Waldringfield Parish Council Footpaths
A meeting was held in the sailing clubhouse on Aug 12th 1932 at 8.00pm called by Mr. A.W. Stollery & attended by about 15 invited parishioners to consider matters in ref. to the right of way on the shore.
After a brief explanation by Mr. Stollery that the reason for the meeting was that strong objection had been taken to a notice:-“Cycling Not Allowed- By Order”, placed on the path at a point where danger to pedestrians had been observed.
The rector, Rev. A.P. Waller, then took the chair & explained his position as virtual owner for the time of the land thro. which the path passed. Though he did not actually order the notice he accepted responsibility & acknowledged its irregularity.
A resolution proposed by Mr. A.C. Bloomfield, seconded by Mr. Gray, was carried:- “That a parish meeting be called to take steps to ensure proper use of the path & to cooperate with the rector as landowner.
Sept. 17th 1932. Parish Meeting
Re. The Shore Footpath
Mr. A.C. Bloomfield reported that,as instructed, he had interviewed Mr. Kell, clerk of the R.D.C.,who had informed him that if any public path were obstructed the council should be advised & they would, as required by law, investigate the matter.
Mr. Woodley believed the way was a public vehicle roadway, but the rector explained that the road, now largely washed away, had been made by the owners (of the huts) for their own use & convenience, had never been repaired or controlled by the local road authorities.
A resolution to amend the notice to:- “Cyclists are requested not to ride along the footpath”, was carried.
Sept. 23rd 1932
The chairman explained & the committee agreed that public rights did not apparently include a road, only a footpath along the shore.
The rector had suggested that he would erect a polegate, moveable by those who had legitimate business, across the upper beach in line with 3 posts which he suggested should bar the path to riders , leaving room for walkers & perambulators.
Oct. 8th 1932
The committee also recommended the placing of 3 posts triangularly 4 feet apart on the path at the junction of Maybush & church properties. The rector would also place a polegate, moveable by those having legitimate business, across the upper foreshore on the same boundary.
Dec. 14th 1932
The chairman reported that near the Maybush the roadway & path had been badly washed & that the path should be secured by piles & boards. It was decided that Mr. Kell be interviewed as to what could be done.
In view of the Rights of Way Act 1932 the parish meeting to be advised to specify paths to the R.D.C. including:- (9 in total)
No.3 Maybush past boatbuilders to river wall.
No.4 Maybush seaward along shore to river wall
April 20th 1933
The chairman reported that the rector intended to erect a notice on the shore prohibiting cars other than those of his shore tenants driving over the beach. The parish meeting notice would read:-“Cycling & riding on the public footpath are illegal owing to the danger to the public generally the law must be observed”
June 12th 1933
Mr. Stollery drew attention to blockage of path in front of Maybush as well as road & path before Cliff House.
July 16th 1934
Much uncertainty as to rights & duties in ref. to the footpath, the shore & possible development of the cliff by the new owners, Messrs. Cobbolds, was evident in a long discussion.
In present conditions little it seems can be done to prevent cycling on the path as the rector’s tenants use it as a roadway for motors to their huts & there is no barrier to prevent its general use. Mr. Bateman & Capt. Heath were asked to interview also the rector as to the position on the shore since the sale of the glebe property.
Sept. 12th 1934
The rector interviewed last night agreed to communicate with Cobbolds to arrange as to their respective rights in road along the shore & the erection of a gate across.
Sept. 3rd 1935
The clerk reported the rector’s agreement to let sites for up to 15 seats adjoining the shore footpath at 1/= per annum payable 1st Oct. each year.
March 1st 1938
The recent serious damage by storm to the beach & the public path were discussed at length. It was reported that the great improvements made last season, chiefly by Mr. A.W.Stollery, had been entirely destroyed & much damage & denudation done to the shore, the banks & the path.