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A[nn]o D[o]m  1590

A true Inventorye made the ix (9) Daie

Of Februarye in the xxxiiii? 29th years of the regineof our

Soveregne Lady Ellyzabeth by the grace of God of

England Fraunce&IrelandeQueene Defender of the

Fayth&of  all the moveable goodes of Nicholas

Fatter  ofWaldryngfeld in the Countye of Suff[olk]

Husbandman  lately Deceased valued at and

P[ro]rypted by Joshua Hardinge of Martlesham

Thomas Gosling,   between William Ward of ???????

& John Ryvers of Waldringfeld

In the countie aforesaid


In the Hall

It[e]m   one old cubborde                                                                                                             iiiisxiid

It[e]m   A kittle and a forme                                                                                                         xiiid

It[e]m   three chayres                                                                                                                     xiiid

It[e]m  OneCheste&certenne small stoales                                                                          viiid

It[e]m  onebramnell? and a payre of bellowes                                                                    xiiid

In the Butlerie

It[e]m  onespete and apayre of pothokes                                                                             xvid

It[e]m  oneboultinghutche                                                                                                           xiid

It[e]m one saltingetroaghe                                                                                                          xid

It[e]m pyerbrasse kettles                                                                                                                      xvs

It[e]m the pewters                                                                                                                                   xxd

It[e]m one brass pot and one brasseposnet                                                                                  vs

It[e]m One fringe panne and one rostingeyroide?                                                                      vid

It[e]m Onepayre of Quearnes                                                                                                             vis

It[e]m brass LattendCandlestickes                                                                                            iiis    iiiid

It[e]m all other lumb[e]r there                                                                                                   vis

In the chamb[e]r  at the east end of the house

It[e]m  onechestube as ytstandithe                                                                                         xiiisiiid

It[e]m Onecheste                                                                                                                            viiid

It[e]m One round table                                                                                                                 iiiisiiiid

In the chamb[e]r at the west end of the house

It[e]m  OneStackebed as ytstandith                                                                                         vs

It[e]m  One other Stackebed as ytstandeth                                                                          iiis

It[e]m One hutch                                                                                                                             iis vid

It[e]mtwoolyttle Coffers                                                                                                               xiiid

It[e]m threepices of woollen Cloth                                                                                           xxs

It[e]m  sixe  bushels of rye                                                                                                           xiis

It[e]m  for all the old yxen–?                                                                                                      iiis vid

It[e]m one saddle and one panel                                                                                              iis?

It[e]m  three bushels of hempesede                                                                                       xd

It[e]moneremble of hempe                                                                                                        ixs

It[e]m one hake, one hatchet, one pullinge

Hake, one shoulve, & one mattock                                                                                           iis


It[e]m  three milch mate& one bud                                                                                          vi xiii  iiid

It[e]m one browne bale? Mare                                                                                                  xxxvisviiid

It[e]m 15?Shepe and lambes

It[e]m sixe ewes  that be pastured at

Waler?Huggyns of Newbourne                                                                                                  xxiiiis

It[e]mforfowles                                                                                                                                iis  vid

It[e]m three sytheswith theye hanger                                                                                    iis

It[e]m pashells& one fowecombe                                                                                            xiid

It[e]m for rye on the ground                                                                                                       xxs

It[e]m  for  his apparrell                                                                                                                 xd


Summ  total  XX li  XVidviid  (£20 16s 7d)?







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10 years ago

1590 Inventory of Nicholas Fatter of Waldringfield.

Seems a large house – Buttery, Hall, East, West ends.

John Ryvers of Waldringfeld – checked it?

10 years ago

1590 Husbandman  lately Deceased. Valued at and P[ro]rypted by Joshua Hardinge of Martlesham, Thomas Gosling,   between William Ward of ??????? & John Ryvers of Waldringfeld(? of Ryvers Hall). Big home.

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