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1523 will of Robert Hert          R8/297   W6/4/53


In the name of god amen the 6th day of December in the yer of our lord mlccccc& xxii (1522)  I Robert Hertbeyng in a hole mend (whole mind)

Make my lastewyl first I bequethe my soule to almithy god my body to be beryde in the cherche yard of al the

Halluyw in Waldryngfeld also I bequethe to hey   a–ter(Rector? Alter?) of the seyd church for my tythyesnecgligelyforgoty

Iiisiiiid (3/4d) Also I wylthat  Jone my wyff have my hows& land as longge as she ysawedo (awidow)  and aftyr she

ismarygde I bequeath it to Jon my eldere son he to gyff to yche of my chyllderesiiis&iiid (3/4d.) ate the day of the marage

andyf ye sayd John die or he comes into the possession of yt& s-ctytyt be at ye dyssposysse of my

Executor they to dissposyd it to the best priss (price)  Also I wul that my wyff have halff my movabillexcepte my

–hope& half the corneupon the growndesthys -er the reidu?(residue?) of my goods I wulyt (that) my executareshave yt to pay

w[i]th al my dettswhene I makeRychardGrene& John Hert my son they to have iiisiiid (3/4d) apece for their



De——- of


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10 years ago

Made this will in 1522 so possibly a contemporary of William and Thomas Boole.  Married to Joan and leaving his house and land to her as long as she doesn’t remarry – otherwise it goes to his eldest son Jon Hert who is to give 3 farthings to each of Robert’s children (or does chyllderes mean grandchildren) on the days of their marriage. But if John is dead or ‘into the psossession of yt & s-ctytyt” (this could mean disease or imprisonment or enemies) then it is up to the executors to do what they can. It sounds as if he… Read more »

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