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1547  John Roose the Elder      IC/AA1/13/329

In the name of Godde Amen the 24 day in the month of March in the year of Our LordeGodde

a thousand five hundred forty and sevin years and in the year and regns of our sovereign Lord Kynge Edward

by the Grace of Godd of Yngland and of Fraunce and of Yirland and the Defender of the Faith –?– in earth of

the Church

ofYngland and Irelondesupreme headlunnedeath under Godde the fyrst year of his gratyousreinge John

Roose the Elder of

Waldryngfielde in the diocese of Norwytch Husbandman of a good and hoole memory make this my

last will and testament in mine and forme following: first I bequeath my Soule to GoddeAmighty

and to our Lady Saynte Mary and to all the Celestiall company of Heavyn and my body to be buried

in the Churchyard of Waldringfield aforesaid Also I bequeath to the hy alter in the said church

of Waldringfield for tythes and offeryngs by me negligently by me forgotten 3 shillings 4 pence Also I gyve

and bequeath to Margarett my wife my tenement that I dwell in wyth all the landys thereto belong-

yngs for term of hyrlyeffe and after her decease and after her dyssase I will that my said tenements

wyth all the landys thereto belongyngs remains to my sonneWyllmAlso I give and bequeath to Mgrett

my wife all my corns that yt now growying and to be cast on the grownd for this year and my corn being in

the barns also.  Also I gyffe and bequeath to my wyffe 3 score scheypseyswse and wedderth.  Also I give and

bequeath to my three children Wyllm John & Agnes 30 sheep that is to say to enyone of them 10 schepe

apeyce Also I give to any of my children aforesaid 3 weylteto any one of them

a mother cowe and enyone of them for money 6 shillings 8 pence.  Also I gyve and bequeath to my wife my

4 horses

wyth harness to them belonging with carte and cart usope cart sadle and all thyngys to the

cartebelongyngs I also gyve and bequeath to my wyff all my stuffs of householde as beddyngsbuass and

powtys and all other implements of housheolde.  Also I give and bequeath to my wyffe all my swine

younge and also all the resydewe of my goodesunbequeathed I give and bequeath to Mgrette my wifeWhom I make my sole executrix

The witness John Curtes the Elder John Annots  with others mos

Probate  —— p   1547


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10 years ago

A will made in the first year of the reign of Edward 1547. Wishes burial at waldringfield. The bequest to the high altar is 3s 4d. John Roose is married to Margarett. He is a tenant with a ? lease (?hyrlyeffe). He leaves his leasehold and land around to Margaret and , following her ‘dyssase’, to his son William Roose.  John Roose the Elder leaves corn growing and corn stored as well as 60 scheypseyswse (??? sheep) and wedderth. What’s wedderth? He leaves 10 scheype (sheep) apiece to each of his three children, William Roose, John Roose and Agnes (probably… Read more »

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