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1568 Will of Thomas Nobbs            IC/AA2/22/230      IC/AA1/20/183

In the name of God Amen.  The

Vii (7) day of March in theyereofour

Lorde God millmoccccc lxviii (1568)  I Thomas

Nobbes of Walderingfelde in the countye of

Suff[olk] and in the dioces of Norwiche

beingescke and feble of bodye but whole

ofmemorye and myndethankes be to

allmighty God dotheorden and make this

mylaste will and testament in manner and

formye following that is to say Item fyrste

andpryncipallye I bequethe my sowle to

almighty god my saviour and redeemer

by whose most precious blood shedding

I trust to have forgevenes of all my synnes

And my body to be buried within the p(er)ishe

Churchyard of Waldringfeldeaforesayde

Or else where as it pleaseth almighty god

Item I geve and bequethe unto Thomas my

Sonne my best fetherbedde with all thinges

Thereto belonging as bolster blankete a

Payre of shetes a pillowe my best pillowe

Bere a beringeshete a covering of dornive?

Two kercheffes, vii (7) pieces of pewter, a latten

Bason (metal basin) and a ewer, a candlestick, a chaffing dishe

A brass potte, a kettell, a greatecheaste and

A coberde / Item I geve to the sayd Thomas

My sonne five markes of lawfull money of     //

England to be payde by the hands of my

Executor when he cometh to the age of cxxi (21)

Years / Item I geve&bequethe to William

My sonne my secondefetherbedde with all

Thynges thereto belonging as bolster blankets,

apayre of shetes, a pillowe and a covering

ofDornive with a pillowebere and a caslinge (calfskin?)

shete, two kercheffes, a brassepotte, a kettell

fyvepecesof pewter, a chaffing dishe and

a candlestick and fyvemarkes in moneye

to be delivered at the age of xxi (21) yeres

and a paynted coffer by the hands of myne

executor / Item I geve and bequethe to Abra-

ham my sonne two flockbeddes with all thynges

thereto belonging as bolster pillowe, a payre

ofshetes, a covering of Dornyve, fowre

tablenapkyns, awolder? Two kercheffesfyvepeces

of pewter, a kettell, a mortar and a pestell

a coffer, a candlestike and fyvemarkes in

monie to be delivered by myne executor as

isaforsyde / Item Igeve and bequethe to

Agnes Alderman servant with Alan Starlinge

ofMartlesham an olde worsted kyrtell,

twokercheffess, a square, a neckercheryandkerchertobe

to be delivered immediatelye after my de-

partinge / and if it fortime that Thomas my

sonne to dye before he commethe to the age

of xxi (21) yeres that then all that his p[ar]te and

bequetheshalbe equally divided between will[ia]m

mysonne and Abraham / and if two of my

sonnes be departed this present liefe before

they come to the age of xxi(21) yeres that

then I will the longer lyver to enjoye

the other two partes / and if theye dye all

thre of them before the sayde age that

then I will all such my gyfte&bequethe

shallremayne unto my syster children then

beinge alive to be equally divided amonge

them / all the resydewe of my goodesunbe-

quethed I geve them to the discrecion of

executors to paye my debtes and to performe

my legacies and to see my bodieonestlye

brought to the grownde / whome I doorden

and make my trustye and wellbelovedfrendes

John Kegell of Stowmarkette&ROberte

Goslynge of Newborne and they to have

For their paynesxs (10/-) apece and Thomas

Goslynge of Waldringfelde my sup[er]visor of

This my last will & testament and he to

Have for his paynesiiisiiiid (3/4) I witness to this

My last will – Thomas Beales, Thomas

Peryman with others


Coram Nicholas Locke in AntibusMayro infra

ArchinatidSUffComifarriset ?fficiali etc.,

Xii(12) die mensis July Anno Dom Millimo

Sevagesimi octavo etcomissa? Suit quidgenadminstravo

-onorn etc., Roberto Goslynge executor in

Dcosestamentonomivatoet in debitoIiuris

Forma Juratis, keservata —— con filem

Administracionem re-llendi Johann Kegell

Alteriexecutori in eodem testaments oficam

Cn venerit in forma Juris subular


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10 years ago

Thomas Nobbes of Walderingfelde – buried here
Thomas my Sonne
William My sonne
Abraham my sonne

Thomas Goslynge of Waldringfelde my sup[er]visor

10 years ago

1568  Thomas Nobbs of Waldringfield.  Buried in churchyard.

To Thomas, son, goods,household items and money.

To William, son,          ditto

To Abraham, son,        ditto

To Agnes Alderman, servant, and Alan Starlinge of Martlesham, goods

Friends:- John Kegell of Stowmarket, Robert Goslynge of Newbourne and Thomas Goslinge of Waldringfield.




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