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1557 John Hart     IC/AA116/57

In the name of God Amen the xciii (13) day of November

yn the yere of the Lord God mil v c lvii (1557). I John Hart

ofWaldryngfeld  withyn the dyocys of Norwyche Suffolk

beingholl of mynd / and p[er]fetynReme[m]berance / Dou

ordey and make thys my last wyll& testament

ynmaner&formefolloyngth[a]t ys to say first

I commend me sowll to almighty god me creator and

toJhusCryst me Redemer be themerelles?off

whose passion I trust to be savyd. And me body to be

buryedeyn the churche yard of Waldryngfelde

aforsayd // Item Fyrst I geve&bequethe to

Adam Hart my sone and to the yssu of hys body

lawfully begotten . my tenement ynWaldrynfeld

that I now dwell yn with all the land thertoyn

anywyse belonging bothefre& copy / and yf

thesaydAdamedep[ar]t the world with outlawfull

yssue of hysboyd begotten // I wyll the sayd

tenement& lands shall Remyne to Rychard

Hart hys brother and to the yssue off hys body

lawfully begotten

Item more I geve to Alyce me wyffhyrdwellyng with

yn the hede? houseterme of hyr natural lyff

withfyerwoodforsufycyent for herbarnyng // and

a bushel of hempe seed redysowen to hyr hand

ynplancher he[m]pland every yere as long as she lyveth

Item further I wyll that Alyces me wyff shall have

ii (2) neats& the thayngkepyng of the same ii (2) neatsfrely

withAdame Hart bothewynter& Summeryn

eachepaster& place as the saydAdame

shallkepehys own kattellyn

and every yerewhyll she lyvethe iii (3) comb barly

& a seame of Rye & all me howsold stuff to dow

wytheatt her wyll // Item I geve&bequeathe

to Margaret Hart me dowghterxxisiiiid (21/4d)xls (40/-) to

bepayd to hyr at xxiiiiyeres of age and to Anes

Hart me dowghterxxisiiid (21/4d)xls (40/-) of lawfull

ynglyshe money to be payd to her at xxiiii (24)

yeres of age // and to Jone Hart me dawghter

xxiisiiiid (22/4d)xls(40/-) of lawfullynglyshe money to

bepayd to hyr at xxiiii (24) yeres of age // p[ro]vydyd that

yf any of me iii dawghtersdep[ar]t the world afore

the coming? To xxiii (24) yeres of agethat they that

ar a lvve shall enjoy the others p[ar]ts

Item I geve to Rychard Hart me sone a hesker

of ii (2) yeres of age &xxvisviiid (26/8d) of lawfullynglish money /  Item more I geve to John

Hart me sone cl s (40/-) oflawfullynglyshe

money to be payd to hymme with yn a yere& a day

after me decese and yf that the sayd

John dep[ar]t the world before he receve his

geft then I geve to that l to John Hart

hyssonne tobe payd tohyme at cc (20) yeres of age

Item I geve to Anes Hart me goddawghter

One ewe & a lamb to be delyveryd to hyr

to take p[re}fet? ofyt at vi (6) yeres of age

all the rest of me goods not geven nor bequeathed

I geve them holly to Adam Hart me sonne whom

Iorden and make one of myne Executors

And John Elmes the other.  And I geve to the sayd

John Elmes for hyslabor&paym[ents] vs (5/-)

And for the sup[er]visor of thys me last wyll

& testament I orden& make Wyll[ia]m Woode

And for hyslabor&paym[ent]s I gevehymiiisiiid (3/4d)

Wytness of thys Thomas Coale, JamyesSparkes Edward Tyndall wythye others



—-  —–  xxvii (27th) January

1557 —-cats Adam Harte


Admittend John Elmesalsoi

Rxri on —– etc.,






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10 years ago

John Hart ofWaldryngfeld me body to be buryedeyn the churche yard of Waldryngfelde

Alyce me wyff

Adam Hart my sone and to the yssu of hys body lawfully begotten . my tenement ynWaldrynfeld

Rychard Hart hys brother (ie Adam’s)
John Hart hyssonne

Margaret – daughter

Jone Hart me dawghter

Anes Hart me goddawghter

10 years ago

1557  John Hart of Waldringfield. Buried in the churchyard.

His tenement and lands to Adam Hart-his son and if he should die to his brother Richard Hart.

To Alyce my wife- fire wood,hempe seed, barley,rye etc.

Money to Margaret Hart-his daughter, A(g)nes Hart his daughter, Jone Hart his daughter, John Hart his son.

John Elmes-executor.

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