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1556 Agnes Revet(t)     IC/AA1/15/168

In the name of god Amen.The 18? Daye of Januarye in the —-

and forth years of the reygne of Philippi and Marye by the grace of god

kyng and quene of England,Spayne, FraunceSpayne, both cy—–(sicilies?) Jerusalem

Yerland Defender of the faith  Archdukes of Austria Dukes of Burgandy

Myllyan and Brabantcountes?ofAsburge (Hapsburg)  Flanders and Tyrell

I Agnes Revet of Waldryngfeld in the county of Suffolk wedowe

beying of good myndeand perfecte Remembrance make this my last

will and testament in maner and formefolowyng / fyrst I bequeath

mysoule to allmyghty god and my bodye to be buryed in the churchyard

ofWaldringfeldItem I geffe and bequeath unto Will[i]m Gyrlyng my f—-? (-ather/-riend)

immedyatlye after my deceass my Gelding / one Cowecoler  redgorolde (gold?)

v (5) ewes and V (5) wethers

Item I geffe and bequeath unto M[ar]gerye Garden(er?) my daughter immdyatlye

after my decease one cow colerRed garlde(gold?) the youngest of the ii  (2) – my

my bestgowne and my best Kyrtell of worsted?/ Item I gyffe and bequeath

unto  Thomas Garden[er?] her son imedyatlye after my deceased  one calfecoler

redduned? (dun) of the age of oneyeare / Item I gyffe and bequeath unto  Alece

Crossye my daughter Immedyatelye after my decease onecowecoler black

Doned?my gown next but the best/ one gyrdellw[i]thdemysense (demiciense)Item I

gyffe and bequeathe unto Agnes Crossye the daughter of the saydAlyce

immdyatlye after my decease one calfecolerbryndyd of the age of one

yeare / Item   I geffe and bequeath unto Elizabeth Brown my daughter

immedyaltlye after my deceasse ii (2) neate,the colerred iiii (4) ewes my

lesserefetherbed with abordentryndell (trundle?) bed,  one payreof

of my worsle (woolsey?) blanket, one payer of canvasshets, One payer of

hempyingshetes, one bolstercovering to the bed, one Cov[e]rletcolergre?

grene, the newest of the iii (3),one brasse pot of ii (2) gallons, one ketell of iii (3)

Galons, iii (3) pewter platersof the Butterye, ii (2) pewter desshes of the same my

lessis?frying pan, A Brasse pan of halfea gallon,my worsleGowne / one

cloth?c[o]velett  iii (3)hedkirchoffes-/   ii (2) smockes?ofcanvas  with one bodyes of  lockerham

Item I geffe and bequeath unto Francis Browne son of the sayd Elizabeth Brown

immedyatlye after my decease iii (3) ewes /  Item I gaffe and bequeath unto

Sara Browne her daughter imedyatlye after my decease iii (3) ewes / Item I

gaffe and bequeathe unto Mary Walcrofte my bellchylde? imedyatlye

after my decease one calfe of the age of one yeare. Item I geffe

andbequeathe unto John Gerling the son of WillmGerlyngImmedyately

after my decease (5) ewes / Item I geffeand bequeathe unto John

Revit my son imedyatlye after my decease one cowecoler red browne

v (5) wethers my pende?  / Item I will yf the sayd John Rivet dorefuse

to a byde the order of his fathers will then I will thatHenry my son shall

have his p[ar]te beforebequythed /  Item I gaffe and bequeathe unto Henrye my son imediatelye

after my deceasse one cowecolerblacke s-cocinge v (5) wethers my Rube

w[i]th  the Aglett / Item I will that Hennrye my son shall have my yeonge

Ambolyng mare paying unto my executoresimedyatlye after my

deceasexxisiiiid (21/4d)  / Item I geffe unto my systerHavett? my

worsted? C[o]verlett  Item I gaffe unto Petre? Perpett at the daye

myburyall  iii lb (£3) ls of lawfull money of England    It I will that

my v (5)wethers be kylledagaigst?thedaye of my buryall – the

Resydue of my goods not bequeathed I gaffe put them to the distress

Of my— executor / whom I ordeyne and make John Havell and

John Mayegyvyng unto them for therpayem?sxs (10/-) a pece In witness-


-a—– venseur

JolfrGarte the elder

Jolfe p–ck





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10 years ago

Note pompous opening. Looks to be a complicated set of family relationships. Agnes Revet of Waldryngfeld – buried here M[ar]gerye Garden(er?) my daughter Thomas Garden[er?] her son John Revit my son (yf the sayd John Rivet dorefuse to a byde the order of his fathers will then I will thatHenry my son shall have his p[ar]te beforebequythed ) Henrye my son Alece Crossye my daughter Agnes Crossye the daughter of the saydAlyce Elizabeth Brown my daughter Francis Browne son of the sayd Elizabeth Brown Sara Browne her daughter my systerHavett? Will[i]m Gyrlyng my f—-? (-ather/-riend) – Girling? John Gerling the… Read more »

10 years ago

1556  Agnes Revet(t) of Waldringfield. Buried in the churchyard.

Household goods and livestock to Margery Garden(er)?-my daughter. Thomas Garden(er)-grandson. Alice Crossye-my daughter. Agnes Crossye-granddaughter.

Elizabeth Brown-my daughter. Francis Brown-grandson. Sarah Brown-granddaughter. Mary Walcrofte-my bellchilde. William Gerlyng. John Gerling-son of William.

John Revit-my son. Henry Revitt. My sister Havett.

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