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2020 Project21st centuryLocation/Feature

Waldringfield Climate 2020

In the year of a global pandemic and increasing concerns about climate change, the Met Office confirm that 2020 was a year of weather extremes, 'with the wettest February on record, the sunniest spring, a heatwave in the summer and a day in October that broke rainfall records'. This supports the general trend of warming as a consequence of climate…
Amanda Sims
March 10, 2022

Tidal level at Woodbridge

Tide gauge (sometimes a bit on the drag) Highest level was 3.35 (2013?) Ray Whyard tells  in 1953 the flooding reached up Cliff Road to the bend by the entrance to the Maybush car park. This is about 4.0m AOD (hard to be exact without measuring - lost OS BM on wall) which makes a height of tide of about…
February 11, 2020