1593 Will of George Bennett IC/AA1/35/35
In the name of God Amen the therdedaie of December
in the xlth (40) yeare of the raigne of o[u]r sov[er]aigne
Ladie Elizabeth the Quenes ma— —-
Item I George Bennettof Waldringfield in the
Countie of Suff[olk] husbandman sicke in bodieyet of
p[er]fectmemorie (thanks be given to God) make
this my laste will & testament in man[n]er&
formefollowinge that is to saiefirste& specially?
I com[m]ende my soule unto the —- of God my
Creator & Christ Jesus my redeemer by
whose merits onlieI am assured of my salvacone
Item I geve& bequeath unto Thomas Bennettthe younger my
sonne all my houses & lands in Waldringfildafores(aid?)-
for&duringe the terme of three years to begynn
nexte&im[m]ediatlie after the death & decease
of Susan my wiefe, Item I geve& bequeath
untoJeffry Bennett my sonne all my said houses
and lands for &duringe the terme of three yeares
to commence &begynnexte&im[m]edilatlie after the
thetermynacon&ende of the said three yeares
to the said Thomas, Item I geve& bequeath all
my said houses & lands to Susan my daughter
for&duringe the terme of twoeyeares to
com[ence&begyn next &im[m]ediatlie after the
terminacon&ende of the said three years to
the said Jeffry Item I geve& bequeath to
George Bennett my sonne all my foresaid
houses& lands (except before excepted) to him
his heirs &assignes forever ——- & my
mynde& will is that if it shall happen the said
George my sonne to die &decease w[i]thoute issue
of his bodielawfullie begotten then the said
houses& lands to remayne to the righteheirs of ////
me the said George Bennettforever. Item I geve
& bequeath to Katherine Collynmy daughter
Sixepoundesthirteneshillinges&fower pence
oflawfull money of England to be penc
paide w[i]thin Sixe monethes after my decease.
Item I geve& bequeath to Allice Bennett
my daughter Tenn pounds of like lawfull
money to bepaide her w[i]thin two yeares
after my decease. Item I geve& bequeath
untoJoneJohane Bennettmy daughter
Tennpoundes of like money to be paide her
w[i]thin three yeares next after my decease All
thereste of the my goods &Chattells whatsoever
I geve& bequeath to Susan my weife
paienge my debts & discharging my funerall
expences whom I make my full & whole
Signed testutslis?
Edwarde Ball Clico (clerk)
Sign John Girlinge test.