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A note on dates

In one of the documents we have the phrase ‘Thursday the six & twentieth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord according to the Computation now used in England on Thousand six hundred and sixtie’  the date that a Matthew Girling surrendered the land that he had taken after the death of his father Robert Girling in 1648.…
November 23, 2018

1491 Will of John Grey

1491 Will of John Grey – final version In the name off Godd Amen. I John Grey of Sutton in the cotie off Suff being in good med make my testament in this wyse the iii day off January In the yer off ower lord Godd MCCCCLxxxxi (1491). First I beqwethe my sowle to God etc., my body to be…
January 3, 2018
Anglo SaxonWill

0975 Will of Æthelflæd

Full text  - Anglo-Saxons aethelflaed will.   A.D. 962 x 991, probably after 975. Will of Æthelflæd, including bequest of land at Lambourn, Cholsey and Reading, Berks., to the king; at Damerham, Hants., to Glastonbury; at Hamme to Christ Church, Canterbury; at Woodham, Essex, to Ealdorman Brihtnoth and her sister for life, with reversion to St Mary's, Barking; at Hadham, Herts.,…
May 4, 2015

1658 Essington Will

Word Version. 1658 Essington Will R.C.Palmer? 6/22/20/13 C78/549 ----- ----- lyeth lyeinge in --- ---- - William Fox or his assignes valued togeather worth to be sold goo clu/aud the manor of Wilby Shalton alias Sheltonhall Thorpehall Base? Struttings alias Basse Struttinge and of each? Burgh with theire and every of theire rights members & appurtenances in the County of Suffolke…
April 8, 2015

1917 will of Thomas Henry Whalley Waller

1917  will of Thomas Henry Whalley Waller   In Memory of Lieutenant THOMAS HENRY WHALLEY WALLER 14th Bn., Gloucestershire Regiment who died in Flanders age 21 on the 22nd of October 1917   Thomas Henry Whalley Waller was the son of Dr. Alfred Whalley Waller and Violet Sarah Waller (nee Chambers), of Stroud, Glos; he was born in Stroud on…
October 16, 2014

1806 Will of John King (probate)

1806   date of the Probate and sum stated        11 Aug     effects under £450       317         678   Name & Description of the Testator or Testrix    John King of Waldringfield in the County of Suffolk - Farmer Name and place of Abode of the Executor or Executrix John Engle? of Hemley in the said County - Farmer & Elizabeth Testators…
October 16, 2014

1686 Adminstration of Robert Chambers

1686 Adminstration of Robert Chambers   Eodem die Admito couornd In the same place day of administration ------------ Robert Chambers nuper De Waldringfield defunt commissa Robert Chambers recently of Waldringfield now dead, fine/penalty? Fuit Elizabeth Bambers filia urali et Etima ird defunti Made to Elizabeth Chambers his daughter ---   ----    -----    ------   Julum exta 24 Jun 1687 13 March
October 16, 2014

1684 Will of William Frost

1684     Will of William Frost   In the name of God Amen I William Frost the Elder of Waldringfeild in the County of Suff Yeoman beinge in health of body and of a sound disposing minde and memory thanks be given to Allmighty God for the same doe make this my last will and testament in mann following First I…
October 16, 2014

1675 Will of Thomas Rivers IC/AA1/105/60

1675   Will of Thomas Rivers                       IC/AA1/105/60 In the name of God Amen the first day of January in the syven? & twentieth year Of the reigne of our sovergne Lord Charles the seconde by the grace of God of England Scotland Ffrance & Irelande Kinge Defender of the faythe and in the yeare of the Lord one thousande six hundred…
October 16, 2014

1674 Administration of Thomas Lupton Clerk

1674   Administration of Thomas Lupton Clerk   Olin nuper de Waldringfield defunct Formerly recently of Waldringfield now dead Commissa fuit Faud ejus relicta Penalty made justly by the church to the widow??
October 16, 2014

1667 Will of Jephta Waller (written in 1663) IC/AA1/97/199

1667  Will of Jephta Waller    (written in 1663)  IC/AA1/97/199 In the name of God Amen, the one and thirtieth Day of March in the fifteenth Yeare of the Reigne of our Soveigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God Of England Scottland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith & Anno que Dom 1663 I Jephtha Waller…
October 16, 2014

1665 Draft Will of William Goss

1665    Draft Will of William Goss   In the name of God Amen the ninth day of November  in the year of or Ld one thousand Sixe hundred sixty and five. I WIlliam Goss sen: of Waldringfield in the County of Suffolk yeom Being of sound & pfect memory & understanding revoking all other former wills & testaments made I…
October 16, 2014

1665 Will of William Gosse

1665   Will of William Gosse In the name of God Amen the nynth day of November  in the yeare of or Ld one Thousand six hundred sixty and five  I WIlliam Goss sen: of Waldringfield in ye County of Suffolk, yeoman. being of sound & pfect memory & understanding revoking all other former wills & testaments make and ordaine this…
October 16, 2014

1654 Will of John Girlinge

Original copy of the Will 1654 John Girling will 1654   will of John Girlinge   In the name of God Amen The Twenty Eighteth day of October One Thousand six hundred fifty and three I John Girlinge of Waldringfeilde in the County of Suffolke Yeoman although sick in body yet of Sound and good memorye thankes bee to God, revoking…
October 16, 2014

1640 Will of John Scott (extracted)

JOHN SCOTT of Waldringfield, yeoman (N)   September 1640 to ELIZABETH WYTH, daughter of CHRISTOPHER WYTH, the little bullock, she to pay to ANNE REYNOLD 20s. in one year after she is married.  To Widow GOODLADD one bushel of wheat and all the applles in the chamber.  To cousin PHEBE GIBSON 5s.  To ROBERT GIBSON £4 when he be 21. …
October 16, 2014

1639 John Stannard of Felixstowe (part extract

1639  John Stannard of Felixstowe   (part extract concerning Marian Hart and her family) To my daughter MARIAN HART lands in Creeting & Coddenham for her life and then Lands to go to my Grandchild JOHN HART.   He to pay to testators grandchild MARY HART within 1 year of the death of Marian and after Mary be 21 £50. My daughter…
October 16, 2014

1638 WILLIAM SCOTT of Waldringfield yeoman. (480)

1638   WILLIAM SCOTT of Waldringfield yeoman.                                                               (480) 19 January 1638 Sick in body:  buried in Waldringfield churchyard.  To wife ANNE, during the minority of MARY SCOTT testator’s daughter, the use and profit and commodity of his tenement and all lands to the use thereunto belonging in Waldringfield, Newbourne & Hemley ---  the said ANNE, to keep the lands in good…
October 16, 2014

1635 Will of Richard Wynter (extracted)

R (W)   RICHARD WYNTER (X) the elder of Blaxhall 13 August 1635 I wish to be buried in Blaxhall churchyard.  I give to my son RICHARD all my free and copyhold land and messuages in Waldringfield for life and then to his son RICHARD or if he die to his son HENRY.   I give £30 to my son WILLIAM,  half…
October 16, 2014

1631 will of Thomas Scott (extracted)

R(W)  THOMAS SCOTT of Bucklesham,  yeoman.  12 May 1631 Sick and weak.  To eldest son THOMAS SCOTT,  1 tenement in Kirton, 6 acres of which is wood, now occupied by WILLIAM MILNER.  Also 1 tenement in Bucklesham, from which tenement testator’s wife ELIZABETH has a jointure during her lifetime.  To son WILLIAM SCOTT tenement in Waldringfield, Newbourne and Henly.  To…
October 16, 2014