In the name of God amen the yeare of our Lorde God 1566 the xii of October I Ales
Harte wedowe of the payrish ofWaldringfelde in the countie of Suff. Seke in body but
of good rememberancethankes be geven to god. Do make (this?) my present testament
concernynge herein my last will in maner and formefolowynge / firstly I commende
mysoule unto almyghtie God my maker and redeemer, and my body to be buried
In the churcheyarde of Waldryngefeldeaforesayde. Item I gyve unto Agnes Baken
my daughter my byggestbrassepott, A puder(pewter?) platter, a (desnys) coverynge for a
bedde, a payreshetes? / twoyonge ewes that hade never lambet And two
kyichesses? andhalffe a rymble?ofhempe Item I give unto MargreteDryver
my daughter a pnder (pewter?) platter / a workedy? appron / an olde ewe and and a yonge
wetherhalffe a rymble? ofhempe / and my kyrtle, / Item I geve unto
the a foresaid Agnes and Margrete to be equallye divided betwyne theme
ashovell? / alsoto each of theme xii (12) cheses ii(2) bushelles of rye and two
busshelles of malte and one flytche of baken to be equally devided amongst
them / also I wyll that six Bushles of malte be solde to pay my debts / and
v(5) bushels di of rye ? iiibusshels of hempesede / and also a blackewether and
anhogge that to be sold by my executors all the rest of my gooddes not
geven and bequeathed I give and bequeath unto Jone Harte my daughter
and of that my present testament I make and ordeyne Robert Harte
ofNewbune and John Hootyeof Martylsm my executors to se this my
testament and last wyll performed my body buried and my dettspayde
thesbyngewytnes Henry Wardman
Thomas Bealewitness?
Quarto March 1566
P[ro]batumfuit —- testa’tum
Robti Hart ecors John hobbye?
Ales Harte wedowe
Agnes Baken my daughter
MargreteDryver my daughter
Jone Harte daughter
Robert Harte of Newbourne – executor
1566 Alice Harte, widow of Waldringfield. Buried in churchyard.
To Agnes Baken, daughter, household items plus livestock.
To Margrete Dryver, daughter, ditto.
To Jone Harte, daughter, residue of goods.
Robert Harte of Newbune, executor.