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Thomas Essington

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January 18, 2015

1675 Will of Thomas Rivers IC/AA1/105/60

1675   Will of Thomas Rivers                       IC/AA1/105/60 In the name of God Amen the first day of January in the syven? & twentieth year Of the reigne of our sovergne Lord Charles the seconde by the grace of God of England Scotland Ffrance & Irelande Kinge Defender of the faythe and in the yeare of the Lord one thousande six hundred…
October 16, 2014

1638 WILLIAM SCOTT of Waldringfield yeoman. (480)

1638   WILLIAM SCOTT of Waldringfield yeoman.                                                               (480) 19 January 1638 Sick in body:  buried in Waldringfield churchyard.  To wife ANNE, during the minority of MARY SCOTT testator’s daughter, the use and profit and commodity of his tenement and all lands to the use thereunto belonging in Waldringfield, Newbourne & Hemley ---  the said ANNE, to keep the lands in good…
October 16, 2014

1631 Will of Jeptha Waller Gent

1631 Will of Jeptha Waller Gent   In the name of God Amen   I Jeptha Waller of Woodbridge in the Countie of Suff Gent being sicke in bodie but of sound and pfect memorie thanks be given to god. Doe this three and twentieth daye of Aprill in the Seaventh yeare of the reigne of or soverigne Lord Charles by…
October 16, 2014

1526 The Will of Anne Mose

1526   The Will of Anne Mose In die None Amen.  The xsx(20) day of the monyth of July the yere off our Lord God ml cccc xxv (1525) I Anne Mose of WaldryngfeldWeddo in the Dis of Norwych beyng of hole mynde& good remembrance make my last will & testament in man &forme following first I bequethe my soule to…
October 14, 2014

1525 Will of Anne Mose

1525   Will of Anne Mose In die none Amen the xx)20) day of the monyth July the yere off our Lord God mcccccxxv (1525) I Anne Mose of WaldryngfeldWeddo in the diose of Norwych Beying of hold mynde& good rememberance make my Last will & testament in man and forme following First I bequethe my soale to allmightie God to…
October 14, 2014

1465 to 1806 Summary of Wills

1465 William Hert Carpenter  (in latin) To be buried in the ?????  church of Waldryngfeld To the Church 3/4d for tithes forgotten Master Nicholas my Confessor 1 trentale (30 Masses)to be said at Waldryngfeld church.  Also for his labours at the time of my infirmity 3/4d. To the Church at Waldringfeld 10 marks to be distributed by the Chaplin  ---…
October 14, 2014

Sir Peter Beckford Rutgers Vanneck 1922 -1999

Vanneck, Hon.  Youngest son of 5th Baron Huntingfield (William Charles Arcedeckne Vanneck), KCMG (1883-1969) and Margaret Eleanor (1884-1943), daughter of Judge Ernest Crosby, NY. Married 1st (08.04.1943, St Margaret's, Westminster, London; marriage dissolved 1984) Cordelia Errington, youngest daughter of Capt. Reginald Hugh Errington, RN (retd), of Bury St Edmunds; one daughter (and one daughter deceased). Married 2nd (02.1984, Kensington and…
November 23, 2013

Sir Lawrence Bragg CH OBE MC FRS

  Sir Lawrence Bragg, as we know lived at Quietways. Apart from being a famous scientist he wrote lots of complaint letters which are on file, potentially light hearted. Liz may know more having corresponded with him over Quietways. One of the letters was to Admiral Cresswell of Rivers Hall who also had a notable career.     Bust of…
November 23, 2013

Russel, Edward Stuart

Edward Stuart Russell- look under The Embryo Project Encyclopedia for a short biography then ICES Journal of Marine Science for a photo. We only found out last Sept. that he was the previous owner of ] sold it to my grandfather in 1946! (Mike Atkinson)
March 9, 2013

Bear family

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October 17, 2012

Ogden Family

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July 29, 2012

Stollery family

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July 18, 2012


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July 18, 2012


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July 18, 2012

Bill Ogden MC

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July 13, 2012

James Perry

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July 7, 2012

Rev Alfred Suart

Born in Vevey Switerland 28/7/1817. Pensioner at Christ’s College Cambs. 9/11/1835 Pensioner Sydney Sussex College Cambridge 18/10/1836 B. A. 1840 Ordained at Chichester 1842. Curate at Bepton, Somerset 1842/1845 Rector of Waldringfield Suffolk 1848-1862 Latterly Lloyds House Tunbridge Wells and Brighton. Went to Tonbridge School, Mrs. Rowana Maud Suart, aged 45 on 1851 Census, born Somerset, no details known, believed…
July 7, 2012

Rev. Thomas Henry Waller

Thomas Waller bought a half share in patronage, sharing it with the Lord Chancellor. It has passed down through the Waller family and his great grandson Alfred Waller has the half share. The Waller family have been Rectors continuously since 1862. Thomas 1862/1904 Arthur Pretyman Waller 1905/1947 Trevor Waller 1948/1974 John Waller 1974 to the present day. Rev. Thomas Henry…
July 7, 2012


Fred Strange - see 1949 picture when he was 80 so presumably born 1879. Also skipper, his last ship, of "Cock of the Walk". Said nver to have been surpassed at handing a brage. Quiet, even tempered, never flurried. Known as "The Toff" as he was always smartly dressed with a neatly clipped beard. Once went to Bantry Bay in…
December 8, 2011