1590 Will of Nicholas Fatter IC/AA1/31/202 (W3/202) 2 pages IC/AA2/33/30 (R33/30)
In the same of God amen the 30 day of March in the 32 year of the reign of our
Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France and Ireland Quene Defender
of the faythe etc., in the year of our Lord God v(5) thousand fyve hundred and nyntye
I Nicholas Fatter of Waldringfield in the county of Suffolk husbandman being sicke in
bodye but holl in mynd& of good & p[er]ferke remembrance thanks be gyven to God for that
doordeyne and make my last will & testament in manner &formefollowinge first
and above all thinges I give and bequeath my souleuntoallmighty God my creator & maker
& to Jesus Christ my redeemer &savyourthrough whose most precious blood sheddnge
I have to be pardoned&havefore remission of all my sinnes and to be an inheritor of the
Kingdom of heaven And my body to the churchto be buried in Christian burriall
Wheaneytshall pleasegodI give and bequeath to Christian my wife all my
houses and lands wyth there appurtenences belonging situated and being in Waldringfield
aforesaid fortearmeof her natural lyfecondytionaly that she payd or cause
to be payde unto Rachell my daughter yearely sixe shillings eyght penne of lawfull
English money for longe as the sayd Christian my wife shall live the first payment
to beginwythin one full yeare next after my decease. Item I will and bequest unto Christian
my daughter sixe shillings and eyght pence of lyke money yearelye to be payd by Christian
my said wife and the first payment to begin wythinfive hollyeares next after my
decease. Also I bequeath the like summe of money that is to saye sixe shillings
andeyght pence unto Susan my daughter to be paydyearely by Christian my sayd wife
during her natural life of the said Christian and the first payment to begine within
sevenhollyeares next after my decease. Item my mynde is &by this my will I do
ytdeclare that yfChristian my wife doedep[er]t this brief lyfe before Susan my
daughter shall have accomplished the age of fifteen yeares then my will is that my aforesaid
houses and lands shall remayne to JoshuaHarlinge of Martlesham in the county abovesayd
yeoman for the bringing uppe of my children until the sayd Susan shall have
accomplished the age of fyfteneyeares as aforesaid provided the sayd Joshua paye or ca[use]
to bepayd unto Rachell my sayd daughter sixe shilling andeyghtpennsyearelyeof lawfull English
money until Susan my sayd daughter shall have accomplished the age of fyftene years
as aforesaid Allsoe my will is that when Susan my sayd daughter shall have accomplished
the age of fifteen years as aforesaid then my houses and lands shalleleaten by the sayd
Joshua Harlingeuntill Susan my sayd daughter shall have accomplished the age of
xxi (21) yeares and thefearme to be equally devyded amongst my three daughters All charges
due to the p[re]mise and the Lord of the manour and for the reparacons of the sayd houses and lands
Deducted out of the saydfearme Item I will and bequeath unto Christian my wife
2nd page
my moveable goodestoward the bringing uppeof my children shepayinge
my debts and seinge my bodye buried and my funeral expenses discharged Item
I doeordeine and make Christian my sayd wife my sole executor to execute my
Will (blot)snge to my free intent and meaning Alsoe I doeordeine Joshua
Harlynge Aforementioned to be my supravyseur to see that my last will p[er]formed
According to the truste I commit unto hem witness hereof I have put to my
hand (and seale) the yeare and thymabove sayd
(in margin) sugned? Nicholas Fatter his mark
These be witnesses Thomas Goslinge hismarke
John Toftie?
Probate was made to this testator —– 19 day of the month
Of Ffebe [15]90 – or — —– the
Lived in Waldringfield.Had 3 daughters. Lands and house left to wife