & perfect[in]g the now abstr[actin]g Ind[entu]re & the recover[ie]s thereby

agreed to be suff[ixe]d?  & all other the costs & expences of thes[ai]d Trustees in

or about the ex[ecuti]on of the trusts thereby in them reposed –

And after paym[en]t thereof And subject thereto –

Upon Sur[vivo]r Trust that they thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder & Dan[ie]l Malthus

and the surv[ivo]r of them or the heirs of such survivor sho[ul]d pay to or

permit the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder his ex[ectu]ors etc., to receive one moiety

or equal half part of all the residue of the money aris[in]g by such Sales

which sho[ul]d remain after & not be applied in manner afores[ai]d & (of the whole

of thes[ai]d residue into 2 equal parts being divided) And also the Sur[vivo]r?

sum of £400 out of the rem[ainin]g moiety of thes[ai]d residue To and for

his and their own use:-

And upon further Trust they they thes[ai]d Ryves the elder & Malthus

& the Survivor of them or the heirs of such Survivor sho[ul]d (after deducting

& pay[in]g the sum of £400 in manner afores[ai]d out of the s[ai]d rem[ainin]g or other

moiety of all the af[ore]s[ai]d residue of the money arising by the s[ai]d Sales)

apply & dispose of all the residue of thes[ai]d last ment[ione]d or other moiety

of the afores[ai]d residue of the mon[ie]s aris[in]g by thes[ai]d Sales unto such person

& persons upon such trusts & to & for such & uses ends intents & purp[ose]s

& subject to such prov[ision]s decl[arati]ons & agreem[en]ts for the benefit of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder & Tho[ma]s

the y[ounge]r & his Family as (then) already had been agreed upon bet[wee]n thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the elder & Tho[ma]s Rvves the y[ounge]r & were or were int[ende]d be expr[esse]d & decl[aire]d in & by






A certain Ind[entu]re int[ende]d to bear even date with the Ind[entu]re now abstr[actin]g &

to be made between thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the y[ounge]r of the one part & thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves the Elder & Dan[ie]l Malthus of the other part –

An agreement between the s[ai]d parties that until such sales sho[ul]d be made

of thes[ai]d manors & prem[is]es in pursuance of the now abstr[actin]g Ind[entu]re They thes[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder & Dan[ie]l Malthus & the Survivor of them & his heirs sho[ul]d be

seized of the s[ai]d Manors & Prem[is]es –

Upon Trust from time to time until thes[ai]d Manors & Prem[is]es sho[ul]d be

sold as afores[ai]d to receive the rents thereof & thereout in the first place to

keep down the Int[erest] of thes[ai]d £3000 which was  secured upon the same manors & prem[is]es And after payment thereof & subject thereto –

Upon further Trust to pay to or permit the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves thes[aid]

elder and this Ass[ign]s duri[in]g his life to receive the residue of thes[ai]d rents

that sho[ul]d not be applied for the purpose afores[ai]d –

To and for his & their own use & after the decease of thes[ai]d Ryves the elder

Upon further Trust to pay to or permit thes[ai]d Ryves the younger

his heirs or ass[ign]s after the decease of thes[ai]d Ryves the elder & until

such Sales sho[ul]d be made as afores[ai]d to receive the residue of the Rents

that sho[ul]d not be applied for the purp[ose]s afores[ai]d

To and for his and their own use –

And for facilitating such intended Sale of s[ai]d prem[is]es

It is thereby agreed that the Receipt or Rec[eip]ts of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the elder

& Dan[ie]l Malthus or the surv[ivo]r of them or the heirs of such surv[ivor]s under

their or his hands or hand resp[ect]ively shall from time to time be a good &

effectual discharge to the rep[ect]ive purchaser or purch[aser]s of all or any part of

thes[ai]d manors & prem[is]es to be sold in pursuance thereof etc  for so much money as in

such receipt or receipts shall be expr[esse]d to be received –

A Cov[enan]t from thes[ai]d Ryves the elder & Ryves the y[ounge]r for further assurances. –

Ex[ecu]ted by Tho[ma]s Ryves, Tho[ma]s Ryves Jnu[io]r Savill Reade & Dan[ie]l Malthus


Easter Term 17 Geo. 3rd

An Exemplification of a Recov[er]y wherein Dan’[ie]l Malthus Esq is Demand[???]t Savill Reade Gent[leman] Tenant

& Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger Esqr vouchee who voucheth over the Common Vouchee of

The Manors of Waldringfield with Hilton & Rivershall o[ther]wise Rivershall in

Waldringfield with the appurt[enant]s

And 4 messu[age]s 2 shops 3 Tofts 2 Dovehouses 1 Wharf 1 Dock 1 Quay 8 gardens

140 a[cres] of land 30 a[cres] of meadow 20 a[cres] wood 100 a[cres] of Furze & Heath

50 a[cres] moor 5 a[cres] of Marsh 10 a[cres] of Fenn 10 a[cres] of land covered with water common of

Pasture for all cattle Common of Turbary Free Fishing free warren Liberty of

Foldage Courts Leet Courts Baron view of Frankpledge chattles of Felons Outlaws & persons

Put in exigent chattles of waifs estrays & deodands with the appurt[enance]s  in

Waldringfield Brightwell Foxhall Rushmere  Ipswich






And also all & all manner of Tythes whatsoever yearly aris[in]g grow[in]g or

renew[in]g from & out of the s[ai]d prem[is]es

And likewise the clear yearly sum of 11s & 8d called & Rent Resolute payable

at the Exchquer out of or in respect of a cert[ai]n Tenem[en]t called Hames Lane in Foxhall af[ore]s[ai]d

And moreover the advowson of the Church of Waldringfield

And the advowson of the vicarage of the Church of Rushmere

Writ of Entry returnable from Easter day in 15 days –

The Tenant & vouchee appeareth in person at Bar –

The Writ of Seizin returnable from Easter day in 5 weeks –

And poss[essio]n delivered on the 21st  of April 1777 –


6 May 1777

By a Deed Poll indorsed on the before abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]re of 4 Aug[us]t 1767 –

After reciting amongst other things (that by an act of parliam[en]t passed in the 1st year of

“Geo[rge] 3rd intitled” An Act for vesting the settled Est[ate] of John Williams Esq in the County of Essex

“in Trustees to be sold for rais[in]g money to discharge incumb[e]rs & laying out the Surplus in the purch[ase]

“of  lands and Here[ditament]s to be settled to the uses limited of thes[ai]d settled Est[ate]”-

It was (amongst other things) enacted that –

The Manor of Felix Hall & divers lands & here[ditament]s sit[uated] in the County of Essex

And thes[ai]d act part[icul]arly ment[ione]d sho[ul]d from & after the 1st of April 1761 be settled

upon & vested in the within named Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Delme their heirs & ass[ign]s

Upon trust to sell the same & to apply the money aris[in]g from such sale

in the manner & for the purposes therein ment[ionne]d –

And also rec[itin]g that thes[ai]d Manor & prem[is]es vested by thes[ai]d Act to be sold as fores[ai]d were sometime

before the date & ex[ecuti]on of the within Ind[entu]re sold & conveyed by thes[ai]d Sir Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy & Delme for

£19,640 out of which the sev[era]l sums £5000 & £6000 in thes[ai]d Act ment[ione]d & the expenses attend[in]g the

obtain[in]g thes[ai]d Act & compleat[in]g the Sale of thes[ai]d Est[ate] had been p[ai]d and £3000 part of the rem[ainde]r of

the money aris[in]g from thes[ai]d sale had been on the 4 of Aug[us]t 1767 at the req[ues]t  of thes[ai]d J[o]no[thon] Williams the

elder & Charlotte Maria his wife placed out at Interest in the name of thes[ai]d Peter Delme only Upon

the within written mortgage of the within ment[ione]d prem[is]es for the within ment[ione]d term of 400d years

And likewise rec[itin]g that the within named Peter Delme departed this life about the month of April

1770 hav[in]g first made his Will & appointed his brother John Delme Esq & Peter Delme Esq his (the test[at]or’s)

Eldest son & heir at  law Ex[ecutor]s thereof who duly proved thes[ai]d Will in the Prerogative Court of

Canterbury And further rec[itin]g that thes[ai]d John Delme had since departed this life by means whereof thes[ai]d

Peter Delme the Son became the only surviving Exe[cuto]r of the wihin named Peter Delme dec[eas]ed

And rec[itin]g that by a Decree of the Court of Chancery made by the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain

on the 10 of May 1776 upon the hear[in]g of a certain cause (then depend[in]g in thes[ai]d Court Wherein thes[ai]d Mr Williams the elder & Ch[arlotte] Mar[ia] his wife John

Williams the younger & Ja[mes] Williams were the —— & thes[ai]d Peter Delme the son & Tho[ma]s Walker Esq Serj[ean]t at

Law & J[o]n[ath]o[n] Heaton Esq the Ex[ecut]ors of thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy also dec[eas]ed were the Def[endant]s? His Lordsh[ip] did (amongst

other things) order & decree that the Def[endan]t the representative of the within named Peter Delme dec[ease]d sho[ul]d assign

The within ment[ione]d m[or]t[ga]ge term of 400d y[ea]rs to new  Tr[ust]ees to be approv[e]d of by Master Eames for the purp[ose]s in the af[ore]s[ai]d Act of






Parliam[en]t ment[ione]d

And also rec[itin]g that thes[ai]d Master Eames had in pursuance of thes[aid rec[ite]d decree made his report in thes[ai]d

Cause dated the 20 of July 1776 and therey certified that he had been attended by the Sol[icito]rs for all parties

And the —– hav[in]g proposed Golding Griggs esq & J[o]no[than] Rosier Esq as 2 new trustees in the place of thes[ai]d

Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Drlme both dec[ease]d He had considered of thes[ai]d proposal & did approve

of thes[ai]d Griggs & Rosier to be Trustees in the place of thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Delme

And reciting that thes[ai]d John Williams had lately obtained his Majesty’s Royal Licence & auth[orit]y

to use and take the Surname of Onslow jointly with his own name & by virtue thereof now Stiles

himself by the name of John Williams Onslow –

It is witnessed that in pursuance of & obedience to the s[ai]d in part recited Decree & thes[ai]d

Master’s Report in pursuance thereof & in Con[siderati]on of 10s to thes[ai]d Delme the Son p[ai]d by thes[ai]d

Griggs & Rosier He thes[ai]d Delme the son (at the request by the direct[io]n etc., of thes[ai]d

John, Wllliams Onslow & Charlotte Maria his wife J[o]n[ath]o[n] Williams the y[ounge]r & Ja[me]s Williams testif[ie]d

etc., Did bargain sell assign transfer & set over unto thes[ai]d Grigges & Rosier their Ex[ecut]ors

All & every the within ment[ione]d sev[era]l manors messu[age]s Farms Lands Tenem[en]ts

Rectories Advowsons Tythes Fee Farm Rents & other Rents & Annual Paym[ent]s

Here[ditament]s & all other the prem[is]es in & by the within written Ind[entu]re assigned to thes[ai]d

Peter Delme dec[eas]ed for the residue of the within ment[ione]d term of 400d years

with their Rights etc., together with the princ[ipa]l sum of £3000 secured in

& by the within written ind[entu]re of mortgage And all Int[erest] then remain[in]g

due for the same upon the within written security

And all the Est[ate] etc.,

To hold unto thes[ai]d Griggs & Rosier their Ex[ecut]ors etc., from thenceforth for all the

residue of thes[ai]d within ment[ione]d term of 400d years therein then to come

And also to demand receive & take the moneys remain[in]g due upon &

secured in & by the within written Ind[entu]re Upon such & the same Trusts

etc., as by the before ment[ione]d Act of Parliam[en]t were declared or referred to

of & concern[in]g the residue of the monies to arise from the Sale of the Estates

by the s[ai]d Act vested in them, thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Thom[a]s Abdy & Peter Delmes dec[ease]d

In trust to be sold as afores[ai]d or such & so many of them as were

then existing unperformed or capable of tak[in]g effect

But subject alsways nevertheless as to thes[ai]d term of 400 years to such

right or power of redemption as the same was subject to in Equity

by virtue of or under the within written Ind[entu]re

A Covenant from thes[ai]d Peter Delme the Son hat he had

done no act to incumber the Prem[is]es

Executed by Peter Delme, John Williams Onslow

C.M.Williams Onslow, John Williams Jun[io]r and

James Williams
































































Abstract of Title to certain Manors Advowson & Heredit[ament]s in Waldringfield of the County Suffolk


ABSTRACT of the Title to the several Manors of

Waldringfield Hilton and Rivershall in Waldringfield in

Suffolk and divers Messuages lands fee farm rents advowsons

and Hereditaments in Suffolk York Middlesex and the City of

London being that part of the Estate  late of Sir Samuel

Barnardiston formerly of Brightwell Hall in Suffolk Baronet

deceased which upon the Division of the whole Estate in  possession

among the Coheirs of the said Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston was allotted

as the separate share of Thomas Ryers Esq and Elizabeth his

first wife (formerly Elizabeth Abdy Spinster) in manner

hereinafter mentioned


19 & 20 March 1704

By Indentures of Lease and Release made between Sir Samuel Barnardiston

of Brightwell Hall in Suffolk Baronet of the one & Edward Harley Esq Thomas Williams

Esq John Bennett Esq & Thomas Barnardiston son of Thomas Barnardiston Esq dec[eas]ed of

the other part

After reciting as therein is recited

It is by the said Ind[entu]re of Release Witnessed that the said Sir Samuel

Barnardiston in consideration of the natural love and affection which he

had and bore unto Samuel Barnardiston his nephew eldest son of

Nathaniel Barnardiston Esq dec[eas]ed late Brother of the said Sir Samuel

& other his kindred thereinafter named and for the purposes therein

mentioned Did grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said

Edward Harley Thomas Williams Jon Bennett & Thomas Barnardiston

(in the actual possession etc,) and to their heirs (amongst divers other

Manors Messuages Lands Tenements Fee Farm Rents & other Rents and Heredit[ament]s

therein particularly described)

All that the Manor of Rivershall alias Rivershall in

Waldringfield in the said County of Suffolk with the Rights etc.

thereof And the site of the said Manor of Rivershall with

the appurt[enance]s And all that the manor of Wicksbishop in Ipswich

in the said County of Suffolk with the Rights etc thereof And the

site of the said manor of Wicksbishop with the appurt[enance]s

And all that the Manor of Waldringfield Hilton in the

said County of Suffolk with the Rights etc., thereof and the Site

of the said Manor of Waldringfield Hilton with the appurt[ence]s

And all that the advowson of Waldringfield aforesaid

And the advowson of the Vicarage of the Parish Church of

Rushmere in the said County of Suffolk All which

Manors &  premises the said Sir Samuel Barnardiston by





Indentures of Lease & Release dated the 16 & 17 of March in the 15th

year of the Reign of his late Majesty King Charles the second purchased of

Thomas Essington Esq And also all that Mess[uag]e or Tenement with the Appurt[ence]s

situate in Watling Street London know by the Sign of the Tobacco Roll

And all that annual or fee farm rent of £22 reserved & issuing out of &

for the Rectory of Appleton in Rydall in the County of York and all &

Ssingular other the fee farm rents and other rents and annual payments &

hereditaments whatsoever of said Sir Samuel with their rights etc situate

lying & being or arising in the said County of York in all amounting to

£614.11d p[er] Annum or thereabouts which said Sir Samuel then lately

Purchased of Charles Duke of Bolton John Mitford Christ[ophe]r Cratford & Edward           Jackson or some of them by Ind[entu]res of Lease & Release of 20th & 21st

March 1692

AND all those messuages or Tenements with the appurt[enance]s in East Smithfield in the Parish of Saint Buttolph without Aldgate London

sometime one Messu[ag]e known by the Sign of the Soldier but then divided into two several Tenements & then in the several occupations of Anne Gold Widow,Tho[ma]s Lee, Tho[ma]s Brown & John Gardner or their assigns And all

other the Manors Mess[uage]s Lands Tenements Rectories Tithes Advowsons Fee

Farm Rents & other annual Rents & payments & Heredit[ament]s whatsoever of

him the said Sir Samuel Barardiston either in law or equity situate

lying & being arising growing or renewing In the Towns parishes

Hamlets Precincts & Territories of Brightwell Casnalls alias Foxhall Rivershall Waldringfield Wicksbishop, Rushmere, Kesgrave, Ipswich, Bucklesum, Hollow, Tree, Newborne, Hemley, Isleton, Ingoldstone, Alfradiston, Byxley,

Woolsley & Nacton, Stutton Bateford, Kennett alias Kenet & Kenteford & the several other places therein particularly named some or one of them in the Counties of Suffolk Cambridge York London & Middlesex And all & singular the mess[uage]s Granges Houses etc., Orchards Gardens etc., Lands Tenements

Meadows Feedngs Pastures Commons Sheep Walks Wasts etc., Woods etc Mill

Suite, Muloture Rivers, Streams, Ways etc Fishings or Fishing  places warren Mines Quarries Rents & Services as well of fee as customary Tenants

And all Rents & Services reserved upon any grant or grants of said

Manors & Premises or any part thereof Escheats Reliefs Heriots Fines Amerciaments  Courts Leet etc., thereunto belonging

And the Reversion etc. And all the Estate etc., of said Sir Samuel

Barnardiston of in & to the same premises(except all such the Estate for

life of Dame Mary Barnardiston wife of the said Sir Samuel Barnardiston

as is limited to her by Indenture of Release of 24th May 1693 made

between said Sir Samuel & Dame Mary of one part & Sam[ue]l Reynardson Jacob Reynardson & Jo[nothan]. Reynardston of the other part of all said Site or Mansion House called

// 2




Brightwell Hall & all grounds within the Park Pale in the said Parish

of Brightwell And also all said fee farm rents in the said County of

York purchased by the said Sir Samuel of the Duke of Bolton & also

of the yearly value of £614.11d – And all that fee farm rent of £150.13.5¾d

out of the Manors of Walton cum Trimley & Phelixto And all those Fee

Farm Rents abovementioned amounting to £100.14s.11d purchased of King

Charles 2[n]d or his Trustees in Reversion as afor[e]s[ai]d. And  all those mess[uag]es

situate in East Smithfield during the natural life of said Dame Mary

And all those lands lying without the Park Lane afores[ai]d. called Awdience

meadow pasture and wood & Newborne Fields & warren al[ia]s Warry Fields and three meadows called Pound Meadows in said Parishes of Brightwell

& Newborne or one of them which last mentioned premises were devised

by the will of Sir Samuel Barnidiston to said Dame Mary his wife for

life towards keeping said Mansion House of Brightwell Hall and prem[is]es thereto belonging in Good Repair –

To hold (except before excepted) to s[ai]d Healey Williams Bennett and Tho[ma]s. Barnardiston &

their heirs for ever To the Uses etc after declared (that is to say)

To the use of the said Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston & the heirs  male of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten And for default of such Issue

To the Use of the heirs of the body of said Sir Sam[ua]l Barnardiston

lawfully begotten or to be begotten – And for default of such Issue

To the use of the said Sam[ua]l Barnardiston eldest son of the s[ai]d Nathaniel Barnardiston and his assigns for his life               – Rem[ainder

To the use of said Trustees & their Heirs during the life of s[ai]d Samuel

Barnardiston Upon trust to preserve the contingent remainders and

after the decease of thes[ai]d Sam[ue]l Barnardiston –

To the Use of the 1st & all & every other son & sons of the body of the

said Samuel Barnardiston lawfully to be begotten severally & successively

In Tail male And for default of such Issue –

To the use of Palatiah Barnardiston second son of thes[ai]d. Nath[anie]l Barnardististon & his ass[ign]s for his life                   –   Remainder

To the use of said Trustees and their heirs dur[in]g the life of Sir Pal[atiah]. Barnardiston Upon trust to preserve contingent  Rem[aind]ers And after

the Decease of said Palatiah Barnardiston

To the use of the first & all & every other son & sons of the s[ai]d Palatiah

Barnardiston lawfully to be begotten severally & successfully in Tail Male

And for default of such Issue –

To the use of said Nath[anie]l Barnardiston only son of Palatiah

Barnardiston deceased late Brother of thes[ai]d Sir Saml. Barnardiston & his

assigns for his life                                                                           – Remainder





To the use of said Trustees & their heirs during the life of s[ai]d Nath[anie]l Barnardiston the Son Upon Trust to preserve contingent Remainders

And after the Decease of said Nathaniel Barnardiston the son

To the Use of the 1st & all & every other Son & Sons of the body of thes[ai]d

Nath[anie]l Barnardiston the son lawfully to be begotten severally &

successively in Tail Male and for default of such Issue

To the use of Samuel Barnardiston eldest son of Arthur Barnardiston

dec[eas]ed late Brother of the s[ai]d Samuel & his assigns for his life – –Rem[ainder]

To the Use of said Trustees & their heirs during the life of s[ai]d Sam[ue]l Barnardiston the son of Arthur Upon trust to preserve contingent rem[ain]ders

And after the decease of thes[ai]d Sam[ue]l Barnardiston

To the use of the 1st & all & every other son & sons of the same Samuel

Barnardiston lawfully to be begotten severally & successively in Tail Male

And for Default of such Issue –

To the use of Arthur Barnardiston youngest son of the said

Arthur Barnardiston deceased late Brother of said Sir Sam[ue]l. &

his assigns for his life –                                                                   Remainder

To the use of said Trustees & their Heirs during the life of s[ai]d

Arthur Barnardiston the son Upon trust to preserve contingent Rem[ainde]rs

And after the Decease of s[ai]d Arthur Barnardiston the Son –

To the use of the 1st & all & every other son & sons of the body of thes[ai]d

Arthur Barnardiston the son lawfully to be begotten severally & successively

In Tail Male And for Default of such Issue –

To the use of the Right Heirs of thes[ai]d Sir Samuel Barnardiston

for ever –

Provisoe that it sho[ul]d be lawful for thes[ai]d. Sir Sam[ue]ll Barnardiston

and his af[or]s[ai]d during his life to grant leases of all or any part

of the said prem[is]es to any person or persons in possession or

reversion with or with[ou]t Reservation of any Rent or Rents at

his and their will and pleasure –

Provisoe that it should be lawful for all & every such person

& persons to whom any estate for life only is thereby limited

being in the actual possession of the said prem[is]es to

Grant Leases of all or any part thereof for any term not

exceeding 21 years in poss[essi]on at the most improved yearly

rent & not to be dispunishable for waste

Provisoe that it sho[ul]d be lawful for thes[ai]d Sir Sam[ue]l. Barniardiston  by Deed

or Will to resolve or make void thes[ai]d ow abstract[in]g Ind[entu]re and all

or any of the uses trusts limitat[ion]s etc therein ment[ione]d & appointed & to

create new or other uses trusts & est[ae]s or o[ther]wise to dispose of thes[ai]d prem[is]es

at his will & pleasure.





Provisoe that it should be lawful for the said Samuel Barnardiston

son of thes[ai]d Nath[anie]l & the several other tenants for life before named

when they should resp[ectful]ly be in the actual poss[essi]on of the freehold

of said prem[is]es by any writ[in]g or writings indented under their

respective hands & seals to limit or appoint any part or

parts thereof not exceeding in the whole the yearly value of

£800 in Jointure on any woman or women who they should

resp[ectful]ly marry –

Executed by Sir Samuel Barnardiston and

John Bennett


17 July 1732

By Indenture Tripartite made between Arthur Barnardiston Eqr of the 1st Mary Jennens

Spinster of the 2nd & Sir Edm[un]d Probyn Kn[igh]t Tho[ma]s Blencowe John Morrice & Edw[ar]d Radcliffe Esq of the

3rd part

After reciting the above abstracted Ind[entu]res of the 19th & 20th March 1704

And also reciting that the said Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston the nephew Sir Palatiah

Barnardiston Sir Nath[anie]l Barnardiston & Sam[ue]l Barnardiston were  all Dec[eas]ed without

Issue Male & that thes[ai]d Dame Mary Barnardiston was also Dead so that the said

Arthur Barnardiston was then in the actual poss[essi]on of the freehold of thes[ai]d prem[is]es in thes[ai]d

Recited Ind[entu]re of Release mentioned

And also Reciting that a Marriage was then intended between the said Arthur

Barnardiston and Mary Jennens the said Arthur Barnardiston in cons[ideratio]n of the said marr[iage]

& of £3000 the portion of  s[ai]d Mary Jennens

Did grant limit & appoint unto thes[ai]d Mary Jennens In case thes[ai]d intended marriage

sho[ul]d take effect

The Manor of Wicksbishop in Ipswich in Suffolk & diverse Fee Farm

Rents & other rents & annual paym[en]ts Issuing & payable out of & for divers

Heredit[ament]s in Suffolk & Yorkshire therein particularly mentioned

And all that the Manor or Farm of Quarles or Quarhams in Stutton

And All that mess[uage]e tenem[en]t or Farm part of the manor of St John  alias St

Jones sit[uated] in Battesford in thes[ai]d County of Suffolk with the appurt[enance]s

All that messu[ag]e Tenem[en]t or Farm in the Parish of Kesgrave in Suffolk

then late in the tenure of Jonathan Mills or his assigns

All that mess[uag]e Ten[emen]t or Farm in the parish of Waldringfield then in the tenure of Francis Goylma

All that messu[ag]e ten[e]m[en]t or Farm situate in the parish of Foxhall then

in the Tenure of —— Upson –

All wh[ich] s[ai]d Manors Fee Farm Rents & Here[ditament]s did not exceed in the whole the y[ea]rly sum of £800

To hold unto and To the Use of s[ai]d Mary Jennens & her ass[ign]s In case thes[ai]d then int[ende]d marr[iage] sho[ul]d take

effect & she sho[ul]d happen to survive thes[ai]d Arthur Barnardiston for her life in full for her jointure & in Bar

of Dower





Covenant from Arthur Barnardiston that he had good right to limit

& appoint the premises to s[ai]d Mary Jennens for her life in case she survived him

in manner afores[ai]d

Executed by Arthur Barnardiston, Mary Jennens & E. Probyn, Tho[ma]s

Blencowe &  Edw[ar]d Radcliffe.

A Receipt for £3000 indorsed & signed by Arthur


Arthur Barnardiston  party to the last abstracted Ind[entu]re dyed many years ago

Leaving Arthur his only son who is also long since dead an Infant & unmarr[ie]d

Upon whose death one moiety of the Manor Lands & Heredit[ament]s comprized in the s[ai]d

Ind[entu]re of 20th March 1704 descended to Dame Anna Maria Shaw widow in fee

& the other moiety thereof to Charlotte Maria now the wife of Jno Williams Onslow

Esq & Eliz[abet]h Abdy  afterw[ar]ds the wife of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves as coparceners in fee simple

She said Lady Shaw Charlotte Maria Williams & Eliz[abeth] Abdy the right heirs

of thes[ai]d Sir Samuel Barnardiston  –  as appears  by the pedigree of the Family

Hereto ———

Sir John Shaw’s Title to One Moiety of the Manors Lands

heredi[tamen]ts comprized in the above abstracted Indenture of 20th

March 1704 set forth here to explain the partition of the whole Estate

ment[ionne]d in the subsequent part of this abstract.


24 May 1753

Dame Anna Maria Shaw widow by her will attested by 3 witnesses

(Inter alia gave to Mrs Mary Ridges a clear annuity of £100 per annum for life payable

quarterly And in Case a fund for securing the payment c[oul]d not be made out of her

pers[ona]l Est[ate] Then she Charged All her Freehold Manors & heredit[ament]s except such parts thereof

as she had thereafter devised to her grandson with the paym[en]t thereof –

After reciting that upon the Death of Arthur Barnardiston the son of her late

Cousin Arthur Barnardiston dec[ease]d divers freehold Manors mess[uag]es Lands Tyths Fee Farm

Rents & Heredit[ament]s in the Countys of Suffolk Cambridge York and the City of London

lately descended & came to her & her said nieces Charlotte Maria Williams & Eliz[abet]h

Ryves as Coheirs of thes[ai]d Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston or otherwise (that is to say)

One undivided moiety thereof to her & her heirs & the other undivided moiety to her

s[ai]d nieces &  their heirs as Tenants in Common But subject as to part thereof to an

Est[ate]  for the life of Mary the w[idow] of her s[ai]d late cousin Arthur  Barnardiston (inserted) – as her Jointure Did give and devise all her moiety part & shares and all such manors etc as were lim[ite]d to thes[ai]d —- of her s[ai]d late couzin Arthur Barnardiston) in Jointure

And all her reversionary Estate therein unto & –

To the Use of her Grandson John Shaw & the heirs of his body lawfully

to be begotten and for want of such Issue she gave & devised the same

To the Use of her Son Sir John Shaw his heirs & Ass[ign]s

And as to all the rest & residue of thes[ai]d Manors not in Jointure

to the widow of thes[ai]d Arthur Barnardiston





And also all & every other her freeh[ol]d manors lands tythes & heredit[ament]s whats[eve]r

The s[ai]d Testatrix thereby gave & devised the same unto her said

Son Sir John Shaw his heirs & ass[ign]s for ever-


30th April 1764

By Deed Poll under the hand and seal of Mary Ridges Spinster

After reciting that the s[ai]d Sir John Shaw was seized in fee simple in poss[essio]n of an undivided

moiety of several manors & heredit[ament]s in Suffolk, Cambridge York Middx & London

charged with an annuity of £100 to thes[ai]d Mary Ridges for her life to her given by

the will of Dame Anna Maria Shaw his late Mother dec[ease]d And  that the s[ai]d Sir John

Shaw had agreed with the other part owners of the said moiety & prem[is]es chargeable

with s[ai]d annuity to make a partition thereof among them and for effecting same s[ai]d Mary

Ridges at the request of said Sir Jno Shaw had agreed to release thes[ai]d moiety & prem[is]es

from the payment of s[ai]d annuity the s[ai]d Mary Ridges in pursuance of said recited

agreem[en]t & in cons[iderati]on of 5s to her p[ai]d y[ea]rly by s[ai]d Sir John Shaw Did fully & absolutely remise release

Exonerate and for ever discharge –

All that the undivided moiety of him the said Sir John Shaw of

& in all & singular the manors mess[uage]s Lands Tenem[en]ts Tythes Fee Farm

Rents & Heredit[ament]s in the sev[era]l Countys of Suffolk  Cambridge York Midd[lese]x

& the City of London so agreed to be divided as afores[ai]d & every part &

parcel thereof of & from all sum & sums of money then due or thereafter

to become payable for or in respect of thes[ai]d Annuity so to her bequeathed

as afores[ai]d & from all Claims & Demands whatsoever concerning

the same –

Executed by Mary Ridges

The Title of thes[ai]d John Williams Onslow (lately called John

Williams) & Charlotte Maria his wife to one undivided 4th of thes[ai]d

Manors & Here[ditament]s comprized in thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of 20 March 1704 setforth here

to explain the part[itio]n of the whole Est[ate] ment[ione]d in the subseq[uen]t part of this abstract –

14th May 1746

By Indenture made between John Williams Esq & Charlotte Maria Williams his

wife of the one Sir Rob[er]t Abdy Jno Abdy Peter Delrne Esq of the other part

After reciting that the s[ai]d Charlotte Maria as one of the Dau[ghte]rs & co-heirs of Sir

Anth[on]y Tho[ma[s Abdy Bar[one]t and also as one of the Dau[ghte]rs & co-heirs of Dame Charlotte

Abdy his wife who was one of the Dau[ghte]rs & Co-heirs of Sir Tho[ma]s Barnardiston the younger

Bar[one]t who was the son & heir of Sir Tho[ma]s Barnardiston the elder Bar[one]t who was eldest

Brother of Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston was intit[le]d tog[ethe]r with Eliz[abet]h Abdy her sister the other Dau[ghte]r

& co heir of thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy in equal moietys or other shares and proportions to an

Estate of Inheritence of & in the Manors and Hereditaments therein after mentioned.





It is Witnessed that for settling & assur[in]g all her thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria’s

Share & Int[erest] of & in the Manors & Here[ditament]s thereinafter ment[ione]d To such uses upon

such Trusts & to & for such Intents & purposes etc as are thereinafter declared &

limited of & concerning the same The said John Williams for himself & thes[ai]d

Charlotte Maria his wife his & her heirs etc Did Coven[enan]t Grant & agree to & with

thes[ai]d Sir Rob[er]t Abdy John Abdy & Peter Delme their heirs & ass[ign]s and thes[ai]d Charlotte

Maria Did thereby consent & agree before the end of Trinity Term then next

ensuing to Levy One or more Fine or Fines Sur Conuzance de droit come

ceo etc., to thes[ai]d Sir Rob[er]t Abdy John Abdy & Peter Delme& their heirs or the levy of one of

them of (amongst divers manors mess[uage]s lands Tenem[en]ts fee farm rents & other rents &

here[ditament]s therein part[icul]arly described)

The s[ai]d manors of Rivershall in Waldringfield & Waldringfield Hilton

in the s[ai]d County of Suffolk & all other the premises as described

in the before abstracted Ind[entu]re of the 20 March 1704

And also of all other the mess[uage]s Lands Tene[men]ts & Heredit[ament]s whatsoever

Being Freeh[ol]d & not Copyh[ol]d of them thes[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte

Maria his wife or either of them or whereof or wherein they or any

person In trust for them had any Est[ate] of Inher[ita]nce in poss[essi]on

Reversion or Remainder situate lying & being in the several parishes

Manors & places af[ore]s[ai]d with their & every of their appurt[anence]s

And the rev[ersio]n etc.,

Which said Fine or Fines so as afores[ai]d or in any manner or at any

other time or times levied or to be levied of the s[ai]d Manor Mess[uage]s Lands

Tenem[en]ts Fee Farm Rents Heredit[ament]s & Prem[is]es or any of them or whereunto

thes[ai]d Parties to these presents were or should be parties or privy are by all

the parties to the now abstracting Ind[entu]re declared to be & enure. –

To the use of the s[ai]d John Williams for his life – Sans Waste, and

after the Determination of his Estate in his lifetime by forfeiture

or otherwise

To the Use of s[ai]d Rob[er]t Abdy John Abdy & Peter Delme & their

during the life of thes[ai]d John Williams In trust to preserve the

contingent remainders and after the decease of thes[ai]d John Williams

To the use of thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria Williams wife of thes[ai]d John

Williams & her assigns for her life Sans Waste ——–     Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of thes[ai]d Trustees & their heirs during the life of s[ai]d Char[lotte]

Maria Williams In trust to preserve the contingent rem[aind]ers and

immediately from & after the Decease of thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria Williams

To the Use of thes[ai]d Sir Rob[er]t Abdy John Abdy & Peter Delme their ex[ecut]ors

Etc for the term of 500d years Sans Waste Upon the Trusts & subject

to the provisos & agreem[en]ts after expressed and declared.





And from & after the expirat[io]n or other sooner determination] of s[ai]d term of

500d years And subject thereto.

To the Use of the 1st & all & every other son & sons of the s[ai]d John Williams

on the Body of thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria his s[ai]d wife lawfully to be begotten

severally & successively in tail male and for default of such Issue

To the Use of all & every the Daughter & Dau[ghte]rs of the body of thes[ai]d

John Williams on the body of the s[ai]d Charl[otte] Maria his s[ai]d wife lawfully

to be begotten & the heirs of the body & bodies of such daughter &

daughters resp[ectfu]ly to take as Tenants in Common with Cross remainders

over among them and for default of all & every such issue –

To the Use of such person & persons & for such uses estates intents &

purposes & upon such uses states intents & purposes & upon such trusts

as thes[ai]d Charl[otte] Maria Williams at any time thereafter alone & with[ou]t

thes[ai]d John Williams & notwithstand[in]g her coverture sho[ul]d by any Deed or

Deeds writ[in]g or writ[in]gs signed & sealed by her in the presence of two or

more credible witn[es]s or by her last Will & Testam[en]t or by any other writ[in]g purport[in]g to be her last Will & Testament declare direct limit

or appoint and in default of & subject to such declarat[io]n etc and in

the mean time and until such decl[arati]on etc should be made

To the Use of the Survivor of them the s[ai]d John Williams & Charl[otte] Maria

his wife his or her heirs & ass[ign]s for ever –

And it is thereby Declared that thes[ai]d term of 500d years was so limited

In Trust that in Case there sho[ul]d be Issue male of thes[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte

Maria his wife & one or more younger Child or Children either male or female

to raise such sum or sums of money by the ways therein mentioned for the

portions of such younger Child or Children to be p[ai]d at such times & in such manner

and with such maintenance in the mean time as therein is ment[ione]d?

Provisoe that if there sho[ul]d be no Issue Male of the Body of s[a]id John

Williams by said Charlotte Maria his wife or no Issue except an

only Son or being such they should all dye before any of their portions

should become payable or all the Trusts of the s[ai]d term sho[ul]d be performed

Then the said Term or so much thereof as sho[ul]d be undisposed

of sho[ul]d cease &  be void –

Power for the s[ai]d John Williams dur[in]g his life and the s[ai]d Charlotte

Maria if she survived him to Lett Leases of the said prem[is]es or any

part thereof for any term not exceeding 21 years in poss[essi]on under

the usual restrict[ion]s

Power for the s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife during

their joint lives or for the survivor of them with the Consent and

approbat[io]n of s[ai]d Trustees or of the Survivors or Surv[iv]or of them or the

// 9




Heirs of such Survivor testified in writing under their his or her hands

and seals or hand and seal to make part[it]ion of separate and divide

the s[ai]d Manors Lands Tenements & Heredit[ament]s in severalty with any person

or persons intitled to any undivided share thereof or to make sale

and absol[ut]ly dispose of or to convey the same or any part thereof

in Exchange & lieu of any other lands to any person or persons

whats[oeve]r either together or in parcels & for that purpose by one or more

deed or deeds under the hand & seal of the s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte

Maria his Wife or the survivor of them attested by two or more witnesses

with such consent & approbation as afores[ai]d absolutely to revoke & make

void all & every or any of the uses trusts & estates therein limited of the same

premises or any part thereof & by the same or any other Deed or Deeds

attested as afores[ai]d to limit declare direct and appoint any other uses

estates or trusts of the same premises as should be thought necessary

In order to such sale partition exchange or other disposition as

aforesaid –

Provisoe that the moneys arising by such sale be paid into the

hands of said trustees or the survivor of them and his heirs & that

the Receipt of them or the survivor of them should be a sufficient

discharge to the purchasers.

Provisoe that all such lands heredit[ament]s as sho[ul]d be taken in

severally on such partition or exchange in lieu of any of the lands

hereinbefore ment[ione]d sho[ul]d be vested in & conveyed to the s[ai]d Trustees or

the Survivors or Survivor of them and his heirs –

Upon the uses and for the Intents and Purposes

after mentioned.

Provisoe that the money which should arise by such sale

should by the s[ai]d Trustees or the survivors or survivor of them or his

executors or adm[inistrat]ors with the consent of thes[ai]d John Williams and

Charlotte Maria his Wife or of the survivor of them (testified as

afores[ai]d be laid out in the purch[ase] of other lands & heredit[ament]s in fee simple

whereof not more than one 4th to be copyh[ol]d and that as well the

Manors Lands & Here[ditament]s so to be purch[ase]d as all & every the Manors

Lands & Here[ditament]s which sho[ul]d be vested in said trustees & their heirs in

severalty upon such partit[io]ns or exchange sho[ul]d be settled and conveyed

To such and the same uses and upon such and the

same trusts and for such and the same Ends Intents &

purposes as are thereinbefore limited & declared concern[in]g

the premises before ment[ione]d or such of them as sho[ul]d be

then existing & capable of tak[in]g effect





Agreement that until the money arising by such sale sho[ul]d be vested

In purchasers in manner aforesaid the same sho[ul]d be laid out by thes[ai]d Trustees

or the Survivors of ?? his ex[ecut]ors etc., with such consent as afores[ai]d if the said John

Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife or either of them sho[ul]d be then living either

upon real or govern[men]t security[ie]s & the Int[erest] thereof be p[ai]d in the like manner as the

rents & profits of the lands & heredit[ament]s to be purch[ase]d therewith would go or be

payable unto in case such such purchases were then made –

Power for thes[ai]d Trustees or the Survivor of them his heirs etc., to call in the

money so placed out & place the same out again on other security[ie]s

Agreem[en]t that thes[ai]d Trustees sho[ul]d be answerable for their own sev[era]l & rep[etat]ive

acts & rec[eip]ts only

Power for the Trustees to deduct their Costs out of the Trust

Premises –

Executed by John Williams, Charlotte Maria Williams

Robert Abdy, John Abdy & Peter Delme


Trinity Term 19. Geo. 2nd

Indentures of a Fine between Sir Robert Abdy Bar[one]t John Abdy and Peter Delme Esq

Plaintiffs and John Williams Esq & Charlotte Maria his wife Deforc[ian]ts

Of one 4th part of the Manor of Wix Bishop Battisford with Badley o[the]rwise

Saint Johns Rivershall in Waldringfield, Waldringfield with Hilton

Casnalls otherwise Foxhall & Kennet with Kentford with the appurt[enant]s

And of a 4th part of 20 Messu[ag]es 9 cottages one water mill 4 Dovehouses

4 shops 1 wharf 1 dock 1 Quay 12 Curtilages 2 gardens 2 orchards 2240 acres

of land 190 acres of meadow 320 acres of pasture 56 acres of wood 1000

acres of Furze and Heath 4 acres of Fresh Marsh 25 acres of Salt Marsh

30 acres of Fenn Ground 30 acres of Alder 40 acres of land covered with

water Common of pasture Liberty of Foldage for 400 Sheep  Courts Leet Courts

Baron and view of Frankpledge with the appurt[enant]s in Brightwell

Newborne Bucklesham Waldringfield Hemley Foxhall Kesgrave Rushmere

Ipswich Battesford Badley Stutton Kennett and Kentford

And also of a 4th part of several yearly rents therein ment[ionne]d

And also of a 4th part of the Rector[ie]s of Brightwell Casnalls o[the]rwise Foxhall

With the appurt[enant]s

And of all manner of Tythes in Brightwell Foxhall & Kesgrave

And of a 4th  part of the advowson of the Church of Kennett

And Waldringfield and of the Advowson of the Vicarage of the

Church of Rushmere in the County of Suffolk

Same Term

Indentures of a Fine between the same persons Plaintiffs and the same Deforciants

Of a 4th part of the several yearly rents therein part[icul]arly ment[ionne]d





Amounting tog[th]er to the sum of £738. 18s & 3½ reserved issuing & payable out

of & for for divers manors messu[ag]es lands & here[ditament]s in the County of York

The Title of thes[ai]d Thomas Ryves the elder to

One undivided 4th part of thes[ai]d Manors Lands & Heredit[ament]s in possession


14 & 15 April 1749

By Indentures of Lease & Release the Release of 5 parts & made between Tho[ma]s Ryves Esq of the 1st

Eliz[abet]h Abdy Spinster on of the two Daughters & Co-heirs of Sir Anthony Thomas Abdy Bar[one]t deceased by Dame

Charlotte his 2nd wife also dec[eas]ed which s[ai]d Dame Charlotte was one of the 2 Daughters & Coheirs of Sir Tho[ma]s

Barnardiston the younger late of Ketton in the County of Suffolk Bar[one]t deceased by Dame Ann his wife

who was one of the 2 Daughters of Sir Rich[ar]d Rothwell Bar[one]t dec[ease]d & which s[ai]d Sir Tho[ma]s Barnardiston the

younger was son &  heir of Sir Tho[ma]s Barnardiston the elder late of Ketton afore[sai]d Bar[one]t dece[ase]d who was

elder brother of Sir Sam[ue]l Barnardiston late of Brightwell hall in the said County of Suffolk Bar[one]t

dece[ase]d of the 2[n]d Sir W[illi]m Abdy Bar[one]t & Anth[on]y Brucer Esq of the 3[r]d & Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter Esq.

of the 4th, & John Williams & Tho[ma]s Wollascott Esq of the 5th part

Reciting, Inter alia, or marriage then intended & since solomnized between thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves &

Elizabeth Abdy & that thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves was seized in his Demesne as of fee of the mess[uag]es Lands

& Heredit[ament]s com Dorsett thereinafter mentioned su[b]ject to a Term of 600d years limited of the same &

divers other Manors & Heredit[ament]s in Dorsetshire to Rich[ar]d Bingham George Chaffin & W[illia]m Constantine

by a settlem[en]t made by Geo[rge] Ryves Esq., dec[eas]ed on his Marriage with Arethusa his late wife

also dec[eas]ed dated 17 of Febr[uar]y 1714 for rais[in]g 5000£ for the port[io]n of Arethusa Hawker wife of

Peter Hawker Esq. the only surviv[in]g child of thes[ai]d George Ryves by the s[ai]d Arethusa his

late wife –

That 2000£ part of s[ai]d 5000£ & all Int[erest] for s[ai]d 5000£ had been p[ai]d to thes[ai]d Hawker &

Wife –

That it had been agreed between thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves  Eliz[abet]h Abdy that s[ai]d 3000£ &

all Int[erest] to become due for the same at 4£ p[er]Cent sho[ul]d be raised & p[ai]d out of s[ai]d

Eliz[abet]h Abdy’s Estate

That s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h was seized in fee, inter alia, of and in

One Undivided 4th part of the manors messu[age]s Lands Tenements Rectories

Tythes Advowsons, Fee Farm Rents & other Rents & Annual payments &

Heredit[ament]s in the sev[era]l Counties of Suffolk Cambridge York London & Middlesex

thereinafter part[icul]arly ment[ione]d

And was also intitled to the Reversion in Fee expectant on the Death of

Mary Barnardiston widow & Relict of Arthur Barnardiston Esq of and in

One undivided 4th of Divers other Manors Messuages Lands Fee Farm

Rents and Hereditaments in the several Counties of Suffolk and

York thereinafter particularly mentioned  –

In Consideration of the said intended marriage and for making a

Jointure on said Elizabeth Abdy and for other good considerations –

The s[ai]d Thomas Ryves Did Grant Bargain Sell Release and Confirm to said





Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer their heirs & assigns

All those his Capital and other Messuages Farm Lands Tenements &

Here[ditament]s in the County of Dorset therein particularly described

To such uses upon such trusts intents & purp[ose]s & subject to such limited

Prov[iso]s & agreem[en]ts as are therein particularly ment[ione]d exp[r[esse]d & decl[are]d of &

concern[in]g the same –

And in consideration of thes[ai]d intended marriage & the jointure provision & settlem[en]t

thereby made by thes[ai]d Thomas Ryves for thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy & her children by him &

other considerat[ion]s therein ment[ione]d

She thes[ai]d Elizabeth Abdy Did grant  bargain sell rel[ease] & confirm by & with the

consent & approbat[io]n of thes[ai]d Thomas Ryves, testified as therein ment[ione]d unto the s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy &

Anth[on]y Brucer & to their heirs & ass[ign]s, inter alia,

One undivided 4th part the whole into 4 equal parts to be div[ide]d of & in –

The several manors messuages Lands Tenements Rectories Tythes advowsons

Fee Farm Rents and other Rents and Annual Payments & Heredit[ament]s

in the several Counties of Suffolk Cambridge York London & Middlesex

comprized in thes[ai]d Ind[enture] of 20 March 1704 tog[eth]er with all Houses etc.,

And the Rev[ersio]n etc., And all the Est[ate] etc.

To Hold the said undivided 4th part of thes[ai]d Manors Messuages Lands

Heredit[ament]s and premises to said Sir William Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer their

Heirs & ass[ign]s

Subject to the Estate for Life of the s[ai]d Mary Barnardiston of & in

such part of the s[ai]d Manors Messuages Lands Hereditaments

and premises as are thereinbefore ment[ione]d To be in Jointure to thes[ai]d Mary


To the  use of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy & her heirs & ass[ign]s until the said

marriage –

Then as to thes[ai]d undivided 4 part of the said Manor Messuages Lands

Hereditaments and Premises of which said Ellzabeth Abdy was seized

in possession, from and immediately after the solemnization of said


To the Use of said Anthony Thomas Abdy and  Peter Walter

their Executors etc., for 400d years (Sans Waste) upon the Trusts

therein and hereinafter ment[ione]d          ———————    Remainder

To the use of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves and his assigns for his

Life (Sans Waste)   ———————————————  Remainder

To the use of thes[ai]d Elizabeth Abdy and her assigns for her

Life (Sans Waste)  ————————————————–  Remainder

To the use of Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer dur[in]g the lives of Mr Ryves

& Miss Abdy and the life of the Survivor of them –





Upon Trust to preserve the contingent Remainders – – – – – – – Remainder

To the Use of s[ai]d John Williams & Tho[ma]s Wollascott their Ex[ec]tors etc.

for 1000d years Upon the Trusts after ment[ione]d   – – – – – -Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of the first & other Sons of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves by thes[ai]d

Elizabeth Abdy severally & successively in Tail Male  – – – – Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of the Daughters as Tenants in Common & to the sev[era]l

heirs of their respective bodies And in default of Issue of any such

Daughter or Daughters –

To the Use of all & every such other Daughter & Daughters to take

in like manner & the heirs of their bodies lawfully issuing And

if all such Daughters but one should die without Issue or if there

sho[ul]d be but one such Daughter, Then to the use of such only Dau[ghte]r &

the heirs of her body  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –   -Rem[ainde]r

To the Use of such person and persons and for such Estate &

Estates & subject to such powers etc., as thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy whether Sole

or Covert should from time to time by any Deed or Writing by

her signed sealed and delivered in the presence of two witnesses

but with power of revocation or by her last Will & Testam[en]t or

any writ[in]g purport[in]g to be her last Will by her signed sealed &

published in the presence of 3 or more credible witn[esse]s direct

limit or appoint And in default of such Appointment

To the Use of thes[ai]d Elizabeth Abdy & of her heirs & assigns for

ever. –

And thes[ai]d Term of 400 years is thereby declared to be

Upon Trust that they thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter

and the Survivor of them his ex[ecut]ors etc., sho[ul]d by sale or mort[ga]ge

of the Prem[is]es comprized in thes[ai]d term of 400 years or by & with the

Rents & Profits of the same Premises in the mean time raise &

pay unto thes[ai]d Peter Hawker & Arethusa his wife her ex[ecut]ors etc thes[ai]d

3000£ & Int[erest] for the same at 4£ per Cent per annum from the

date of said Ind[entu]re now abstract[in]g as the remainder & in full

satisfact[io]n of the Port[io]n of thes[ai]d Arethusa Hawker which she could

or might claim by virtue of or under thes[ai]d Term of 600 years

so limited to Bingham Chaffin & Constantine by thes[ai]d ind[entu]re of

Settlem[en]t of 1714 And subject to the Trusts before declared

concerning said term –

Upon Trust to permit s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves or the persons next in

remainder to receive the rents & profits thereof for his own use

Provisoe that from & after the payment of s[ai]d 3000£ & Int[erest] as afores[ai]d

And of all Costs etc attending the Trusts Then the said Term

of 400d years to cease and be void





And thes[ai]d Term of 1000d years limited to thes[ai]d J[o]n[athon]o Williams & Tho[ma]s S Wollascot

is thereby declared to be upon the following Trusts (viz)

In Case thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves sho[ul]d have an eldest or only son and one or

more younger Children, sons or Daughters or both on the body of thes[ai]d

Eliz[abet]h Abdy born in his lifetime or after his death Then

In trust that s[ai]d Trustees or the survivor of them his Ex[ecut]ors or

Adm(istrat]ors after the decease of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Miss Abdy or in their

Lives or the Life of the Survivor if they or the survivor sho[ul]d think

fit by Sale or mortgage of the prem[is]es comprized in s[ai]d Term or

such other ways as they sho[ul]d think fit raise & pay such sum or

sums for the portion of such younger children as after ment[ione]d

(viz t)

If one or two such Children whether sons or daughters or both

6000£ for the portion of such Child or Children

If three or more then £8000£ at such times with such

maintenance not exceeding the Int[erest] of their port[ion]s at £3.10s

per Cent in such proportions & subj[ec]t to such conditions

restrictions & limitat[ion]s over & upon such contingencies as s[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Ryves & Eliz[abet]h Abdy or the survivor of them sho[ul]d in

manner therein ment[ione]d direct or appoint & in default thereof

Then said 6000£ if only 2 such children ?? & s[ai]d 8000£ if three or more

to be equally divided among them to be paid in manner following

The Portions of the sons at 21 or sooner for his preferment as s[ai]d

trustees should think fit –                          –

The Portions of the Daughters at 21 or marriage such times of

paym[en]t happening after the death of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Elizabeth Abdy

but either of them living then within 3 Kalendar months next after

their decease with Int[erest] at the rate of £3.10s P[er] Cent from their deaths

Provisoe that the Sons portions sho[ul]d be vested Interests at 21 & the

Dau[ghter]s at twenty one or Marriage which first happened notwithstanding

the payment is postponed –

Provisoe that if any such Son sho[ul]d die or become an eldest or only son

before 21 or any Daughter or Daughters sho[ul]d die before 21 or marriage the

portions of him her or them so dying or such part thereof as shall not

have been sooner advanced to go to the Survivors equally & be liable to

the same contingency of Survivorship as the original portions of such

Children so as no one Child have above 3000£ a piece with such maintenance

after the death of Mr Ryves and Miss Abdy and the Survivor as after

ment[ione]d to be raised out of the rents and profits of the prem[is]es comprized

in thes[ai]d term of 1000d years (vizt))






If but one Child £30 p[er] Annum till the age of 12 years & after such age till his or her portion – shall become payable £100 p[er] annum –

If two such children £40 a piece till their Age of 12 years then £80£

a piece –

If three or more such children the like sums for each of their

maintenance such sums not exceeding the Int[erest] of their Fortunes

At the Rate of £3.10s P[er] Cent payable at the times therein ment[ione]d

Provisoe that no such Sale or Mortgage sho[ul]d be made till some one of the

portions shou[l]d become payable & the rents & profits in the mean time over &

above s[ai]d maintenance to be rec[eive]d by the persons next in remainder expectant

on said term –

Provisoe if Mr Ryves sho[ul]d give any such Child or Children any sum or sums of

money towards their advancem[en]t & by writ[in]g under his hand & seal declare the

same to be towards the portions provided for him her or them by virtue of

thes[ai]d term 1000d years such Children to receive only such further portions

by virtue of s[ai]d 1000d years Term as with such sum as advanced will

complete the port[ion] intended to be provided for him or her –

Provisoe that after the Trusts of s[ai]d term of 1000d years sho[ul]d  be satisfied or

incapable of taking effect then said term or so much thereof as sho[ul]d not be

disposed of (the Trustees – costs being paid) sho[ul]d cease –

Power for Mr Ryves & Miss Abdy resp[ect]ively when in actual possession of

s[ai]d messu[ag]es Farms Lands Tenements Undivided Moiety & 4th parts Here[ditament]s &

Prem[is]es to Let Leases –

Provisoe that it sho[ul]d be lawful for s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Eliz[abet]h Abdy dur[in]g their joint

lives or for the Survivor with the consent & approbat[io]n of s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y

Brucer or the Surv[ivo]r of them or the heirs of such Surv[ivo]r testified by writ[in]g

under their hands & Seals hand or seal to make partition or division of s[ai]d

Manors Messu[age]s Lands Tenem[en]ts Rector[ie]s Tythes Advowsons Fee Farm Rents

Heredit[ament]s & Prem[is]es in the s[ai]d Counties of Lincoln Suffolk Cambridge York London

& Middx in severalty with any person or persons intitled to an Undivided

Share or Shares of same prem[is]es or to sell or exchange the same or any

part thereof in Lieu of other Lands And in order to make such partition

(but not otherwise) It sho[ul]d be lawful for s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Eliz[abet]h Abdy or for

the Surv[ivo]r of them by one or more Deed or Deeds Writing or Writings under

their hands & seals or the hand & seal of the survivor of them attested by

two witnesses to revoke & make void all and every the uses Trusts & Est[ate]s

before limited & by the same or any other deeds attested as aforesaid to

declare limit or appoint any other uses as sho[ul]d be necessary to such

partition sale or exchange

Agreement that the money aris[in]g by such sale or sales sho[ul]d be paid





unto the hand of s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer or the Survivor & his heirs

upon the trusts after mentioned and their receipts to be  a sufficient


Agreement that such Lands Tenem[en]ts & Heredit[ament]s as sho[ul]d be taken in

severalty upon such partition exchange or other dispositions sho[ul]d with all

convenient speed be conveyed to s[ai]d W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer & their

heirs to such uses intents & purposes upon such trusts & under such proviso

& agreem[en]ts as are thereinafter mentioned expressed & declared of & concern[in]g

the same

That the money to arise by such sale or sales sho[ul]d be disposed of by s[ai]d

Trustees & the Surv[iv]or of them his Ex[ecut]ors or Adm[inist]ors with the consent of Mr

Ryves & Miss Abdy or the Surv[ivo]r if living & after the death of the surv[iv]or

at the Discret[io]n of s[ai]d Trustees or the Surv[iv]or his Ex[ecut]ors or Adm[inistr]ors in the

purchase of Lands Tenem[ent]s & Heredit[ament]s in fee simple whereof not more than

one 4th part sho[ul]d be copyh[ol]d And  that as well the Lands Tenem[en]ts & Here[ditament]s

so to be purchased as all & every the Manors Lands & Heredit[ament]s which

sho[ul]d be vested in s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anthony Brucer & their heirs in

severalty upon such partition or exchange or in lieu of s[ai]d undivided moiety

& 4th sho[ul]d be settled &  conveyed to such & the same uses & upon such & the

same Trusts Intents & Purposes as thereinbefore severally limited & declared

of & concern[in]g s[ai]d moiety & 4th part of the heredit[ament]s & prem[is]es last thereinbefore

granted or released or such of them as sho[ul]d be then subsist[in]g or capable of

taking effect (Except the power of revocat[io]n & declare[in]g new uses).-

Provisoe that if the Capital Messu[ag]e called Brightwell Hall in Suffolk

upon such partition or exchange sho[ul]d be allotted to s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy then s[ai]d

Capital Messu[ag]e & Buildings thereto belonging or such part as sho[ul]d be thought

proper sho[ul]d be pulled down & the materials sold and the money paid to s[ai]d Trustees

to be invested in the purchase of Lands & Heredit[ament]s to be settled in like

manner as the other Lands & Heredit[ament]s which on such Division sho[ul]d

be allotted in lieu of thes[ai]d undivided share of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Abdy —

Agreement that till the money arising by such Sale sho[ul]d be

Invested in purchases in manner thereinbefore directed same sho[ul]d be

placed out at Int[erest] with the consent of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & Elizabeth Abdy

or the Survivor of them or in case of their death at the discretion

of s[ai]d Trustees upon Real or Government Security’s & the Int[erest] p[ai]d & applied

in such manner as the rents & profits of the lands to be purchased

Therewith would go & be payable in Case such purchases had been

then made –

Power for s[ai]d Trustees or the Surv[iv]or of them with such consent as afores[ai]d to change

the Securit[ie]s on which such money should be placed out –





Declaration & Agreement that the Trustees sho[ul]d not be charged

With any loss not occasioned by their wilful neglect & each for his own acts

& receipts only and to reimburse all charges out of their resp[ect]]ive trust –

Estates –

Covenants from Miss Abdy with Sir W[ilia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer, that the

Was lawfully seized in Free of s[ai]d undiv[ide]d Moiety & 4th parts Heredit[ament]s &

Prem[is]es  last thereinbefore granted –

That she had good right to convey to the uses before ment[ione]d

For quiet enjoym[en]t free from Incumbrances (Except the Estate for Life of Mrs Barnardiston & such Leases as were then in being) & for

Further Assurances

Executed by Thomas Ryves, Elizabeth Abdy, Anthony

Brucer, Peter Walter and John Williams.


8 January 1752 –

The said Eliz[abet]h Abdy then Eliz[aet]h Ryves wife of the s[ai]d Thomas Ryves made her will in writ[in]g

Attested by 3 witnesses

And after reciting that in & by her marriage settlem[en]t several real Est[ate]s situate in the sev[era]l

Counties of Lincoln, Suffolk, Cambridge, Middlesex York and City of London were settled In trust

for sev[era]l uses & purposes therein parti[c]rly ment[ione]d the Remainder in Fee of which s[ai]d sev[era]l Estates

were limited to her & her heirs after the s[ai]d Trusts were satisfied & Did thereby devise the s[ai]d

Rem[ainde]r in fee of & in the s[ai]d  sev[era]l Est[a[te]s & of & in any other Est[at]e comprised in her s[ai]d marriage

Settlem[en]t together with all Real Est[ate]s & whatforever which she had power of disposing of

Whether in Possession or Reversion unto and –

To the use of her s[ai]d Husband his Heirs & assigns for ever


4 February 1756

By Ind[entu]re of Release between Tho[ma]s Ryves Esqr of the 1st Edw[ar]d Radcliffe Esq of the 2nd & Arthur Radcliffe Esq of the 3rd part –

After reciting amongst other things the before abstracted ind[entu]re of 15th April 1749 & the Trust

of the said Term of 400d years thereby limited to Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter Esq.,

Their Ex[ectut]ors etc:-

And also reciting that s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe had at the Request of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves paid] to Peter Hawker

Esqr  & Arethusa his wife the sum of £3000 as appeared by an Ind[entu]re of Assignm[en]t of the 16th May 1750 –

It is amongst other things Witnessed that for the more effectual secur[in]g the

pay[men]t of s[ai]d £3000 being part of £10,000 therein ment[ione]d & Interest at £4 p[er] Cent

The s[ai]d Th[mas]s Ryves did covenant promise declare & agree with the s[ai]d Edward Radcliffe

His Ex[ecut]ors etc., that the s[ai]d term of 400d years by s[ai]d Ind[ent]ure]of 15 April 1749 limited to s[ai]d

Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter their Ex[ecutor]s etc.,

And all & sing[ula]r s[ai]d prem[is]es comprized in s[ai]d term sho[ul]d from thenceforth stand & be charged with

& a sec.y for s[ai]d £3000 & Int[erst] at 4£ P[er]Cent as well as the Term of 600d years Therein

ment[ione]d to have been assigned to s[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe






And also that s[ai]d term of 400d years  & the prem[is]es therein comprised  sho[ul]d not

Be redeemed or redeemable until s[ai]d 3000£ & Int[erest] sho[ul]d be fully p[ai]d unto s[ai]d  Edw[ar]d Radcliffe his Exe[cutor]s etc.,

Ex[ecute]d by Thomas Ryves


4 May 1757

By a Decree made in a Cause depend[in]g  in the High court of Chancery wherein the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves & Tho[ma]s Ryves the younger John Ryves & Eliz[abet]h Ryves & Charlotte Ryves Infants by the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s

Ryves their Father & Guardian were plaintiffs & Letitia Mascall widow the only Child & Heir at Law

of the s[ai]d Anth[on]y Brucer dec[ease]d who survived thes[ai]d Sir W[ilia]m Abdy also dec[eas]ed was Left?

It was ordered to be referred to Mr Sayer on of the Masters of the s[ai]d Court to

approve of 2 new Trustees in the place of thes[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer both dec[eased]


17 June 1757

The s[ai]d Master by his Report made in the same Cause did approve of Joseph Banks &

W[illia]m Round Esq to be Trustees in the place of the s[ai]d Sir W[illia]m Abdy & Anth[on]y Brucer

Which Report by an order of thes[ai]d Court made in the same Cause the 29 of thes[ai]d

Month of June was absolutely confirmed

The Articles & Deeds made to complete the Division hereinafter stated.-


5 April 1758

By articles of Agreement made between the s[ai]d Sir John Shaw of the 1st  thes[ai]d John Williams

&Charlotte Maria his wife of the 2nd  thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves of the 3rd the s[ai]d Sir John Abdy & Peter Delme

(who survived thes[ai]d Sir Rob[er]t Abdy then dec[ease]d) of the 4th & the s[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round of the

5th part

After reciting (amongst other things) that thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw & thes[ai]d John Williams &

Charlotte Maria his wife with the Consent of s[ai]d Sir John Abdy & Peter Delme (notified as

therein ment[ione]d And the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves with the Consent of s[ai]d Jos[eph] Banks & W[illia]m  Round (testif[ie]d etc)

had in pursuance of the sev[era]l powers in them resp[ect]ively vested mutually agreed with each

other to make a Division of all the s[ai]d manors & Heredit[ament]s in the Counties afores[ai]d which they

were so seized of in person as thereinbefore is ment[ione]d

And also reciting that towards compleat[in]g thes[ai]d Int[ende]’d I division thes[ai]d parties so interested as af[ore]s[ai]d

had caused a survey & valuat[io]n to be made of all the s[ai]d intire manors & Heredit[ament]s by Tho[ma]s

Brown Esq which had been examined & approved of by all thes[ai]d parties so interested as


The s[ai]d Sir John Shaw & thes[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his Wife (with

such consent as afores[ai]d and the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves (with the consent of the s[ai[d Joseph Banks

& W[illia]m Round testified as afores[ai]d for prevent[in]g any disputes that might thereafter happen

to arise among them and each & every of them for himself & herself severally did

covenant & agree with the other & others of them That the s[aid] Tho[ma]s Brown sho]uld forthwith


All the s[ai]d Manors & hered[ditament]s in the Count[ie]s a[ore]s[ai]d w[hi]ch they thes[ai]d parties were then seized of

In poss[essio]n as af[ore]s[aid] into 2 equal parts & allot one of thes[ai]d parts to be held in severalty as &

for the distinct share of thes[ai]d Sir Jno Shaw in lieu of his undivided moiety





And that he thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw sho[ul]d and would accept such allotment


And that thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown sho[ul]d also subdivide the other thes[a]d parts into

2 equal parts & set out one of thes[ai]d subdivided parts to be holden in severally

as & for the separate share of thes[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife

& other the parties interested in the same in lieu of their undivided 4th

And also sho[ul]d set out the other of thes[ai]d subdiv[ide]d parts to be enjoyed in

severalty as & for the distinct share of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & other the parties

interested in the same in lieu of their undiv[ide]d 4th

And that they the said John Williams and Charlotte Maria his

Wife and Thomas Ryves respectively should & would accept such

allotments accordingly

Executed by all Parties

In pursuance of the Agreem[en]t cont[aine]d in the above abstracted articles thesaid Tho[ma]s Brown did

divide all thes[ai]d Manors Here[ditament]s & Prem[is]es whereof thes[a]d parties were so seized in possession as af[ors[ai]d

into 2 equal & distinct parts distinguished by the several Tythes of Lot (1) and Lot (2)

And by a memorandum in writing under his hand bearing date the 7 of July 1758 thes[ai]d

Tho[ma]s Brown did set out allot & appoint Lot (1) as & for the separate part & share of the s[ai]d Sir John

Shaw to be enjoyed in severalty in lieu of his undiv[ide]d moiety of & in the intire Manors and Premises –

He thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw pay[in]g £110 14s. to thes[ai]d John Williams and Tho[ma]s Ryves equally

to be divided between them for equality of partition

And in further pursuance of thes[ai]d articles of 5 April 1758

The s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown did subdivide the s[ai]d Lot (2) into 2 equal & distinct parts distinguished

by the sev[era]l Tithes of Lot (1) & Lot (2) in poss[essi]on.

And by another memorandum in writing under his hand dated the same 7 of July 1758

The s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown did set out allot & appoint Lot (1) in poss[essi]on (in which is

included the sev[era]l Manors Lands Rents & Here[ditament]s ment[ione]d in the part[icul]ar herewith left)

a & for the separate part of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves & other the parties interested in the same

in lieu of his undiv[ide]d 4th in the intire manors & prem[is]es.

And did also set out allot & appoint

Lot (2) in poss[essi]on as & for the separate part & share of the s[ai]d John Williams

& Charlotte Maria his wife & other the parties interested in the same in

lieu of their undivided fourth in the intire manors and



18 July 1758

By a Memorandum in writing subscribed at the Foot of thes[ai]d 1st ment[ione]d Allotm[en]t –

The s[ai]d Sir John Shaw having revised & considered the s[ai]d part[it]ion did accept & take thes[ai]d

Lot No (1) so appointed to him by the s[ai]d Thomas Brown as afores[ai]d in lieu of his

Undiv(ide)d moiety of & in the intire manors & prem[is]es





2nd Oct[obe]r 1758

By a Memorandum in writing subscribed at the Foot of the Subdivision so made by thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown

As afores[ai]d

The said Tho[ma]s Ryves hav[in]g revised & considered the above bubdivision did accept and take –

The s[ai]d Lot (1) in possession so appointed to him & the sev[era] parties interested in the

same in lieu of his undivided 4th of & in the intire manors & prem[is]es.

2nd Dec[embe]r 1758

By another Memorandum in Writing subscribed at the Foot of the same subdivision

The s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife having revised & considered thes[ai]d subdivs[io]n did

accept & take –

The s[ai]d Lot (2) in poss[essi]on so appointed to them & the sev[era]l parties interested in the same in lieu of

Their undivided 4th of & in the intire manors & prem[is]es –


30 April 1763

By Deed Poll indorsed on the aove abstr[acte]d ind[entu]re of 14May 1746 –

After reciting (among other things) the partit[io]n made by s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in manner above ment[ione]d

The s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife in pursuance of the power to them reserved

In & by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of 14 May 1746 & with the consent of s[ai]d Peter Delme the surviv[in]g trustee

therein named (testified etc) Did revoke determine & absolutely make void –

All & every the uses Est[ate]s etc in & by the s[ai]d settlem[en]t of 14 May 1746 limited created

etc of or concerning thes[ai]d undiv[ide]d 4th part of her the s[ai]d Charlotte Maria Williams

in poss[essi]on of & in the intire manors & prem[is]es whereof such partition had been

made by s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown as af[ore]s[ai]d –

And did thereby limit & appoint thes[ai]d undivided 4th part of the heredit[ament]s & prem[is]es

Whereof the uses were so revoked as af[ore]s[ai]d

To the use of Savill Reade his heirs & ass[ign]s Upon trust & to the intent

that he s[ai]d Savill Reade sho[ul]d convey or join with the resp[ect]ive owners of the

other undivided moiety & 4th part in convey[in]g the intire Manors & prem[is]es

so & in such manner as that the specific manors etc which had been

allotted unto thes[ai]d Jno Williams & Charlotte Maria his Wife in lieu of

their undivided 4th part as afores[ai]d sho[ul]d be limited

To the Use of thes[ai]d Peter Delme his heirs & ass[ign]s to be by him conveyed

& assured To such Uses Upon such Trusts etc., as in & by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re

of 14 May 1746 were & are limited etc concerning s[ai]d undivid 4th part

and premises or so many of them as sho[ul]d be then capable of

tak[in]g effect

Exe[cuted] by John Williams C.M.Williams & Peter Delme


20th Apr[il] 1764

By a Deed Poll indorsed on the above abstracted Ind[entu]re of 15 April 1749 –

After reciting (among other things) the Ind[entu]re of 4 Feb[ruar]y 1756 to the effect before abstracted &

that s[ai]d Peter Walter was dead & the s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy having him survived the undivided

4th part Here[ditament]s & prem[is]es comprized in the term of 400d y[ea]rs by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of the 15 April 1749 limited

to thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter were then become vested in s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy during the residue

of s[ai]d Term Upon the Trusts in s[ai]d Ind[entu]re of the 15 Apr[il] 1749 declared concern[in]g  the same.





And also reciting that s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves had agreed with the owners of the other undivided

parts or shares to make a partit[io]n of the entire manors & heredit[ament]s comprized in thes[ai]d term of 400d

years to that each party might enjoy a separate part thereof in severalty & the specifick

Manors etc which should be allotted in lieu of the undivided 4th part & prem[is]es comprized in

thes[ai]d term  of 400d years were intended to be forthwith conveyed to such uses etc as in thes[ai]d ind[entu]re

of the 15th April 1749 & the will of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves were limited created etc., concerning the same undivi[de]d  4 part

& prem[is]es –

It is witnessed that to the end  the intire Manors & Prem[is]es which on thes[ai]d partition

sho[ul]d be allotted to the respective parties might be discharged from thes[ai]d Term of 400d

years & the trust thereof declared the better to enable thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves to compleat thes[ai]d

division And in cons[iderati]on of 5d to the s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy p[ai]d by thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves

He thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy with the consent of thes[ai]d Edw[ar]d Radcliffe testif[ie]d etc did assign

surr[ende]r & yield up unto thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves his heirs & assigns

The undivided 4th part Heredit[ament]s & Prem[is]es which by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of the 15th April

1749 were limited to thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy & Peter Walter for thes[ai]d term of

400d years with the appur[tenan]ts –

And the Rev[ersio]n etc, And all the Est[ate etc.,

To hold unto & to the use of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves his heirs & ass[ign]s for ever –

To the Intent that the s[ai]d term of 400d years might merged & extinguished

Covenant from s[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy that he had done no act

to incumber the premises –

Ex[ecu]ted by Anthony Thomas Abdy and Edward Radcliffe


30 April 1764

By another Deed Poll indorsed on the above abstracted ind[entu]re of 15 April 1749 after taking

notice of the partit[io]n made by the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in manner before ment[ione]d

The s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves in pursuance of the power to him reserved in & by thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of 15 April

1749 & with the consent of s[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round (notified etc ) Did revoke determine

& absolutely make void all & every the uses Est[ate]s etc & by the s[ai]d settlem[en]t of 15 April 1749

limited etc.of & concern[in]g –

The undivided 4th of her thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves dec[eas]ed in poss[essi]on of & in ?? intire manors & prem[is]es

whereof such partition had been made by s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown as afor[e]s[ai]d

And did thereby limit & appoint

The s[ai]d undivided 4th part of the heredit[ament]s & prem[is]es whereof the uses & estates were

so revoked as afores[ai]d

To the use of Savill Read his heirs & ass[ign]s

Upon trust & to the intent that he s[ai]d Savill Reade sho[ul]d convey or join

with the resp[ect]ive owners of the other undivided moiety & 4th part in convey[in]g

thes[ai]d intire manors here[ditament]s & prem[is]es so & in such manner as that the specific manor

etc whch had been allotted unto s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves in lieu of his undiv[ide]d 4th part as af[ore]s[ai]d

sho[ul]d be limited




To the use of the s[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round their heirs & ass[ign]s

to be by them conveyed & assured to such Uses Upon such Trusts etc.,

as by s[ai]d ind[entu]re  of 15 April 1749 & the Will of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves above abstr[acte]d

were & are limited  created etc, of & concerning thes[ai]d undiv[ide]d 4 part & prem[is]es

or so many of them as shall be then capable of taking effect

Exe[cu]ted by Tho[ma]s Ryves Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round


1 & 2 May 1764

By Ind[entu]res of Lease & Release made between thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw Bar[one]t of the 1st thes[ai]d John

Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife of the 2nd thes[ai]d Thoma]s Ryves of the 3rd thes[ai]d Peter Delme of the

4th thes[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round of the 5th thes[ai]d Savill Reade of the 6th & thes[ai]d Sir Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy of the 7th part

After reciting (among other things) the before abstracted Ind[entu]res of 19 & 20 March 1704 the

Will of Lady Shaw dated 24 May 1753 the Ind[entu]re of 14 May 1746 the Ind[entu]res of the 14 & 15

April 1749 the Will of Mrs Ryves dated 8 Jan[ua]ry 1752 the Decree of the 11 May 1757 the

Report of 17th & order of the 29th of June in the same year The articles of the 5 April 1758

The partition & subdivision made by the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in manner above stated describing

The parcels in each Lott separately And also the several Allotments by the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in

manner above abstracted And thes[ai]d two sev[era]l Deeds Poll of 30 April 1764

It is witn[esse]d that in pursuance of s[ai]d recited articles of 5 April 1758

The the s[ai]d S[i]r John Shaw John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife & Tho[mas] |Ryves

Did thereby severally ratify & confirm the s[ai]d partit[io]n & subdiv[isio]n & the sev[era]l allotm[en]ts

so made of the Intire Manors etc., in manner thereinbefore expressed & for the more

Effectually compleat[in]g thes[ai]d partition & subdivision –

And in cons[iderati]on of £53.7.0 to the s[ai]d Peter Delme in hand p[ai]d by thes[ai]d Sir J[o]no Shaw

at the request & by the direct[io]n of s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife

(testified etc) for equality of part[it]ion –

And also in cons[iderati]on of £55.7.0 to thes[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round in hand p[ai]d

by s[ai]d Sir John Shaw at the request & by the direct[io]n of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves (testified etc.,)

& for other the considerations & purposes therein part[icul]arly mentioned –

And also in cons[iderati]on of 10s., a piece to s[ai]d Savill Reade Sir John Shaw John Williams

& Charlotte Maria his wife & Tho[ma]s Ryves Ryves p[ai]d by thes[ai]d sir Anthony Tho[ma]s

Abdy Thes[ai]d Savill Reade at the request & by the direction of s[ai]d Sir John Shaw

John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife & Tho[ma]s Ryves (testified etc) And also

thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife & each of them

did grant bargain sell & release unto thes[ai]d Sir Anthon]y Tho[ma]s Abdy (in his actual

etc) & his Heirs –

The Prem[is]es as described in the above abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]re of 20 March 1704

(except the Manors & here[ditament]s by the before abstr[acte]d Ind[entu]re of 17 July 1732 lim[ite]d in jointure

To Mary Jennens Sp[inste]r afterw[ar]ds the wife of Arthur Barnardiston Esq)

And the rev[ersio]n etc., And all the Est[ate] etc.



To hold unto the s[ai]d Sir Anthony Tho[ma]s Abdy his heirs & Assigns to the sev[era]l uses etc.

after ment[ione]d vizt

As to the Manors Mess[uag]es Lands Heredit[aments]& prem[is]es therein ment[ione]d & compr[ise]d

in Lot (1) and which upon the division & mark as afores[ai]d were allotted as

the specific Share of thes[ai]d Sir John Shaw in lieu of his undivided moiety

as afores[ai]d with their & every of their rights etc.,

So the use of s[ai]d Sir John Shaw his heirs & Ass[ign]s for ever:-

And as to the Manors etc thereinbefore part[icul]arly ment[ione]d & which upon the

subdivisions made as afores[ai]d were allotted as the specific Share of thes[ai]d

Thomas Ryves & other the parties interested in the same with their

& every of their rights etc., –

To the use of thes[ai]d Joseph Banks & W[illia]m Round their heirs & ass[ign]s

In trust & to the end that they or the Survivor of them his

heirs or ass[ign]s should settle & assure the same manors etc.,

To such & so many of the uses Trusts etc  in the S[ai]d Ind[entu]re of

the 15th April 1749 & the will of thes[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves limited

created etc., concerning the undiv[ide]d 4th part of her the s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h Ryves

thereby granted etc. as sho[ul]d be then capable of taking effect

(Except the power of revocation & declaration of new uses in

thes[ai]d Ind[entu]re of Settlem[en]t) –

And as to the manors etc. thereinbefore part[icul]arly ment[ione]d & which upon

the subdiv[isio]n so made as afores[ai]d were allotted as the specific share

of the s[ai]d John Williams & Charlotte Maria his wife & other the parties

interested in the same with their & every of their appurt[enant]s

To the use of thes[ai]d Peter Delme his heirs and assigns

In trust & to the end that thes[ai]d Peter Delme his heirs & ass[ign]s

sho[ul]d settle or assure the same prem[is]es to such & so many of

the uses states trusts etc in thes[ai]d ind[entu]re of 14 May 1746

limited created etc. concerning the undivided 4th part of

thes[ai]d Charlotte Maria Williams thereby granted as should

be then capable of taking effect

Cov[enan]ts from Sir John Shaw & Mr & Mrs Williams to Messrs

Banks & Round vizt for quiet enjoym[en]t of the Prem[is]es

allotted in lieu of the late Mrs Ryves’s undivided 4th

part free from incumbrances done by them or Dame

Anna Maria Shaw dec[ease]d And for further Assurances

Ex[ecu]ted by all parties

A Receipt for £55.7.0. indorsed & signed by Peter Delme

D[itt]o for £55.7.0. indorsed & signed by Joseph Banks

N.B. There is a deed not abstr[acte]d dated the 2nd Feb[ruar]y 1765 between Sir John Shaw 1st part Sir George Smith Bar[one]t 2nd part

& John Williams Esqr & Tho[ma]s Ryves Esq 3rd part being a Deed of Cov[enan]ts to produce certain Deeds therein ment[ione]d






9 & 10 July 1767

By Ind[entur]es of Lease & Release the s[ai]d Rel[ease] being of 4 parts & made between Joseph Banks Esqr

W[illia]m Round Esqr of the 1st Tho[ma]s Ryves Esqr of the 2ndSir Anth[n]y Tho[ma]s Abdy Baronet of the 3rd &

John Williams  Esqr of the 4th part —

After Reciting  (amongst other things) the before abst[racte]d Ind[entu]res of Lease & Rel[ease] of the 14 & 15 April 1749 And that Edw[ar]d Radcliffe Esqr at the request of the s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party did

on the 16 May 1750 pay to Mr  & Mrs Hawker thes[ai]d £3000 remainiing due for the port[io]n of

Mrs Hawker & for secur[in]g the repayment thereof with Int[erest] the residue of the term of

600d years in the Dorsetshire Estate had been duty assigned to s[ai]d Radcliffe –

And also rec[eivin]g the s[ai]d Will of s[ai]d Eliz[abet]h the wife of s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves dated 8th of January 1752

& her death leav[in]g 4 children by s[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves the party (viz.t} Tho[ma]st her eldest son and John Eliz[abet]h

& Charlotte Ryvers her younger Children, The before stated Decree & Report appoint[in]g Messrs Banks

& Round the new Trustees –

And also rec[eivin]g the before astracted Articles of the 5 of April 1750 The Partit[io]n & Subdiv[isio]n made by thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Brown in manner above stated & also the sev[era]l allotm[en[ts made

by him in manner above setforth:-

And also rec[eivin]g the before abst[ract]ed Deed Poll of the 30 April 1764 under the hand &

Seal of the said Thomas Ryves & the before Abstr[act]d Ind[entu]re of Lease & Release of the s[ai]d 1st & 2nd

May 1764

It is witnessed that in pursuance & execution of the trusts by thes[ai]d

before abstr[acte]d & therein recited Ind[entu]re of Release of the 2nd May 1764 in thes[ai]d

Banks & Round reposed And for conveying etc. the intire manors heredit[ament]s

therein after part[icul]arly ment[ione]d To for & upon the several uses etc  after expressed

concern[in]g the same And in considerat[io]n of 10s. apiece to thes[ai]d Banks Round & Ryves

p[ai]d by thes[ai]d Sir Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy They thes[ai]d Banks & Round at the request &

by the direct[io]n & appointm[en]t of thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves etc  And also thes[ai]d Tho[ma]s Ryves &

every of them Did grant bargain sell & rel[ease] unto thes[ai]d Si Anth[on]y Tho[ma]s Abdy (in his

actual etc) & to his heirs –

All those the sev[era]l manors or reputed manors of Waldringfield Hilton

& Rivershall otherwise Rivershall in Waldringfield in the County of

Suffolk with the Rights etc., to thes[ai]d sev[era]l Manors or either of them

Belonging -Aand the Site of the s[ai]d manors resp[ectful]ly –

And all tha the advowson of Waldringfield afores[ai]d

And the Advowson of the vicarage of the Parish Church of

Rushmere in the s[ai]d County of Suffolk –

And also all that Messu[ag]e or Tenem[en]t & Farm with the barns

stables neathouse hogscoate & Cottage or small Ten[amen]t near thereto adjoin[in]g

And all that piece of meadow called the Home meadow cont[ainin]g 5 acres

be the same more of less –

And all that other piece of meadow called the Great Meadow

cont[ainin]g 11 acres be the same more or less


And all that other piece of Meadow called the Little Meadows cont[aining]

3 Acres & 2 Roods –

And all that other piece of Meadow cont[ainin]g one acre & one rood

And all those 2 pieces of Land called the Barleys cont[ainin]g 10 acrews

And all that other piece of arable land called the first Broomwoods

cont[ainin]g 7 acres

And all that other piece of Arable Land called the 2nd Broomwoods

cont[ainin]g 7 acres

And all that other piece of arable land called the Home Field

Cont[ainin]g 9 acres and 3 Roods

And all that other piece of arable land called the barn field cont[ainin]g 24 acres

And also all that other piece of arable land called the Longfield cont[ainin]g 18 acres 2 r[ood] 0 p[erches]

And all that other piece of arable land called the 12 acres cont[ainin]g 13 acres

And all that other piece of arable land called the Grove Walk cont[ainin]g 16 acres

And all that piece of pasture ground called Fairfield pasture cont[ainin]g 15 acres

And also all that other piece of arable land called conduit field cont[ainin]g 25 a[cres] 2 r[ood] 6 p[erches]

All of which s[ai]d Farm Cottage & Lands are sit[uate]d etc., in the sev[era]l parishes of

Brightwell & Foxhall or one of them in the s[ai]d County of Suffolk

And together with the Great Tythes of the s[ai]d Lands in Brightwell

therewith usually occupied then or the[erei]n late were in the tenure of

Lionel Falmarsh & W[illia]m Cook their under[tenan?]t or ass[ign]s at the yearly

rent of £49 –

And all & singular the Tythes great or small of what nature or

kind soever they be aris[in]g issuing & growing out of or due & payable

for or in respect of thes[ai]d farm & lands before ment[ione]d & described or anypart

thereof –

And also all that wood called Eastfield wood cont[aining] 16 acres & 2 roods

be the same more of less sit[uate] etc. in the parish of Foxhall in the s[ai]d Co[unt]y of Suffolk

And also all those 2 acres of marsh land bying & being in

Waldringfield Marsh in thes[ai]d County of Suffolk then or late

in the tenure of George Waller at the yearly rent of 2£ –

And also all that mess[uag]e or tenem[en]t Together with the Timber yard

& 3 Docks thereinto belonging & near adjoining –

And also aCcottage or Tenem[en]t & Anchor Smith’s Shop sit[uate] etc in the

Parish of St Clements in the town of Ipswich in thes[ai]d County of Suffolk

All which s[ai]d last ment[ione]d mess[uag]e yards Docks Cottage & Shop were

theretofore in the poss[essi]on of Edw[ar]d Goodea & Jno Prentice & then or late of

Jno Fowler his undertenants or assigns at the yearly rent of 35£

And all that annual rent or clear yearly sum of 11s & 8d called a Rent

resolute issu[in]g & payable out of his Majesty’s Exchequer –





And also the houses in Watling Street & East Smithfield & the sev[era]l

Free Farm Rents in Yorkshire by the same descript[io]n a sing[l]e allotm[en]t to Mr Ryves

upon the subdiv[isio]n made by Mr Brown in manner before stated together

with all houses etc.

And all other rights royalt[ie]s etc. to thes[ai]d Manors Heredit[ament]s & prem[is]es belonging

And all and sing[ula]r other the manors or reputed manors messu[age]s lands

Tenam[en]t Fee Farm Rents & other rents pens[ion]s & yearly paym[en]ts & heredit[ament]s

whats[oeve]r situate etc. in thes[ai]d sev[era]l Count[ie]s of Suffolk York & Middx & the City of

London or any of them which in %2

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10 years ago

Bits of interest are:  Ten[emen]t or Farm in the parish of Waldringfield then in the tenure of Francis Goylma Saint Johns Rivershall in Waldringfield, Waldringfield with Hilton And also all those 2 acres of marsh land bying & being in Waldringfield Marsh in thes[ai]d County of Suffolk then or late in the tenure of George Waller at the yearly rent of 2£ – And also all that mess[uag]e or tenem[en]t Together with the Timber yard & 3 Docks thereinto belonging & near adjoining Easter Term 17 Geo. 3rd An Exemplification of a Recov[er]y wherein Dan’[ie]l Malthus Esq is Demand[???]t Savill… Read more »

10 years ago

Very long document which seems to record the switch of ownership of much of Waldringfield from Sir Barnidiston of Brightwell to Thomas Ryves of Hilton and Rivershall and the rental of marshland to George Waller circa 1704. Now beginning to make modern connections..