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1585 Robert Westorp  1585               W28/300    R30/345


Regratur per me frAr


In the name of god Amen the Xvii of Dec 1854

and in the XXVii year of Quenemaiestes reign

QueneElizabetheQuene of Ingland, Fraunce and

Yearelandetc I Robert Westrope of the parryshe

ofWaldryngfelds in the County of Suffolk and the

Hundred of Carleford husbandman seke in bodye

never the lesse of good and perefite remembrance

thanks be gevne to God do ordayne and make thys

mylaste testament and my laste will conteynd

herein in maner and form followyngefyrste I

bequeath my soule in to the hands of almighty

God my only saviour and my redeemer and my bodye

to be buryed in the Churchyardeaforsayde

fyrste I geve and bequethe unto Thomas

Westropesonne of John Westrope late dessesed

cevenpoundes of good and lawfullmony of

Ingeland at and upon Hallowes Day next

cominyngewythe out any scade of further delays

in consideration of Viii gevnen unto the

sayd Thomas Westrope by hys father John

Westrope late of Waldryngfeldedessesed

Item I geyve unto Wyll[ia]m Crakende my

sonne in lawe 10 Ls(£10) of good &lawfull money

ofInglande to be payd on Mycellmas days

nextcomynge all the reste of my movable

goodes note geven& bequeathed I geyve unto

Dorythye my wife whom I do make &

ordayne my Executoror to see thys my last

wyll performed



Thomas Gardener   Adam Hawes

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10 years ago

1585 Robert Westorp – buried here

Dorythye my wife

Thomas Westrope – sonne

Wyll[ia]m Crakende my sonne in lawe

10 years ago

Wishing burial at Waldringfield. Bequeathed unto Thomas Westrope son of John Westrop late dessesed (and Robert  Westyrop’s  grandson) cevenpoundes of good and lawfullmony of Ingeland.  Wife Dorothe – also executor.  Son-in -law Wylliam Crakende. No mention of daughter’s name. Witnesses ;Thomas Gardener   Adam Hawes

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