1554 the will of Jeffrye Moose
In the name of God Amen the xxi xxix (29) daye of
October in the yere of o[u]r God mcccccliiii (1554)
I Jeffrye Moose of Waldryngfelde in the diose of
Norwych being holl of mynde and good of remembrance
thanks be to god I order and make this my laste
Wyll and testament in maner and formefollowynge
that is to sayefyrste I bequeath my sowle to
almyghtie god and my bodye to be buryed in the
Churchyerd of Walderyngfeldeaforesayde / Item
I gyve and bequethe to John Moose my sonevis (6/-)
to be paydeimediatlie after my decease / It[e]m I
gyve and bequethe to WyllyamJarvys& Edward
his brother two ewes apece to be delivered immediately
after my decease / Item I gyve&bequethe
to Margaret my daughter xxxiiisiiid (33/4d) and Two
ewes to be delivered to her at one yeresende
after my decease / It[e]m I gyve& bequeath to John
Ufforde on[e] ewe and a lambe / It[e]m gyve and
Bequethe to RachellBrydge a lambe / It[e]m I gyve
And bequeath to John (or Joan) Howeswyefxiid(12d) / Item I
Gyve&bequethe to WyllmRoose on[e] ewe and a
lambe / also I wyll that Joan my wyef do make
any challenge or claim to any parte or parcel
of the howse or lands that I late sowlde to Master
Roger Warren that then I wyll she shall lose the
hollgyfte of this my last wyll& testament/
All the rest of my goodes not bequeathed I gyve
them holly to Joanne my wife whom I orde[e]n and make
myne executrix of this my last wyll and testamente
wytness hereof Roger Warren gent Thomas Taylor
WyllmRoose James Sparks Wyllm Wood wyth others
1554 the will of Jeffrye Moose buried here
Joanne my wife
John Moose my son
Margaret my daughter
Note – challenge or claim to any parte or parcel of the howse or lands that I late sowlde to Master Roger Warren
1554 Will of Jeffrye Moose of Waldringfield. Buried in churchyard.
Monies & livestock to John Moose,son, Margaret Moose,daughter, William & Edward Jarvys, John Ufforde, Rachel Bridge, Wyllm Roose.
Remainder to Joan his wife.
Had previously sold a house & lands to Roger Warren