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1585 Will of James SparkProbate 1587   IC/AA2/31/333    IC/AA1/29/249

In the name of god amen the xxxth day of Aprill and in the year of our lorde god a thousande five hundrythfourscore and five I James Sparke

ofWaldringfelde within the countie of Suff[olk] and diocyes of Noryuchesicke in bodie but of good and perfect remembrance god be thanked

therefore doeordayne and make this my last will and testament in maner and forme following that ys to saye first and above all thinges

I comtte my soule into thehandes and mercifulltinssion? of god the father and Jesus Christ his sonne and my bodie to be buried in the parishe

church or churchyard of waldringfeldeaforesaide Item I geve unto James Sparkes my sonne and his heires for ever my house that I doe now

dwell in and the lands that to it belongeth which I bought of John Kirtis and Thomas Kirtis of Wodbridge Item I geve unto James Sparke

mySonne and his heires for ever all other persell of lande or tenement which I bought of JeffereyMosse late of Kirton and yf

James my Sonne doe die befoure he be of the age of xxith (21) yeares then the said houses and lands to remayne to Christian my daughter

during her natural life and after her decease to the heirs of RobartSparke my Sonne Item I geve unto Robert Sparkmy Sonne and his

heires for ever an acar and halfe of lande more orlesse which lieth within the lande which he the said Robert hath already in

occupiing Item I geve unto RobartSparke my Sonne and his heirs for ever an otherpice of landeaboute an acarabuttinge upon

fricroft andthe land of Mr Warren linenge upon the northe  Item I geve unto RobartSparke my sonne and his heires for ever onepice

oflande about a ronde more or lesse which houldeth of m Thomas -one  Item I geve unto James Sparkemy sonne and his heres

For ever one piceoflande about an acar abutting upon the highewayetowards the Southe and Fricroftliingeuppon the west

Side  Item I geve unto James Sparke my Sonne ten poundes in the hands of Mr rodger Warren  Item I geve unto Christian my daughter

vils (£6) to be payde within fouremonthes after my departing  Item I geve unto James Sparke my Sonne ii (2) neate in the hands of

Robart Clack-ma of Melton  Item I geve unto James Pickes iii li (£3) to be paide at the age of xxi (21) years and my sonneRobart to have

The use of the said money until that tyme and if the said James Picke doe die before he be of the age of xxi (21) yeares then

The said money to remayne to the sonne of Robart Spark that ysnoweborne  Item I geve unto RobartSparke the younger fiftie

viis (57/-and Robert his father to have the use of the said money  Item I geve unto James Sparke my Sonneiiii (4) neate and ii (2) marks  Item

I geve unto RObartSparke the younger one yowe  Item I geve unto James Sparkean otheryewe  Item I geve unto James Sparke my Sonne

A pestell and a morter  Item I geve unto my sonne James Sparke xiii (13) sheepe  Item I geve unto FrauncisMosse One lambe  Item I geve

(tear) John Cooper of Walton one comberie Item I geve unto James Sparke my Sonne all the rest of my corne  Item Igeve unto Christian

(tear) daughter the bed that standeth in the chamber that I nowe lie in with all thinges toit belongenge if she soe live the same

ofiiii (4) monthes after my departing    Item I geve unto James Sparke my Sonne the bed that I doecomenly lie on with stayned clothes

andall thinges to it partayninge and achest upon the Soller with tables forms, stoulesbordes timber – about the sawing pit

carteharrowesplowecarrtharnis and plowharnis  Item I geve unto James Sparke my Sonne a brass potteamd a peare of quirnes

Item I geve unto Christian my daughter an otherbrassepotte  Item I geve unto Willia[m] Sparkevisviiid (6/8d)  Item I geve unto James Sparke

The sonne of JohnnSparke of RecginghallIiisiiiid (3/4d)  Item I geve unto FranncisChapma[n] xiid (12d)  Item I geve unto the reperinge of the church

ofWaldringfildexs (10/-)  Item I acquitte my SonneRobartSparke of all serviudesdebtes and demandesderive unto mee  Item all the rest

of my househould to be equally devidedbewixt James Sparke my Sonne and Christian my daughter if she doe live the space

ofiiii (4) monthes after my departing if she doe die before the said iiii (4) monthes be expired and ended then the said

househoulde to remaine to James my Sonne  Item I ordayne and make my Sonne James Sparke my sole executor to receve my

debts and paye my debtes and to see this my last will and testament performed according to the true meanyngetherof

these being wittnesse Thomas Smithe, Willia[m] homis and Edward HibbartClearke


James Sparke his mark      Probate  vii  die —— Janny 1587 apud —- —-  —— —

Robarte Red—–


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10 years ago

1585 James Spark – buried here
James Sparke – mySonne
RobartSparke my Sonne
Christian my daughter

piceoflande about an acar abutting upon the highewayetowards the Southe and Fricroftliingeuppon the west Side
an otherpice of landeaboute an acarabuttinge upon fricroft andthe land of Mr Warren linenge upon the northe

the bed that I doecomenly lie on with stayned clothes

10 years ago

Waldringfield Churchyard requested.  Leaves a house and land which he bought off John Kirtis and Thomas Kirtis of Wodbridge (the same Thomas Curtis was one of the recipients of money from an earlier will) and Jeffery Mosse of Kirton.  Is this will written in broad Tudor suffolkese?  – look how they spell Norwich. Son James, daughter Christian, son Robert. ‘Another piece of land about an acre butting upon fricroft (is this pinewooods?) and the land of Mr Warren lininge upon the north and one piece of lande about an acre abutting upon the higheway towards the Southe and Fricroft lying… Read more »

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