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1585 Robert Westorp W28/300 R30/345

1585 Robert Westorp  1585               W28/300    R30/345   Regratur per me frAr   In the name of god Amen the Xvii of Dec 1854 and in the XXVii year of Quenemaiestes reign QueneElizabetheQuene of Ingland, Fraunce and Yearelandetc I Robert Westrope of the parryshe ofWaldryngfelds in the County of Suffolk and the Hundred of Carleford husbandman seke in bodye never the…
October 15, 2014

1581 Will of John Westorpe R28/487 IC/AA2/28/487Nuncuputive Will

Will of John Westorpe  1581        R28/487   IC/AA2/28/487Nuncuputive Will   In the name of God the 21 day January Anno Dom 1581 I John Westorpe son of Robert Westorpe ofWalderingfield in the County Suffolk andDioce of Norwich being in good and ???perfect? remembrance, lawded be God therefore did ordaine and make his last Will and Testament - in manner and form…
October 15, 2014

1545 Inventory of John Hayser

1545 Inventory of John Hayser   Thys is the Invytarye of John Haysser of Waldryngfeld in the Cowntie of Suff Husbandman in the yere of the reyen of KyngHenerye the eight of tht name  kyng Of Egland of frawnce, of yrelonde and Defender of the fethe and supremhedeinerthe? Immediatlye next Christ of the church of England and yrelond the xxvi…
October 15, 2014

1582 will of John Pipe W27/5

1582  will of John Pipe  W27/5 In the name of God amen the xxv the day of Ja--------(January) in the yeare of the reayne of our sovereign lady  Elyzabeth  by the grace of god of England, fraunce and  Ireland Quene defender of the faith etc.,  I John Pipe of Waldringfield in the county of Suff and dieoces of Norwichbeing of…
October 14, 2014

1593 Will of George Bennett IC/AA1/35/35

1593 Will of George Bennett       IC/AA1/35/35 In the name of God Amen the therdedaie of December in the xlth (40) yeare of the raigne of or sovaigne Ladie Elizabeth the Quenes ma--- ---- Item I George Bennettof Waldringfield in the Countie of Suff husbandman sicke in bodieyet of pfectmemorie (thanks be given to God) make this my laste will &…
October 14, 2014

1581 Adam Harte IC/AA2/28/494

1581 Adam Harte   IC/AA2/28/494     In the name of God Amen the 16th Day January in 24 year of the reign of our Sovereign ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France and Ireland Queen Defender of the faith etc. ! Adam Harte of Waldringfield in the County of Suffolk and Doces of Norwych Yeoman Being of…
October 14, 2014

1581 Will of Elizabeth Starling

1581  Will of Elizabeth Starling In the name of God Amen about the Xvii (17th)thdaie of December in the yeare of or Lorde God a thousand five hundred fowerskore and one (1581) I Elizabeth Starling of Waldringfeld In the countie of Suff Singlewoman Being in good &perfecte remembrance thanked be God therefore did make her laste will and testament Nuncaputive…
October 14, 2014

1579 will of Thomas Elmes

In the name of god amen.  The fourth daye of June, the yeare Of our Lorde god, 1579.  I Thomas Elmes of the paryshe of Waldryngefelde in the Countie of Suff and in the hundrede Of Carlefordeyomansecke in Bodie, neverthelesse of good and Perfittrememberance (thankes be given to god) do order and Make this my testament, and my Laste Will…
October 14, 2014

1576 Will of Thomas Beale IC/AAi/24/92

1576  Will of Thomas Beale   IC/AAi/24/92 In the name of God amen the xxvii (27) daye of March yn the yeare of our lorde god 1576  I Thomas Beale of Waldryngfeldtwyllweaver in the Couti of Suff of good and perfite remembrance thankes be geven to god doe ordene and make this my testament conteyngynge herin my lastewyll  / first I…
October 14, 2014

1573 John Smith W22/308

1573  John Smith  W22/308 In the name of god men the year of our Lorde god, 1573 and the 15 day of December I John Smyth of Waldringfelde in the hundred of Carleforde in the countie of Suffmet of thet houses and lands as they wyll answer before god.  Also I gave uto every childe of my susters Chyldrynevisviiid(6/8d) to…
October 14, 2014

1571 Will of William Gerlynge IC/AA1/21/333

1571 Will of William Gerlynge     IC/AA1/21/333 In the name of God Amen the xii (12) daye of November in the xiiiiyear of our Soverygne Lady queen Elezabeth, and also in the year of our Lord god 1571 I Wyllyam Gorlynge of Waldringfield in the county of Suffolk yeman,  Beynge of hoollemynd And pfyctRemembranse thanks be unto almighty God therfor  do…
October 14, 2014

1568 Will of Thomas Nobbs IC/AA2/22/230 IC/AA1/20/183

1568 Will of Thomas Nobbs            IC/AA2/22/230      IC/AA1/20/183 In the name of God Amen.  The Vii (7) day of March in theyereofour Lorde God millmoccccc lxviii (1568)  I Thomas Nobbes of Walderingfelde in the countye of Suff and in the dioces of Norwiche beingescke and feble of bodye but whole ofmemorye and myndethankes be to allmighty God dotheorden and make this…
October 14, 2014

1566 will of Alice Harte

In the name of God amen the yeare of our Lorde God 1566 the xii of October I Ales Harte wedowe of the payrish ofWaldringfelde in the countie of Suff. Seke in body but of good rememberancethankes be geven to god. Do make (this?) my present testament concernynge herein my last will in maner and formefolowynge / firstly I commende…
October 14, 2014

1566 will of Robert Hart of Newborne IC/A1/20/7

1566  will of Robert Hart of Newborne    IC/A1/20/7   In the name of god amen xxviiti day of Marche I Robert Hart of Newborne in the county of Suffk in the Dioceas of Norwyche being whole of mynd and pfytremeberence thanks Be to ALmyghty god do ordayen and make this my last wyll and testament In manr &formefelyngyt ys to…
October 14, 2014

1564 Katheryne Candler IC/AA1/19/59

Katheryne Candler         1564      IC/AA1/19/59 In the name of God the 13 daye of March, the yeare of Our Lorde God 1564I Katheryne Candler Wedowe of the paryshe ofWaldryngfelds in the countie of Suffkbeynge of whole mynde andgood and pfyte remembrance,  laude and prayse be unto Almyghtie god, make and ordene this my psent  testament, conteyninge herein my last wyll, in…
October 14, 2014

1593 Will of George Bennett IC/AA1/35/35

1593 Will of George Bennett       IC/AA1/35/35 In the name of God Amen the therdedaie of December in the xlth (40) yeare of the raigne of or sovaigne Ladie Elizabeth the Quenes ma--- ---- Item I George Bennettof Waldringfield in the Countie of Suff husbandman sicke in bodieyet of pfectmemorie (thanks be given to God) make this my laste will &…
October 14, 2014

1559 Will of John Warner

1559   Will of John Warner In the name of god Amen the yeare of our Lord God mccccclviiii (1554) and the 10th date of October  I John Warn of Waldryngfeld in the Countie of Suff and in the dios of NorwychMaryner beyng in good & pfytt remembrance doordeyn& makethis my last testament andwyll in man &formefolowyng First I bequeth my…
October 14, 2014

1557 John Hart IC/AA116/57

1557 John Hart     IC/AA116/57 In the name of God Amen the xciii (13) day of November yn the yere of the Lord God mil v c lvii (1557). I John Hart ofWaldryngfeld  withyn the dyocys of Norwyche Suffolk beingholl of mynd / and pfetynRemeberance / Dou ordey and make thys my last wyll& testament ynmaner&formefolloyngtht ys to say first I…
October 14, 2014

1556 Agnes Revet(t) IC/AA1/15/168

1556 Agnes Revet(t)     IC/AA1/15/168 In the name of god Amen.The 18? Daye of Januarye in the ---- and forth years of the reygne of Philippi and Marye by the grace of god kyng and quene of England,Spayne, FraunceSpayne, both cy-----(sicilies?) Jerusalem Yerland Defender of the faith  Archdukes of Austria Dukes of Burgandy Myllyan and Brabantcountes?ofAsburge (Hapsburg)  Flanders and Tyrell I…
October 14, 2014

1554 the will of Jeffrye Moose

1554 the will of  Jeffrye Moose In the name of God Amen the xxi  xxix (29) daye of October in the yere of or God mcccccliiii (1554) I Jeffrye Moose of Waldryngfelde in the diose of Norwych being holl of mynde and good of remembrance thanks be to god I order and make this my laste Wyll and testament in…
October 14, 2014

1547 John Roose the Elder IC/AA1/13/329

1547  John Roose the Elder      IC/AA1/13/329 In the name of Godde Amen the 24 day in the month of March in the year of Our LordeGodde a thousand five hundred forty and sevin years and in the year and regns of our sovereign Lord Kynge Edward by the Grace of Godd of Yngland and of Fraunce and of Yirland and…
October 14, 2014

1545 Will of MargrettWaryne[r] IC/AA1/13/264

1545 Will of MargrettWaryne  IC/AA1/13/264 In the name of godde Amen and in the yere of oare Lord godde 1545 the viii day in the month of October I MargrettWaryne of Waldryngfeylde in the diocese of Norwytchewedde make my lasteWyll and testy ment in manne and fourmefolowyngefyrste I bewqueth my sowle to godde almighty and my body to beburyede in…
October 14, 2014

1545 Will of JohnHayser IC/AA1/13/130a

1545    Will of  JohnHayser    IC/AA1/13/130a In the name of Godde Amen an in the yere of owreLordegodde athousande v(5) hundredth xl and v(5)(1545) the 1x(9) day in the monethAuguste I, John Hayser of Waldryngfeld in the countyeSuffolkehusbandeman making my wyll and testament in mane and formefolowynge first I bequeath mysowle to goddealmyghtey and body to be buried where yt shall…
October 14, 2014

1534 Will of Robert Curteis IC/AA2/12/19

1534  Will of Robert Curteis     IC/AA2/12/19 In the name of God Amen the ffyrst Day of Marche in the yere of our Lorde M dddddxxxiiii(1534) I RobtCurteys of Waldryngfeldbeying in a holemynde make my last will in this wysse following Fyrst I bequethe my Soule to Almyghtie god & Lady SayntMarye& unto all the hoolyecompanye of Hevyn my body to…
October 14, 2014

1532 Will of Thomas Bulle

1532  Will of Thomas Bulle In the name of God Amen. The xxvi (27) day of January in the year of our Lord mccccc xxx1 (1531I Thomas Bulle of Waldryingfield being in a hole mynde andperfyght remembrance make my testament and last will made inManer&fourmefolowying First I bequeath my soule to allmyghtie god and St Ladie Saint Marie and to…
October 14, 2014

1526 The Will of Anne Mose

1526   The Will of Anne Mose In die None Amen.  The xsx(20) day of the monyth of July the yere off our Lord God ml cccc xxv (1525) I Anne Mose of WaldryngfeldWeddo in the Dis of Norwych beyng of hole mynde& good remembrance make my last will & testament in man &forme following first I bequethe my soule to…
October 14, 2014

1525 Will of Anne Mose

1525   Will of Anne Mose In die none Amen the xx)20) day of the monyth July the yere off our Lord God mcccccxxv (1525) I Anne Mose of WaldryngfeldWeddo in the diose of Norwych Beying of hold mynde& good rememberance make my Last will & testament in man and forme following First I bequethe my soale to allmightie God to…
October 14, 2014

1523 will of Robert Hert R8/297 W6/4/53

1523 will of Robert Hert          R8/297   W6/4/53   In the name of god amen the 6th day of December in the yer of our lord mlccccc& xxii (1522)  I Robert Hertbeyng in a hole mend (whole mind) Make my lastewyl first I bequethe my soule to almithy god my body to be beryde in the cherche yard of al the…
October 14, 2014

1495 Will of Nicholas Boole

1495  Will of Nicholas Boole   In the name of god Amen I Nicolas Boole sound of mind ----- my testament Xxviii (28) day monthof April?mcccclxxxxv (1495) in this manner,  Im first I bequeath ---- ----  godAlmightly& my body to be buried in the churchyard of the parish church ofWaldryngfeld  Item I bequeath ----- to the alter ---- for ------- …
October 14, 2014

1489 Robert Warner will

1489  Robert Warner  will   In the name of god amen.13?day of month March AD MccccFenespiusoctogesimisxxxxii   I Robt Waner of Waldryngfelde of sound mind& remembrance Ex--- but s(ick of body make my will in this manner) Item first I bequeath  mysoule to almightieGod and the blessed Mary?????and my body be buried in The church yard aforesaid Item Ibequeth to thealter…
October 14, 2014