Katheryne Candler 1564 IC/AA1/19/59
In the name of God the 13 daye of March, the yeare of
Our Lorde God 1564I Katheryne Candler Wedowe of the paryshe
ofWaldryngfelds in the countie of Suffkbeynge of whole mynde
andgood and p[er]fyte remembrance, laude and prayse be unto
Almyghtie god, make and ordene this my p[re]sent testament,
conteyninge herein my last wyll, in man[ner] and formefolw[in]g
that is to saye: first I com[m]ends my soule unto almyghtie god
my maker and redeemer, and my bodye to buried in the church
yarde of Waldryngfeldeaforesaide, Item I gyve unto my sonne
George Bennet at mygkelmas next xls. (40/-?) Item I bequeath unto
thesayde George my dune(dun?) kowe, a puder (pewter?) platter, a payre of
shetes? And a kettle. Item I bequeath unto Robert Bennet
mysonnexls (40/-?) at Myghelmas next, / Item a kowe In the
hands of Robert Goslynge of newborne / It[em] an hutche at
mybeddesfote (bedfoot?) a puder platter and a payre of shetes
It[em]xs (10/-?) in the hands of RychardeWalkar of Bealyinges, all the
rest of my goodes I gyve and bequeath unto ElyzbethBennet
my daughter I wyll the saydElyzabeth shall pay the
farme? of my house, also I make and ordeine Robert
Bennet and John Cotwyne my executors to se thysp(re]sent
Te[s]tamentfulfylled I bequeath unto John Cotwyne for
hys labours vs (5/-). Item I gyve unto JoneWryghtxiid (12d)
Item to JoneHarroldexiid (12d) Item I gyve unto Elizbet
Lys, CysleyIngate, JoneAanton? Stephen Abell
Parkarswyffe to etch (each) iiiid (4d) Thesscyngswytnes
Henry WardmanJoneAanton?
Katheryne Candler Wedowe Waldryngfeld – buried here
sonne George Bennet
Robert Bennet mysonne
ElyzbethBennet my daughter
1564 Katheryne Candler, widow of Waldringfield. Buried in churchyard.
To son George Bennet, money and household items.
To son Robert Bennet, ditto.
To daughter Elyzbeth Bennet, residue of goods.