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1534  Will of Robert Curteis     IC/AA2/12/19

In the name of God Amen the ffyrst

Day of Marche in the yere of our Lorde M dddddxxxiiii(1534)

I RobtCurteys of Waldryngfeldbeying in a

holemynde make my last will in this wysse following

Fyrst I bequethe my Soule to Almyghtie god & Lady

SayntMarye& unto all the hoolyecompanye of

Hevyn my body to be buried in the churchyard

ofWaldryngfeld aforesaid Also I will that my

howses and my land remain to my son William he

to have yt when he ys of lawfull [age] and yf so be he

dye or hye be of age to enter yd then I will yt my

saidhowses and land to be sold by my brother John

Curteys or be his assignes and be my father in

lawexls (40/-) of the monytherof to myng to be Gavyn

to my exectors to Waldryngfeld church and the rest

to be song &doy for me and my friends., The residue

of my gooddysunbequeathed I putte the dycresion of

my executors whenas they shall thing best & most

meryte for the helth of my soule whom I make John

Curteys my bro[t]h[er]s, Willm Green my Fa[t]h[er-in]lawe

Witness of this WillmZackereBartylmew Green


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10 years ago

Another will from the first third of the 16th century. Another one for the Waldringfield churchyard.This Robert Curteis had a brother John Curteis (Curtis) who was executor for Thomas Bulle (?Boole) . He has a son called weilliam Cutreis (Curtis) who is clearly not yet of age. It is richard’s intention that houses (note plural) and land be left to William or sold to John. There is mention of a father-in- law – Willm Green (William Green – possibly rewlated to Richard Green, executor of other wills). Heaven knows what song and doy for me and my friends unl might… Read more »

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