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1684 Will of William Frost

1684     Will of William Frost   In the name of God Amen I William Frost the Elder of Waldringfeild in the County of Suff Yeoman beinge in health of body and of a sound disposing minde and memory thanks be given to Allmighty God for the same doe make this my last will and testament in mann following First I…
October 16, 2014

1675 Will of Thomas Rivers IC/AA1/105/60

1675   Will of Thomas Rivers                       IC/AA1/105/60 In the name of God Amen the first day of January in the syven? & twentieth year Of the reigne of our sovergne Lord Charles the seconde by the grace of God of England Scotland Ffrance & Irelande Kinge Defender of the faythe and in the yeare of the Lord one thousande six hundred…
October 16, 2014

1674 Administration of Thomas Lupton Clerk

1674   Administration of Thomas Lupton Clerk   Olin nuper de Waldringfield defunct Formerly recently of Waldringfield now dead Commissa fuit Faud ejus relicta Penalty made justly by the church to the widow??
October 16, 2014

1667 Will of Jephta Waller (written in 1663) IC/AA1/97/199

1667  Will of Jephta Waller    (written in 1663)  IC/AA1/97/199 In the name of God Amen, the one and thirtieth Day of March in the fifteenth Yeare of the Reigne of our Soveigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God Of England Scottland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith & Anno que Dom 1663 I Jephtha Waller…
October 16, 2014

1665 Draft Will of William Goss

1665    Draft Will of William Goss   In the name of God Amen the ninth day of November  in the year of or Ld one thousand Sixe hundred sixty and five. I WIlliam Goss sen: of Waldringfield in the County of Suffolk yeom Being of sound & pfect memory & understanding revoking all other former wills & testaments made I…
October 16, 2014

1665 Will of William Gosse

1665   Will of William Gosse In the name of God Amen the nynth day of November  in the yeare of or Ld one Thousand six hundred sixty and five  I WIlliam Goss sen: of Waldringfield in ye County of Suffolk, yeoman. being of sound & pfect memory & understanding revoking all other former wills & testaments make and ordaine this…
October 16, 2014

1654 Will of John Girlinge

Original copy of the Will 1654 John Girling will 1654   will of John Girlinge   In the name of God Amen The Twenty Eighteth day of October One Thousand six hundred fifty and three I John Girlinge of Waldringfeilde in the County of Suffolke Yeoman although sick in body yet of Sound and good memorye thankes bee to God, revoking…
October 16, 2014

1640 Will of John Scott (extracted)

JOHN SCOTT of Waldringfield, yeoman (N)   September 1640 to ELIZABETH WYTH, daughter of CHRISTOPHER WYTH, the little bullock, she to pay to ANNE REYNOLD 20s. in one year after she is married.  To Widow GOODLADD one bushel of wheat and all the applles in the chamber.  To cousin PHEBE GIBSON 5s.  To ROBERT GIBSON £4 when he be 21. …
October 16, 2014

1639 John Stannard of Felixstowe (part extract

1639  John Stannard of Felixstowe   (part extract concerning Marian Hart and her family) To my daughter MARIAN HART lands in Creeting & Coddenham for her life and then Lands to go to my Grandchild JOHN HART.   He to pay to testators grandchild MARY HART within 1 year of the death of Marian and after Mary be 21 £50. My daughter…
October 16, 2014

1638 WILLIAM SCOTT of Waldringfield yeoman. (480)

1638   WILLIAM SCOTT of Waldringfield yeoman.                                                               (480) 19 January 1638 Sick in body:  buried in Waldringfield churchyard.  To wife ANNE, during the minority of MARY SCOTT testator’s daughter, the use and profit and commodity of his tenement and all lands to the use thereunto belonging in Waldringfield, Newbourne & Hemley ---  the said ANNE, to keep the lands in good…
October 16, 2014

1635 Will of Richard Wynter (extracted)

R (W)   RICHARD WYNTER (X) the elder of Blaxhall 13 August 1635 I wish to be buried in Blaxhall churchyard.  I give to my son RICHARD all my free and copyhold land and messuages in Waldringfield for life and then to his son RICHARD or if he die to his son HENRY.   I give £30 to my son WILLIAM,  half…
October 16, 2014

1631 will of Thomas Scott (extracted)

R(W)  THOMAS SCOTT of Bucklesham,  yeoman.  12 May 1631 Sick and weak.  To eldest son THOMAS SCOTT,  1 tenement in Kirton, 6 acres of which is wood, now occupied by WILLIAM MILNER.  Also 1 tenement in Bucklesham, from which tenement testator’s wife ELIZABETH has a jointure during her lifetime.  To son WILLIAM SCOTT tenement in Waldringfield, Newbourne and Henly.  To…
October 16, 2014

1631 John Lawson of Waldringfield, Shoemaker (N)

1631  John Lawson of Waldringfield, Shoemaker (N) 18 October 1631   Sick.  To cousin ANNE HALL, one feather bed and bedstead, 1 pair sheets, 1 blanket, 1 coverlet, 1 cupboard, 1 coffer.  To cousin DORCAS HALL, one feather bed,  one bolster,  one pillow.  To sister ALICE DRIVER all hemp.  With regard to debt of 40s. owed testator by ROBERT BRADSTREET…
October 16, 2014

1631 Will of Jeptha Waller Gent

1631 Will of Jeptha Waller Gent   In the name of God Amen   I Jeptha Waller of Woodbridge in the Countie of Suff Gent being sicke in bodie but of sound and pfect memorie thanks be given to god. Doe this three and twentieth daye of Aprill in the Seaventh yeare of the reigne of or soverigne Lord Charles by…
October 16, 2014

1630 Will of George Bennett (Extracted)

R(W)     GEORGE BENNETT of WALDRINGFIELD  10 May 1630 Sick;  to be buried at Waldringfield.  To wife ROSE, house and lands in Waldringfield for life;  then she to appoint a friend to sell it for the good of their children.  To son THOMAS £30 within 1 year of wife’s death.  To daughter ELIZABETH £30 in 1 yr. of wife’s death.  To…
October 16, 2014

1629 Will of Martha Blyth (extracted)

R(W)  Martha Blyth of Waldringfield, widow (N) 8 May 1629   All lands tenements and goods to RICHARD ROSE of the same, yeo., and his heirs for the bringing up of four children JOHN, ELIZABETH, MARTHA and MARY BLYTH,  he to sell the same for this purpose. Any surplus to be divided equally between them at their ages of 21. …
October 16, 2014

1625 Will of Robert Myles No.90 archdeaconry of Suffolk WIlls

1625  Will of Robert Myles     No.90 archdeaconry of Suffolk WIlls   All possessions now in the hands of late master Mr Dade of Dallinghoo, to go to brother Thomas Myles Wit: Reynold Gester of Waldringfield Thomas DIllie Pr. granted to Thomas Myles at Ipswcih  15 June 1625
October 16, 2014

1618 Will of George Bennett IC/AA1/54/35

1618  Will of George Bennett     IC/AA1/54/35   In the name of God Amen I George Bennett of Waldringfield in ye County of Suff Bricklayer the second day of Aprill, in the sixteenth yeare of ye raigne of or Soveraige lord king James of England etc. and in the yeare of or Lord 1618 being sicke in body but of a…
October 16, 2014

1618 Frances Berry IC/AA4/6/4/6

1618  Frances Berry       IC/AA4/6/4/6   30 Jul 1618   Probate for Frances Berry of Waldringfield to wife Elizabeth   Will - too fragile to view
October 16, 2014

1618 Frances Berry IC/AA4/6/4/6

1618  Frances Berry       IC/AA4/6/4/6   30 Jul 1618   Probate for Frances Berry of Waldringfield to wife Elizabeth   Will - too fragile to view
October 16, 2014

1616 Will of Thomas Berrie IC/AA1/52/101

1616 Will of Thomas Berrie     IC/AA1/52/101 In the name of God Amen.  Thomas Berrie of Waldringield  deceased? made his last will and testament Nunncuptive aboute the beginning of October 1616 in forme following  Impris he gave his soule to God & his bodie to the Earthe  Item he gave unto Matthew Berrie his brother all his goods of what nature…
October 16, 2014

1616 Will of Matthew Berrie IC/AAi/52/139

1616   Will of Matthew Berrie       IC/AAi/52/139 In the name of God Amen  I Matthew Berrie of Waldringfilde in the Countie of Suff Yeoman upon the  (left blank)  daie of December 1616 made his last will and testament Nuncupative in forme following vizt. Impreimis he gave his soule to God hiss bodie to the earth to be buried in xtian buriell…
October 16, 2014

1609 Will of Henry Heart IC/AA1/45/15

1609  Will of Henry Heart      IC/AA1/45/15   In the name of God Amen. I Henerie Hearte of Waldringfeild In the Countie of Suff yeoman  sicke in bodie but sounde in minde & of a goode and pfect memorie thankes be given unto God for it the seventh? Day of July in the sixth year of the reigne of or Soveraigne…
October 16, 2014

1605 Will of Alice Bennett IC/AA1/42/2

1605  Will of Alice Bennett        IC/AA1/42/2   In the name of God Amen the xxvi (26th) day of January 1605 and third yere of the Raigne of or sovaigne Lord James the Kings Ma---- that now is I Alice Bennett of Waldringfeld in the County of Suff Single Woman Being sick of body but of good and pfect remembrance thanks…
October 16, 2014

1593 Will of John Rivers IC/AA1/32/168 IC/AA2/ 34/494

1593 Will of John Rivers     1593      IC/AA1/32/168               IC/AA2/ 34/494   In the name of god amen  I  the xixth (19)th daie of June in the xxxv (35th) yeare off the reingnes of or Sovaigne Lady Elizabeth her? Quene make there m(hole)s   I John Rivers of Waldringfeld in the Countie of Suff yeman   Sicke in bodie yet of pfit memory thanks…
October 16, 2014

1590 Will of Nicholas Fatter

1590  Will of Nicholas Fatter        IC/AA1/31/202 (W3/202)   2 pages   IC/AA2/33/30 (R33/30) In the same of God amen the 30 day of March in the 32 year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France and Ireland Quene Defender of the faythe etc., in the year of our Lord God  v(5) thousand fyve…
October 15, 2014

1590 Inventory of Nicholas Fatter

Ao Dm  1590 A true Inventorye made the ix (9) Daie Of Februarye in the xxxiiii? 29th years of the regineof our Soveregne Lady Ellyzabeth by the grace of God of England Fraunce&IrelandeQueene Defender of the Fayth&of  all the moveable goodes of Nicholas Fatter  ofWaldryngfeld in the Countye of Suff Husbandman  lately Deceased valued at and Prypted by Joshua Hardinge…
October 15, 2014

1585 Will of James SparkProbate 1587 IC/AA2/31/333 IC/AA1/29/249

1585 Will of James SparkProbate 1587   IC/AA2/31/333    IC/AA1/29/249 In the name of god amen the xxxth day of Aprill and in the year of our lorde god a thousande five hundrythfourscore and five I James Sparke ofWaldringfelde within the countie of Suff and diocyes of Noryuchesicke in bodie but of good and perfect remembrance god be thanked therefore doeordayne and…
October 15, 2014

1587 Adam Hales alsHawis IC/AA1/29/243 1587

Adam Hales alsHawis  IC/AA1/29/243     1587 In the name of god amen th(blot)rtenth?daye of September in the yere of  orlorde god One thousand five hundred eghtie& three & in the ccvth (25)thyere of the reign of orsovingne LadyeElizabeth  by  the grace of god of England Fraunce and Ireland Queen defender of the faith etc., I AdhamHawisHales also Hawis of Waldringfield in…
October 15, 2014