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1581 Adam Harte   IC/AA2/28/494



In the name of God Amen the 16th

Day January in 24 year of the reign of our

Sovereign ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God of England

France and Ireland Queen Defender of the faith etc.

! Adam Harte of Waldringfield in the

County of Suffolk and Doces of Norwych Yeoman

Being of perfecte remembrance God be thanks therefore

Doe ordaine and make this my last will  and in writing

Manner and forme following First and above all things

I committ my sowle into the hand and merciful ?????

of God the Father and Jesus Christ hyssonne my

only saviour and redemer by whose mercyes death and

passion I steadfastly hope and look for eternal salvation

and my bodye to the earth to be buried in the Church

yarde of Waldringfield aforesaid Item I give and

bequeath unto Agnes my wife the newe chamber

With the chamber over it with ???ingresse and

regresse to her and to her assignes during here

Natural life  Item I give and bequeath unto Agnes

my wife one bed and bedstead whereon we commonly

do lye with all thinges thereunto belonging them

I give and bequeath more unto the sayd Agnes my wife each and

everieyeare for soelonge as she shall lyve the

thyrde part of the fruite of apples peres and

plomes as full yearelygrowe and be renewed

upon my lands and tenements aforesaid and

unto the sayd Agnes yearly and every year

for long as she shall lyve forty shillings of

currant money of England two loades of wood

payed and delivered at my howse yearly oute

of my lands and tenement by the occupier of

the same that is my sonnWillm until Robte my

sonne shall accomplish the age of 21 years

after which tyme I will the sayd money ????

and brome??shall be payd and discharged by Robert

mysonne his heires or assigns at twoetymes in the

year that is at the annunciation of blessed Mary

the Virgin and Lammas Daye by even and same??

portionsoe as the sayd Agnes or any other

for her shall not make any challenge or tytles to any

of my lands or tenements or in respect of her dower

Item I give and bequeath unto the sayd Agnes for term

of her life and that my hempland being in Waldringfield

aforesaid on the other syde of my house there call

Olde Hall and after her desease I will the same to

remayne to Robert my sonne and to the heirs of his bodie

lawfully begotten and for default of issue to John my sonne

and to the heirs of his bodie lawfully begotten and for

default of issue lawfully begotten Item I gyve and bequeath

unto Will[ia]]m my sonne all my lands tenements and hereditaments

withappurtanceslieng and being in Waldringfield

aforesayd except such lands and tenements as ???

hearin given and bequeathed to any other person or persons

toholde to hym and his assigns until Robert Harte

mysonne shall accomplish the full age of 21 years

at which tyme I will the sayd lands and tenements

and hereditaments with the appurtenances as well free

as bond shall remain unto the sayd Robert Harte my

sonne and to the heirs of his bodie lawfully begotten

and for want of such issue to remain to John my son

and his issue for ever of his lawfulie begotten

Item I give and bequeath to Robert Starse??

ablack ewe Item to James Elmes shape of over twoe

years old  Item I gyve and bequeath to John my

sonne all my stock of corn and cattal except suche

as in this my last will is gyven and bequeathed

to any other person or persons  Item I give and bequethe

unto Agnes Bacon my sister twentie shillings

in money and acombe of rye  Item I give and

bequeath unto Alice Elmesfowercombe of rye and

two bushel of wheat and the red cowe which

shenowe hath and as much straw as shall

sufficientliewynter and kepe all her neate and

Twenty shilling of money which I owe toher

for a meadowe to be paid by John my sonne and

for keeping her cattel and for work which I

have done I acquit her Item I gyve and bequeath

more to her during her natural life four perches of

hempland belonging to the house that she dothe

dwell in, and my parte of the encrase of the

wull of tenne sheep of hers.  Item I give and

bequeathe to everie of my sister Bacons children

Twelve pence a pece to be payed them at their

several ages of 21 years and to my sister Johane

vi s and viiid (6/8d) and to either of her children xii d (12d)  Item

I give to Robte mysonne my owldcupborde and my

salting trough Item I give and bequeath to my

sonne Will[ia]m tennpowndes the occupacion of my house?/lands?

until my sonne Rob[er]t be of the age of 21 years

and the money to be payed by Johnmy sonne at

Whytsunday next  Item I give to everie one of

mysonnes a brass pott, to my elder sonne my best

brasspott, to my secondesonne the second brass pott

to the third son the thyrde brass pott and to

mysonne Will[ia]m and Rob[er]te to either of them a pitchfork

and a threstl??all the residue of my goodes, corne

cattells and moveables whatsoever unbequeathed

my debts legaces funeral expenses and other ordinary

charges whatsoever there put?being deducted and

payd by John my sonne I holly give and bequeath

unto my sonne John to howld to hym and to hys assigns

forever.  Item I ordaine and make my sonne John my

executor to receive my debts and paye my debts

hartelydesiring hym and ernestlie charging him

to see the same performed according to the  truwe

meaning thereof and the trust that I repose

inhym.  Item I give to Edward Hibbent v shillings (5/-)

and doe ordaine and make the sayd Edward Hibbert

lsrn?? of Waldringfield Supervisor of this my last will

and testament. These men being witness of the same

Rob[er]teWestorpe Rob[er]teStarte& Edward Hibbert – Clarke


Probate 23 Feb 1585 to John Harte




  • Agnes my wife the newe chamber with the chamber over it and one bed and bedstead whereon we commonly do lye with all thinges thereunto belonging and third of the fruit of the apples, pears and plumsand yearly 40 shillings and two loades of wood delivered to my house from the lands occupied by my son William until my son Robert becomes 21.  And the hempland on the other syde of my house called Olde Hall
  • When Robert becomes 21 he shall pay the money twice a year at Annunsiciation of Blessed Mary the Virgin and Lammas Daye.
  • At death of Agnes the hempland to go to my sonne Robert Harte. If he died without issue Hempland to go to my sonne John and if he died without issue all lands etc.,  to go to my sonnWIllm except that lands already given to any other person, until Robert Hart shall become 21
  • When Robert becomes 21 all lands etc., shall remain unto Robert Harte my son and if he died without issue then to John my son
  • Robert Starse a black ewe
  • James Elmes sheep of over years old
  • John my son all my stock of corn and cattal
  • Agnes Bacon my sister 20/- and a combe of Rye and each of her several children 12 pence when they become 21
  • Alice Elmes 4 combs of rye and 2 bushell of wheat and the red cowe as well as straw and meal the winter and 20/- which I owe to her for a meadow to be pid by John my sonn for keeping her cattel and to cancel money for work done for her.  And 4 perches of hempland belonging to the house where she live & my part of the increase of wool of tenne sheep of hers.
  • Johane my sister 6/8d., and to either of her children 12d when they become 21
  • Robert my son my old cupboard and my salting trough
  • William my son ten pounds, the occupation of my ??? until Robert is 21 to be paid by son John on Shitsunday next
  • Elder sone my best brass pot
  • Second son the second brass pot
  • The third son the third brass pot
  • Willm and Robt a pitchfork and a theste? Each
  • John my sonne will have the residue of everything including debts






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10 years ago

1581 Adam Harte buried here
Agnes – wife
William – son
Robert – son
John – son

Olde Hall – house

What was hempland?

10 years ago

Church yarde of Waldringfield. He leaves Agnes Harte, his wife, a chamber to which she (and her assignes) is free to come and go (? ingress and regress) during here Natural life. He bequeaths (and this must go into a presentataion) unto Agnes one bed and bedstead whereon we commonly do lye with all thinges thereunto belonging them. Also bequeaths a third of the apples, pears and plums which are growing on his land. Forty shillings and two loads of wood from his woodland to be delivered to Agnes’ house by son William Harte until son Robert comes of age… Read more »

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