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1545 Inventory of John Hayser


Thys is the Invytarye of John Haysser of Waldryngfeld in the Cowntie of Suff[olk]

Husbandman in the yere of the reyen of KyngHenerye the eight of th[a]t name  kyng

Of E[n]gland of frawnce, of yrelonde and Defender of the fethe and supremhedeinerthe?

Immediatlye next Christ of the church of England and yrelond the xxvi m (26)

The seconde day of September and prysyd by John Rose John Havell& Thomas Tayler


It[e]m vi (6) melcheneytte (cows)                                             iiii li    (£4.00)

I[e]tem  v (5) wenyngkaulves                                                     xv s      (15/-)

It[e]m vi (6) old shepe& v (5) lambes                                        xviiisiiiid   (18/4d)

It[e]m too hogges                                                                       iiisiiiid (3/4d)

It[em] too yerelyngkawlfes (calves)                                          xvis  (16/-)

It[e]m a nagge                                                                           viiis     (8/-)

It[e]m too lodes of hey (hay)                                                     viiis  (8/-)

It[e]m iii (3) Quarters?ofpopleburde?(barley?)                         iiiisviiid  (4/8d)

It[e]m  xxxv (35) cheses                                                             x s   (10/-)

It[e]m xviii (18) hens & a cock                                                   iiisiiiid  (3/4)

It[e]m too bushels of rye                                                            iis  (2/-)

It[e]m a bushel of peese& a bushel of rye meale                     xviiid   (18d)

It[e]m a brassepott                                                                    iiis     (3/-d)

It[e]m a smanle kettle                                                               viiid  (8d)

It[e]m a wyde yoke, too payre of trayse& a collar                    xiiii   (14d)

It[e]m a pewter dysshe                                                              iiid   (4d)

It[e]m a mattock & a shovull                                                     xd   (10d)

It[e]m a faume? (forme)                                                            vid  (6d)

It[e]m a chyrne  (churn)                                                             xd  (10d)

It[e]m a spyth (spit) a tryvit& a tramell                                    xxd  (20d)

It[e]m a sythe, too shares  & a culter                                        xxd   (20d)

It[e]m A bucket & A cheyne (bucket & chain)                           xvid  (15d)

It[e]m   A fetherbede& a payre of bed-ydles                            xiid   (12d)

It[e]m   v (5) yards of whyte russet                                            iiisiid    (4/2d)

It[e]m  Awolstydedublet (worsted doublet)                               iiiis  (4/-d)

It[e]m  tooJerkynges A petyecote A payre of slorpes                xxd   (20d)

It[e]m   A payer of whytehowes? (hoses?)                                 xxd   (20d)   

It[e]m  tooshertts                                                                       viiid   (8d)

It[e]m  Apotte of butter of ii (2) gallons                                    viiid   (8d)

It[e]m   too mylkpans& too mylkekooleres                               iiid   (4d)

It[e]m   too crème pottes                                                           iid   (2d)

It[e]m  Asaltyng trough                                                              viiid   (8d)

It[e]m  Acheseracke& too cheseberdes                                     iiiid   (4d)

It[e]m    A table & too chesefattes                                            vid   (6d)

It[e]m   A mylkyngpayle& A mawude?                                      Iiiid  (4d)

It[e]m  xii li (£12) of old yro[–]y?                                              vid  (6d)



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10 years ago

So by 1545 we have it that Henry VIII is not only King of England, but also Ireland and France  and Defender of the Faith and supreme head of the Church in England and Ireland. (  400 plus years of Irish troubles are about to kick off) . The pricing of the inventory is done by John Rose, John Havell and Thomas Tayler.  Words which intrigue are melcheneytte ([milking] cow), popleburde (barley), tryvit and tramell, bed-ydles.  Presumably there was a MRs Hayser becaeuse the inventory includes a petticoat and a pair of slorpes. A salting trough . A mawude associated… Read more »

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