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1525   Will of Anne Mose

In die none Amen the xx)20) day of the monyth

July the yere off our Lord God mcccccxxv (1525) I Anne

Mose of WaldryngfeldWeddo in the diose of Norwych

Beying of hold mynde& good rememberance make my

Last will & testament in man[or] and forme following First

I bequethe my soale to allmightie God to our blissed

Lady Saynt Mary & all the holy company of Heven

And my body to be buryed in the churchyard of wodbrig

Waldringfieldaforsaid to the high alter of the wictche

Church I geve& bequeath for my tythes&oblacations

neglientlye forgotten in iiisiiiid(3/4d)   Item I geve& bequeath

Unto Jeffrey Mose my son all those my lands and ten[ament]s wit[h]

all & singular therappur[tenance]s in Waldringfield

Hemley&Newbornwiche lately I purchased of

Will[ia]m Hyser,  Thomas my brother to have & to hold

the same lands & tenements w[i]th all the appurtenances thereto

belongeth to the same Jeffrey Mose to his heyers

and assigns for ever  Item I gevereg’re? all my ???? that

besiesed& unseized in my said lands of ???? or in any

p[ar]te of them they shall delyv[ere]’d or cause to be delivered

apart& ?????? at al thymes reg-site?? When the ther unto

shalbereg’red to the only use declared in this my last

will& testament to non other to the Intents to have

my said Testament truly p[er]formed so  p-ldrlld? Whom I

make my executor Richard Green


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10 years ago

It occurs to me that this could be the wife of William Moose.  I don’t appreciate the meaning of Waldringfield Weddo – is that the same as Waldringfield West (now Waldringfield Heath)? Did she change her mind as to where she would be buried ie from Woodbridge to Waldringfield, suggesting, perhaps that she lived outside the usual Waldringfield envelope? It looks as though three farthings was the standard going rate for settling your negligently forgotten tithes to the high altar. This will was made in 1525. She left all her land and tenancies in Waldringfield, Hemley and Newbourne to her… Read more »

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