East Coast and river Deben Flooding etc. 1874 to 2013.
Extraeîs from Revd. Thomas Henry Wa1ìer’s Perennial DiaryìäSZ ¿920. ¿y i C? lffa, 26.31874 Very high tides water over the Walls.
30.1.87? High tide, marshes Hooded.
- High ‘tide With gaie, Water nearly up read below Deben Viña, and gfeat ñooding all along the coast.
29.i 1.2897 High tide breaching liver walls & flowing to Shottisham Ford. Wall near Ramshoit creek afterwards repaired for £11,100 with sand ‘sags and again Non?? 1903 broken thro’.
223; 1.1903 High tide with NW. wind breaching riveï Walls and flowing m Shottisham Ford as on ì 897. High Water about 1.45
Later flooding after high spring tide tidal surge, and 10W pressure.