1576 Will of Thomas Beale IC/AAi/24/92
In the name of God amen the xxvii (27) daye of March yn the yeare
of our lorde god 1576 I Thomas Beale of Waldryngfeldtwyllweaver
in the Cou[n]ti of Suff[olk] of good and perfite remembrance thankes be
geven to god doe ordene and make this my testament conteyngynge
herin my lastewyll / first I bequethe my sole in to the hands
ofallmyghtye god and I will my boddye to be buried in the
Church yarde of WaldryngefeldeAforesayde. Item I geve&
bequethe to Jonemy wife my bakhose and my hemplond of
thenorthesyde of my house so longe as the saydJonekepehure
a widow. Item I will my execkitor to set hur up achemney&
chamber& to saller the sam chamber In the saydbakhouse
Item I will that the saydJone have the hemplond no longer
and she do sowe it w[i]thhempe. Item I g[e]vehuraletel kettle & a
beger kettle an Iron pootle Item I gevehur a puterplater a sault
asawser half my dysshes / halfe my spones / halfe the trenchers
that be now in ocapynge / Item I gevehurabede of saktwyll
a bolster a pillow and the berether to / one payer of blanketes
a coverlet 11(2) payer of shetes a cob[e]red aboll the best sane one
Item I gevehurwhynes for hurfireinge / Item I gevehur
17s 8d of good and lawfullmony of Inglonge& ii (2) selver
spones / Item I gevehur my letell table & a forme in the barne
Item I will that the saydJone shall geve and delyver up all
suche right as she have or maye of right to have in my londes
according to the cost[u]me of the manner. Item I wylll that yf
thesaydJone be not so content w[i]th that I have gevenhur before
then I will that she have non of the godes that I did gevehur
but to stand tot the Cust[u]me of the maner / Item I geve my
howses and londesfre and copy set lyinge and beinge in the parrishe
ofWaldryngfelde unto John Beale my sonn except the backhose&
thehempelonde on the northesyde of the house Item I will that
John my sonn shall Inherit and com to his lands at the age of
xxiiiiti (24) years ////
Item I will that my sonnJohnwythe in one holle year after he com to
his lands he shall paye to his brother Thomas Beallexxs (20/-) of good
andlafullmony of Ingelonde and the next yeare after that to paye
to his brother Robert Bealeother xxs (20/-) and the next yearefoloinge
xxs (20/-) to his susterDorethe BealeItem I will that so sone as the iii (3)
be fully experid and suchesummes of mony be payd then I wyll
mysonnJohn shall paye unto hys brother Robert the sume of vii li (£7)
of good and lawfull money of Inglonde that is to sayexxs (20/-) yearly
Item I will that yf my sonnJohn die without heirs of his body
lawfully begotten then I wyll my howses and lands remayne unto
mysonne Robert Item I wyll that my sonn Robert shall paye all suche
leagasses of my syll out of my lands that ys to sayethenextholle
yeare after he come to his lands he shall paye to his brother
Thomas Beale xxs (20/-) to and the next year foloinge he shall paye
to his susterDorthe Beale other xxs (20/-) Item I will that when the
ii (2) yeares be fully expired and suchesomes of mony be payde
then I will my sonnRobert shall pay vii li (£7) of good and lawfull
mony of Ingland that is to sayexxs (20/-) yearly unto it be foully
payd to Thomas my sonn and Dorethe my dauter to be equally partil be
twix them parte and parte lyke Item I will that my brother Robert
Petgrave shall be gardiner to my sonnJohn and to my sonnRobert
also that I will my executor shall have the letinge of my howssess and
landes to the beynginge up of my CHildringe until thay com at the age
ofxxiiii (24) yeares Item Iwill that the reste of my movable goodes
notgevie and be quethed.
and my detespayd to be at my executors descresion to distribut it
amonge my children as he shall thinke good Item I geve my executor x s. (10/-)
Item I geve to Wyll[ia]m puntyngeiiisiiiid (3/4d., and the saydWyll[ia]m I do mak my
superviser finally the sadeThomas Beale gave a surrender of all his howses
and lands accordynge to the costome of the maner in to the hands of
Adam Harte & John Gurlyng / in the p[re]sense of RobertPetgrave
Wyll[ia]m Puntynge witnesses unto all the words? above named
Probate 16 July 1576 to Robert Petgrave
1576 Thomas Beale of Waldryngfeld – buried here.
Jone my wife
John Beale my sonn
Thomas Bealle son
Robert Beale son
Dorethe Beale daughter
Some relationship to Adam Harte & John Gurlyng
Now three generations on from the first will in my set (Thomas Bulle – / ?antecedent of Boole and Bull.) Another candidate for Waldringfield churchyard. Married to Jone (Joan) to whom he bequeaths his bakehouse and hemp fields (hemplond) which are to the north side of his house. The executor is charged with ensuring a chimney and a room in the bakehouse for Joan. Theer is a lot of detail in this will and many words which differ from the modern equivalent. eg A letel kettle and a beger kettle , an iron pootle, whynes for hurfireinge, alfe the trenchers… Read more »