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Word Version. 1658 Essington Will

R.C.Palmer? 6/22/20/13 C78/549
—– —– lyeth lyeinge in — —- –
William Fox or his assignes valued togeather worth to be sold goo clu/aud the manor
of Wilby Shalton alias Sheltonhall Thorpehall Base? Struttings alias Basse
Struttinge and of each? Burgh with theire and every of theire rights members &
appurtenances in the County of Suffolke valued together worth to be sold one
thousand five hundred pounds All w[h]ich I? humbly certifie? and leave to the great?
judgment of this Honorable Court Thomas Bedingfeild As by the sayd
Certificate remayninge filed w[i]th the Register of this Court att large doth and
may appeare afterwards upon openninge of ye matter unto this Court the Seaventeenth
Day of November last 1658 by the Compl(plete?) Councell and uppon produceinge the
sayd certificate made int his Cause by S[i]r Thomas Bedingfeild, Knight Sdrieant
in Lawe in pursuance of the sayd order of the three and Twentieth of June last
It was ordered that the Sayd certificate and all the matters and things therein
conteyned should stand satisfied and confirmed by the Authority and Decree of
this Court to be observed and performed by all partyes according to the -enor and
true meaning thereof unles the sayd Defendant Essington haveing notice
thereof should w[i]thin Eight dayes after such notice shewe unto this Court good
cause to the contrary now forasmuchas no cause hath been hitherto shewed to the
contrary of the sayd order as by the certificate of the Register of our sayd Court
appeareth Although due notice was given to the sayd defendant Thomas
Essington of the sayd order of the Seaventeenth of November last As by
affidavit of Thomas Price in that behalf appeareth: Itt is therefore this
present day thatis to say on Satterday the Fowerteenth day of December in the
year of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty Eight by the right honourable —
Lords Commissioners of the great Seale of England and by the sayd high & honourable
Court of Chancery ordered Adjudged and decreed that the sayd certificate &
all the matters and things therein conteyned doe stand Ratified and confirmed
by this present decree and the Authority of this Court to be observed and performed
by all partyes according to the tenor and true meaning thereof according to
the order of the seaventeenth of November last. / Exaueds
whereas heretofore that is to say in the Terme of Easter in the yeare of our Lord
one thousand six hundred fifty and eight William Spring of Pakenham in the
County of Suffolke Barronett being an Infant under the age of one and
twenty yeares by Dame Elizabeth Spring natural mother of him the said S[i]r
William his Guardian and proclieme and Compl[ain]t Exhibited his bill of Compl[ainan]t
into this honourable Court of Chancery against James Hobart Esquire
defend[an]t to be relieved for touching and concerning the goods and personal
Estate of Dame Elizabeth Spring the Compl[ayna]nts grandmother whereof hee
was poss[ess]ed att the tyme of her death And w[hi]ch by her last will and testament he
did appoint her Executor to be accountable for to the Complainent after her legacies
paid unto w[hi]ch Bill the Defend[an]t being servedw[i]th proces appeared and
Answeared As by the sayd Complaintants bill and the Defend[an]ts Answeare thereunto
both of them remaining of Record in this Court at Large itt doth and may appeare
And a day was afterways sett downe and appointed for the hearing of the sayd
cause in this Court Att w[i]ch day the matter in question between the sayd p[arties}
being heard and debated uppon bill and Answeare in the p[re]sence of the Councell
learned on both sides, the substance of the Complainents bill appeared to be. That
Dame Elizabeth Spring the pl[ain]t[ive]s Grandmother being att the tyme of her death
possessed of a great personal Estate by her last will dated the thirteenth day of
March one thousand six hundred fifty and five did appoint that after legacies
paid and her will performed her executors should be accomptable to the Compl[ain]ent for
the remainder of her estate and of her sayd will made Sir Thomas Barnardiston
Knight John Sidley esquire and the Defenders executors and shortly after dyed

yezrly value of fower thousand pounds And that sayd S[i]r Anthony was alsoe posted
of a great personal Estate worth at least one thousand pounds And that he being
so seized and possessed had issue Richard his eldest sonne afterwards S[i]r Richard
Winkefeild Barronett nowe deceased Anthony and the Complaynant John his younger
Sonnes and two daughters the Complaynantes Anne and Elizabeth nowe wife of
Henry North Esquiere And that he being desirous that every of his sayd Children
should have A portion // of soe plentifull an Estate made his last will and testament
in writeing bearing Date the twenty ninth day of July one thousand six hundred
thirty and eight in these words Vizt. For the worldly state w[hi]ch itt hath pleased God to
blesse mee w[i]th I do dispose of itt in manner and forme followeinge: That is to say I give
and bequeath all the Rents issues and profits of all my Mannors Landes and Tenements
until my sonne Richard shall accomplish his age of one and twenty years And in case he
die before the sayd age then until my sonne Anthony shall accomplish his age of one and
twenty years And in case he dye before the sayd age, then until my Sonne John shall
accomplish his age of one and twenty yeares And if he dye before the sayd age then soe many
years as if he had lived unto the sayd age of one and twenty years to my Executors hereafter
named in trust and confidence that they w[i]th the sayd Rents issues and proffittes shall pay
my debts and p[er]forme this my Last will and Testament Item I give to my sayd Sonnes Anthony
and John Wingfeild twoe thousand pounds a peece of Currant money to be paid them att
their several ages of one and twenty yeares Item I give to my twoe daughters Anne and
Elizabeth twoe thousand poundes a peece to be paid them respectfully att their severall
ages of seaventeene years And in case the profits of my Mannors lands and Tenements
as aforesaid will not be sufficient for the payment of my debts and performing of this
my last will and testament then my Will and meaning Is that my Executors hereafter named
shall retaine in there hands all my Mannors Landes and Tenements and take the profits of
them after my sayd sonnes respectively shall accomplish their several ages of one and
twenty yeares or such of them as shall inherit my sayd Mannors Lands and Tenements
until such tyme as my debts be paid and this my Will shalbe fully performed And the
Complaynant further shewe that itt was the intencon of the sayd S[i]r Anthony lika carefull
father to hath provided portons for the Complaynants and his other younger Children
but itt happened that he being in a violent sickness (whereof he dyed)that had suddenly
surpprized him unhappilye omitted to name any Executors of his will but fyed seized &
possessed of the said Estate butt left the S[i]r RichardWingfeild his Eldest sonne and
heire to shome the pr[e]misses descended furthermore the Complayn[an]tes shewed that after
the death of the sayd S[i]r Anthony Dame Anne Wingfeild his Relict the Compl[anant)ts mother
tooke Letters of Administraton of the goodes and Chattels and the sayd S[i]r Anthony w[i]th the Will
annexed and dyeing soone after in one thousand six hundred fowerty twoe Letters of
Administracon w[i]th the Will annexe was graunted unto Rob[er]t Wingfeild Esq[ui]ire dureing the
memory of the sayd S[i]r Richard And in February 1650 Administracon of the personall
Estate of the Sayd S[i]r Anthony not adminstred was graunted to the sayd S[i]r Richard w[i]th
the sayd will annexed and that according to the s[ai]d will the sayd s[i]r Richard being of full age soe
that he came seized of all the sayd Mannors and p[re]misses and poss[ess]ed of a great part of
the said p[er]sonall Estate And dureing the minority of the sayd S[i]r Richard eyther the sayd severall
Administrators or some other as Guardian of the said S[i]r Richard tooke and disposed of the
Rents and profits of the said Manno[rs]: and pr[e]misses for the benefit of the sayd S[i]r Richard whoe
was bound in conscience and honor for the reasons aforesaid to have performed the sayd will w[hi]ch
accidentally became defective before want of the nominaton of Executors as aforesaid but
the true Intent and meaning of the sayd S[i]r Anthony did therein clearely appeare w[hi]ch
ought — rather to have been performed because the porcons allotted to the Compl[aynan]ts
and other the younger Children were but small in respect of the great Estate he left to
his heire as aforesayde And that the sayd S[i]r Richard Wingfeild was soe sensible of his
Duty therein that he did often declare and promise that his sayd fathers will should
be performed as neere the intent thereof as might bee And the Compl[aynan]tes hope he did
make provision to secure the performance thereof for he the sayd S[i]r Richard being
seized of the aforesaid Mannors and pr[emisses] about January 1652 having sold and conveighed
unto the Defendant Thomas Essington and his heirs the aforesaid Mannores of
Brightwell Casnolls alias Foxhall Rivershall alias RIvershall in Waldringfeild

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Waldringfeild wickesbishopp and Waldringfeild Hilton w[i]th the appertinances And the
Rectoryes of Waldringfeild Brightwell Casnolles alias Foxhall Rushmere and Kesgrave &
the sayd Advowsons of Brightwell and Rushmere and diverse messuages lands and
and tenements there neere And that the sayd s[i]r Richard Wingfeild and the Defendant Thomas
Essington taking notice howe the sayd S[i]r Anthony had charged the pr[e]mises the sayd s[i]r Richard
did declare to the sayd Defendant that he would faithfully make good his fathers
will and pay all the Complayn[an]ts and theire Brother and Sister theire portons of twoe
thousand pounds a peece according to the Intent of the will and would discharge the
premissies soe sold to the sayd Defend[o]r of the sayd porcons as well as of all other
incumbrances And that in order thereto the sayd S[i]r Richard by Indenture dated the third
of January 1652 made between him of the one part And the Defend[an]t Thomas Essington
of the other part did bargaine and sell demise and graunt unto the Defend[an]t Thomas
Essington all and singular the Mannors of Wickham alian Wickham Markett Gelham
Thorpehall Bings alian Kinghall Bredfeild alias Bradfeild cum Winderville Dallingho
Dallingho Campsey Bredfeild Campsey Bast Bradishales Basse Bradish Ikenhall
Iken cum Framlingham Wilby Shalton alias Shelton Hall Thorpehall Bast Struttinges alias
Basse Scruttinges Debach Burgh and Debach w[i]th theire and every of theire rights members
and appurtenances And the sayd woods and groves aforesaid and the shire house in Wickham
and the farme in the occupacon of Richard Turner in Wickham and Petistre and the
water mill and lands in the occupacon of George Turner in Wickham the farme in
Dallinho and Debach in the occupacon of Henry Lesseman the farme in Iken in the
occupacon of William Fox And all the Mannors Lands and Tenements of the sayd S[i]r
Richard in Wickham Gelham –istry Iken Wilby Shalton Framlingham Thorpehall
Mildenhall Binghall Bredfeild Campsey Dallingho and Debach The farme in the
occupacon of Jeffery Meddowes in Easton: The farme in the occupacon of John Amerson
in Easton six acres of land in the occupacon of Elizabeth Amerson in Easton The farme
in the occupacon of Rob[er]t Cooke in Easton The farme in the occupacon of Rob[er]t Flynt
in Easton The farme in the occupacon of John Turner in Easton The farme in the occupacon
of Augustine Smyth in Easton The farm in the occupacon of Michaell Cropley and other
lands Tenements and hereditaments in the bill mentoned and the Reversion & Reversions
Remainder and Remainders issues and services of all and singular the sayd
Mannor and pr[e]misses to have and to hold the same unto the defendant Thomas
Essington his Executors Administrators Assignes from the thirtieth day of
December then last past unto the End and Terme of three hundred yeares w[i]thout
Impeachment of wast under the Rent of a pepper Corne yearely provided that if
that is the sayd S[i]r Richard his heires Executors or Administrators should well and truly
pay satisfie and discharge the sayd fower severall legacies of twoe thousand pounds
a peece givenor bequeathed by the sayd S[i]r Anthony in his will unto the Compl[ayan]ts
and theire Brother and Sister when the same should by the purport of the sayd
will become due or payable and should make noe default of payment of
any of them And should save and keepe harmless the sayd defend[an]t Thomas
Essington his heires and assignes and the sayd Mannor and premises by him
purchased of and from the sayd Legacies and every of them an all suites concerning the
same and should pay such of the sayd S[i]r Anthonyes debts as are therein induconed
and performe other things in the sayd provisos menconed That there the sayd
Indenture to be voyd and of none effect That by the sayd Indenture itt was Covenantes
graunted and agreed by and between the sayd partyes to the sayd Indenture and the sayd
S[i]r Richard Wingfeild did for him his heirs and assignes graunt condescend and agree
that in case any breach fayler or default should be made in the true performance
of anything conteyned in the sayd proviso or Condicon That then upon, or after such
breach fayler or default Itt should be lawfull for the defendant Thomas Essington
his Executors Administrators or Assignes from tyme to tyme then after to sell and
Conveigh away to any person or p[er]sons for the sayd terme of three hundred
yeares or any part thereof All such part soe many and soe much of the sayd Mannors
Farmes and premises therein graunted as he or they should thinke fit for the raising
of money to satisfie and discharge the sayd legacies and debts in the sayd proviso
induconed or any of them w[hi]ch should not be discharged or satisfied according to
the purport of that proviso And that all persons to whome such sale should bee
made should hold the same absolutely dureing all the Terme or Estate sold w[i]thout
condicon or power of Redempcon whatsoever as in and by the sayd Indenture
might appeare: Moreover the Compl[anan]t shewed that by virtue of the sayd Indenture
the Defendant Thomas Essington became estated and Interested in all the
sayd Mannors and premises to him graunted as aforesaid And that the sayd pr[e]misses
were of the cleare yearly value of eight hundred pounds and were to him demised
not onely for the benefit of himselfe but alsoe in trust for the Compl[aynan]ts theire
sayd brother and Sister that if the Complaynants porcon should not be paid according
to there fathers will That then the Defendant Thomas Essington should make
sale of the premises or some of them to make payment where default had
been And that the Compl[aynan]t Anne atteyned her age of seaventeen yeares in
September 1652 and the Compl[aynan]t John Wingfeild atteyned his age of one &
twenty yeares in the yeare 1654 Att w[hi]ch tymes the sayd S[i]r Richard Wingfeild
was living and the Compl[aynan]t demanded and requested him to pay them the sayd
Somes of twoe Thousand Pounds a peece according to theire fathers will But
neyther the sayd s[i]r Richard nor any other had thenpaid or satisfied the
Compl[ayn]ts for eyther of them the sayd thousand pounds a peece or any part
thereof although the Compl[ayan]ts sayd Sisterhad been paid her sayd porcon to her
allotted asaforesayd nevertheless the Compl[aynan]ts were exposed to live of the

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benevolence of there friends having noe part of porcon in there fathers Estate for
their maintenance and preferment furthermore the Complay[na]nt sheweth that the sayd
S[i]rRichard beinge dead and his estate descended to the Defend[an]ts S[i]r Rob[er]t Wingfeild his
sonne and heire and the Complay[an]nts left unpaid or otherwise provided for then as
aforesaid the Compl[an]nts had since the death of the sayd S[i]r Richard given notice into the
sayd Defendant Thomas Essington that default had been made in payment of
the Complaynants sayd porcons as aforesaid and by themselves and freinds
reond sled him that payment must be made according to the Complaynantes
Fathers will and that he would make sale of his sayd -erme or somepart hereof
in the sayd mannors and Pr[e]misses or some of them and raise moneyes and pay
the Complaynants there sayds legacies or porcons of twoe thousand pounds —
persece and execute or performe he crustreposed in him And that the Defend[an]t
Thomas Essington had confederated w[i]th the other Defenants and they pr[e]tended
that the sayd S[i]r Richard Wingfeild was indebted to them or some of them and
that he acknowledged diverse statues -cogin-auces and Judgments to
them or some of them and made several graunts Mortgages and Estates to
them and that they had severall Extentes Leases or other Charges or incumbrances
in out of or chargeable upon the premises or some part thereof for some Just
cause or valuable consideracon as was pretended and there upon the Defend[an]t
Thomas Essington did not onely refuse to make payment to take any course that
payment should be made to the COmpl[layn]ts, but p[er]mitted the other Defenderes to take
the rents and proffittes of the sayd Mannors and premises to him graunted as
aforesaid withough itt is not only in the power but is alsoe the duty of the s[ay]d
Defendants Thomas Essington to enter upon the premises and by sale or
or otherwise to raise fower thousands pounds and soemuch more as would pay the
Complay[na]nts theire porcons w[i]th damages since the same ought to have been
paid for the sayd Confederates knowe, that the sayd estates & incumbrances
ought to be noe obstacle to the Compl[ayn]ts demands eyther because they were
subsequent to the sayd demise and graunt or for the sayd pr[e]tended debts
for w[hi]ch the sayd incumbrances were created had all been since paid or discharged
And the sayd confereates had any Estate or Interest in the pr[e]misses it is w[i]thout
eny valuable consideracon and fraudulent and neyther the sayd s[i]r Robert
Wingfield nor any other of the sayd Confederates ought in Equity to receive
or inist- any of the rents or p[ro]fits of the pr[e]misses ontill the Compl[ayna]nts were
satisfied there just demands And further shewed that the Defend[an]ts had gotten
the sayd Indenture of lease and presumeing the Compl[ayna]nts could not make the
same appeare and knoweing they could not w[i]thout the oath of the sayd Def[endan]ts
discover when or for how ninth any Statute or Recognizance was acknowledged
or ocuby incumbrances made or for what debt. And for a sumthag the sayd
mnnors and premises w[i]ch were the sayd S[i]r Anthony Wingfeild were charged
In Equity w[i]th the performance of his will into whose hands soever the same
become And that the sayd Defen[an]t Thomas Essington the proper person
that ought to pay the COmpl[ana]nts there porcons eyther in respect of the original
Charge by the sayd S[i]r Anthony sayd upon his whole estate a great part whereof
the said Thomas Essington had purchased knowing the same to bee soe
Charged in respect of the sayd Covenant gaunt and agreement between
him and the sayd S[i]r Richaard and the trust reposed in him or the power to
him thereby given and the Defend[an]t Thomas Essington had onely power
to evict and dispossesse the sayd other confederates for all whi]ch causes &
consideracons the Compl[ana]nts humbly prayed the age and Releife of this Court
and proves of Subpoena to be awarded against the pyer? Defend[an]ts to appeare
and Answeare the sayd Bill w[hi]ch being granted and the Defen[dan]ts there w[i]th all
sersed they accordingly appeared and Answeared And the Comp[layna]nts thereto
relyed And the partyes there upon being at full and perfect Issue witnesses
were examined in the sayd cause and there Deposicones duely published according
to the usuall Rules of this Court as by the sayd bill Answeres Replicacon
and Deposicons of Wittnesses all of them Remayninge of Record in the in this Court
att large itt doth and may appeare And a day was afterwards set downe &
appointed for the hearing of the sayd cause in this Court Att w[hi]ch day being
the twoe and twentieth day of June last 1658 uppon the hearing debating
of the matter in question between the sayd partyes in the presence of the
Councell learned on both sides the Compl[ayna]nts suite being to be Relieved for
twoe severall porcons of twoe thousand pounds a piece devised unto
them respectively to be paid to John at one and twenty and Anne att
seaventeen yeares of age by the last Will of S[i]r Anthony Wingfeild theire
father deceased dated the nyne and twentieth Day of July 1638 whereby
to the intent the Compl[aya]nts and other legacies and porcons thereby given might
be satisfied he did devise all the Rents issues and profits of all his Mannors
Lands and Tenements to his executors w[hi]ch he should aftername to be by them
received for the purpose aforesaid until such tyme as his sonne Richard
should attaine his age of one and twenty yeares or in case of his death
before that tyme then till such tyme as he sonne Anthony or in case of his
death his sonne John should attaine his sayd age of one and twenty yeares
of if he dyed before that tyme then till such tyme as hewould have attayned
his sayd ages if he had lived And in case the profits of the premises w[hi]ch they
should receive in that tyme should not be sufficient to pay his debts & legacies
and performe his will Then his Executors hold the same until such tyme
as his debts were paid and Will performed but the sayd s[i]r Anthony being
suddainely surprised by a violent sicknesse did dye thereof before he named
any executors of his sayd will And afterwards administracon of his sayd
estate was graunted to S[i]r Richard Wingfeild his eldest sonnne whoe attained
his age of one and twenty yeares before he dyed and during his minority
eyther the sayd Adminstrators or some others as Guardians to the sayd
S[i]r Richard tooke and disposed of the Rents and profits of the sayd Lands &
premises for the benefit of the say s[i]r Richard Wingfeild whoe in
this lyfe tyme often declared his Intencon to pay the Complaynantes
theire sayd percons and in pursuance of such Intencon the sayd S[i]r

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Richard did by Indenture bearing Date the third day of Jannuary 1652 demise
unto the Defend[an]t Thomas Essington severall Mannors and Lands in the sayd
Deed perticulerly menconed For the Terme of the three hundred yeares att the
Rent of a peper Corne w[i]th proviso to pay the Complaynantes legacies and
other legacies of S[i]r Anthony Wingfeild when they should become payable
by his will as alsoe to pay certaine debtes of the sayd S[i]r Anthony menconed
in the sayd proviso And in case default should be made in payment
of the Legacies and debts and performace of other the matters conteyned
in the sayd proviso that then it should be Lawfull for the sayd defend[an]t
Thomas Essington to sell or conveigh away to any p[er]son or persones for the
Remainder of the sayd Terme of three hundred years or any part of the
sayd Terme All such part soe many and soe much of the sayd Mannors
Lands as he or they should think fit for the raising of moneys to satisfie
and discharge the sayd legacies and debts menconed in the sayd proviso or
any of them w[hi]ch should not be satisfied And the sayd S[i]r Richard
Wingfeild beinge dead and his estate descended to the Defendant
S[i]r Robert Wingfeild his sonne and heire And the Compl[aynan]t Anne having
attained her age of seaventeen yeares in September 1652 And the
Complaynant John Wingfeild having attained of one and
twenty yeares in the yeare 1654 And the sayd severall legacies no
eyther of them being paid although demand had been thereof made
the Compl[nan]t had therefore Exhibited their bill into the Court to have
Lands sold and to have satisfaction of the sayd severall procons w[i]th
damages from the respective tymes the same should have been paid
And the Defendant lll lll ll lll lll by Answere confesse the sayd
Deed of the third of Jannuary 1652 And that the same was made
as Collaterall security to discharge certains Lands purchases by the
Defendant of the sayd S[i]r Richard Wingfeild or land from the legacies
devised the nowe Complaynantes and other legacies and debts therein
menconed as alsoe such atier debt and incumbrances as should bee
discovered in six yeares and that it was Covenanted that if default
should be made in performance of the sayd proviso that then it should
be lawfull for the Defendant Mr Essington his Executors & Assignes
to sell and conveigh away soe much of the premises as would bee
sufficient to discharge the sayd debts legacies and Incumbrances w[hi]ch should
be unsatisfied And the Councell for the Defend[an]t the Infant confessing
the sayd trust and submitting that soe much Land should be sold as would
satisfie the sayd legacies and damages this Court upon consideracon had
of this whole matter and what was offered on all sydes did order and
Decree that the Defendant Essington should sell soe much of the
Lands in question as would pay and satisfie the Compl[ayna]nt there sayd porcons
of twoe thousand pounds a piece and damges the same from the respective tymes
the sayd legacies should have been paid And the matter was Referrred to S[i]r Thomas
Bedingfeild Knight a person made theireof and consented unto by all
partyes to cast upp the damages for the sayd porcons and to sett out such
Lands to be sold for payment thereof as he should find sufficient and
most convenient fo the Estate of the InfantAnd it was ordered and
decreed that the Defend[an]t Mr Essington should make sale of such
Lands and Tenements as the sayd S[i]r Thomas Bedingfeild should
soe sett forth And shold in soe doeinge be protected and saved harmless
against the other Defendant the Infant S[i]r Rob[er]t Wingfeild and
of and from all further question or trouble touching the same by
Decree of this iii iiiii Court And that the sayd S[i]r Rob[er]t Wingfeild shall
when he comes of age release or make such other and further assurances
of such Lands soe to be sold to such purchasors or purchaser as should
buy the same as by councell should be reasonably required & advised
— pursuance of w[hi]ch order the sayd S[i]r Thomas Bedingfeild Knight
Serieant at Lawe made and returned his certificate into this Court
in these words followeinge To the Right honourable the Lords Com:
of the great Seale of England S[i]r Thomas Bedingfeild Knight Serieant
at Lawe humbly certifieth according to an order of the high Court of
Chancery made the twoe and twentieth day of June 1658 Between
John Wingfeild gent and Anne Wingfeild plts (playntiffs) and Thomas
Essington Esquire S{i}r Robert Wingfeild Baronett William Morgan Esqr
Thomas -inble and others Defend[e]rs whereby itt is Referred to me
to cast upp the damages for the porcons in the same order menconed
and to sett out such Lands to be sold for the payment thereof as it should
find sufficient and most convenient for the estate of the sayd S[i]r Rob[er]t
Wingfeild the Infant I find by a coppie of the Register of the price
of St Margaretts in Ipswich in the County of Suff[olk] that the Pl[ain]t[ive] John Wingfeild was Baptised the twelfe day of May 1634 and
that he accordingly was of the age of one and twenty years the 12
day of May 1655. And that the damages for his porcon of twoe thousand
poundes until the day of the order at the Rate of six pounds percent:
come to 373 li (£373) And I find by a coppie of the same Register That the
plt (plaintive) Anne Wingfeild was Baptised the Seaventeenth day of September
1635 And that she accordingly was of the age of seaventeen yeares the
seaventeenth day of September 1652 And that the damage for her
porcon of twoe thousand pounds until the day of the order at the Rate
of six pounds p[er] Centum come to 690 li (£690) And being unacquainted
with the estate of S[i]r Richard Wingfeild baronet late deceased
I tooke Informacon from Mr James Wythe the Steward of the Courts
of the sayd S[i]r Rob[er]t Wingfeild and now imployed for the managing
of the sayd S[i]r Robert Wingfeilds Estate And from Francis Bacon

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Esquire and William Bloyes Esq r twoe of the trustees for the ordering of the
Estate of the sayd S[i]r Rob[er]t Wingfeild that the Mannors and Lands hereafter menconed
are sufficient and most fit and convenient for the Estate of the sayd Infant to be sold
for the payment of the sayd porcons and Damages That is to say The Mannors
of Wickham alian Wickham Markett Gelham horphall and Binges alias Binghall
in the County of Suffolke aforesaid w[i]th theire and Every of theire Rights Members
and appurtenances valued worth to be sold 1500 li (£1500): the Mannor of Bredfeild alias
Bradfeild cum winderville w[i]th it rightes members and appurtenances in the sayd
County valued worth to be sold 400 li (£400). The Mannor of Dallinghoe Dallinghoe Campsey
Bredfeilde Campsey and Debach w[i]th theire and Every of theire rights members
and appurtenances in the ay County of Suff[olk} And the Woods and the Woody
grounds called the Lords Woodes and the Whitemage Grove conteyning by Estimacon
thirty fower Acres w[i]th the appurtinantes lyeing in Debach and Dallinhoe in the
sayd County or one of them valued togeather worth to be sold 750 li (£750). The mannor
of Ikenhall alis Iken cum Framlingham w[i]th his rights members and app[ur]tences
in the sayd County and the Marsh grounds Lands and Tneements nowe used for
a Decoy and called the Decoy and the marsh ground and Lands hereunto
adjoyninge conteyninge by Estmacon tenn acres through w[i]th the way to the
sayd Decoy lyeth lyeinge in Iken in the said County late in the occupacon of
William Fox or his assignes valued togeather worth to be sold 900 li (£900) And the Mannor
of Wilby Shalton alias Sheltonhall Thorpehall Base Struttings alias Basse
Struttings and Debach Burgh w[i]th theire and Every of theire rights members &
appurtenances in the County of Suffolke valued togeather worth to be sold one
thousand five hundred pounds All w[hi]ch I humbly certifie and leave to the grave
judgment of this Honorable Court Thomas Bedingfeild As by the sayd
Certificate remayninge filed w[i]th the Register of this Court att large doth and
may appeare Afterwards upon opening of the matter unto this Court the Seaventeenth
Day of November last 1658 by the Compl[aina]nts Councell and upon produceinge the
sayd certificate made in this Cause y S[i]r Thomas Bedingfeild Knight Serieant
at Lawe in pursuance of the sayd order of the three and twentieth of June last
It was ordered that the sayd certificate and all the matters and things therein
conteyned should stand ratified and confirmed by the Authority and Decree of
this Court to be slcs sold and performed by all partyes according to the tenor &
true meaning thereof unless the sayd Defendant Essington having notice
thereof should w[i]thin Eight dayes after such notice shewe unto this Court good
cause to the contrary Now for asumc has noe cause hath been hitherto shewed to the
contrary of the sayd order as by the certificate of the Register of our sayd Court
appeareth Although due notice was given to the sayd Defendant Thomas
Essington of the sayd order of the Seaventeenth of November last As by
Affidavitt of Thomas Price in that behalf appeareth: Itt is therefore this
present day that is to say on Satterday the fowerteenth day of December in the
yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred fifty Eight by the right honourable the
Lord Comissioners of the great Seale of England and by the sayd high & honourable
Court of Chancery Ordered Adjudged and decreed that the sayd certificate &
all the matters and things therein conteyned doe stand satisfied and confirmed
by this present decree and the Authority of this Court to be observed and p[er]formed

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