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Here are the 3 pages done by Jane Thompson and Jo-Anne Buck:-

Copyhold land of the aforesaid manor lying in Waldringfield (need to add a date -16??)



Here are the 3 pages done by Jane Thompson and Jo-Anne Buck


Manor of Rivers Hall in Waldringfield


Copyhold land of the aforesaid manor lying in Waldringfield


Nicholas Fatter holds one copyhold tenement called [Atkins?]…. with two acres of copyhold land lying between the copyhold land of William Girling on the west and the Way called Spragges Way and footpath Ecclesiaticum,[Church Path] and the free land of John Elmes on the east and copyhold land of Adam Harte and the free land of John Elmes on the south and public road [Common Way] towards the north and three pieces of land containing two and a half acres of copyhold land of which the first piece contains half an acre and lies between copyhold land of William Girling on the south and the copyhold land of the [aforesaid William Girling deleted] Robert Harte on the north and the western head on the copyhold land of the aforesaid William Girling, and the eastern head upon the second piece, three pieces of which separately divided up contain two acres and lie between copyhold land of William Girling on the west and the copyhold land of Robert Hart on the east, the northern head abutting on land of the aforesaid Robert Harte, and the southern head on the public road [common way]and one piece of marsh [containing by estimate four acres deleted] lying between the copyhold marsh of Robert Harte on the north and the common marsh [one headland deleted] on the south containing four acres and eighteen perches next to Wafines Marsh.


One head of which abuts on the Salt Water on the east and the land called Marshall Lands, formerly in the tenancy of William Beale, towards the west, one piece of exchanged land containing one acre of copyhold land lying in three pieces between the copyhold land of William Girling on the north and the copyhold land of the manor of Hilton recently in the tenure of Adam Hart on the south and one head abutting on the copyhold land of the manor of Rivershall in the tenure of Robert Grimble and others on the east and the western head on the way called Drove Waye and one piece of copyhold land containing one rod lying as it does between copyhold land of William Girling on the north and the copyhold land of Adam Harte on the south, the head west abutting on Salmon (Salmer) Pightell in the tenure of William Girling and the eastern head on the Salt Marsh, one pightell containing per estimatation one and a half acres in three pieces lying as they do between the Copyhold land of Robert ?Hart [or Cirt] on the east and land of the rector of Waldringfield on the west,and the northern head abutting on copyhold land of Robert Harte, and southern head on Mark Waye, otherwise called “le Procession Waye”, and also half an acre of copyhold land lying in Sand Waye abutting on the copyhold land in the tenure of William







Girling as much east as west, the southern head abutting on the public road [Common Way]called Rivershall Waye as well as another piece of land containing half a rod of copyhold land lying as it does between the copyhold land of William Girling on the east on one hand as well as on the west, and abutting on  the public road[Common Way] on the south formerly of John Warren[or Warner] which he recently had took in a court held on Thursday next after the feast of St. Fabian and Sebastian in the twentyninth year of the reign of King Henry VIII.


[There are various notes in the margin Ro. probably being for rocula – roll, a fine of  33/4d, a piece at the Crouches and now in the hands of Wardesman.  Some of the local names might not be correct as some of them are difficult to read!  ]



6 lines not transcribed by Jo-Anne Buck but I believe them to be the following which are at the top of page 2 and already put in above

well as on the west, and abutting on  the public road[Common Way] on the south formerly of John Warren[or Warner] which he recently had took in a court held on Thursday next after the feast of St. Fabian and Sebastian in the twentyninth year of the reign of King Henry VIII.


William Wardesman holds a tenement called Lylland with one piece of land containing per estimatation one acre on which a house was constructed which lies between copyhold land of Adam Harte and William Girling on the west and the lane called Longlane on the east, the south head abutting on the Copyhold land of William Girling and the north head on the Common way [ public road] and also an enclosure containing per estimatation three acres of copyhold land called Hallgate lying between the copyhold land of Adam Harte on the west and the copyhold land of Robert Harte on the east, one head abutting on the copyhold land of Adam Harte on the north and on the Common Way on the south.  As well as one piece of pasture called Honnyemeadow containing one acre lying between the copyhold land of Adam Hart on the east as well as on the west, The north head abutting on the Copyhold land of William Girling, and the copyhold land of Adam Harte on the south.


Roger Warren, gentleman, holds a piece of land containing per estimatation one acre of land lying between the land formerly Kymbles on north and a way called Lynewaye towards the south one head abutting on the Salt Water and the west head abutting on the pightle called Salmon[Salmers] pightle.


Nicholas Fatter holds a piece of land called the Salmers pightle containing on acre, lying between divers of the Lords land on either side called Saltmersh pightells and abutting on Trestleway on the west and the land of the Lord in the tenure of Roger Warren and Adam Harte towards the east.




John Girling holds two cottages called Booles and [?Hales];  one tenement called Reeves, together with a parcel of one close containing ten acres; one parcel of close containing 12 acres (formerly in the tenure of Thomas [Haffor?]; three acres of land formerly of the same Thomas; one tenement called Harmans; one tenement called [Levered, Leneeds?]; and two acres of land of which one acre lies in Honny meadowe and another called Flaxland; and one tenement called Cockinges, as well as four acres and 18.1/2 …. [perches?] of land with appurtenances called Bromesham, lying next to the salt-water in Waldringfield.  All of which aforesaid premises the aforesaid Thomas Girling took with Margaret his wife from a re-grant of the lord asplainly appears and is apparent in the Rolls of the Court held here on Friday 24th October in the third year of the reign of our now Queen the Lady Elizabeth [=1561]

And one messuage containing 14 acres of [warren?] called Blacksones; and one messuage containing 4 acres of [warren?] called Rowes; one messuage containng 10 acres of [warren?] land; and one messuage containing 5 acres of [warren?] land called [Coles?]; a tenement called Woodes and one tenement called Goodmanes. And two-and-a-half acres lying in Bromham, as well as 4 acres and 3 perches called Sanderdown…….[?], according to the measuring of this manor in Waldringfield aforesaid.


Lands of the Tenants:  Adam Harte holds a tenement called ….. [Leneredes?] with appurtenances, that is, a barn, an orchard and a hempland called Plancher Hempland, which hempland lies between the lands of various men on the west, and the curtilage held by the aforesaid on the east; the northern head abuts upon Rivershall Way, the southern [head] upon ‘le crosse’[?].

The aforesaid tenement and orchard lie between the aforesaid croft, in part, and Plancher Hempland on the west and a dovecote belonging to the tenant/tenement of Harmanes on the east.  The north head abuts upon Rivershall Way and the south head upon Hardacre




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10 years ago

The Procession way was often the parish boundary where they walked beating the bounds

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