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1582  will of John Pipe  W27/5

In the name of God amen the xxv the day of Ja——–(January) in the

yeare of the reayne of our sovereign lady  Elyzabeth  by the

grace of god of England, fraunce and  Ireland Quene defender of

the faith etc.,  I John Pipe of Waldringfield in the county of Suff[olk]

and dieoces of Norwichbeing of prefect remembrance  God be thanked

Therof doe ordaine and make this my last wyll and testament

in writing in mannor and formme following first and above all charges?

I coymte my soule into the hands and mercifull —– of god the father?

and Jesus Christ his sonnemy onely my only saviour and re[d]emer

whosemerites  death and passion and faith hope and looke for eternal

salviationand my bodie to the earth  to be buried in the churchyard

at Waldringfield aforesaid  Item to Susan my wife £10 at Mickellmas

come twelve months .  Itm to RobartUtting iii (4) marks at michallmas

comeiiii (4) yeares if hiedie befoureiiii (4) nobles therein to remain to my

wyffe Item I geve and beqeathe to my wyffe all my househould stuff

pices and things and my croppe upon the ground.  Item I geve ten

shillings to be bestowed at my burial.  Item to Smith?for  going to

Laxfeldeiis (2/-).  Itmmy executors to pay to HenrieHaidon of Tremley

atmickallmas when he hath paideto him v (5) marks for ii netteiiis(3/-)?

Item letten to WilliaCatman and —–  —– IIII (4) nete price  thevi li viiid £6 0s.8d?

to be paide at mickallmascome 12 months.    Item my brother Jeffereay

Pipe vi li (£6) to paye to my executors x l (£10) part Mickallmasscome xii (12)

months. Itm my brother Jeffereay is to pay xx (20) nobles to my executors

atmichallmas come iiii (4) years.  Item Willia y?(eter) is to pay me vs (5/-)

Item I doe owe to Edward Pipe xviiis (28/-).   Item to WilliaKirtis of Woodbridge

i li id (£1 0s 1d). Itm to Jhon Moller of Laxfeldeiiisvd (3/5d).  Itm to Margaret Crakenel

ofFramminghamiiis (3/-)  Item to Jhon Game? of Hadley iis (2/-) Item to Linde? of

Ramxsallxiid (12d) Item to Robert Paine xiid (12d).  Item toJhonBene of Walton

vid (6d)  Item Ifermed a cowe of Richard Rose for ii (2) yeares from

Saint Giorges day last past for xi(11) grotes a year & the price

is v(5) nobles and x(10) grotes.  Item I ordayne and make my brother

Jerome Pipe my executorto receive my deytes and pay my

debtes and to see this my will and testament performed accord

ing too the true meanyg thereof  these being witnesse



Robart Weston   Thomas goslinge

and EdwardHibbart Clerk


Probate 4? Day April 1582 Jerome Pipe



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10 years ago

1582 John Pipe of Waldringfield buried here
Susan my wife

Lots of account settleing

Robart Weston Thomas goslinge witnessses

10 years ago

Now in the reign of Elizabeth I.  Wishing to be buried in Waldringfiled churchyard. The amazing thing in most of these wills is the pleading to god the father? and Jesus Christ his sonnemy onely my only saviour and re[d]emer whosemerites  death and passion and faith hope and looke for eternal salviation and my bodie to the earth  to be buried in the churchyard at Waldringfield. To Susan Pipe (his wife) her leaves 10 shillings. To Robert Utting four marks. (How long did this mixing of the currencies go on.)  Brothers  Jeffery and Jerome. Obviously gfot around a bit –… Read more »

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