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1566  will of Robert Hart of Newborne    IC/A1/20/7


In the name of god amen xxviiti day of Marche I Robert Hart of Newborne in the county of

Suff[ol]k in the Dioceas of Norwyche being whole of mynd and p[er]fytreme[m]berence thanks

Be to ALmyghty god do ordayen and make this my last wyll and testament In man[e]r

&formefelyngy[ha]t ys to soy Fyrst and principally I b[e]queyth my sole into the hands

Of Almyghty god my creator & redeem[e]r by whose most p[re]sious blood shedyng I trust to have

Remyssyon of all my synnes / and my body to be buryedwi[it]h  in the p[ar]yshe churchyard of

Newborneaforsayd or ellse ware as yt shall please god.  It[em] I gyve to the —— (p–cin–)of

mones? box of the same p[ar]yshxiid ( 12d)/ It[em] I gyve and be queyth to Franis Hart my sonne my ii (2)

best horses the one a bay the other a gray to be sold to hys use imedyatly after barley sell and

also I gyve to the sayd Francis my best payer of harrowes, one field of Rye In p[ar]cykells(pightles?)andacreoe (acre)

of barley that shalbesowneinblaklond and a spruseChestii (2) long laderes of ellme And yfyt

fortune?that Francis my sonne do dye be fore he cumyth to the age of xviii (18) yeresyt then I wyll that th[a]t th[y]s p[ar]t

begyvenuntohymshalbe equally devydyd by thym my ii (2) daughters Ann and Martha  illegible but crossed thu

andyfyt shall fortune?thatether of my daughters do dep[ar]t be fore the age of xxi (21) yeresth[a]t the    ——————–

I wyll the longer lyvd to injoye the other p[ar]t And yf all iii (3) of my chylderin that ys to say Frances

Anne & Martha do dye before they age above reqerfydth[a]t then I wyll all that my bequests

be equally devydyd by tweyn (between) my syster Joan and the chyldrerne of my brother Adam Hart now

being alive / I[te]m I gyve and bequeath to Ann my daughter ii (2) kyne t[ha]t be in the kepyng of my

brother Adam bothe to be delyveryd unto her at Mychell mas next insuyng (ensuing?)or ellse for the neat/meat?

Iiii (4) marks of mony and for the hyer of them? – iis (2/-d) / Also I gyve to my daughter Ann iiii (4) ewes and

Iii (3) lambes whereof ii(2) of them be thewse?(the ewes)the one ablak(black) the other awhyte& the other ii (2) one abrokyd (a broken mouth?)

the other awhytt / and my best flock bed w[i]th all thyngestherto belonging as bolster,  apayer of sheytes

Adornye covering and the hangynges,theraboght,A brassepott, askelett -pann?(skillet-pan?),aketyllwhythe

hadof my mother / all whithe my gyfte to be delivered unto her at myghellmass next after my

dep[ar]tyng / I[te]m I gyve to Martha my daught[er} iii (3) kyne whereof ii (2) of them be in custody of the—–?? (ao)

Day the one abrokydbryndyde the other  a lytyllbrowne and on[e] that ys at my brothers farm & iii (3) ewes ii (2)

lambes / and my bygestkettyll saving one, iiii (4) pewt[er] plates of the mydelystsort &asylv[er] spon[e]

allwhychegyft and be queyth to remain in the custody of Maryan[n] my wife and she to

delyver the same to my daught[er] at the age of xii (12) yeres / All the rest of my goodes and cattalls —

bequethyd as well the corne in the felde as all other of my moveable goodes to pay my

detts and to semy (see my) body brought to the ground whom I do ordayne and make my sole executryes

tothys my last wyll and testament my brother John Hart? S-nr– to by my sup[er]visor of thys

my last wyll and testament In wyttnese to thys p[re]sent wyllRychardcausy? Wyll[ia]m Hadok

Adam Hart w[i]th others

Probate   atKesgravexiiii (14) April 1567 / probated

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10 years ago

Lived in Newbourne but seems related to Hartes and possibly others

10 years ago

1566  Robert Hart of Newborne.  Buried in Newborne churchyard.

To Francis Hart, my son,  my 2 best horses and my best pair of harrows, one field of rye and an acre of barley.

Daughters Ann and Martha

Sister Joan

Brothers  Adam Hart and John Hart

Wife Maryan.

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