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1571 Will of William Gerlynge     IC/AA1/21/333

In the name of God Amen the xii (12) daye of November in the xiiiiyear of our Soverygne

Lady queen Elezabeth, and also in the year of our Lord god 1571 I Wyllyam

Gorlynge of Waldringfield in the county of Suffolk yeman,  Beynge of hoollemynd

And p[er]fyctRemembranse thanks be unto almighty God therfor  do now by

Gods grase make here my p[re]sentlastewyll&testemente in manore and

formefollowynge, fryste above all thyngs I comend my sowlle in to the

hands of almighty god my maker, & to Jesus Chryst my only Savyever&

Redemorwycheshede his bloud for me and all mankyngs& my body to

beburyed in the chryche yard of Waldryngfyld or else wheras the yt shallplysse

God to vesyte me / and as consarnyngyng my wordely goods that God of his

goodness have geve unto me I bequetheherafter folowyethe, fryste I bequeth

unto my son John Gorlynge my howse called levretteswyth the

aportenencetherto belongyngbothefre&copie& also a tenemttcallydPontyngs

with the aportamentther to belonging Both fre& copy to

remayn unto my saydsonne John Gorlyng& unto his heirs for

ever, &yf the sayd John Gorlyng shall depart this lyfe

withowttessue of his body lawffully begotten then I wylltht

thatbothe my howsselallytt?Leverettsw[it]h the aportenances and my howse

calledPontyngs both fre&coppy to remayn unto my sonne

RoberttGorlynge and unto his sonneJohn Gorlying and unto his —— (heirs?)

for ever / Item I geve unto my sonneRoberttGorlygneiiii li (£4)

of good &lawffull money of yngland to be payd unto the sayd

RoberttGorlyngwyth in one yere aft[er] my departing by my

exsetores.(executors)    Item I geve unto John Gorlyng my sonne all my movisbyle

goods both wythin the house and with owttwhersoever they sh[all] be

fownd, yeldyenge&payeng any dettes the wyche John Gorlyng I

make my exssetor, and John Buttor my exsetoryeldying&

gevyingehyme for his paynesxxs (20/-) and adding father I

makehym my supervysor&gevehym for his paynesvis (6/-)

in wyttn[e]s hereof to be my larstewyll&testementt  I have settto


Wyttness unto this wyll Adam Hartte& John Elmes&

RoberttBockellw[it]h others



Feds?xsvd (10/6)  22nd February 1572 /   apud? Gt x– & let etc

  • -s ?d?  /  ?/ in? ameatexecutores —

Exhibited —  inventaine




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10 years ago

1571 Wyllyam Gorlynge of Waldringfield

my son John Gorlynge my howse called levretteswyth

tenemtt callyd Pontyngs

Son – RoberttGorlynge and unto his sonneJohn Gorlying

Wyttness unto this wyll Adam Hartt

10 years ago

1571  William Gerlynge of Waldringfield  Buried in churchyard.

To son John Gorlynge my house called Levrettes and a tenement called Pontyngs.

Son Robert Gorlynge and grandson John inherits if the above dies without issue.

John Buttor executor.

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