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  Folio 1
Rivershall in An Exact Partlicular of the several
Waldringfielde Copyhold Lands belonging to the Mannor of Rivershall in

Waldringfielde in the County of Suffolk as they are now abutted

Being part of the possessions of Thomas Easington of Brightwell

In the said County Esquire made and complete as well by search

Of the Court Rolls of the said Mannor as also by a personal view

Of the same and Information of the Tenants & other ancient

Persons in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred

Fifty and six

By Robert Brownrigg Esq Steward there
Richard Rose

One Parcell  of Hall close

Waffins conteyning fower acres

Lying between

W.The Lands called Leptons in the tenure of Thomas

Knapp in the right of his wife

        Octo’r : 26: 1653
  1. The bond Land of Robert Lane called Oke close in

part & part of Hallclose Waffins bond lands in part

  1. The Cliffway
  1. The Lands of the said Richard Rose
One Peece called Hallclose Waffins Lying between
  1. The last parcel of Hall close Waffins in the tenure of

the said Richard Rose

Conteyning by Estimation 5 Acres
  1. The Bond Lands of Richard Rose called the croft in

Part parcel of the Glebe of the Rectory in part

Oct’r 26 : 1653
  1. The other parcel of Land called Hall close in the

Tenure of Rob: Lane

  1. The Glebe in part and parcel of Hall close Waffins in
      Part where the Driftway is

One Close conteyning fower acres and

One halfe

Lying between
  1. Hallgate lands bond in the tenure of William Roe

In right of his wife

                       Oct: 26: 1653
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Robert Lane
  1. Rivershall Way
  1. The Lands in the tenure of Peter Fisher? Gent in right

of his wife



Richard Rose
Lying between
  1. Great Clayes otherwise Kell Pightells in the Tenure of

Thomas Knapp in right of his wife

One other close called Pits contein’e by Estimation 3 acres
  1. The Marish of the Lord in part and Reeves way in

part otherwise the Marish way

          Oct 26 1653
  1. The Lands called Buffetts in the Tenure of Daniel

Ward in the right of his wife in part and the Lands

called Little Cleyes in part now Richard Roses’

  1. The Lands of Thomas Knapp called Shynny Pightele
One Tenement called Waffins formerly
  1. The Lands of Robert Lane
Rabbetts with a Garden and orchard Lying between
  1. The Lands of John Fisher gent in right of his wife
Adjoining and a barne conteining halfe an acre And  six acres of Land meadow &

Pasture more or less of which 5 acres by

Estimation do lye on the part of the west of the Tenement formerly another whereof three acres called Spott meadow and one Pightell called Kile Pightele




  1. The Lands of Daniel Ward in right of his wife called


  1. The Tenement Waffins
           26: Octob: 1653
  1. the way leading to Waffins

Three several Pighteles cont. 2 acres formerly Reaves afterwards meadows 26

Octob’r 1653

Lying between
  1. The Bond lands of the Tenement meadow in part

And the Lords in the Tenure of the said Richard Rose

in part



  1. The Lands of the said Richard Rose in part and

Jermies way in part

  1. The Barne and afterward Tenement Waffin?


Richard Rose


Three Pightells  conteyning 2 acres

Lying between
  1. The way leading to Waffins Kile Pightele in the

Tenure of Rich’d Rose

     26 October 1653
  1. The Marish called Waffins
  1. The Bondlands of (left blank) in part, and the Bond in


  1. The Lands and Marish of (left blank)
Lying between
  1. Way leading from Waldrinfeild church to the heath
One Close of arable land parcel of the Tenement Waffins conteining Seaven Acres
  1. Rivershall Way
  1. The Lands of Thomas Knapp in right of his wife
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Parkington Brooke gent,

in part and the Lands in the Tenure of Robert Lane

in part

Lying between
  1. The marsh of the Lord
One other  close parcel of the Tenement
  1. The Bond Lands of the said Richard Rose
Waffins conteyning 8 Acres
  1. Jernyer way
     Octob:  26. 1653 Abutting
  1. The said Richard Rose
Lying between
  1. The common of Waldringfeil Rivershall way in part

and the Lands of Thomas Knapp in part in right of

his wife

The Close called Heath close conteyning 12 acres by Estimation:

October 26. 1653

  1. The Bond Lands parcel of the ——– in the Tenure of

Parkington Brooke gent. And ——- Land in the

Tenure of the said Parkington Brooke

  1. N. Rivershall way
  1. Marsh? way leading to the CLiff


Richard Rose


Lying between

  1. The Bond Lands called Buttells late Girlings now

Daniel Ward in right of his wife

One Peece  called little Clayes conteining by Estimation 4 Acres

Octo. 26. 1653

  1. parcel of Bond Land centring into great Clayes or

Kile pightles In the Tenure of Thomas Knapp in right

of his wife

  1. Treselway otherwise Lone Lane
  1. Great Cleyes otherwise Kile Pightells in the Bond

Tenure of Thomas Knapp in rigt of his wife

Lying between
  1. Upon the Marsh of the Lord
One Close  of Land and Pasture Bond called
  1. Upon the Hempland of the said Richard Rose
Elmes conteyneing 2 acres
  1. The Lands of the Lord called Sprages
26 Oct’o. 1653 Abutting
  1. The Lands in the Tennure of Thomas Rivers in part

and the Lands in the Tennure of Robert Lane in part

One Parcel  of Land called Hall Punies Lying between  
contayining halfe an acre  
         26th Octob: 1653 Abutting  
One parcel piece of Land called Sprages Lying between
Conteyning halfe an Acre


Richard Rose


One other Tenement late Beales containing 6 acres 3 rood & 26 perches lying in several

Lying between
  1. The Lands in the Bond tenure of Thomas Rivers in

part. And the Land of Robert Rose in part and

Church way in part

parcels with the Lords lands within them
  1. The Marish of the Lord in part
called Spraggs Abutting
  1. Jernies way
  1. The Marish of the Lord


Lying between

  1. E. Longlane in part and the Bond lands of Daniel Ward i

in right of his wife called long Meadow in part


Four  acres three woods & sixteen perches in several peeces being parcel of Hale close in compassing of the glebe

  1. W. The Bondlands in the tenure of Rose Bowen called

Itard acre in part. The Glebelands of the Rectory of

Waldringfield in part one other close of the sd

Richard Rose in part called helle Cliffeland in the

tenure of Robert Lane in part

  1. The bondland in the Tenure of the said Rose Bowen

called hard acre

  1. The Bondland in the Tenure of the said Robert Lane


Lying between
  1. The Bond Land in the Tenure of Robert Lane
Two  Acres three roods and seaven perches
  1. The Bond land in the Tenure of the said Robert Lane
called Burnhams yard
  1. Rivershall way
  1. The Bond Lands in the Tenure of the said Robert


Lying between
  1. The Bond Land in the Tenure of the said Robert


Two acres & 2 Perches called the croft with
  1. Bond land in the Tenure of Rose Bowen
one Hempland at the north end of it late Jimends Abutting
  1. The Bond Land of the said Richard Rose called


  1. Rivershall way




Folio 8    1241
Parkington Brooke
  1. The Bond land of Richard Rose called Heath close


Three peeces  lying tog’r called the several


Lying between

  1. The Bond Land of the said Richard Rose called the


Names of Heath close, Hall Slade and  
Breame land conteyning in all 15 Acres one rood and three and twenty pearches
  1. The way leading from the Cliff to Brigtwell Heath
  1. Rivershall way
Lying between

W.The Bond lands in the Tenure of Thomas Knapp in

right of his wife called Heath Close

Fower other pieces lying together
  1. The Bond lands of Thomas Knapp in right of his wife
conteyning three and twenty acres  
One rood and Seaven pear’es



  1. Rivershall way in part And the Lnds of THo: Knapp in

right of his wife

  1. Martlesham lands
These following are comprehended in the former abutttalls
Lying between
  1. The Lands in the tenure of
One peece  of Land cont’e 2 acres and an
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of
              1 No.  Car’e 17 Abutting N.The Comon way Leading from Brightwell to Rivershall
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of


  1242 Folio 9
Packington Brooke gent
One Inclose of Land & pastures called
Heathclose conteining three acres Lying between
And  one pecie of Land & pasture called
Colecroft conteining by estimation one
Acre & a halfe.  And  three pieces parcel of
Four pieces whereof the first contein by
Estimation four acres called Brenn land
The second conteine three acres called Abutting  
Hall Slade The third conteine four acres  
formerly in three pieces within the Heath  
Anne Haugfen
One Cottage built in Waldringfeilde up the Lying between  
Wast of the Lord  
            19 Sept. Car 24:  
Matthew Peirson
One Tenement Lying between
  1.  Crouch way
Yard and Hempland
  1. The way leading from Waldringfield to Woodbridge
         19 Sept. Car 24
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of William Frost
  1. Upon the way Leading from Waldringfield to



Rose Bowen formerly Bennett
One Tenement Bond called Lenered and Lying between E.
three acres of Land – called Hard acre and W.
one acre of land lying between the Lands
Late William Harts called Oak close and one Abutting S.
Parcel of Land called Planchers conteining N.
One acre
Thomas Knapp


Certain Lands called Kele close and other

Lying between
  1. The Lands of William Roe in right of his wife in part

And of Richard Rose in part

Pightells together
  1. N. The lands of Richard Rose in part And the Lords

marsh in part

  1. The Lords marish in part And the lands of the said

Thomas Knapp in right of his wife in part

  1. The Lands of Richard Rose in part and Long Lane in




Thomas Knapp in

Right of his wife

Lying between
  1. The common pasture called Waldringfield Heath
One inclose  of Land pasture and wood
  1. The Lands oin the Tenure of Packington Brooke gent
Conteyning by Estimation eight Acres
        May 31, 1654 Abutting
  1. Rivershall way
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Packington Brooke gent
Four  inclose of Land and Pasture lying Both together in diverse peeces on the


Lying between

  1. The lands of the Tenement Waffins called the Slade

In the Tenure of Rich’d Rose

South of the common way in part in two Tillages conteyning by Estimation Ten acres May 31. 1654
  1. The Lands called Sinderdowne otherwise Sandors

downe in the Tenure of Richard Rose in part and

Crouch way in part

  1. The Comon way
  1. The Cliff way
  1. The Glebe lands of the Church of Waldringfeilde
One Inclose and Pightell of land called  Leightons containeing by estimation one Lying between
  1. Hale close of the Tenement Waffins in the Tenure of

Richard Rose

Acre and an halfe
        May 31 : 1654
  1. The cliff way
  1. Hall close of the Tenement Waffins in the Tenure of

Richard Rose

Lying between
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of
One Close  of Land pasture and wood lying
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of
In 2 peeces together cont. by estimation
2 acres Abutting
  1. The Salt marsh in the Tenure of
        May 31. 1654
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of in part and

the Lands next following

Lying between
  1. The Land in the tenure of
Two pieces of Land lyeing togeth’r at the       Wast and of the Last close contey’e by
  1. The Lands of the Ten’ Waffins in the Tenure of

Richard Rose

estim’n one acre
           May 31. 1654 Abutting
  1. The last rented close in part & the lands in the tenure

of                            in part



Thomas Knapp
  1. The Saltwater

One peece of Saltmarsh conteining by

Estimation two acres

Lying between
  1. Kell close in the Tenure of the said Thomas Knapp in

right of his wife

               May 31. 1654
  1. The Saltmarsh
  1. The Salt marish in the Tenure of Thomas
The Inclose of Land pasture wood lyeing in Lying between

The Lords Marish in part and the lands of the

      tenement Waffins in the tenure of Richard Rose in


diverse pieces & pightells together called
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Richard Rose
Kellclose conteyning by estimation Seavon acres Abutting
  1. The Saltmarish in the Tenures of thes’d Thomas

Knapp in right of his wife

  1. Long Lane
Lying between
  1. Long Lane
One Inclose of Land & pasture formerly built called Goodmans conteining by
  1. The Lands of the Tenement Alkins in the Tenure of

Thomas Rivers

estimation 4 acres
       May 31. 1654 Abutting
  1. Rivershall way
  1. The Lands in the tenure of William Roe in right of his

Wife in part and the Lands in the Tenure of Robert

Lane in part


The Tenement Bond built called Puntings

Lying between
  1. The land called Blacksows in the Bond tenure of

Daniel Ward in the right of his wife

With a Pightell thereunto lying conteining

By Estimation three rood

May 31. 1654

W.The Tenement and Pightell called Rivershall

otherwise Lowicdes in part & other lands in the

tenure of the said Daniel Ward in the right of his

wife in part

  1. The Lands in the tenure of the said Daniel Ward in

the right of his wife

  1. Rivershall way


Robert Lane
Lying between
  1. The Lands of Daniel Ward in right of his wife
Three peeces  of Land containing by
  1. The Lands of Richard Rose
Estimation Three acres and one halfe  
whereof the first peece contains by Abutting
  1. The Lands of Daniel Ward in right of his wife
Estimation halfe and acre
  1. upon the second peece of Land of the said three


Lying between
  1. The Lands of Daniel Ward in right of his wife
The Second & third  peeces conteyned by
  1. The way to Waffins
Estimation 2 acres
      23 July 1649 Abutting
  1. Comon way
  1. The Lands of Richard Rose
One Parcel of Land waste conteining in
  1. Comon way
Breath one rood and an Halfe and in length Lying between
  1. The Lands of John Redgrave
as farr as the Land of the said Robert  
Formerly Richard Margetts doth extend Abutting
  1. The Lands of Peter Fisher gent in right of his wife
        23 July 1649
  1. The Lands of the said Robert Lane
One Tenement  lately built with a pightell Lying between
  1. Crouch way
of Land and Pasture which lately was parcel of Hall Close cont. six acres and an
  1. Lands bond of this Mannor parcel of Hall close now in

the Tenure of the said Robert Lane

halfe and the Pightell & Tenement

conteyne one acre and one rod

23rd July 1649

  1. Uppon the highway leading from Waldringfeild street

to Ipswich

  1. Upon the bond Lands of the said Robert Lane


Folio 14   1247
Robert Lane
Lying between
One Acre and one halfe of Land called
One peece called Cumberland cont Lying between  
2 acres  
Lying between
One peece called Wardeland cont’d 2 acres
Lying between  
One peece called Haynes cont. 2 acres  
Lying between
  1. Upon the Lands in the Tenure of Richard Lane
One  Peece called Thornes and conteyne 1
  1. Cliff way
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Richard Rose
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Packingon Brooke gent.
Lying between
One Close called Hall close conteyn’g 4
acres and 3 rods


Folio 15    1248
Robert Lane
Lying between
  1. The Cliffway
One Close  called the Oak close containing
  1. The lands in the bond tenure of Richard Rose
4 Acres  
  1. Long Lane
  1. The Lands in the Bond tenure of Rich. Rose
Lying between
  1. Richard Rose
One peece  of Meadow called Hony
  1. William Roe in right of his wife
meadow containing one acre and a rood
  1. The Marish of the Lord
  1. The Lands of Thomas Rivers
Lying between
  1. Long Lane
One peece  or parcel of meadow called
  1. William Roe in right of his wife
meadow yard conteining two acres  
  1. Daniel Ward in right of his wife
  1. Thomas Knapp in right of his wife
The said Robert Lane holdeth more
Lying between
  1. The Lands of Daniel Ward in the right of his wife



Fower peeces lying toether conteyning

  1. Woodbridge way from Martlesham to Waldringfeild

in part and one other way leading from parte of the

Lands of the said Robert to Rivershall way in part

thirteen acres one rood
  1. Martlesham lands in part and the Lands of the said

Fisher in part in right of his wife

  1. Rivershall way
Lying between
  1. Crouch way
The Tenement parcel of Hall close with one other Tenement and diverse peseces
  1. The Orchard in the Tenure of the said Robert Lane in

part & the Lands of Richard Rose in part

Lands pastures and Fenn conteining ten
Acres one rood and 15 perches Abutting
  1. Rivershall way
  1. The Bond Lands of Richard Rose called Hall close in

part and the Bond Lands of David Ward in right of

his wife called Hall close in part


Folio 16    1249
Robert Lane
Lying between
  1. The Bond Lands in the tenures of Richard Rose


Six Acres and one Rood of Land formerly an Orchard

  1. The Bond lands in the tenure of Richard Rose in part

called Burhams’ yard and the bond land in the

tenure of the said ob’t Lane in part

  1. The Bond Lands in the Tenure of the said Richard

Rose called Hall close

  1. Rivershall way
Daniel Ward in right of his wife
Lying between
  1. Long Lane
One  Inclose of Land and Pasture bond called Long Meadow with one piece of Bond Land and pasture. Woody lying out of
  1. The lands of the Tenement Waffins in the Tenure of

Richard Rose in part and the Land in the tenure of

Robert Lanes in part

the said Inclose at the South end of the
same lately parcel of it conteining by Estimation one acre and an half Abutting
  1. Upon Long Lane in part and the Lands I the tenure of

William Roe in right of his wife in part

           May 31. 1654
  1. Upon the way leading to Hall close of the Tenement


Lying between
  1. The Bond lands of Richard Rose
One Inclose of Land and Pasture bond formerly Built called Blacksons conteyning by Estimation fower acres
  1. The Lands next following in the tenure of the said

Daniel in the right of his wife

      May 31, 1654 Abutting
  1. Spott meadow in the Tenure of Robert Lane
  1. S. Rivershall way in Part and the Tenement —– in the

Tenure of Thomas ——- in the right of his wife


Folio 17    1250
Daniel Ward in right of his wife
Diverse  peeces or pightels of land and pastures Bond lying together conteining ten acres by Estimaton Lying between
  1. Blacksons in the tenure of the s’d Daniel Ward in

right of his wife in pt & Spott meadow in the tenure

of Rich’d Rose in pt & Spott meadow in the tenure of

Rich’d Lane in part

     May 31 1654
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Rob: Lane in part & the

Hempland in the tenure of the s’d Daniel Ward in

right of his wife

  1. The Tenement Puntings in the tenure of Thos Knapp

in right of his wife in part & the Scie of the Tenement

Rivershall in the tenure of Daniel Ward in right of his

wife in part

  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Peter Fish gent in right of

his wife

One Hempland with a barne built thereupon and another Hempland Lying between
  1. The last recited diverse pieces in part the lands of

the Tenement Rivershall in the Tenuare of Daniel

Ward in right of his wife in part

adjoining to it at the North end cont. ½an
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Robert Lane
  1. The Last recited diverse peeces in the tenure of the

said Daniel Ward in right of his wife

  1. Rivershall Way
  1. Rivershall way
One Tenement built with Pightel of Land adjoining called Rivershall otherwise Lying between
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of the said Daniel Ward in

right of his wife

 Leneriches cont: by Estimation 1 acre
           May 31: 1654 Abutting W.The Barne and Hempland aforesaid
  1. E. The Scite of the Tenement Punting in the tenure of

Thomas Knapp in right of his wife

Lying between
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of William Roe in right of his


 One hempland Bond lying inclosed in Ywo
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Rose Bowen
peeces conteyning by Estimation three  
roods Abutting
  1. Rivershall way
        May 31. 1654
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Rose Bowen in part And of

the said Daniel Ward in right of his wife in part



Folio 18   1251

Daniel Ward in

right of his wife

Lying between
Halfe an acre of Land bond in Sandy way W
  1. Rivershall Way
Lying between E.
One peece  of Land Bond conteining Halfe W.
a rood
  1. The Comon way
  1. The Land of Richard Rose
One peece of Land conteining 10 Rood by Estimation Lying between
  1. The Lands late Elizabeth Fentons now the said Daniel

Ward in right of his wife

             May 31. 1654  
  1. The Lands of Richard Rose
  1. The Highway Leading towards Waldringfeild Cliffe


Lying between

  1. Colecroft in the Bond tenure of Packington Brooke

late John Purpetts

One Inclosure  of Land and pasture lying 2
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Robert Lane
peices in close the one conteyne one rood
and the residue 1 acre & three rood Abutting
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of John Redgrave gent.
    May 31. 1654
  1. Rivershall way


Daniel Ward in

right of his wife

Lying between
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Robt . Lane
 One  Close of Land bond called Sandy way
  1. Crouch house Pightle in the tenure of William Frost
lying in three pieces in the close late in the  
tenure of John Skutt containing together 5 Abutting
  1. Rivershall way
acres and one rood by Estimation
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Robert Lane
    May 31. 1654
Lying between
  1. Crouchway
One Inclose of Land & pasture bond called
  1. The Glebe Lands of the Church of Waldringfeilde
Hall close lyeing in two Tillages conteining
By Estimation xii acres Abutting
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Rob Lane
  1. Cliffway
Lying between
  1. The Glebe Lands of the Church of Waldringfeilde
One  Inclose of Land called Broomstubb
  1. The Glebe Lands of the Church of Waldringfeild
conteyning 2 acres  
  1. The Glebe Lands of the Church of Waldringfeilde
  1. The Cliffeway
Lying between
  1. The way Leading to the Salt Marish
One  meadow Bond called Round Meadow W.The way called Long Lane
Conteining one acre
          May 31 1654 Abutting
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Robert Lane
  1. The way Leading to the parish


Daniel Ward in

Right of his wife

Lying between
  1. Long Lane
One Inclose of Land and pasture Bond called Buffetts conteining one acre and
  1. The lands of the Tenem’t Waffins in the Tenure of

Richard Rose

       May 31: 1654 Abutting
  1. The Lands of the Tenement Waffins in the Tenure of

Richard Rose

  1. The way Leading to the Marish
Thomas Rivers
Lying between
  1. The meadow of Tho: Knapp in right of his wife
One peece of Land or Pasture with the
  1. The Lands of Richard Rose
appurtenances conteining 1 acre and an

halfe more of less

24 Sept’r.  Car: 15

  1. The Lands of Robert Lane & of Richard Rose in part

and of William Roe in right of his wife in part

  1. Upon the Hempland of the said Thomas Ryvers
Lying between
  1. The Lands Bonds of Thomas Knapp in right of his


One Tenement bond called Alkins and 2
  1. The way called Spraggs way
acres of Land 24 Sept. Car: 15  
  1. The Lands of the said Thomas Rivers
  1. The Church Way
William Frost
Lying between
  1. Waldringfield heath
One close of Land pasture and wood conteyning 2 acres
  1. The Heath close of the Tenem’t Waffins nowe Richard Roses
   The Last of November 1652
Frost was admitted to the same Apr: 11: Abutting
  1. Waldringfeild way
  1. Cliff way


William Roe in

right of his wife

Lying between
  1. The Lands in the tenure of Rose Bowen
One Tenement Bond called Lyl land with
  1. Long Lane
one piece of Land bond conteining by  
estimation one acre with the situation of the House Abutting
  1. Upon the Lands bond of Daniel Ward in right of his


       26 Jan:  Car 3.
  1. The Comon way
One Inclose conteining three rds called Lying between
  1. The Bond Lands of
  1. The Comon way
      26 Jan   Car 3
Abutting  E.
Lying between
One piece of Pasture called Brenny
  1. Robert Lane
meadow ats Honny meadow cont. 1 acre  
       26 Jan;  Car 3 Abutting
  1. Thomas Knapp in right of his wife
Lying between
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Richard Rose
One Inclose of land andpasture called
  1. The Markett way Leading to Woodbridge
Hallgate conteining by estimation 4 acres
      26 Jan:  Car. 3 Abutting

 N The Lands in the Tenure of Peter Fisher gent in right

of his wife

  1. Rivers hall way
Lying between
  1. The Droneway
One  Acre of Land bond late Nicholas Redgrave
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Thomas Knapp in right of

his wife

      26 Jan:  Car 3  
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Richard Rose
  1. The Saltmarish belonging to the Cliffe


Elizabeth Huggen
One cottage or Tenem’t Lying between



An exact particular of the several Coppyhold Lands belonging

To the Mannor of Waldringfield Hilton in waldringfield in the County of Suffolk as they are now abutted being part of the pos’sions of Thomas Essington of Brightwell in the sd County Esquire made and completed as well as by search of the Court Rolls of the said Mannor also by a Personal view of the same and Information of the Tenants & other antient persons

In the year of Our Lord One thousand six hundred fifty and six

By Robert Rownrigg Esq.  Steward there

Richard Punting
Lying between
Twoe peeces of Land bond conteyning by
Estimation one acre with the appurts in  
Newborne lately new Built with one Barnes Abutting
         2 Apr: 44: Eliz.
        12 Sec.  Car 7
Lying between
One yard and Barne Bond in Newborne
       28 Sept.  Car 6
Abutting N.
Rector of Waldringfield
Lying between
  1. The Cliffway
One Close of Land or pasture cont
  1. The Lands of the Lord
2 acres called Goreland  
  1. The Lands of the Lord
  1. The Bondlands in the Tenure of Daniel Ward in right

of his wife called Broome Stubbs


Samuel Waller
Lying between
  1. The way leading down to Hilton Marish
One peece of Land conteining by
  1. Upon the Bond Lands of the said Samuel Walls
Estimation one acre lately built
    27 M : 1655 Abutting
  1. Upon the Land in the Tenure of Susan Waller widdow
  1. Upon the Land of the Lord
Lying between
Two  acres of Land lyeing in a field called
Northfield cont. 2 acres & 1 rodd more or  
less Abutting
  1. M: 1655
Lying between
  1. The Saltwater
One  other parte of Land walled Warr land
  1. The Lands in the tenure of Richard Winter
Conteyning one acrew more or less
  1. M : 1655
  1. The Bond Lands in the tenure of Samuel Waller
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of the said Susan Waller
Lying between
  1. The Lands of the Lord
One  Close conteining by Estimation iii
  1. The lands in the Tennure of Susan Waller
  1. upon the Bond Lands of the said Samuel Waller
  1. upon the Bond Lands of the said Samuel Waller in

part and the Lands of the s’d Susan Waller in part


One Peece of Land called Witts wood

Land conteining three acres more or less


Lying between

  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Sus: Waller wid. In part

and the Lands in the Bond Tenure of Richard Wynter

in part.

  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Sus: Waller Widd
  1. The Lands of the Lord in part and the Lands in the

Tenure of the s’d Susan Waller in part

  1. Upon the Bond Lands of the said Samuel in part and the Land of the said Susan in ———–


Folio 3
Samuel Waller
Lying between
  1. upon the Lease Lands of William Goste
One  other piece of Land conteining
  1. upon Northfield in the tenure of
One acre and an half  
  1. upon Sa: Wallers’ Bond Land called Warr Land
  1. upon the Lease’s Lands of William Goltes
Lying between
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Susan Waller Widdow
One other  peece of Land containeing
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of the said Susan Waller
One rood
       27 M. 1655 Abutting
  1. The Lands of the Lord
  1. The Bond Lands of the said Samuel Waller
Richard Rose
Lying between
  1. The Lands of the s’d Rich’d Rose
One parcel of Land with a Tenement lately
  1. S. The Cliff Way
Built cont. 3 roods  
          Oct. 6 1651 Abutting
  1. The Lands of Thomas Knapp in right of his wife
  1. The way leading to Waldringfield Church
Lambert Pitches


Lying between

  1. The Lands of William Frost in right of his wife in part

& the Lands of the s’d Lambert Pitches in part

One  inclose of Pasture with as Little Grove in the North East corner there called
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of Susan Waller widd.o

called the Marsh Close

Underwood close conteyning by Estimation
three acres Abutting
  1. The Bond Lands in the tenure of William Frost
      9:  Jan : Car.20
  1. The Lands of the said Lambert Pitches


Lambert Pitches
Lying between
Two acres and one rood lying in the heath  
close in three peeces formerly Guddons
      Jan : Car. 20. Abutting
Lying between
One peece cont. 1 rood there formerly  
     9 Jan : Car. 20: Abutting  

William Frost

In right of his wife

  1. The way leading downe to Hilton Marish

Two  peeces of land and pasture cont together seaven acres. Formerly Preens

after Robert Charkes in right of his wife

Lying between
  1. Marsh Close in the tenure of Susan Waller widd in pt

and Underwood Close in the Bond tenure of Lambert

Pitches in part

       Octob : 18 Jaco :  3
  1. The Barne yard of the said William Frost in the right

of his wife

  1. The Com’on Marish
Lying between
Three  Rood of Land bond lyeing in a Close  
Called Little Wall  
Lying between
Halfe  an acre of Land Bond called Agnes


William Frost

In right of his wife

Lying between
One Rood  of Land Bond called Agnes  
Lying between
One  peece of Land conteyning by  
Estimation one acre lying in a close called
Broadole Abutting
                  July 16.  Car. 16
Richard Wynter


Two  incloses of Land called Geat Herings


Lying between

  1. The Comon way Leading to the Marish called Le


and Little Herings lying in diverse pieces
  1. The Lands of the Lord
In Waldringfield  
  1. Apr’l. Car 12

Cont. by Estimation Twelve acres more or

  1. The way Leading from the Church of Waldringfielde

to Nuborne

  1. The Lands of the said Richard Winter
One  Tenement Built called Willins Wood N The Bond Lands of Sam: Waller
and six Closes & Pightlells thereunto Lying between S  The way Leading down to Hilton Marish
belong’g conteyning by Estimation ten
acres And one Hempland called Catts yard of the East part of a certain Messuage Abutting
  1. The Bond Lands of Samuel Waller in part And the

Salt water in part

formerly Thomas Annetts conteyning by Estimation halfe and acre with the appurtenances in Waldringfield
  1. The Bond Lands of the said Samuel Waller in part

and the Lands in the tenure of Susan Waller widd’o

in part


Folio 6   1262
Richard Wynter
Lying between
  1. The Lands of William Frost in right of his wife
Two  peeces of Land lyeing in three
  1. The Peece next following
One close whereof the irst peece conteyne  

one acre

12 Apr. Car. 12

  1. The Lands of the Rectory of Waldringfield called


  1. The Lands of the said Richard called Herrings
  1. The said peece last abuttalled
The Second peece conteyn’ one acre Lying between
  1. The Lands of William Frost in right of his wife
              12 Apr.  Car 12
  1. Upon Freecroft aforesaid
  1. Upon the Lands of the Lord in part & the Lands in the

tenure of William Frost in right of his wife in part

and the Lands of the said Richard Winter called

Herrings in part

Lying between
  1. The way Leading to Hilton Marsh
One peece of Land called Osier yard cont.
  1. N. The Lands of Susa’n Waller widd.
halfe an acre  
  1. The Lands in the Tenure of William Frost in right of

his wife

  1. The Lands of Suzan Waller widdow
Peter Fisher Gent
Lying between
One Peece of Land conteyning 3 roods  
lying in Popple Pightle otherwise –
      Church Pightele Abutting  



Photo 1263


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10 years ago

This document from 1655 is like a written map. It clearly separates the two parts of the village – Waldringfield Hilton and and the Manor of Rivershall. I made three pages of notes re: names of bits of land and names of people before thinking perhaps someone has done this already. This written map is a major project on its own -to be discussed in detail, I think.

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