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In the name of god amen.  The fourth daye of June, the yeare

Of our Lorde god, 1579.  I Thomas Elmes of the paryshe of

Waldryngefelde in the Countie of Suff[olk] and in the hundrede

Of Carlefordeyomansecke in Bodie, neverthelesse of good and

Perfittrememberance (thankes be given to god) do order and

Make this my testament, and my Laste Will conteined

Herein in maner and formefolowynge First I bequeathe

My soule in to the hands of almightie god my onlye

Saviour and redeemer,and my bodye to be buried in the

Churcheyarde of Waldryngefelde a fore saide.  Inprimis

I will Ales Elmes my wife shall have my houses and

Landes free and Copielyinge in Waldryngefelde or ells

wherefrome the feaste of Saint Mychelltharchangell next

Insuynge after the date herof unto the end and terme

of ix (9) yeares to be fullyecomplet and ended, In consideration

to pay or cause tobe payd xli (£10) of good and lawfull

money of englande unto margreteElmes my suster

at the tyme appointed, and bryngin up of my childrynne

and to paye the rest of my dettesWhatsoevere:  Item

I give my wife all my moveable goods in consideration

Aforesaide.  Item I will my sonne Robert to have my

houses and Landes a foresaide, after the yeares be fullie

expired to hym and his heires of his bodielawfullye

begotton, and for want of suche issue to remaine

to James my sonne and to his heires of his Bodye

lawfulliebegotton, and for want of suche heirs

to the rest of my children.  Item I will my son

Robert shall pay unto my sonne James onto of my lands

after he be in possession.  Xli (£k10) of good & lawful money

ofenglande within two yearesafter he be inItem

I willmy sonne Robert shall pay unto his susterJone

V(5) marke of good and lawful money of englande

After James be payde one yeare.  Item I gife unto

My daughter Margret at the age of xxiiii (24) years

V (5) markes of good and lawful money of England to

Be paide out of my Landes, Item I gife my daughter

Agnes v (5) marke of good & Lawful money of England

To payde out of my Landes at the xxiiii (24) yeares  //

Item Iwill that chylde my wife is nowe withal, yf it

Be a manchildeI  shal have vilixiiisiiiid (£6 13s 4d)of good and

Lawful money of englande at the age of xxi (21) yeares

Yf it be a maide childe v (5) marke of good and Lawful

Money of the aege of xxi (21) yeares likewise

To be payde out of my Landes.  Item I will my

Wife  to give out of my Landes after that the ix (9) years

Be expired a fore —— yearlyexxs (20/-) a yeare at

Two severalltermes in the yeare.  That is to say at the

Feast of Saint Myghellthearkangelxs (10/-) duringehir

Natural lyfe in consideration that my wife shall? Make

No claime to any dayryc? Or threde?foote out of any

Of my lands solde? Or free that tyme or of my

Landes none remayngueunsoldeyfthat ????

I will then that she shalbevoide of al my giftes in

This my Will aforesaide.   Finallie I ordeine& make

My wife my executrix and EdmondeStiles?

Coadintor with her to see that my last will performed

Towards my children, my dettespayde, and my funeral

Expenses made, and I will Edmonde Stiles? shall charge for

His paynes in this behalf his charges borne and

Xs (10/-d)   Item I gife unto the pore of Waldryngefelde

Xs (10/-d) payde in eche?Yearesthesbeynge witness

Thomas Garnes, Thomas Rednal, Henry Wardman Clerk

Probate    ??? November 1579




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10 years ago

1579 Thomas Elmes – buried here
Ales Elmes wife
sonne Robert
sonne James
Margaret – daughter
Jone – daughter
Agnes – daughter

Item I gife unto the pore of Waldryngefelde Xs (10/-d) payde in eche?Year

10 years ago

1579.  Candidate for churchyard at w. Firsts reference I have seen in these docs to Carlford Hundred. Houses, land and copielyinge (what is copielyinge – ? coppicing) to go to Ales, his wife.  Margaret (his sister ?Margaret Elmes) to have money to settle debts and bring up children – Robert Elmes, James Elmes, Jone (Joan)Elmes, Margaret Elmes, Agnes Elmes.     Ales is nowe withal (pregnant).  a manchildeI  shall have vilixiiisiiiid (£6 13s 4d)of good and Lawful money of englande at the age of xxi (21) yeares, a maide childe v (5) marke (why marks? )of good and Lawful Money of… Read more »

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