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1712 Inventory of Edward Wooler

An Innventory of the goods of Edward Wooler of Waldrangfeld

Deceased and taken the 10 day of March 1712/13 as foloweth

 £  :  s.   :  d.
First in the field six melch cowes and 2 budes at 22  :  00  :  00
item On[e] sow with pegs and 2 shotes, 9 youes 2 lambes and a ram at …………………. 06  :  10  :  00
Field A letell beet of ry[e] and 2 Sackes of Turnips at     ………………………………………….. 08  :  15  :  00
On[e] tumbirell and wealles at ………………………………………………………………………… 04  :  00  :  00
On[e] wagon, on[e] ould tumbrel, 3 ould plowes, 2 payer of harrowes, on[e] long ????  and a ?????????? 10  :  00  ;  00
In Ye Stabell

3 Horses, on[e] coult, 5 payer of Cart trayce and Collers and crooper

and 6 ball duftens, 2 cartsadelles, 2 payer of fellballes, 5 payes of

plowtrayce, 7 playen duftens, 2 ploughlines, 3 collers, on[e] chafsene, on[e] skitfiell?

2 cartweps, a payer of shep sheres,  a payer of Langcuts? on[e] muk fork on[e] -yce? On[e] Lod and a Halfe of Hay   at ————-    ———–    ———–    ———–   ——-



13  :  02  :  06

01  :  10  :  00
In the Barne

12 comb of otes, 3 comb of sinore? Beans, on[e] fan, on[e] boshell, 16 sackes

2 ould Skwenes, on[e] shufiell, on[e] caining seve, a teate, on[e]cutingnife   at — — –


04  :  15  :  00

In ye Thrshing?

2  goines, on[e] Long tabell, on[e] cubord, 3 bufite steweles,  6 ould chayers,  on[e]

siners tabell, a forme, 2 speales, a payer of coboiones, 2 stalles, a payer

of ballones and a payer of tonges and a fierpan, a payer of stellyardes

Sum Earthing ware and sum books, on[e] bridell and sadell and sum small things



02  :  00  ;  00

In ye Parler

On[e] bed as it stand,  on[e] clok, on[e] table, and carpite, 6 bufite stowelles

6 Chayers, a payer of brass coboirens, 14 puter deshes, 2 basones, 18

Plates,  on[e] Chamberpott, on[e] flagon and sum other puter , on[e] Looking glass

On[e] firpan and tonges, on[e] chafing desh at    ——–   ———–   ————–  ———


05  :  00  :  00


In ye Letell parler

On[e] Chest of drawers, on[e] ould Hanging Keepe, on[e] warmingpan

On[e] brass chafing desh, on[e] Copper pot, on[e] Chest, 4 ould chayers, on[e] forme


01  :   5  :  00

In ye butryes

7 vasells, 2 frying panes, on[e] oiron ketell,  on[e] oiron pot, 4 Skellets,

on[e] sarspan and som other smerll trifiles at   —-    —–    —–      ——-     —


01  :  15  : 00

In ye Parler Chamber  2 bades as thay stand, 2 boxies and a Chest, 2 chayers 07  :  00  :  00

In ye Ketching


2 bades as thay stand a payer of Collrakes

and a sefter, 6 oiron wedges, on[e] qining? beatel and sum iron  —   —-    —–    —–

04  :  10 :  00

In ye butrey


A parsell of weat, 10 payers of sheates and

sum other Lening, 2 trunkes, 2 Chestes, His waring Clothes  —-    —–     ——     ——-

08  :  00  :  00
6 silver sponnes, on[e] selver Cup at  ——     ——-     ———      ——–     ——–     —– 04  :  10  :  00
In ye back House

On[e] coper, on[e] brewing tube, 2 other tubes and 3

ould Kellers, 2 payles, on[e] Chespras, on[e] salting tray at   —   —–   —–   ——    —-


03  :  00  :  00

In ye dayri

On[e] Churn, on[e] burter Keller, on[e] Chestube, on[e] brass pot

On[e] brass ketell, 6 melk kellers, 6 boules, 2 melking payles

A pasiell of Earthing ware, 3 chesfates? 3 breads,  on[e] marcis?  —   —-    —-   —–



03  :  00  :  00

In ye backhous chamber

A parsell of Lather, a dewracke, on[e] bouten –ich?

Sum Rakes and forkes and sum other working teweles

01  :  04  :  00
In ye dayri Chamber

A parsell of barly and 2 poidering tubes

And sum meal in them with sum other smerl maters

03  :  00  :  00
The fowels in the yards at  —   —  —-    —–     ——-     ——-    ——-     ——-    ——- 00  :  05  :  00
The sum is 113 :  01  : 00

Extium ye Exrsor desti

4 Die Apr 1713 pro verexr     Apprized by us Thos Woode  Joseph Hullen?


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10 years ago

1712 Edward Wooler – lived here Deceased and taken the 10 day of March 1712/13

Worth £113

10 years ago

1712  Inventory of Edward Wooler of Waldringfield.  Died 10th March 1712

Goods, Chattels and Livestock in total value of £113.1.0.


10 years ago

Well it is quite a substantial house. With in effect 10 rooms Plus stable barn and field. It definately says Wooler in the original and it has been indexed as such

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