Cross of Sacrifice at Kanchanaburi War Cemetery, Thailand © Alexander Macdonald
There were no formally agreed or nationally applied criteria for either Rolls of Honour or Rolls of Service after the Second World War. Each village and parish therefore made their own rules and decisions on who should be included, although similar conventions appear to have been adopted. rolls of Honour generally only include those lost their lives whilst serving during the conflict and had been living in the village or parish when they enlisted into the Armed Forces or their next of kin were living there when they were killed. Rolls of Service on the other had generally contain all those who served during the war and had a strong connection with the village or parish around the time of the war. Taking advantage of the passage of time since the end of the war, we have decided to include everyone who had some connection with the villages and parishes, even if it was just being born there or coming to live there later in their lives. We think, at this time of remembrance of the end of the conflict, that this will be more meaningful was well as interesting to those currently living there. Waldringfield Heath is included because it is treated on the electoral rolls as part of Waldringfield, and of course its children, together with those of Hemley and Newbourne, generally attended the school in Waldringfield.
We also have to remember that some who unable to serve because they were exempt due to working on the land to provide food or building ships and supplying the armaments. In addition quite a number of villagers served in the Home Guard otherwise known as ‘Dads Army’.
If you spot any errors, or can add any detail to our work, then please do let us know. Equally if you know of anyone else who you think should be included in these revised rolls, please provide us with as much information about them as you can, but ideally as a minimum their name, date of birth, where they lived in Hemley, Newbourne and/or Waldringfield and if possible who they served with.
We hope you enjoy finding out more about those from our villages who bravely served in this conflict and in particular the sacrifices they made for our continued freedom, security and prosperity. May they rest in peace
Newbourne & Hemley Roll of Service
Talk Given By John and Caroline Ogden