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Original copy of the Will

1654 John Girling will

1654 John Girling will

1654   will of John Girlinge


In the name of God Amen

The Twenty Eighteth day of October One

Thousand six hundred fifty and three I

John Girlinge of Waldringfeilde in the County of

Suffolke Yeoman although sick in body yet of

Sound and good memorye thankes bee to God, revoking

all former wills doe make this my last will in mann[or]

following, first I recom[m]end and Com[m]itt my Soule

to God that gave it, and my body to the earth from

whence it was taken etc  Alsoe I give unto my

my daughter Susan the now Wife of Daniell Ward the sum of Tenn

poundes of lawful English money to be paid by my Executor here

after named within Six Monethes next after my decease.  Item I

give unto my daughter Mary the Wife of Thomas Knapp the sum

five shilling to be paid within Six monethes as aforesaid.  Item I give

unto Girling Ward my God-sonne all my right and Interest of and

in the rever[s]ion of the Lands and Tenements which I now live in, In

Waldringfeild which rever[s]ion returned and came unto -nto mee by the

Surrender of John Girlinge my Sonne lately deceased, to have and

to hold the said Lands and Tenements after the decease of Susan

Girlinge my daughter in law to him the said Girlinge Warde and

his heires for ever, On Condit[i]on hee the said Girlinge Warde pay

to Anne my Wife the Sum of Six               Pounds yearly dureing her life

as my said sonne John should have done in case hee had lived, and

In case the Six Pounds or any parte thereof shalbe omitted and nott

paid my will is that Anne my Wife shall enter upon the said land and pay

herselfe out of the profits thereof.  Alsoe all other my goods and Ch[at]ells

and other Estate whatsoever not hereby formerly disposed of, I give un

to my Loving Wife Anne and make her my sole executrix of this my

last will


the Marke of John Girling Signed Sealed and published in p[resa]nce of

the mark of Susan Page: John Steptot


This will above written was proved at

Westminster before the Judges for Probate of Wills and granting ——–

lawfully authorised the Eighteenth day of May In the yeare of our Lord

One thousand Siz Hunded fifty foure by the oath of Anne Girling the

relict and sole Executrix named in the said Will, to whom Adminstration

of all and singular the goods chattels and debts of the said deceased was —————

shee being first sworne byy Commission well and truly to administer the ———

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10 years ago

Thisw will marries well with the written map of Hilton and Rivers Hall. John Girling Senior is sick and has recently lost his son, John. There are two daughters Susan (inherits £10) married to Daniel Ward and Mary (inherits 5 shillings)  married  to Thomas Knapp. Interesting to speculate on the difference in amounts.  John G senior is married to Anne who is to receive regular income of £6 per year via Girling Ward (referred to as god-son but probably grandson and son of Susan) once Susan has died.  Witnesses to this will were Susan Page and John Steptot – sole… Read more »

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