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1665    Draft Will of William Goss


In the name of God Amen the ninth day of November  in the year of o[u]r L[or]d one thousand

Sixe hundred sixty and five. I WIlliam Goss sen: of Waldringfield in the County of Suffolk yeom[an]

Being of sound & p[er]fect memory & understanding revoking all other former wills & testaments made

I o—  this my last will & testament in man[or] & forme following First I bequeath my soul

To God & my body to be interred in the churchyard att Waldringfield for my worldly estate I give

and bequeath as followeth.  I give unto Ann my deare wife all the moviables linnen wollen & all other

household stuff which was hers before we marryed  Item I give unto my s[ai]d wife fiffteene pounds of good

and lawfull English currant money to be paide by my Executor hereafter named att these two terms

tenn pounds to be payde to her within sixe months and five pounds to be p[ai]d to her on t[ha]t day twelve

months aft[er] my decease Item I give unto her my s[ai]d wife the best cowe I have at my decease or such

a cow as shee shall make choice of  Item I give also unto her three combs of Ry[e] to be p[ai]d in the manner

viz one combe on the first day of January next aft[er] my decease & another one ye same day the first

of January the year following & the third combe to be p[ai]d on the year after.  Item I give her halfe a

Remble of hempe halfe fembel & halfe carle to be p[ai]d her by my executo[rs] the next Michaelmass aft[er]

my decease  Item Igive unto her halfe my bees to take of my Executo[rs] aft[er] my decease All these

forenamed I doe freely bequeath her shee invoking cancelling or giving in a bond or contact or

covenant made by me to her upon o[u]r marriage

Item I give unto my Grandchildren Edward Waller, (inserted)& William Waller five pounds three shillings to be p[ai]d them att

the age of twenty one years lawfully demanded if Jephtha Waller doe return then I give unto Samuel Waller my grandchild

one glass kepe which hang in the parlour where I now dwell   Item I doe give unto the poore

In Waldringfield the sum of tenn shillings  Item I bequeath unto my son William Goss

all my lands leases houses wods household stuffe corne hay cattil chattals & all my moveables what

soever not bequeathed before, He the afores[ai]d William my son dischargeing all those legacies I have

bequeathed or is expressed   Item I do constitute make him the afores[ai]d William my son

my only executor of this my last will and testament     for Wittness whereof

I have set my hand and seale the day & yeare abovewritten

Reade sealed & delivered

In the p[re]sence of us                                                                                  Willm (mk) Gosse

Richard (mk)   ——- Gentleman

Ann (mk) King


Probate  (bits I can read easily) John Burroughs   Robti King    2nd September 1665  Guililmi Gosse executrs


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10 years ago

This is William Goss senior, a yeoman, wishing to bew interred at Waldringfield Churchyard. Married to Anne. He leaves to her the linen etc which she brought into the marriage, his best cow or a cow of her chosing, his bees, money, three combs of rye to be provided at the rate of one a year,m a remble of hemp .What is a comb of rye and a remble of hemp, a femble and a carle of hemp? Edward, William, (both under 21) Samuel and Jephtha are his grandchildren. Jephtha has obviouslyt disappeared. What is the glass kepe he has… Read more »

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